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John Navin

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Posts posted by John Navin

  1. 1)The "assassin" is inevitably reported to be a loner. 2)The "assassin" is reported to be some kind of nut, often described as somehow mentally unfit. 3)After a period of time, the initial evidence is eventually found to be questionable. 4)Months later, often years later, independent researchers discover new evidence that renders the original conclusions completely inoperative. 5) Independent researchers, years later, discover that the "loner" actually had quite a few contacts, usually with shady characters who often seem to have intelligence connections. 6)The traditional media ridicules and marginalizes the independent researchers.

  2. By creating a timeline for events involving Bradley Manning and the guy who turned him over to the government, Adrian Lamo, we begin to detect the kind of pattern that is oh so familiar to serious students of the Kennedy assassination.

    Let's see if we can begin to classify the similarities and synchronicities. Here's Firedoglake's timeline and comments:


    Let's start with the combination of Army CID working together with the FBI. What else?

  3. "Yesterday Alexander Cockburn reminded us of the news Israel Shamir and Paul Bennett broke at Counterpunch in September. Julian Assange’s chief accuser in Sweden has a significant history of work with anti-Castro groups, at least one of which is US funded and openly supported by a former CIA agent convicted in the mass murder of seventy three Cubans on an airliner he was involved in blowing up..."

    My link


  4. "Games management" -- I know it's "hunting & fishing" but, as a former resident of Nevada, the first thing that came to mind was, you know, the casino regulatory agencies. I wonder if the guy who mentioned "games" agents meant those who investigated Jack Ruby's gambling friends.

    I know it's wild, but this is one case where I try to keep an open mind.

  5. "...he found that Crichton "commanded the 488th MID (Strategic), reporting directly to the Army Chief of Intelligence and the Defense Intelligence Agency." 56. And in 1970 Haapanen was told by Crichton’s commander in the Texas Army Reserve, Lt. Col. Whitmeyer, that Crichton's unit did its summer training at the Pentagon..."

    This is the most intriguing material, not LBJ/Hoover/et all. Crichton links the Dallas Police with the 488th which is linked to the D.C. intelligence community. What an operation. I'd guess that that's the right hand at work and the left hand is the same intelligence people linked (probably via drugs and money laundering a la BCCI precursors such as the Hand Bank) to Jack Ruby's friends in the organized crime sphere. The right hand doesn't necessarily know what the left hand is up to, but someone way up in the intelligence realm is coordinating.

    Case closed.

  6. Peter Dale Scott supplies plenty of useful information on Jack Ruby's ties to organized crime. It's all in the original Deep Politics and the Death of JFK. Here's a link to the good stuff My link now up at Google books.

  7. I was attending junior high school in Teaneck, New Jersey when John Kennedy was killed -- my father was working on a law degree at NYU. I graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1972 -- studied philosophy. In 1975, I came across George O'Toole's "The Assassination Tapes" at a bookstore in Raleigh, NC. I read it all in one sitting and didn't sleep that night. These days I am a Marketocracy MFolio manager after placing in the top 10 out of about 70,000 in their on-line stock trading competition. I am profiled in the new book by Forbes Investments Editor Matt Schifrin called The Warren Buffetts Next Door to be published by John Wiley & Sons in November, 2010. I'm married with 2 sons and we all live in Boulder County, Colorado.

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