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James Richards

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Posts posted by James Richards

  1. Tommy,

    Michel Nicole is not Manuel Garcia Gonzalez but did he did use that name. Like Souetre and Mertz, they liked to use names of real people. Manuel Garcia was a name that Bernardo de Torres teased Garrison with. It was all designed to confuse. The names and people are ghosts, not real people but based on real people. Like Oswald, which is why he can be in two places at once. And down the rabbit hole we go.


  2. That's really helpful James and I think it is coming together, his pattern would not be all that unfamiliar. At this point two main things stand out to be reconciled, first the CIA report that Diaz Garcia just missed Castro in a shooting attack at the end of 1963 - the report on that would give no suggestion that it was an Agency operation but one never knows. It would demonstrate he was pretty radical though. The second would be how he hooked up with Cuesta in a relatively risky 66 mission, and one that HDG had remarked to associates before hand was another attempt on Castro.

    Cuesta was a straight shooter and dedicated revolutionary, so the Cuesta connection is important. Following his capture, Cuesta apparently decided that he might have been set up on the mission and that the Castro forces were waiting on him, he suspected somebody wanted to dispose of him - or possibly Cuesta? It sounds a bit like the Vidal boat mission in 64 that you and I have discussed previously. Independent and possibly a set up.


    HDG had associated with Cuesta quite often after his arrival. He spent some time in a training camp run by Eloy Menoyo and was participating in missions into Cuba. There are certainly connections between HDG and Rosselli, as well as Rip Robertson.

    I think there is very little doubt the Cuesta mission in 1966 was a set up.

    BTW, the guy who gave up Vidal to the Cubans was Pedro Diaz Lanz.


    Fascinating. Diaz Lanz was with Carlos Prio and Paulino Sierra when they visited HL Hunt looking for funds. Diazl Lanz was also close to Frank Sturgis. Both Diaz Lanz brothers and Sturgis/Fiorini visited W. Williams at his ranch in Fla in an attempt to get him to fly a mission into Cuba to drop "leaflets."

    I still haven't resolved the Sierra/Prio/JGCE initiative. Who were their backers?

    Hi David.

    The JGCE was a very interesting concern. I was told they had some money coming out of Las Vegas which could mean anything. I was also told that Dr. Julio Garceran was fronting money. He of course was mixing with Felipe Vidal and Jerry Buchanan in the weeks leading up to the assassination. ONI man Hal Feeney was also one close with Garceran.


  3. The implications of just having Martino's name written as a notation means someone said it, most likely Oswald and that is earth shattering.

    If a conspiratorial name is going to be mentioned that Oswald would know, then Martino makes perfect sense. He ties to all levels of the actual conspiracy from David Morales down to the Cuban exile shooters.

    I agree with Larry, Fitz and Co. knew more about the conspiracy than they publically admitted and that information would have come from Oswald, including the name John Martino.

    I believe more attention should be given to what Ellis said. Zach's post above is a vital one with serious implications.


  4. That's really helpful James and I think it is coming together, his pattern would not be all that unfamiliar. At this point two main things stand out to be reconciled, first the CIA report that Diaz Garcia just missed Castro in a shooting attack at the end of 1963 - the report on that would give no suggestion that it was an Agency operation but one never knows. It would demonstrate he was pretty radical though. The second would be how he hooked up with Cuesta in a relatively risky 66 mission, and one that HDG had remarked to associates before hand was another attempt on Castro.

    Cuesta was a straight shooter and dedicated revolutionary, so the Cuesta connection is important. Following his capture, Cuesta apparently decided that he might have been set up on the mission and that the Castro forces were waiting on him, he suspected somebody wanted to dispose of him - or possibly Cuesta? It sounds a bit like the Vidal boat mission in 64 that you and I have discussed previously. Independent and possibly a set up.


    HDG had associated with Cuesta quite often after his arrival. He spent some time in a training camp run by Eloy Menoyo and was participating in missions into Cuba. There are certainly connections between HDG and Rosselli, as well as Rip Robertson.

    I think there is very little doubt the Cuesta mission in 1966 was a set up.

    BTW, the guy who gave up Vidal to the Cubans was Pedro Diaz Lanz.

  5. Thanks James, some of that is certainly matching up, I need to go back and do some detailed comparison. Of course Diaz Garcia is not really a new name in all this, I discussed him and have a photo in SWHT. Escalante surfaced him a long time ago and there was an arrest photo in the book written by the lady who interviewed Escalante - whose name I fail to recall but you will...grin.

    If you have time give me a sanity test on this - HDG was not a native Cuban, he went to Cuba from Costa Rica after committing murder there. He went to Cuba, got work in the Casino's, became part of the group you mentioned, was actively anti-Batista (an pro Castro/revolutionary, why? seems like he should have been pro Batista) and then become an anti-Castro activist bu the BOP but stayed employed in the Casino's until he came to the U.S. in 1963. There he was debriefed in entry by the AMMOTs - we have those documents - he reportedly tried to kill Castro in Dec 1963 - we have a CIA doc on that - and in 1966 he was off with Cuesta on a mission into Cuba after telling associated they were going off to kill Castro - we have a CIA document on that.

    How close am I getting, you now it takes me a while to follow along on such things... Larry


    You are right, Diaz Garcia is not new in all of this. The book you refer was called 'ZR Rifle' and the author was Claudia Furiati.

    HDG was born in Aguacate in Cuba. Interestingly enough, in 1949, Castro defended one of his first cases there as a lawyer. Castro met a woman named Hortensia Valcárcel Valdez, who was also well known to HDG. She was the owner of a textile workshop. Later, secret meetings were held at her house regarding revolutionary activity against Batista of which HDG also attended.

    Castro and HDG were very close at one time but after Fidel took power, he made an enemy of HDG, not uncommon with many of the revolutionaries. HDG didn't become actively involved in anti-Castro activity until after he arrived in the US. Before that, he was more mercenary in nature it seems.

    I will have to dig out my ancient notes for more exact details. The trouble is, I got some very damning information from the family member but none of it can be verified. They believe he fired from the 6th floor of the TSBD but from the opposite end of the sniper's nest. Post assassination, he went to Canada where he was hidden away by Arturo Espaillat and Robert Emmett Johnson, also having connections of his father in law. HDG allegedly stayed with an asset of Robert Johnson named Marc Krausse which was an alias for an associate of Gerry Hemming. He is still alive so I won't mention his name here.


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