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Ronald R. Williams

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Everything posted by Ronald R. Williams

  1. My focus on this forum is the JFK Assassination: I have been interested in the JFK assassination since the day it happened. Being, at the time, that I believed everything (USA CBS new anchor) Walter Cronkite said was gospel, I had no reason to question the official story. It wasn’t until a few years later that a friend started to set me straight. I got a copy of Josiah Thompson's Six Seconds in Dallas and I knew then that Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather were liars. I read every book on the assassination that I could get my hands on and the one that set the direction for me was Jim Garrison's Heritage of Stone. In that book Garrison said that “immense power” was demonstrated in Dealey Plaza and later in the cover-up. I set out to see if I could figure out what that immense power was. I didn't make any real progress until about 1994 when I discovered Lloyd Miller and his Project journal. This led me to what I call the "big 5" of "Conspiracy Theory," i.e., Miller, Carroll Quigley, Lyndon LaRouche (and associates), Eustace Mullins, and Antony Sutton. I have not concentrated on the details of the case. My interest is the "big picture," the who and the why. Who ordered the death of President Kennedy and why? If anyone wants to know what I believe about the assassination I would refer them to the following: Robert Spiegelman's essay in William Davy's book Let Justice Be Done. The title of that essay is: Garrison's Invitation to the Millennium Ball: Where Dallas '63 Meets the Age of Globalization, and in it the author says: "The explosive hypothesis of corporate-state elite involvement in Kennedy's death is latent in Garrison's analysis." Donald Gibson's book, The Kennedy Assassination Cover-up (in the most general sense) has solved the case for us. Regarding the assassination: “The facts indicate that elements within and at the highest levels of the Establishment killed Kennedy because he was the popularly elected and increasingly successful enforcer of progress. JFK was elected power, the Establishment hereditary. He was public authority, they private power. He spoke for the nation, they for the empires of private wealth and property. He looked forward to continued use of governmental institutions to advance the interests of the people within and outside the United States. They looked to a world in which diminished state power would leave them to dominate a global corporate system free only in the sense of lacking interference from democratic authority. Kennedy sought peace through progress, the Establishment sought peace born of the submission of their opponents. Kennedy encouraged people to think of the United States as a Democratic Republic that needed alert and active citizens. The Establishment promotes a cynical withdrawal into a self-oriented passivity and indifference. Kennedy was the Establishment's nightmare. He was the 'one,' the President or Monarch whose first commitment was to the many, not the few. He was winning, democracy was working. They killed him.” (The Kennedy Assassination Cover-up p 248) Regarding the cover-up: “The cover-up was very much a private, not a government affair. Even though Belmont of the FBI was involved early on, the Oswald did it alone story was first promoted by the media. Rostow and Acheson intervened to get the Commission created and, in the process, prevented Senate-House investigations. McCloy and Dulles dominated the Commission. This was essentially an Establishment cover-up. Only an Establishment network could do all of these things. Only they could reach into the media, the CIA, the FBI, the military (control the autopsy), and other areas of government.” (The Kennedy Assassination Cover-up, p 135) To distill everything down to the most basic components, THE question and THE answer: L. Fletcher Prouty: “What source of power could have made possible the murder scene, the skillful murder itself, the clean getaway, and the monstrous cover story that has persisted for nearly three decades?” Donald Gibson: “Only an Establishment network could do all of these things.” To properly identify the organization that I believe ordered the assassination, I use the term “The Anglo-American Establishment,” because that is the title of one of Carroll Quigley's books and that is an excellent place to start in learning who had the motive, who had the capability to do it, and who had the capability to cover it up. Ronald R. Williams
  2. I agree, this is a great idea. Mine is not exactly a “what novel changed your life” story, but maybe it is a close enough variation. At around 11 years of age I discovered James Fenimore Cooper’s The Deerslayer in my school’s library. Well, it took me by storm and I grabbed up all the rest of Cooper’s works that I could get my hands on. Many years later, I was surprised when I discovered a book by Fenimore Cooper that I had missed and had never heard of, entitled The Bravo, which I now consider one of the three most important novels that can help us understand the facts of life in power and politics. The other two are The Ghost-Seer by Friedrich Schiller and Coningsby by Benjamin Disraeli. In Coningsby the author at different points—in this story of 19th century British politics—is warning the reader about something he calls the “Venetian Party.” It wasn’t apparent to me what he was getting at and it might not be apparent to other readers either, but I believe if one makes the attempt to figure it out, some invaluable discoveries will be the result. The unfinished Ghost-Seer by Friedrich Schiller is the story of how a German prince (much like George I?) is set up and corrupted on a grand visit to Venice. The Bravo is James Fenimore Cooper’s tale of a Venetian assassin. What was this American frontier author doing writing a novel set in Venice? Well, I believe figuring out the answer to that question too will lead to some more surprising and valuable discoveries. Ron Williams
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