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David Von Pein

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Posts posted by David Von Pein

  1. 1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Suppose there was indeed an Oswald/Baker second floor encounter. Then why didn't Officer Baker mention it in his first-day affidavit?

    Marrion Baker did, of course, mention his encounter with Lee Oswald in his first-day affidavit. He merely got the floor number wrong. The "second floor" portion of the encounter was confirmed by Roy Truly in Truly's 11/23 affidavit.

    Lots more Lunchroom Encounter Denial by a variety of conspiracy theorists can be enjoyed at the link below....

    http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com / The Second-Floor Lunchroom Encounter


  2. Thanks for the clip, Denis. (The clip you posted above, however, has to be from Saturday, November 23rd, not the 22nd. Because I believe I'm correct in saying that the police didn't find the backyard photo until sometime on Saturday.)


    If you, Denis, have got links or have access to any of the complete WRR, KSKY, KVIL, or KIXL 1963 radio material that the National Archives told you five years ago was going to be digitized soon [see THIS 2019 THREAD], please let me know. I'd love to add that material to my own sites. I keep checking the NARA site for those audio files, but I haven't been able to find them---yet.

    Did you find them on the NARA site?


  3. Francois Carlier e-mailed me the link to the video below. Thank you, Francois, for sending it. I enjoyed watching it. Good stuff.

    I've had my share of battles with Pat Speer over the years (most of which are archived HERE), but I like him and I enjoy talking with him. He's one of my favorite "CTers" on the Internet.

    (BTW, Francois, my last name is pronounced Von PINE.)  😇


  4. 2 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

    David, could you fill me in on what happened to the video and audio version of the Parkland doctors' press conference? Exactly who (Secret Service or maybe FBI?) confiscated the audio/video and what the world ever happened to this important bit of history?

    I'm not sure any audio or video recording exists of the doctors' conference at all.

    It would be nice if such a recording did exist (either audio or video). I'd very much like to add it to my JFK A/V collection.

    So, Robert M., if you're hiding it in your basement or bomb shelter, please retrieve it and digitize it asap. 😜


  5. "While the absence of any recordings of the 2:18pm Perry-Clark press conference is disappointing, there is information that explains why. First...I learned there were NO live cameras in that room. Here's why:

    1) KRLD's two remote cameras were still at the Trade Mart as late as 1:35pm, when technicians started the long process of packing it all up and moving over to Parkland. This would have taken at least an hour. One camera was put in place in time for Dr. Robert Shaw's conference, which started around 3:30pm (that time is off the top of my head, but it was quite some time AFTER Perry & Clark finished.)

    2) WFAA's cameras and remote truck were enroute back to the studio after having been in place at Love Field for the 11:35am landing and live broadcast. Their plans were originally to provide live pool coverage of JFK's return flight. At some point, their truck was sent to Parkland and had just arrived in time to catch the hearse with JFK leaving for Love Field. The other camera, I recall from some other source, was still being unloaded to bring inside the hospital. It would be virtually impossible to have it set up and available until at least 2:30-2:45 or later. They may very well have been waiting for Clark-Perry to finish to get into the room.

    3) WBAP's remote truck sat in east Fort Worth at the side of the turnpike (now I-30) with a blown engine and no back up. Eventually, it was towed to Dallas City Hall and sat on Commerce Street the rest of the weekend.

    4) KTVT, which offered its remote truck to WBAP in exchange for permission to carry NBC programming (the station was an independent in those days and had only a small news department), headed to Parkland from east Fort Worth, arriving just before 2pm. Their only live camera was poking up through the truck's roof and was turned on and recording as they arrived. Just a few minutes later, the hearse left the hospital with JFK and that scene was recorded. Again, it would have taken 30-45 minutes or more to get that camera moved out of the truck, into the hospital and set up.

    In short, none of the stations had video equipment in place to capture the press conference.

    As for TV news film cameras, there is a series of still photographs taken by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram of the Perry-Clark conference. The one in Lifton's book was taken early in that sequence. Many of the 30-40 images were shot from the back of the room and show a large, relatively empty classroom with only a few reporters present. Not one microphone or news film photographer are anywhere to be seen!

    What this means is that, despite Dr. Malcolm Perry's later explanation to the Warren Commission that there were microphones present, no recordings were made and only a handful of reporters covered it.

    This may not make sense to everyone, but TV news was equipment-challenged in those days. The best example is that of WBAP, then and now the NBC affiliate (today known as KXAS), which was far and away the #1 station in the entire Dallas-Fort Worth market in 1963. TV sound film cameras were cumbersome and generally not used for "spot" (breaking) news stories. So little use was made of sound in those days that the station only owned two sound cameras -- one was assigned to the Fort Worth office and one to Dallas.

    The Dallas camera that day was held by the station's Bob Welch, who filmed the only sound record of Malcolm Kilduff's announcement of JFK's death at 1:30. Bob then left the hospital and headed to downtown Dallas where there was more important news to cover.

    I do not know much about the other stations, other than WFAA had a silent camera there, but it only caught a few seconds of Perry's entrance into the room, suggesting that the photographer may have been sent by the station to another location and was, therefore, absent when the pictures were taken.

    As for the radio stations, the photographs show no microphones or audio tape machines in the room. I have heard original and first-generation copies of the radio station tapes, some of which have been in private hands, and there was no live radio broadcast on either KLIF, WFAA, KRLD, KBOX, WBAP, or any other major station, with the possible exception of WRR. Their tapes, or copies, are at the National Archives, but since indexes exist and there's no mention of such a broadcast, perhaps WRR wasn't there. The station was, and remains, owned by the city of Dallas (a highly unusual situation) and did not have much of a news department at all.

    So what does all this mean? I have to think, with some first-hand understanding of the business in those days, that only minimal coverage was done. Those kinds of stories are generally routine in nature and can be covered by the newer reporters or the wire services. The big story was what was happening at the TSBD, in Oak Cliff and at the police station, so that's where most reporters went. Others went to Love Field and were there from about 1:45 or 2pm until nearly 3pm.

    With breaking stories happening in four different parts of the city, Parkland was left virtually unattended."

    -- Gary Mack; December 22, 1999


  6. Here are the two newspaper pictures that Denise Hazelwood referred to in her post above. I've enlarged them for this post (and you can click on them for an even bigger view).

    Regarding the Moorman photo.....

    When comparing the Des Moines newspaper version with a higher-quality version of the Moorman picture (at the bottom of this post), we can see that there definitely isn't a 4th person on the stairs (even in the shadows), and there's also no person behind the tree:





    Higher-quality version of Mary Moorman's photo below (click to enlarge):



  7. 1 hour ago, Pat Speer said:

    ...citing Baden is not helpful.

    But it's not just Baden. It's the entire 9-person Forensic Pathology Panel which came to this conclusion unanimously:

    "It is the firm conclusion of the panel members...that beyond all reasonable medical certainty, there is no bullet perforation of entrance any place on the skull other than the single one in the cowlick...and we find no evidence to support anything but a single gunshot wound of entrance in the back of the President's head." -- Dr. Michael Baden; 1978


  8. Good Lord, what a bunch of malarkey! (And TWO make-believe frontal head shots yet! Geesh. What a fantasy tale.)

    Now, back to reality.....

    "Clearly, from the autopsy X-rays and photographs and the observations of the autopsy surgeons, the exit wound and defect was not in the occipital area. There was no defect or wound to the rear of Kennedy's head other than the entrance wound in the upper right part of the head." -- Dr. Michael Baden; January 8, 2000


    "It is the firm conclusion of the [HSCA FPP] panel members...that beyond all reasonable medical certainty, there is no bullet perforation of entrance any place on the skull [of President Kennedy] other than the single one in the cowlick...and we find no evidence to support anything but a single gunshot wound of entrance in the back of the President's head." -- Dr. Michael Baden; 1978


  9. 38 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Since the plotters were likely CIA, I believe that Oswald, Ruth, and Truly (or somebody with a great deal of influence over Truly) were all CIA assets. And that Ruth's handler instructed her to call Truly, Oswald's handler instructed him to do what Ruth told him to do, and that Truly was likewise told. And Oswald got the job that way.

    "Any reasonable person can obviously see how utterly impossible it is to "connect" all of these unconnected threads of SHEER HAPPENSTANCE regarding [Ruth] Paine, [Roy] Truly, [Wesley] Frazier, and [Linnie Mae] Randle in order to weave the magical type of "Oswald Was Planted In The TSBD" plot that conspiracists imagine took place. But just because nobody has yet been able to come close to weaving that magic carpet of conspiracy involving all of those innocent people (like Frazier, Paine, and Truly), it won't stop conspiracy theorists from pretending that a massive pre-assassination "plot" involving those very people really did occur in 1963." -- David Von Pein; July 1, 2008


    http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com / Was Lee Oswald Planted In The TSBD By Plotters?


  10. 43 minutes ago, Alan Ford said:

    The last we see of Officer Baker, his shadow is still progressing forward to the curb.

    The GIF clip below shows that Officer Baker was certainly moving toward the curb, with his shadow "climbing the curb" (so to speak). And this "curb-climbing shadow" fact is occurring directly in front of the steps to the Depository, which is perfectly consistent with Baker's never-wavering claim that he went straight from his motorcycle to the front entrance of the TSBD.

    (I can't recall who created this clip, so I don't know who inserted all the colored lines on it. But it wasn't me.)....


    Related Discussion From April 2016:



  11. 1 hour ago, Greg Doudna said:

    When someone is publicly accused and mocked in a group hate phenomenon for decades asserting what in some quarters is believed with bedrock certainty, that that person forged and fabricated and planted all kinds of documents and physical evidence with wilful intent to knowingly frame an innocent person--which is a horrible thing and a serious series of crimes if true, without the remotest, slightest, speck of actual evidence or conscience about doing so--(of a person with no training, expertise, experience, or criminal record in any such arts)--without disclosure that "we acknowledge there has never been one speck of evidence ever come forth for this"--that is not right. If anyone here cannot see that that is victimizing someone, I don't know what to say.

    Oh, how right you are with the above remarks, Greg. It's nice to know that are at least a few conspiracy believers who haven't fallen for the absurd and preposterous "Ruth Paine Was A Conspirator" claptrap. I applaud your comments in this thread, Gregory Doudna.






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