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David Von Pein

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Posts posted by David Von Pein

  1. 32 minutes ago, Tom Gram said:

    I do not recall ever seeing an attempt to calculate that deflection angle from an EOP entrance though. Do you have anything like that? 

    No, but since the bullet definitely did not enter at the EOP level (IMO), any deflection angle from that point is rather irrelevant.


  2. 7 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

         There is no facial exit wound-- which we would expect to see if Oswald had shot JFK from the TSBD-- correct?

    Not at all.

    Haven't you ever even considered the notion that the bullet changed directions (at least a little bit) after hitting the back of Kennedy's head?

  3. 1 hour ago, Tom Gram said:

    The burden of proof is on the EOP single assassin theorists to demonstrate that the trajectories could actually work. 

    But don't you think a bullet could change directions (if only slightly) after striking JFK's head at full velocity, thereby creating a trajectory through the President's cranium that certainly would not be a straight one?

  4. 1 hour ago, Keven Hofeling said:

    Why do you persist in ignoring the fact that the HSCA authentication is fraudulent Mr. Von Pein?

    It may come as a surprise to you, Mr. Hofeling, but not all people on this Earth believe that everything is fraudulent in the JFK case.

    Shocked to hear that, aren't you Keven?

    The "Fraudulent" argument is, of course, nothing but a big ol' cop-out utilized by CTers because they have nothing else to argue.

    It's really quite tiresome to keep hearing that pathetic and unprovable fake/fraudulent refrain year after year.


  5. 18 minutes ago, Keven Hofeling said:

    Von Pein responds with references to the photographic forgery of the government...

    So the HSCA's Photo Panel was just lying through their collective teeth here, eh? (Yeah, right.)....

    "The evidence indicates that the autopsy photographs and X-rays were taken of President Kennedy at the time of his autopsy and that they had not been altered in any manner." -- HSCA Vol. 7; Pg. 41


  6. 16 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    Surely, you don't think the 5x7 cm Harper fragment was an entrance wound, do you?

    Of course not. But the Harper fragment did not come from the occipital area of JFK's head. How could it? As I said before, the X-ray proves that there's no missing bone in the occipital, period. Therefore, the Harper fragment can't be "occipital" bone.


    16 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    And, yes, the Parkland docs saw extravasated cerebellum in the exit wound.

    No, they didn't.


    16 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    Hume didn't even mention the cerebellum in his sham Bethesda autopsy report.

    Why should he? There was no damage to that area of the head at all. So why mention it?


  7. 27 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    Back and to the left, indeed.

    I wonder how DVP's mythical Lone Nut paradigm explains that one.

    I don't really need to fully explain it. Because regardless of which direction the President's head moved after being shot, I know from the autopsy report plus the autopsy photos & X-rays plus this video interview with Dr. James J. Humes that JFK was only hit in the head by ONE bullet, with that bullet coming from behind.


  8. 44 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    where is the missing Harper fragment in your photo?

    Here, of course....


    44 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    Also, did your mythical Bethesda autopsy report say anything about the damaged cerebellum, which was visible in the occipital skull exit wound in the Parkland ER?

    There was no damage to the cerebellum. The Parkland doctors who said that later admitted they were mistaken about seeing cerebellum.

    And: As proven by the above X-ray, there was no "occipital exit wound". The authenticated-by-the-HSCA X-ray above trumps any and all "BOH Wound" witnesses. Always has. Always will.


  9. 29 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    Now, explain how Oswald shot JFK in the right forehead from the TSBD, blasting brain matter and the occipital skull fragment backward behind the limo.

    There was, of course, no wound at all to JFK's "right forehead". That's just another conspiracy-flavored myth (of course).

    And, of course, there was no "occipital skull fragment" blasted out of JFK's head in Dealey Plaza at all, and the authenticated X-ray below proves it, because it shows no missing bone at all in the occipital area of President Kennedy's head. None. CTers, naturally, will claim (sans a bit of proof) that this is yet another piece of "fake" evidence:


    And your next conspiracy myth will be.....?


  10. 1 hour ago, Denny Zartman said:

    But, it seems some folks here think facts are merely matters of opinion.

    You mean, for example, such things as the proven-beyond-all-doubt facts listed below?....

    Whether Oswald purchased the Carcano rifle? (Most CTers think he didn't.)

    Or whether Oswald purchased the Smith & Wesson revolver? (Many CTers think he never did.)

    Or whether the Baker/Oswald lunchroom encounter really happened? (Many CTers think it didn't.)

    Or whether Oswald carried any large-ish paper bag into the TSBD on 11/22? (Many CTers think he didn't.)

    Or whether Howard Brennan really attended any police lineup on 11/22? (Jim DiEugenio doesn't think he did.)

    Or whether Oswald rented a room at the Beckley roominghouse in Oct. '63? (Greg Parker thinks he didn't.)

    Or whether Oswald carried any pistol at all into the Texas Theater on 11/22? (Many CTers say he didn't.)

    Etc., etc., to CT absurdity....


  11. 2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

    What's "troubling" about it, Jonathan?

    Should moderators approve of disinformation?

    The statement Jonathan finds "troubling" is obviously this one of yours, W.N.:

    "No honest, informed person accepts the Lone Nut theory."

    I consider myself to be both "honest" and "informed" re: the JFK assassination, and I most certainly do accept the "Lone Nut theory". And many, many other "honest and informed" people accept it too.

    I think a major flaw in the thinking of conspiracy theorists over the last sixty years has been a firm belief that Lee Harvey Oswald, given the evidence that exists in the JFK and Tippit murder cases, could not possibly have committed those two murders by himself. Conspiracists, of course, insist that a multi-person conspiracy/plot must have been involved beyond all doubt.

    But I firmly disagree with such a stance. In my opinion, every single thing that happened in November of 1963 that resulted in the deaths of President Kennedy and Officer Tippit could have been accomplished by one single individual---Lee H. Oswald---with no "conspiracy" or "plot" required to enter into the picture at any point.

    It's the evaluation and interpretation of the evidence that causes all of the disagreements between LNers and CTers. For a "Lone Nutter" like myself, after evaluating the evidence, I simply cannot fathom the massive overall amount of evidence that points squarely at one Lee Harvey Oswald being able to exist and yet still have Oswald being innocent of both killings (or even one of them). It would just not be possible, in my view.

    Planted/faked/manufactured evidence in the quantities required to have Lee Oswald innocent of the two murders he was charged with in 1963 is something that is not likely to have occurred in a million years. Such massive fakery being implemented against one man named Oswald (who, himself, was certainly behaving like a guilty person on 11/22/63) is IMO nothing more than wishful-thinking and wholly-unproven speculation on the part of many conspiracy theorists of the world.


  12. Enlarge via a click:



    "Books beget books. So, after all, there may be something in this conspiracy book-writing business. You have an instant audience—all those other authors whose theories disagree with yours. One suspects they will read 'Oswald's Game' and return quickly to their typewriters to give us another compost pile of warmed-over cartoon conspiracies refuting [Jean] Davison. Well, it keeps them off the street." -- Jerry Flemmons; The Fort Worth Star-Telegram; November 1983




  13. 1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

    How do we solve a problem like disinformation?

        Modern propaganda is highly sophisticated.

        Two popular techniques are; 1) repeating the lie, and 2) the so-called "firehose of falsehoods" -- flooding the zone with sh**.

    You've got a huge problem with your starting point right off the bat. Because it's always going to be disputable and debatable as to what constitutes "disinformation" and "falsehoods". CTers and LNers will forever be on opposite sides when it comes to that subject.

    It's my opinion that far more CTers engage in spreading "disinformation" and "falsehoods" than do any of the "WCR apologists / Lone Nutters". In fact, it's not even close on that score (IMO).

    One prime example (among many) that we've seen spouted on this forum time and time again is when conspiracists constantly repeat the refrain about how Oswald never even purchased the Carcano rifle from Klein's.....which, of course, is a totally absurd and nonsensical claim to begin with (given the evidence that proves those CTers to be dead wrong).


  14. 1 minute ago, Robert Morrow said:

    David von Pein [sic], if Lyndon Johnson could have snuck around to the Grassy Knoll, he would have been MORE THAN HAPPY to get behind the stockade fence and personally blow out the brains of JFK who he hated with his 30-30 Winchester rifle.

    What a pathetic, disgusting comment. But I'm sure you're very proud to be the author of it.


  15. 3 minutes ago, Robert Morrow said:

    Sawyer was lying and after the JFK assassination the Dallas police induced Howard Brennan into lying about giving that physical description, which he never gave at all.

    Yeah, sure. Everybody under the sun was lying in order to frame Patsy Oswald.  Eyeroll-Icon-Blogspot.gif


  16. 5 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

    The frame job on Lee Harvey Oswald began immediately...

    As we all know, of course, there is absolutely ZERO hard evidence that a "frame job" against Oswald was occurring either "immediately" on 11/22/63 or, for that matter, at any other time.

    And the "5-feet-10 / Marguerite" thing that Robert Morrow loves to endlessly repeat as some kind of "proof" that the fix was in against Oswald certainly does not come even close to proving any such thing. The DPD almost certainly got the "5-10, 165 lbs." info from Howard Brennan, of course.

    Was Brennan part of the "immediate frame job" too, Robert?


  17. 4 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

    You can show evidence after evidence of Oswald's innocence and the Lone Nutters simply ignore it.

    Conversely, it's my opinion that the evidence that exists in the JFK and Tippit murder cases could not possibly (realistically) exist and still have Lee Harvey Oswald be innocent when it comes to either of those murders. And I include as part of the overall "evidence" Oswald's very important and very incriminating actions and movements and verbal statements on both November 21st and November 22nd.

    It's just not logical to believe that so many things that are consistent with the guilt of Oswald have all been faked, planted, or manufactured....such as these things which have all been considered to be fake or phony by various conspiracy theorists over the years:

    Bullets, bullet shells, guns, fingerprints, the long brown paper bag, various films, backyard photos, autopsy photos, autopsy X-rays, JFK's autopsy report, FBI reports, Warren Commission exhibits, HSCA conclusions, the second-floor lunchroom encounter, the paperwork and documents from both Klein's Sporting Goods and Seaport Traders, and many other things I haven't mentioned here.

    Also See:

    Two-Things-Logo.png          Six-Things-Logo.png

  18. 9 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    When we start putting Litwin on this site, we should all hang our heads. .... Gus Russo is one of the very worst sources on Kennedy's presidency. He switched sides along with his buddy Dale M, and they then did that disgraceful PBS show in 1993.  Ask Pat Speer about the stunt PBS pulled with that Rusty L print. They then got even worse with that ludicrous Dale M proclamation about the Single Bullet Fact for Jennings. Russo then pulled a triple for Brokaw at the fiftieth.👎

    After reading the above multi-person bashfest, I now realize how much DiEugenio's words sound a whole lot like some of the ridiculous over-the-top (and inaccurate) attacks that are constantly being gushed forth against a wide variety of individuals by a certain former President named Trump.


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