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François Carlier

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Everything posted by François Carlier

  1. Hello everybody, After all these years, I ask myself : "What's the point ?" Indeed, here we are in 2010 and it seems nothing has changed since 1963. There are those who believe in Oswald's guilt, and those who think there was a conspiracy. And nobody listens to anybody. Everybody clings to their beliefs. I myself believe in Oswald's sole guilt. And after more than twenty years of researching the assassination, and being myself an author, I know as much as anybody here. Indeed, the more I listen to James DiEugenio, the more I realize that Oswald really did it. The more I read Jim Fetzer's nonsense, the more I realize that conspiracy theorists have NOTHING of substance. To me, conspiracy theorists have failed to prove their point, which is understandable, since Oswald killed JFK alone, and facts show that. But it is also clear that so-called "lone-nutters" have failed too in their endeavor. I mean, excellent books by authors such as Jim Moore, Gerald Posner, Dale Myers, Mel Ayton, Larry Sturdivan or Vincent Bugliosi have failed to put an end to the heated debate, and have failed to "silence" believers in a conspiracy. There are still forums such as here where people keep writing posts after posts. And it is a war. I mean, recently Jim Fetzer was at war against David Lifton. But everybody knows that no two conspiracy theorists agree on anything. Each theorist has his own theory. Groden doesn't agree with Lifton, who doesn't agree with Fetzer, who doesn't agree with anybody else, etc., etc. It has lasted for almost fifty years ! So I ask myself : "What's the point in writing posts here ?" I already know that whatever I write won't change a thing. Sadly enough, facts don't matter here. Personal theories are all that so-called "researchers" care about. That is very sad. /François Carlier/
  2. Hello, Thank you for a quick and precise answer, Mister White. Well, if you do not claim that Man did not go to the moon, then why the need to fake photographs ? And as to the 9/11 attacks, it's not only a question of pictures or films. There is no denying that dozens or hundreds of people heard and saw the planes. Therefore, trying to deny that there were planes by looking at pictures seems to me to be a mistake. But anyway, that's not the proper place to talk about these subjects. This is a Kennedy assassination forum. So I'll focus on the Kennedy assassination. (I shall have to learn how to use the many features this web forum provides). Thanks again, Mister White, for your franchise. /François Carlier/
  3. Hello, Mister Jack White, I have read the interview Did I understand well ? Just to be sure : -1. Do you actually claim, precisely, that the moon landings were faked ? Didn't Man go to the moon ? -2. Do you actually claim, precisely, that you can prove that no airliners crashed into the Towers (on 9/11) ? -3. Do you actually claim, precisely, that no airliner crashed into the Pentagon ? Am I mistaken ? If I understood you wrongly, I apololgize. But I would be happy if you could answer my questions so as to help me know exactly what you think, and not misquote you in the future. Thanks in advance. /François Carlier/
  4. My name is François Carlier. I am Frenchman who has been studying the Kennedy assassination for twenty years. I became interested in the Kennedy assassination in 1989. That's when I bought David Lifton's book "Best evidence" (Carroll & Graf, 1988), and subsequent video tape. At the time, I was only a beginner. I did not know much about the whole case. Now, in 2010, I think I can safely claim to be quite knowledgeable in the JFK assassination. I own the Warren Report + the ARRB final report + I own more than one hundred books (indeed), which I have carefully read + countless videos + tons of documents (newspapers, magazines, research journals) + I exchanged letters with numerous witnesses (including Dr Perry before he died) and book authors + I met several of them + I attended conferences such as those organized by JFK-Lancer and COPA + I visited almost all web sites on the JFK assassination + I had serious discussions with physicians and police officers + I personally visited every place pertaining to the case (I went to Dallas several times, and also to Bethesda, etc.)… Among the 100 plus books I own, of course, are those which are considered the most famous or most important : those by authors such as David Lifton, Jim Marrs, Mark Lane, Sylvia Meagher, Anthony Summers, Michael Kurtz, Robert Groden, Walt Brown, Livingstone, Eddowes, Epstein, Moore, Posner, … you name it, I have all of them. OK, not to try to show off, but just to let you know I am not just the new kid on the block. I am also the author of two books, one of them being precisely on the Kennedy assassination, titled "Elm Street" (book written in French). I am convinced that Lee Oswald acted alone, so I can safely be called a "lone nutter", just as such people as John McAdams, Gerald Posner, Vincent Bugliosi, Kenneth Rahn, all of whom I have great admiration for. You can see my Kennedy-assassination-related pictures at this address : http://pagesperso-orange.fr/zec-world/jfkfoto.htm My book web site : http://francois-carlier.publibook.com/ My Kennedy-assassination web site : http://pagesperso-orange.fr/zec-world/jfk.htm My research journal "FACTS" pages : http://pagesperso-orange.fr/zec-world/facts1.htm http://pagesperso-orange.fr/zec-world/facts2.htm http://pagesperso-orange.fr/zec-world/facts3.htm
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