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Dean Hagerman

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Everything posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. Depends. If it's a "wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am" type of affair your belief may be right. If the two people are in love I would say the likelihood of a photograph increases and depends upon the people involved. I understand that JVB claims she was "in love" with Lee and vice-versa. Good call Lee Hey Dean do you remember Scott Peterson? Remember all the pictures of him and Amber Frye when they were having an affair? I would love to hear what you have to say about that since I answered all your questions for you and you ignored all my answers on the first page of this thread
  2. Jim Ask me a series of questions about alteration, the films, the photos, the double head shot, Betzner, Altgens, Zapruder or any area of the assassination that I find important and have studied and I promise I will give you long detailed answers that will show you my "intellectual resources" Like Jack said Judyth is not important even if she is telling the truth I have read tons of Judyths posts and emails back in the day Jim I have felt this way for a long time Dean
  3. Here it goes Dean Q. Do we agree that JVB went to New Orleans during the time Lee Harvey Oswald is known to have been there? A. Yes Q. Do we agree that JVB met Lee Harvey Oswald? A. No Q.If not, explain Anna Lewis' statements on a previously mentioned video. She states that she and her husband David double-dated with JVB and Lee A. Dont believe Anna Lewis for even one second Q.Do we agree that JVB and Lee Harvey Oswald had an affair? A. No Q. If not, explain comments made by Anna Lewis on this topic on the video. A. I do not believe Anna Lewis for even 1/10th of a second Q.Do we agree that JVB worked on a lab on a project to collect cancer cells to use to kill Fidel Castro? A. No way in hell Q. If not, explain a better reason for her to go to New Orleans A. Change of pace? Wanted to go to Tulane instead of Florida? Road Trip? Q.Explain the newspaper clippings shown on the thread that demonstrate her excellence as a science student. A. Explain what? She was a good science student? Ok I believe that Judyth was a good science student Q.Explain her admission of participating in an experiment on a prisoner (if you only believe this one statement by her, explain why it is the only one.) A. I dont believe Judyth ever touched a prisoner let alone did an experiment on one Q. Do you want better evidence? Explain what kind of evidence you wanted. Tell me what "independent corroborating evidence" is and what "bona fide witnesses" A. A picture or film of Judyth and Lee together Q. Did you disbelieve JVB from the start? A. No, I believed Judyth until about 5 minutes into her segment on TMWKK then I didnt believe her Q. Explain why you participated at all A. Because I didnt want to see what happened to Martin Shackleford happen to Jim, a researcher I respect more then he will ever know Judyth is telling a fairy tale I hope this helps you understand my position Dean Dean
  4. This is where I agree with Jack 100% How does a very short affair with LHO and Judyth, as well as Judyth claiming to meet all these strange people come into play with helping to solve the assassination? I dont need Judyth to make me believe Oswald knew Ferrie, I already believe that! I dont need Judyth to tell me that Oswald knew Bannister, I already believe that! I dont need Judyth to tell me that Ferrie knew Shaw, I already believe that!
  5. Produce the photo. Kathy C Kathy I have the photo, trust me I will not post it on this forum for obvious reasons and I will not email it to anybody until I have a chance to view some other photos Please wait, that is all I can say
  6. I have photographic proof that Oswald is in fact circumcised The autopsy photograph I have leaves no doubt that he is Add this with the autopsy report and we have a for sure strike against Judyth that she had no idea and just guessed that he wasnt If she had as she said a hot and heavy love affair she would know for SURE if he was or was not circumcised She said he was NOT We know for a fact that he WAS
  7. The point was made I understand it I have exchanged PMs with Jim about it and he accepted my apology Thats all, I do not like homeless people because of what happened to me, I was not born hating homeless people
  8. No software needed. On a PC just hit control>PrtScn Open a new document in Photoshop and hit paste. Done. I cant believe I didnt remember this but Duncan gave me a link to dowload an awesome (IMO) software called Photoscape and it has a Screen Capture option that works great I used it to capture all the images Thanks for the tips
  9. Please show me the post in which I claimed to "attack" a homeless person Greg Dont accuse me of something I did not say I think you need to go back and read what I wrote very slowly All I did was tell him to please not use that type of vulgar language in front of my wife and other customers
  10. I would say this Greg If I was going through Jury selection on a Trial for lets say a Homeless man who killed another person I would make sure the Defense knew about my feelings and my past dealings with Homeless people so that the Homeless man would get a fair trial by having me not sit on the Jury I believe everybody deserves a fair trial, and I would be man enough to make sure that I was not on the jury to sway another juror with my feelings about Homeless people Im not trying to drag this on Greg, I just want you to know I have strong feelings about alot of things, getting a fair trial no matter who the accused is one of those things
  11. Yes, I see why you have a strong opinion [about bums]. However, Jim's friends are NOT "bums" -- Jim never identified them as "bums" -- So, let's continue this thread about Judyth and her credibility and admit ALL evidence--even that which comes from formerly homeless persons (not bums), or from Mormons (not polygamists), or from Catholic priests (not pedophiles), or from Germans (not Nazis), etc, etc. Thank you Lets move it along Jim im sorry I called your friends Bums, I was feeling defensive torwards your insults and should not have said that about them Please dont insult me and I will not speak to you in a harsh way
  12. MonK: Your point is well taken but I think these criticisms of Dean are exaggerated. Any of us, rightly or wrongly and probably wrongly, would be more skeptical of the testimony of a homeless person. A common jury instruction is that the jury can consider the demeanor of the witnesses and the manner in which they testify. This started with Jim criticizing that Dean was not impressed with the demeanor of watching Judyth. Jim attacked him and Dean then became defensive. He can judge things as he wishes and he would not be alone in his observations of Judyth or his skepticism of homeless people being the sole substantiation of points made by Judyth. Dean has been a valuable contributor and participant in the forum. I believe this is a diversion from the isues and we should move on. Doug Weldon Well said Doug, I am feeling like I have to defend myself against Jims attacks on me, maybe I should let it go Im willing to move forward
  13. Did I miss something Greg? I have not nor would I ever call you a name Well then, you still might consider me "cool" as opposed to "uncool"-- I guess? Let me elaborate on what I said in order to make my position clearer. Dean, I don't claim to know what your 3 year long experience with homeless people was like. But, I have no reason to doubt that you are telling the truth about your personal perception of them. If you thought I was saying that your reportage of your Seattle Homeless experience was untrue--I apologize. That is NOT what I was saying. That is what I got from part of your post Thank you for clearing it up
  14. Greg Maybe this will help you I lost income because of Bums Do you know how many customers walked away and did not order when a bum came in asking for money Do you know how many customers walked out because I had to either drag one outside myslef or scream in their face to get lost You know what the Seattle Police told me Greg? "You dont have to call us, just remove them from your property, if they take a swing at you then call us" They didnt care, they didnt want me to call, in fact an officer told me to drag them outside real rough and they wont come back I am not making that up I lost money every day I lost money every day I LOST MONEY EVERY DAY Now do you see why I have a strong opinion Greg If you say yes I see why you have a strong opinion I promise I will never bring up the subject of Bums again You have my word
  15. Did I miss something Greg? I have not nor would I ever call you a name
  16. I tried to stay out of this, but I can't! Kathy, are you serious? What Dean said was demonstrably UNTRUE. He is entitled to his opinion and to any biases or prejudices that suit him. However, his right to an opinion, based on his own personal biases/prejudices, does not render fallacious conclusions "truthful" in any event. Could his judgment of Jim's friends be true? No--at least not as stated. As stated his assertions are totally unsupported. By his own admission, the experience he had in one special circumstance is now tainting his judgment of this totally new and separate circumstance. He is judging the two as if they are one in the same, but they are not. Adding insult to injury, it is less than credible for him to attempt to portray his position as a strategic move to demonstrate to Jim "how it feels" -- sorry, but "that dog don't hunt" -- To quote Dean from an earlier post: WEAK. Wow Greg you said "one special circumstance" 3 years Greg! Let me say it again because im sure you missed it by the sound of your Weak attempt to make me feel bad 3 years Greg! Every day All day long You know how many customers I lost because of Bums? How would you feel if a worthless Bum called your wife a whore in front of you Greg? (Dont worry Greg I caught that very Bum all alone in my parking lot stumbling drunk one late night with nobody around but him and I) How would you like cleaning their horrid stinking clothes out of the bathroom everyday? How would you like cleaning up their piss and vomit? How would you like trying to help them and they refuse work and laugh at your offer? Dont tell me what I say is UNTRUE What I say is truth, what I say happened to me every day for 3 straight years Greg not "one special circumstance" I really thought you were a cool guy Greg but now I see because you view homeless people differently then I do that Im wrong Of course Fetzer insults me over and over and you say nothing about it
  17. The wanted persons in this are both slender white males about 30, 5-feet-10, 165, carrying what looks to be a thirty-thirty or some type of Winchester. They look eerily alike. One left in a light colored rambler station wagon being driven by a Mexican or a Cuban. The other boarded a bus. "The prints lifted from the thirty-thirty match those of Malcolm Wallace" said securtiy guard, Gary Mack. Curator Mack has been moonlighting as a security guard since interest in the "Oswald done it all by his lonesome" shrine has diminished during the recent recession. According to sources, lack of interest is more due to disappointment in those seeking the truth than it is due to the recession.
  18. Im an Athiest, so your god giving gift to the homless does nothing for me I tried to help them they didnt want to work Im not giving them something that I worked hard for This is what my experience with homeless people have been I am going off my experience, everyday for 3 years, I doubt most of you have had that kind of time spent with homeless people I do not believe all homeless are like the ones I delt with however... I will not change my views on them, I will never give a homeless person a dime, I will never give a homless person anything If you dont like that then im sorry but how do my views on the homeless translate into my views on the assassination Pamela?
  19. As dumb as your homeless friends? Nope Dean, please - you certainly must realize that not all of the homeless are drunken bums. There are a lot of homeless people out there who are decent, upstanding people who have fallen on hard times. Todd You know I realize this, im not that dense I just want to let Jim know how it feels to act like a complete jerk towards someone because they dont agree with them, even if that person has backed them up and thought of him as his voice in the assassination community That makes no sense. How exactly do you think your anti-homeless ranting could possibly make Fetzer (or anyone else for that matter) feel how it is to be a complete jerk? Read the first post on this page
  20. Duncan Thank you, but will a screen capture be abel to give me the same quailty as saving the hard image? I will give it a shot
  21. Todd and everybody Please read this Now look back at how Jim has treated me in this thread Think very hard about Jims words Think very hard about the Pot calling the Kettle black It feels like crap to have someone you care about get talked to like that doesnt it Jim? Now put yourself in my shoes before you respond and call me a stupid brute
  22. As dumb as your homeless friends? Nope Dean, please - you certainly must realize that not all of the homeless are drunken bums. There are a lot of homeless people out there who are decent, upstanding people who have fallen on hard times. Todd You know I realize this, im not that dense I just want to let Jim know how it feels to act like a complete jerk towards someone because they dont agree with them, even if that person has backed them up and thought of him as his voice in the assassination community
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