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David Von Pein

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Posts posted by David Von Pein

  1. On 1/29/2024 at 5:10 PM, Alan Ford said:

    --------------Officer Baker is running toward a man holding a burning flag

    And yet nobody noticed this or said a word about it later on??

    A "flag" is going up in flames right next to dozens of witnesses outside the TSBD front door----and nobody sees it (except for Officer Baker, per your theory)??

    That's quite curious, don't you think, Alan?


  2. 1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    Are you willing to regard JFK balling his fists in front of his throat and deducing it was in response to the throat shot?  No?  Why not?

    There was no "throat shot" at all, of course. Because if there had been such a shot, at least one bullet (and probably two) would have been plucked from JFK's body at the autopsy. But no whole bullets were found in his body.

    The "throat shot" is (and always has been) a fantasy invented by conspiracy theorists.


  3. I just picked out at random this Dayton paper from my newspaper collection. Let's see how many make-believe conspiracies and additional l-i-a-r-s Bob Morrow can find among these front-page articles. I'm sure he can find at least 2 or 3 more fantasy plots hidden in here somewhere. Good luck....


  4. 1 hour ago, Greg Doudna said:

    ...is it certain Brennan was Sawyer’s source[?]...

    Some of my thoughts on the "Brennan/Sawyer" matter can be found HERE.

    And here are some excerpts from Vincent Bugliosi's book pertaining to Brennan and Sawyer (click to enlarge)....


  5. 32 minutes ago, Robert Morrow said:

    Officer Marrion Baker and Howard Brennan were both lying their asses off and going along with the already enacted "frame Oswald" gameplan.

    Typical CTer mindset.

    IOW -- The More L-i-a-r-s, The Better.


  6. 24 minutes ago, Greg Doudna said:

    The question is how is it the DPD 12:44 broadcast EXACTLY matches to the inch and the pound the preexisting inaccurate written record on BOTH Oswald’s height and weight before his name was known as a suspect.

    What is your answer to that question


    I assume that is your answer—but would you confirm that? 

    Yes....it was coincidence. Without doubt (IMO).

    It's a coincidence brought about by Howard Brennan's description of the assassin that he gave to the police (probably to J. Herbert Sawyer).

    But maybe Bob Morrow thinks that Brennan was in cahoots with Marguerite on the "5-feet-10, 165 pounds" thing. After all, anything's possible in the bizarre conspiracy-flavored world inhabited by many CTers. 😛


  7. 4 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

    It cannot stem from a real description of Oswald from a witness because if so there would not be the exact agreement to the pound and to the inch with the mistaken Oswald physical description. 

    Why on Earth can't it be a "real description" of the sixth-floor assassin??? Of course it was a "real description" of the assassin.

    Here's a discussion I had with a couple of conspiracy believers in 2015 concerning this same (general) topic....


    One of the many things that conspiracy theorists will always refuse to evaluate properly is the fact that Howard Brennan provided a description of the 6th-floor assassin on Day 1 (November 22) in his affidavit that generally fits Lee Oswald.

    Even the age of the assassin Brennan saw fits perfectly with Marrion Baker's incorrect estimate of Lee Oswald's age -- about 30 -- which we know is wrong, but we also know that the man Baker described as being "approximately 30 years old" WAS Lee Harvey Oswald and not somebody who could have merely been confused with Oswald.

    And then there are the "weight" estimates provided by Brennan and Baker in their individual affidavits, which also (just like the "age" estimate) blend together perfectly:

    Baker said -- "165 pounds".

    Brennan said -- "165 to 175 pounds".

    And, just like Baker's estimate for Oswald's age, the weight estimate he provided in his affidavit is wrong, but we still know that Baker was estimating the weight of the real Lee Harvey Oswald when he wrote down "165 pounds" in his 11/22/63 affidavit.

    Ergo, we know that it is, indeed, possible for a person to look right at Lee Harvey Oswald on November 22, 1963, and think he weighed as much as 165 pounds. Shouldn't this fact mean just a little something to CTers when they attempt to assess whether or not Howard Brennan could have possibly seen Oswald in the Sniper's Nest on that same day?

    Do CTers think that Baker and Brennan got together and swapped information so that their affidavits would merge perfectly with respect to both the "age" and "weight" estimates?


    Brennan's testimony does your case no good, unfortunately. He recalls seeing "a white man, early 30's, slender, weight about 165 to 175 pounds." As if that description doesn't fit 40 million people. Add that he was 120 feet away, staring at a figure six stories up. Could you positively ID someone from that distance? And even if it was Oswald he saw, that only proves that Oswald was ONE OF the shooters, not the only shooter.



    Read my last post again, and place Brennan's 11/22 affidavit alongside Baker's 11/22 affidavit. Can't you see the similarities?

    And, as I said, we know for an absolute irrefutable fact that Marrion Baker was describing Lee Harvey Oswald in that affidavit and nobody else on Earth. And yet he made the same TWO incorrect estimates that Howard Brennan also made -- age and weight.

    And you surely aren't going to pull a DiEugenio on me and claim something silly like this (are you?)....

    "Baker never saw Oswald. .... I believe the [Oswald/Baker/Truly] incident was created after the fact."    -- James DiEugenio; July 13-14, 2015


    A guy who weighs 141 pounds would never be said to weigh 165.


    Tell that to Marrion L. Baker of the Dallas Police Department, Garry....

    "The man I saw was a white man approximately 30 years old, 5'9", 165 pounds." -- M.L. Baker; November 22, 1963

    Let me guess, Garry --- Marrion Baker wasn't really describing the real Lee Harvey Oswald when he said the man he stopped at gunpoint in the Depository's second-floor lunchroom weighed "165 pounds", right? You think Baker was either lying or he was describing somebody besides Oswald (despite the fact Roy Truly, who was right there in the lunchroom with Baker during the encounter, confirmed it was Lee Oswald). Right?

    Let's hear the CTers' lame, rip-roaring, half-baked excuse for totally dismissing these words written by Roy Truly on 11/23/63:

    "The officer and I went through the shipping department to the freight elevator. We then started up the stairway. We hit the second floor landing, the officer stuck his head into the lunch room area where there are Coke and candy machines. Lee Oswald was in there. The officer had his gun on Oswald and asked me if he was an employee. I answered yes." -- Roy S. Truly; November 23, 1963


    Great post, David.


    Thanks, Hank.

    I like to keep this "Assassination Arguments Part 1000" page handy whenever somebody tells me that it would have been utterly impossible for any witness to think Lee Oswald weighed as much as 165 pounds.

    More here....



  8. 2 hours ago, Aaron Sharpe said:

    But there was a moment in one of his YouTube vids where he talks about his new book “which should come out next year.” The video is from 2013.

    Yes, but it's not an altogether unheard of thing to have a major book release being delayed for a number of years. The same thing happened to Vince Bugliosi, whose very large JFK book, then titled "Final Verdict", was originally scheduled to appear in book stores on November 22, 1998 (and at that time it was a "mere" 992 pages long; CLICK HERE). But it took another 9 years for the book, which more than doubled in size, to finally appear as "Reclaiming History".

    So a 10- or 15-year delay in publishing a huge JFK tome like David Lifton's last book doesn't surprise me at all.

    Here's a 2010 Usenet Forum post by Francois Carlier which says that Lifton's "Final Charade" was supposed to be published in June of 2007, which would have been just one month after Bugliosi's JFK book came out.

    So David was working on that book for quite a long time. And by 2022, the number of pages it encompassed surely must have reached well into four digits, probably rivaling Bugliosi's final page count of 2,824 (which includes all of the endnotes and the 32 pages of photographs).


  9. 30 minutes ago, François Carlier said:

    So, some people write that Lifton's laptop computer "crashed and he lost everything" (which, to my mind, would have been devastating and might have sped his demise), while other members write that his work will soon be published. I wonder: which version is the right one?

    Hi Francois,

    Good to see you posting! How have you been?!

    Re: Lifton's book.....

    I too have heard that Lifton's book manuscript was "lost" in a computer hard drive crash. But I find it very hard to believe that Mr. Lifton would have had his manuscript stored in only one location. His "Final Charade" project was obviously extraordinarily valuable to him personally, which would mean (I would think) that he would certainly have wanted to have at least one back-up copy stored somewhere in his digital files. (And probably more than one back-up. I currently have everything on my computer backed up on two different external hard drives---just in case.)

    It's hard for me to believe that someone as meticulous with his written posts as David Lifton would have been so careless as to rely on merely one digital source for his very precious "Final Charade" material.

    I'm guessing there are some "back ups" to be found --- somewhere.


  10. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Let me get this straight:

    There was a fight in the car after Ready jumped in, and this is how Connally got shot from the front?

    That's about the size of it (according to Mr. Lifton).

    I'm not really sure, though, what difference it makes whether Connally was shot from the "front" or the "rear" in Lifton's fantasy version of that shooting. The "front vs. rear" trajectory thing seems kind of moot and totally unimportant via a scenario which is supposedly taking place only after the car has already left Dealey Plaza.

    But the "Ready Shot Connally" fairy tale was obviously invented by Lifton sometime after he had decided he had to find a way to keep both limo victims from being hit by shots fired from the TSBD. And he had to do that because he had already decided that Oswald was merely firing "blanks" at JFK's car from the Depository. (See Part 10 of Lifton's video series [below] to enjoy the full thrust of Mr. Lifton's "Oswald Fired Blanks" make-believe fantasy.)


  11. BTW / FWIW....

    Concerning the question of whether or not David Lifton's long-awaited book "Final Charade" will ever be published:

    I noticed the following comment attached to one of the videos on the "David Lifton On JFK" YouTube channel. The person who replied (@davidliftononjfk2724) apparently was doing so on behalf of Lifton and his YouTube channel. That person was certainly logged-in to Lifton's YouTube channel at any rate. So, maybe Final Charade will end up seeing the light of day after all.

    I captured this image today (February 3rd, 2024):



  12. 3 hours ago, Gary Murr said:

    I agree, David, as this, at least to my mind, was Lifton's mind-set on the Connally wounding. Perhaps now you and potentially others can see why I was reluctant to get dragged into this charade.

    I can, indeed, understand why you wouldn't want to be dragged into David Lifton's increasingly bizarre "charade" (as you put it).

    It would be nice, though, if Mr. Lifton's "Final Charade" book could somehow manage to get published (if the full manuscript still survives, that is). I would enjoy reading about all of the many additional fantasy theories that David L. had talked himself into believing during the last 40 years of his life.

    Many of those outer-fringe fantasies are revealed by David Lifton himself in this 14-part, 3-hour-long video series which he made in late 2013. But I'm guessing that during the 9 years between 2013 and the time of his death in December of 2022, Mr. Lifton very likely was able to concoct at least a few more outlandish episodes concerning the events of 11/22/63. Perhaps, say, a new baseless theory about how Officer Tippit died on Tenth Street. Lifton, after all, did not believe that Lee Oswald committed that murder either (see the very end of Part 10 of Lifton's video series).

    So maybe Lifton can pretend that Domingo Benavides pulled a gun out of his truck on 10th Street and shot Tippit; or—just possibly—Lifton can get Helen Markham to play the part of Tippit's killer. Because, after all, with David S. Lifton in control of the fiction that he puts down on the pages of his fantasy books, just about anything is likely to happen, and just about anybody can be a suspect in the murders that took place in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

    Hey, if Secret Service agent John Ready can be the person who shot Connally, why couldn't waitress Helen Markham be a cop killer?


  13. 2 hours ago, Gary Murr said:

    For me the "end" of our relationship occurred when he [David Lifton] tried to convince me that Connally was shot, more than once, "from the front" though he never did reveal to me where exactly this "front" location was situated. 

    According to David Lifton's hilariously absurd theory centering on the activity of the Secret Service agents in the immediate aftermath of the assassination (which is discussed by Lifton in the 2013 video embedded below), SS agent John Ready "threw himself" into the Presidential limousine after the shooting, and (according to Lifton) it is Ready's foot we see sticking out of the back seat of the car in the David Miller photograph.


    Quoting Lifton in 2013: "He [John Connally] got shot as a result of this fight in the car [with Secret Service agent John Ready]."

    So now we know how David Lifton managed to keep John Connally from sustaining any wounds from the rear during the period when the assassination of JFK was taking place on Elm Street. He (Lifton) merely invented this fantasy story about Secret Service agent John Ready leaping into the limousine and shooting Connally. And then John Connally, in all of his many post-1963 interviews, decided to never once mention this "fight" that he had with Ready.




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