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David Redemer

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Everything posted by David Redemer

  1. Hi Bill, I looked up the retirement community, it's 0.7 miles from my house...weird. I propose that the researchers on this forum help comprise a list off unanswered questions and I will see if I can obtain an interview. Dave
  2. I was doing local research and just found this article from a local newspaper. Ruth Paine gave a lecture regarding LHO and Marina here in Sonoma County. I had no idea she lived in my area. I wish I would have known about this earlier... http://www.petaluma360.com/article/20130910/ARTICLES/130919956/0/APA?Title=Smith-Santa-Rosa-woman-recalls-Kennedy-killer Dave
  3. I get frustrated when I see the same old tired conspiracy myths repeated time and time again as if they were the proven truth -- even though every one of them has been debunked years ago. The only thing debunked is the WC and Hoovers admission of such: LBJ: Have you established any more about the visit to the Soviet embassy in Mexico in September? Hoover: No, that’s one angle that’s very confusing, for this reason—we have up here the tape and the photograph of the man who was at the Soviet embassy, using Oswald’s name. That picture and the tape do not correspond to this man’s voice, nor to his appearance. In other words, it appears that there is a second person who was at the Soviet embassy down there. I can see why your frustrated. Dave
  4. Hi Ron, Thanks and I couldn't agree more with your analogy.
  5. Thanks B.A. for your comments. I don't think Oswald was innocent but neither do I think he shot Kennedy. This is the greatest site for research and exploring the "darker/complex" side of the assassination. But I become frustrated when I see great threads drug down by the same tired old arguments that the WC foisted on the world 50 years ago. Regards, Dave
  6. Of course the WC used that evidence. Why wouldn't they use the evidence collected at the crime scenes? But, again, the WC didn't invent the evidence. It was collected mostly by the Dallas Police. Was the DPD supposedly part of the plot too? Even to frame Oswald for Policeman Tippit's murder too?In short, the evidence is what it is. And it all points to Oswald--and to no one else. So does that response mean you think the DPD manufactured the evidence which enabled them to officially charge Lee Oswald with two murders before midnight on 11/22/63?Quite obviously, the DPD felt they had enough evidence to charge Oswald with Tippit's and Kennedy's murders. Should I disbelieve the DPD and disbelieve the evidence they collected? If so, why? Apples and oranges. Why do I have to believe the HSCA's conclusions, even though I just talked about how that Dictabelt evidence is seriously flawed? Why should seriously flawed evidence be treated the same as evidence that has not been proven to be seriously flawed? That's correct. IMO, nothing positive or constructive (or true) has come from ANY of the conspiracy researchers or their books. Nothing. In fact, just the opposite. People like Mark Lane and David Lifton and Jim Garrison and Doug Horne have done far more harm than good when it comes to arriving at the truth regarding JFK's murder. How can that fact even be questioned? I don't necessarily "connect" the JFK case to any "corruption" that might exist in the Government since 1963. I think too many people try to trace all the evils and the wrongs of the world back to the events of 11/22/63. It's a convenient excuse is all it is. (IMHO.)>>> "Do you think LBJ was a criminal?" <<<Of course not. Why on Earth would any sensible person even begin to think such an outrageous thing?>>> "That J E Hoover was being manipulated by organized crime?" <<<I have no idea. But even if he was, IMO that's apples and oranges too (as far as the JFK case is concerned). Oswald killed Kennedy. Not organized crime.>>> "That foreign policy was being dictated outside the White House and Congress by the CIA?" <<<I have no idea. But--again--what has that got to do with whether or not a loner named Oswald took his own rifle to work on November 22nd and shot the President? (And any "CIA" connections to Oswald are very dubious ones--at best. Even Harold Weisberg could find no connection there.)>>> "That like minded individuals haven't since prospered by taking their cue's since this momentous event?" <<<This, again, has nothing to do with Kennedy's murder. Not EVERYTHING in history is connected to the way John Kennedy met his demise.>>> "The assassination is important because it marked a sea change in the way government was run and those who aspired to be a politician. Do you not see a connection with what occurred in '63, to what has happened since?" <<<See my last reply.Regards,DVP It's reasonable to think that the DPD did indeed manufacture evidence. The MC was sent to the FBI who couldn't find a print linking the gun to Oswald but later the DPD does?? Seems incriminating. Also the DPD could be guilty of suppressing evidence that didn't fit the lone gunman scenario...the Mauser found on the 6th floor comes to mind. Dave
  7. The point of my post was that anyone can cherry pick the evidence to reach their conclusions. You are picking gnat xxxx out of pepper to quote the JFK film, when you suggest that the DPD collected the evidence regarding the JfK and Tippett murders. The WC used this evidence to establish their findings. The fact that LHO was charged with two murders within 24 hours, before a complete investigation could be conducted and included the assassination of the President of the United States, seems awfully quick to me. With the ramifications of the political atmosphere, shouldn't there have been a complete investigation (especially since Oswald had CIA and FBI files open at the time), even if the Patsy was killed before a trial could be conducted? And I can defend the acoustic evidence because it was the finding of the HSCA, just like the WC evidence...if you are going to question one, then question both. Hence, the reason for my original post. What I want to know, is do you think nothing good has come from the public's investigation of the JFK assassination? That through the JFK assassination research that light hasn't been shone on the corruption present since? Do you think LBJ was a criminal? That J E Hoover was being manipulated by organized crime? That foreign policy was being dictated outside the Whitehouse and Congress by the CIA? That like minded individuals haven't since prospered by taking their cue's since this momentous event? The assassination is important because it marked a sea change in the way government was run and those who aspired to be a politician. Do you not see a connection with what occurred in '63, to what has happened since? Your answer will be very telling. And no offense, but the way you say my name after every paragraph is disturbing. Regards, Dave
  8. Dear David, I haven't spent more than a year on this forum, but I have noticed that you cling to the WCR like an evangelistic preacher clutches his bible. Your argument for any discussion is that the evidence gathered by the WC is truth. An inescapable trail of evidence. You dismiss any evidence uncovered by 50 years of investigation by independent investigators because the WC says it isn't so. You balk at any evidence that contradicts your WCR bible, but yet wasn't there another government investigation that admitted to a conspiracy? One that came after the WCR? One that acknowledged 4 shots and thus more than one shooter? Based on your complete belief and adherence to the official government proclamation, that all its findings are truth, shouldn't you be spending all of your time defending the HSCA? This is the latest and greatest findings from the government investigations you so defend. So shouldn't your posts be based on defending the HSCA findings? Seeking truth, looking for the second gunmen? You can't toss out the audio recordings of Dealey Plaza because these were verified by an investigating body of the United States Government, just like the Magic Bullet. If CTer's can't question Mauser or Carcano, automatic shells or revolver shells, eyewitness reports of shots from the grassy knoll, then you can't possibly question evidence that has been supported by a sanctioned US investigation as righteous as the WC? In short your evidentiary support of the WC, has for many years been usurped by the findings of the HSCA. And if you are going to uphold all of the official government findings, shouldn't you be looking for the second shooter? Or does this not fit your theory? Good Day Sir.
  9. Excellent work, Richard, it's good to get these listed systematically like this. Just a couple of small additions to copperfasten your points: -Billy Lovelady is even more definitively ruled out as Prayer Man for the simple reason that the two show up right beside each other in the Wiegman footage: Now unless someone is going to come forward and tell us that Prayer Man is actually a rather butch woman, we're still stuck with the mother of all questions: Is Prayer Man none other than Lee Oswald, coke bottle in hand? Could it really be that simple? You bet your life it could. Except I do not see a coke in Prayer Man's hands yet, maybe a later film will show that, a film taken after Prayer Man has gone upstairs to the coke machine. Of course I make no claim to being a photo expert. BTW, compliments to Richard Hocking and yourself Sean for the breakdown of TSBD employees. You and Richard have done a fantastic job on this thread. Ladies and Gentleman,I am a new poster but a long time lurker. I have been a student of the assassination since the late 80's and find this post to be most intriguing. It has taken me several days to follow the action but have since had a few thoughts. I apologize in advance for not being able to cut and paste the photos and videos that I wish to reference, but I would like to share my impressions. It appears to me that Prayer man is holding a camera. He raises it to his face as the motorcade passes and then lowers it as the action passes. He then rotates his body left to face the crowd on the stairwell as they begin to react to the commotion following the shots. From the photos and videos in this thread, there is a point when Prayer man is looking to his right and in the next video rotates his body to his left, his hands never change position, indicative of someone holding a camera looking through a viewfinder. Another observation. If Prayer Man was Oswald and was drinking his Coke, ie, the glare visible in some of the footage, would his Coke still be full as Mrs. Reid testified to later, or would it have been half empty by then. This assumes PM/ Oswald returned to the 2nd floor from the entrance? Another thought, if Prayer Man/Oswald was eating his lunch and ham sandwich at the front entrance as suggested, would the ham sandwich show a reflection as seen in the video? I am jumping into deep water, but you have to get wet at some point. I mean no slight on the amazing work Sean and the rest of you have done. These are just field notes from someone familiar with the assassination and intrigued by the questions brought forth in this thread. Much respect to all of you. Dave I would also like to submit, that I am a strong believer that JFK was killed via a conspiracy and that our country and foreign policy has been ruled by a cable of like minded individuals since.
  10. Excellent work, Richard, it's good to get these listed systematically like this. Just a couple of small additions to copperfasten your points: -Billy Lovelady is even more definitively ruled out as Prayer Man for the simple reason that the two show up right beside each other in the Wiegman footage: Now unless someone is going to come forward and tell us that Prayer Man is actually a rather butch woman, we're still stuck with the mother of all questions: Is Prayer Man none other than Lee Oswald, coke bottle in hand? Could it really be that simple? You bet your life it could. Except I do not see a coke in Prayer Man's hands yet, maybe a later film will show that, a film taken after Prayer Man has gone upstairs to the coke machine. Of course I make no claim to being a photo expert. BTW, compliments to Richard Hocking and yourself Sean for the breakdown of TSBD employees. You and Richard have done a fantastic job on this thread. Ladies and Gentleman,I am a new poster but a long time lurker. I have been a student of the assassination since the late 80's and find this post to be most intriguing. It has taken me several days to follow the action but have since had a few thoughts. I apologize in advance for not being able to cut and paste the photos and videos that I wish to reference, but I would like to share my impressions. It appears to me that Prayer man is holding a camera. He raises it to his face as the motorcade passes and then lowers it as the action passes. He then rotates his body left to face the crowd on the stairwell as they begin to react to the commotion following the shots. From the photos and videos in this thread, there is a point when Prayer man is looking to his right and in the next video rotates his body to his left, his hands never change position, indicative of someone holding a camera looking through a viewfinder. Another observation. If Prayer Man was Oswald and was drinking his Coke, ie, the glare visible in some of the footage, would his Coke still be full as Mrs. Reid testified to later, or would it have been half empty by then. This assumes PM/ Oswald returned to the 2nd floor from the entrance? Another thought, if Prayer Man/Oswald was eating his lunch and ham sandwich at the front entrance as suggested, would the ham sandwich show a reflection as seen in the video? I am jumping into deep water, but you have to get wet at some point. I mean no slight on the amazing work Sean and the rest of you have done. These are just field notes from someone familiar with the assassination and intrigued by the questions brought forth in this thread. Much respect to all of you. Dave
  11. I am 44 years old and hold a BS in Electronics Engineering. I am a Regional Sales Manager for an electronic components manufacturer. I have been married for 12 years and have 2 children, ages 6 and 10. My hobbies include; fishing, music production, Ham radio and searching for the truth. My involvement in the JFK assassination began in 1989 when I read my first book on the subject; I was instantly hooked...in fact it changed my life. Through continued research I realized how much America changed on the day Kennedy died and that the world around me operated in a clandestine way. I continue to read books, forums and will be making my first trip to Dallas in the near future.
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