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Terry Mauro

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Everything posted by Terry Mauro

  1. You clearly played an important role in establishing the “New Right” movement in 1960. I believe the main intention of the Young Americans for Freedom was to get Barry Goldwater elected as president. (1) Could you explain why you supported Barry Goldwater? Why aspects of John F. Kennedy did you disagree with? What do you think Goldwater would have done differently to LBJ if he had become president in 1964? (2) I know that you no longer hold extreme right-wing views. When and why did you change your political views? I supported Barry Goldwater because I got to know him fairly well as a person and even arranged for him to speak at Georgetown University while I was an undergraduate there. He was a rational person and not a knee-jerk, right-wing zealout. My opposition to Senator Kennedy was based on my being a loyal Republican at the time, holding the position of chairman of the College Young Republican Federation of the District of Columbia. LBJ was a tool of Texas-based Brown and Root, which later became Haliburton. Brown and Root prospered dramatically during the Vietnam war (just as Haliburton has during the present Iraq war.) Goldwater, heir to an Arizona department store fortune, was fiercely independent and not a tool of any entity. My views on Kennedy have changed over the years. From what I gather from research and reading, had he lived he would have made profound changes in our federal government, mostly to the good. An example of this was his threat to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces following the Bay of Pigs debacle. My views began to change in 1974 when Joseph Coors, Ed Fuelner and Paul Weyrich threatened to destroy the directors of the Schuchman Foundation unless we did what they wanted. Schuchman was the first chairman of Young American for Freedom and died at an early age. The directors refused to be threatened. Fuelner then founded the Heritage Foundation and Weyrich the Committee for a Free Congress, both bankrolled by Joseph Coors. Today America and the world are reaping the whirlwind of corruption and evil that these men and their organizations have spawned. ************************************************************** "I supported Barry Goldwater because I got to know him fairly well as a person and even arranged for him to speak at Georgetown University while I was an undergraduate there. He was a rational person and not a knee-jerk, right-wing zealot. My opposition to Senator Kennedy was based on my being a loyal Republican at the time, holding the position of chairman of the College Young Republican Federation of the District of Columbia." Thank you for being forthcoming with that. "Goldwater, heir to an Arizona department store fortune, was fiercely independent and not a tool of any entity." My father, a staunch Republican, following World War II, would vote for Goldwater based upon those exact same character attributes. Pretty much the same reasons I would vote for Ross Perot, some three decades later. Unfortunately, I was under the false impression you could somehow "fight fire, with fire," back then. But, all you really managed to accomplish was splitting the vote, allowing for your worst nightmare to prevail. Fuelner then founded the Heritage Foundation and Weyrich the Committee for a Free Congress, both bankrolled by Joseph Coors. A well-known pit of fascist vipers, if ever one existed. It must have come as a rude awakening to find what you had once considered as the noblest of intentions on the part of your party, in reality merely amounted to nothing short of the most bastardized interpretation of "noblesse oblige," intended solely for the benefit of none other than the privileged few, themselves. "Today America and the world are reaping the whirlwind of corruption and evil that these men and their organizations have spawned." Too bad you couldn't have been on our side when it really mattered. But, it no doubt must have been strange having to deal with some really dangerous characters, the likes of E.H., G. Gordon, Fiorini, and that other high mucky-muck from Langley, whose name escapes me at the moment. I would presume this may have been around the time you most likely experienced your own "end of the innocence," if I'm not mistaken. I just think it's a shame to have wasted all that talent on securing the fort for a den of thieves who could have cared less about the majority of the human race, except for what they might rob, steal, plunder, garner, and rape, from it. Your time could have been much better spent elsewhere. But, who am I to be the judge of that? I'm just glad you were able to come around and observe what matter of hell-hath-finally-been-wrought at the hands of your former employers.
  2. ********************************************************* T.C., just to let you know, I'm working on making the Eugene trip. Don't worry, I've got a sleeping bag, and love "roughing it." I'll keep you posted. Since I'll have a full week of employment waiting for me at "The Hill," [July 17, 18, 19, 20, 21] that should help to cover it. I'll keep you posted as to the details. Love always, Ter
  3. Once again thank you for the moderators for trying to bring sanity to this forum. However, it does seem that a couple of members seem determined to cause disputes on this forum. I am thinking seriously of putting them on permanent moderation. This means that their postings will not appear on this forum until approved by a moderator. If you do that to me I'll just use the other login I post under: Thomas Graves. ********************************************************** "If you do that to me I'll just use the other login I post under: Thomas Graves." Stop this, right now! Before your credibility is all shot to hell! I am really disappointed that a bright individual, such as yourself, would continue in this vein. And, I am thoroughly disgusted with this culmination of events that have led to the deterioration of a perfectly good topic. Furthermore, I refuse to sit back and witness the "kamikaze" tactics of someone I had wished to have held in higher esteem than this. I must concede, Antti is right, with regard to a waste of bandwidth. Shut it down. You got it Terry. I respect you so you have my ear. I do hope that the regard for bandwidth, and I mean this sincerely, extends to seemingly endless battles with Kathy that have hijacked many threads that I hoped to get something useful out of, the "Death of Witnesses" one among them. ****************************************************** "I do hope that the regard for bandwidth, and I mean this sincerely, extends to seemingly endless battles with Kathy that have hijacked many threads that I hoped to get something useful out of, the "Death of Witnesses" one among them." Just a long as you can maintain control of the focus of the thread and not allow it to drift off into some gossip-mongering, disrespectful, self-serving, "tell all" fantasy tangent of, "shoulda'-woulda'- coulda'-if-only-I-had-been-her-friend" endless conjecturing. Then by all means, I will steer clear of your research efforts and investigative pursuits. Hopefully, you'll emerge as the effective mentor needed in this case. Your equally concerned research colleague, Terry Mauro I can only try. I'm not taking responsibility for someone else. I do appreciate your comments Terry. *********************************************************** "I do appreciate your comments Terry." And, I do yours, as well as your exceptional insight, which I've always admired far and above everything else. You're a natural-born leader from what I've observed. That's why I trust your judgment and ability to get to the heart of the matter without having to bog yourself down in non-essential bull-pucky. Carry on. Consider me merely as a commentator making an observation. I'm waiting on Talbot's book at this point in time, anyway. Ter
  4. Once again thank you for the moderators for trying to bring sanity to this forum. However, it does seem that a couple of members seem determined to cause disputes on this forum. I am thinking seriously of putting them on permanent moderation. This means that their postings will not appear on this forum until approved by a moderator. If you do that to me I'll just use the other login I post under: Thomas Graves. ********************************************************** "If you do that to me I'll just use the other login I post under: Thomas Graves." Stop this, right now! Before your credibility is all shot to hell! I am really disappointed that a bright individual, such as yourself, would continue in this vein. And, I am thoroughly disgusted with this culmination of events that have led to the deterioration of a perfectly good topic. Furthermore, I refuse to sit back and witness the "kamikaze" tactics of someone I had wished to have held in higher esteem than this. I must concede, Antti is right, with regard to a waste of bandwidth. Shut it down. You got it Terry. I respect you so you have my ear. I do hope that the regard for bandwidth, and I mean this sincerely, extends to seemingly endless battles with Kathy that have hijacked many threads that I hoped to get something useful out of, the "Death of Witnesses" one among them. ****************************************************** "I do hope that the regard for bandwidth, and I mean this sincerely, extends to seemingly endless battles with Kathy that have hijacked many threads that I hoped to get something useful out of, the "Death of Witnesses" one among them." Just a long as you can maintain control of the focus of the thread and not allow it to drift off into some gossip-mongering, disrespectful, self-serving, "tell all" fantasy tangent of, "shoulda'-woulda'- coulda'-if-only-I-had-been-her-friend" endless conjecturing. Then by all means, I will steer clear of your research efforts and investigative pursuits. Hopefully, you'll emerge as the effective mentor needed in this case. Your equally concerned research colleague, Terry Mauro
  5. ******************************************************** One of our members of "Letters" should post it on the amazon.com book review of Buligiosi's "tonnage," as Myra so aptly referred to it. Strategically placed, of course, to coincide with any reference to Doug's work, as a rebuttal in kind. Letters to the op-ed sections of the L.A. and N.Y. Times Book Review sections should be considered, although I doubt they'd stand any chance of appearing in print. Not with the present regime in D.C. controlling the strings. Thanks to Doug Horne for alerting us to the abuse of literary license being made by this sell-out, Bugliosi. We need "watchdogs" out there to monitor "Mockingbird" and their acolytes' attacks, such as those being hurled at some of our premiere researchers, like Mr. Horne.
  6. ************************************************************ "I suppose that a fundamental question would be: what funding strategy would best serve a plot of this scale? The need to keep the secret would have to be balanced against the need for leverage against participants should they later be compelled to speak, and for money of course." This is why I would venture to say that the Wall Street financial houses, including the banks and quite possibly, the Security and Exchange Commission under whose auspices the oil industry is allowed to flourish and thrive. Throw in a Wall Street corporate law firm of prestigious holdings and vested interests, such as Sullivan and Cromwell, who had situated themselves so strategically and advantageously as to provide a protective umbrella from which to launch, "The Plan," [thank you, Charles Black]. There would be no question of anything ever happening to a money supply vast enough to be needed to sustain a plot of this magnitude. Funding the "money" would be no object to these people.
  7. Once again thank you for the moderators for trying to bring sanity to this forum. However, it does seem that a couple of members seem determined to cause disputes on this forum. I am thinking seriously of putting them on permanent moderation. This means that their postings will not appear on this forum until approved by a moderator. If you do that to me I'll just use the other login I post under: Thomas Graves. ********************************************************** "If you do that to me I'll just use the other login I post under: Thomas Graves." Stop this, right now! Before your credibility is all shot to hell! I am really disappointed that a bright individual, such as yourself, would continue in this vein. And, I am thoroughly disgusted with this culmination of events that have led to the deterioration of a perfectly good topic. Furthermore, I refuse to sit back and witness the "kamikaze" tactics of someone I had wished to have held in higher esteem than this. I must concede, Antti is right, with regard to a waste of bandwidth. Shut it down.
  8. Hi Antti, The whole premise of this thread is based on a call for proof from a topic that was knowingly deleted. To delete this may cause more angst. I could even claim I never gave up moderation (God forbid) and ask for proof. Even to close it now would show that the moderators DO keep bumping into each other etc. that would also mean the topic was closed, opened, deleted/closed. No as I say it's legacy is worth keeping and it does get lots of views. Gary P.S Google caches pages. Whilst Tosh's posts have been deleted, he couldn't delete those posts in which he was quoted by others. See here Pyrhhic victory for some of what was discussed in the first few pages of this current topic. Hope this doesn't ignite any further antipathy, but perhaps will give some closure to the questions posed on the first page of this thread ********************************************************************** I happened to have liked the original topic of this thread, but after looking over the thread, "So how many conspirators..." another good one, by the way, I came to the conclusion that Thomas was clearly engaging in what I would consider to be a case of bird-dogging Myra by bringing up what he considered to be a past transgression, on her part. I failed to see what this had to do with the thread Thomas had started, and it seemed that he might have been a little miffed at Myra's contribution to his thread, possibly prompting him to bring up this point. Yet, I failed to denote any provocation in Myra's tone that could have set him off and am still non-plussed as to what has transpired in this regard. On the other hand, Myra might have been better suited to have allowed this to whither on the vine, instead of making the reference to Graves in the new thread she had started. But, having had a newbie, in the person of David G., present in observation of the bird-dogging incident on Thomas' thread, I can understand Myra's impulse to respond in kind, though in no way am I condoning it. I still can understand the reasoning behind it. As far as my swearing in my description of the Rockefellers, I was merely trying to make light of the situation while attempting to steer the thread back on track. Sorry to have offended anyone, but least of all the @%$#^*~ Rockefellers, I could care less about their feelings, or what they think. Especially, considering the utter disdain they profess to have for the plebes who are the ones paying the taxes to finance their special interests. Isn't that what this thread started out as, to begin with? Thomas Graves Rating: 0 View Member Profile Find Member's Posts post May 13 2007, 01:20 AM Post #7 Advanced Member *** Group: Members Posts: 656 Joined: 20-September 05 Member No.: 3525 QUOTE(Myra Bronstein @ May 12 2007, 09:30 AM) * QUOTE(Thomas Graves @ May 12 2007, 09:28 AM) * What a joke........ Maybe we get out of it what we put into it. _____________________ Yeah My-rah, absolutely.... So, what have you "gotten out of it" so far, other than the fact that you now think William "Tosh" Plumlee was one of the (witting) conspirators and that the CIA is a nasty, nasty organization and that you really really hate this 'n that 'n tuther thang 'bout 'Merika........? --Thomas AND: Thomas Graves Rating: 0 View Member Profile Add as Friend Send Message Find Member's Topics Find Member's Posts post May 13 2007, 11:46 PM Post #16 Advanced Member *** Group: Members Posts: 656 Joined: 20-September 05 Member No.: 3525 QUOTE(Thomas Graves @ May 13 2007, 05:24 PM) * QUOTE(Myra Bronstein @ May 13 2007, 02:38 AM) * [...] I will say that the classic equation "garbage in=garbage out" might explain why you're disappointed with your results. ___________________________ My-ra, How could I possibly be "disappointed with my results" when I've never claimed to have any "results" (except proving that "Larry Florer" really was Larry Florer--FWIW). I'm happy just to sit back and watch the names of individuals and groups and associations of individuals and groups of about 1% of all the American adults who were alive in '63 being thrown out as possible conspirators on this forum and others like it. Keep up the good work! --Thomas icecream.gif P.S. Do you still think "Tosh" Plumlee was one of the conspirators? (I remember his calling you a #@&!$ in his last or next-to-last post. It made my day!) (edited and bumped) _______________________________
  9. ***************************************************************** "QUOTE(Thomas Graves @ May 14 2007, 01:46 AM) * Sorry, Myra. I just caught the date on that [May 14, 20076]. Which thread was that on?
  10. ***************************************************************** Granted. But, Tosh's name should never have been referred to in addressing Graves. This is how some guys will respond to an inference such as that.
  11. ****************************************************************** QUOTE(Thomas Graves @ May 21 2007, 02:41 AM) * QUOTE(Myra Bronstein @ May 21 2007, 12:39 AM) * Ok so I'm reading about John D. Rockefeller's Occasional Letter No.1 "detailing plans to mold the people, reduce national intelligence to the lowest common denominator, destroy parental influence, traditional and customs, and eliminate science and real learning, "in order to perfect human nature." http://www.spiritone.com/~gdy52150/timeline.html The gist is that Rockefeller became an education philanthropist at least in part as a path to a controlled population—a population of "sheeple" customized for optimal ditch digging. Good read/background material here: http://www.sovereignty.net/p/gov/stevenyates-5.html So I'm wondering if President Kennedy's unusually lively intellect, and emphasis on learning, was yet another aspect that infuriated the ruling class. I'm not suggesting that it was a factor in his murder; there were plenty of those factors. His peacenik proclivities alone were enough to do him in. But, has anyone ever come across any evidence, readings, anything to indicate that JFK's love of learning and the arts was something that earned him the enmity of the rulers because they didn't want that mindset to contaminate the carefully cultivated dumbed-down populace? ________________________ Myra, I'm sure you're right. Keep up the good work.... --Thomas ________________________ And I'm sure the Rockefellers would approve of the work you do ToshAS. *********************************************************** "And I'm sure the Rockefellers would approve of the work you do ToshAS." This started out as a great thread. What brought that up, and why?
  12. Tag, you're it ToshASsss Just kidding ThomAS, you're a really really smart guy. Really... ___________________ Yeah, Myra, I confess I helped Tosh kill JFK even though I was only 13 years old at the time.... LOL. --Thomas P.S. To new member David G., if you want to find the pertinent posts between Tosh and Ms. Bee, I suggest that you simply plug in the search term "b****," because that's what Tosh called her right before he left The Forum. Too bad, too, because at that time Tosh was giving us lots of interesting information about his activities and observations on the South Knoll before, during and just after the assassination.... He seemed to think that the fatal shot was fired from the far South end of the underpass/overpass (which makes a lot of sense when one looks at the reports given about JFK's head wound(s) by the doctors/nurses/technicians at Parkland Hospital.) But unfortunately Ms. "Busy Bee," going for "the kill," harassed him to the point of leaving.... ___________________ Psss, David G, It won't do you any good to search on that term because Tosh scrubbed his posts clean before absconding into the abyss. Just FYI. ThomAS seems to be losing his oh so contrived kewlllllll and forgetting that niggling little point about his his hero. ***************************************************** O.K. kids, cut the clowning around. How about getting back to those XXXX Rockefellers? On second thought, carry on. I just got a look at the time. Maybe I'll hit the hay for the rest of the evening, instead. Find me something to laugh about in the morning before I shuffle off to work. Like an edit on my post, maybe? That was fun, Thomas. Good night, folks. Edited language.
  13. ************************************************************ "Flag set post." I've noticed this popping up every so often. What does it stand for? Thanks, Ter It means the update flag wasn't set Terry, so I posted again just to set it. ************************************************************ "It means the update flag wasn't set Terry, so I posted again just to set it." O.K., gotcha. Thanks.
  14. **************************************************************8 "But, has anyone ever come across any evidence, readings, anything to indicate that JFK's love of learning and the arts was something that earned him the enmity of the rulers because they didn't want that mindset to contaminate the carefully cultivated dumbed-down populace?" The only thing I can add, and this is pure speculation on my part, is the fact that it is known that JFK was the more sickly of the brothers in his family, and possibly spent an inordinate amount of time devouring books, as he was wont to do, from the amount of recovery time he was forced to endure in his formative years. This "book-learning" and/or studious aspect of his personality would most likely serve him well in the development of a more mediator stance on the arbitration matters he would be faced with, in the settlement of union issues concerning the miners and steelworkers, during his term in office. I also think it influenced the way he viewed the world and humanity, as a whole, rendering him highly cognizant of the plight of those less fortunate than he. I find those same traits inherent in the personalities of Lincoln, FDR, and Che Guevara, an asthmatic who seems to have spent an exceptional amount of time reading during his formative years, as well. "Ok so I'm reading about John D. Rockefeller's Occasional Letter No.1 "detailing plans to mold the people, reduce national intelligence to the lowest common denominator, destroy parental influence, traditional and customs, and eliminate science and real learning, "in order to perfect human nature." " Therefore, these "book-ish" personality traits, in the leaders I've mentioned above, would seem anathema to the agenda of the Rockefellers, wouldn't you say? And, would remain a thorn in their side until they chose to eliminate it. From a strictly circumstantial P.O.V., of course.
  15. ************************************************************ "Flag set post." I've noticed this popping up every so often. What does it stand for? Thanks, Ter
  16. You have so many ideas about how other people can spend their time on this case BK. Will you be following up on your own suggestions? Myra, I just read Bugliosi's book while on the hopper, and he's got me convinced. I was wrong all along. My instincts betrayed me. All that time wasted. As the Bug says: "...The best course of action for those in the conspiracy community would be to just give up and find a new passion." So no, I won't be following up on my own suggestions. And I'm taking up wine. BK ******************************************************** "I just read Bugliosi's book while on the hopper, and he's got me convinced. I was wrong all along. My instincts betrayed me. All that time wasted." Get outta here, Billy! Surely you jest?
  17. ************************************************************* Thank you, Gil. It was heartening to hear and see Col. Prouty once again, speaking on behalf of Garrison.
  18. ******************************************************************** "So with the damage to my lungs already pervasive and with the unlikeliness of a transplant, I hope the prayers and well-wishes will influence a gentle crossing of the river." T.C., If it's O.K. with Cris, please e-mail me your address? I've got to make this road trip, North. Love always, Ter
  19. **************************************************************** One of the Mississippi Three happened to be Michael Schwerner, my [New Rochelle High School] Biology teacher's son, from Pelham, NY. A friend of my family's. The report of the three Civil Rights workers bodies having been found in a shallow grave in Mississippi happened to have appeared in both the New Rochelle Standard Star, and the New York Times newspapers, in June 1964, coinciding with, and around the same time those ridiculous sketches of the "magic bullet's" trajectory through JFK's body were released from the Warren Commission Report [Lie]. So, between watching LHO request an attorney, and not being supplied with so much as a Public Defender, from the time of his arrest on November 22, 1963, to his death by gunshot wound to the abdomen on November 23, 1963. Then, after witnessing the funeral of my beloved President, observing the rapid escalation of the Vietnam War in 1964, only to be told with crudely drawn sketches, that this was how my President was killed, and to assume I was stupid enough to accept this scientifically absurd, logistic, and ballistic impossibility, no let me rephrase that, implausibility, known as the ''magic bullet." Couple this with the brutal death of a friend of my family's, who had been working to ensure the voting rights of Black American citizens, rights that should have been "a given," and were supposedly "guaranteed" a hundred years hence, by the Fourteenth Amendment, following the Civil War in 1865. Well, that was what you could term, "the end of the innocence," occurring within that seven month time span, in my faith and trust in the United States government. These events, their images, and the culmination thereof, would follow me for the rest of my life, indelibly influencing my social and political views. ******************************************************************** BULLETIN! BULLETIN! STOP THE PRESSES! Thank you Kathleen, for your timely, watch-dog response. I will leave the error in place, bold in red, for all to witness my slip-shod attempts at recollection. Your "Kathy-On-The-Spot" award for efforts at maintaining journalistic integrity, is on the way. _________________________________________ Typographical Error ( From: Kathleen Collins ) Terry, I just want to tell you in your post on dead witnesses that you wrote LHO was killed...Nov.23. It was Nov. 24. Kathy Kathleen Collins is a member of the Members group and has 262 posts. Sent on: Today, 08:29 PM _________________________________________ Kathleen Collins is our on-site winning recipient of "The Hedda Hopper-Louella Parsons Award" for Journalistic Excellence!
  20. I have just got back from the Scottish Highlands where I have been investigating the death on 25th August 1942, of Prince George, Duke of Kent, the fourth son of King George V. He was killed when his aircraft crashed into Eagles Rock near Dunbeath, Caithness, Scotland. He was the first member of the British Royal Family to be killed on active military service for 500 years. His death is shrouded in mystery. The official report into his death has never been published. In fact, the government claim that it has disappeared from the archives. I believe that Prince George was assassinated by the British intelligence services on the orders of Winston Churchill. Prince George was one of many people murdered as part of a cover-up operation. It is a story that also involves Allen Dulles and the US intelligence services. It is also a story that involved a trial run for the MKULTRA project and therefore provides insights into the JFK Assassination. This cover-up has been so successful that historians have been unable to write an accurate account of the Second World War. In fact, when the full story is told, Winston Churchill reputation will be in tatters. Churchill once said: “History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.” He did. He was also in the position to destroy the evidence that contradicted the Churchill myth. That included ordering the assassination of people like Prince George of Kent. One of the reasons that the creation of the Churchill myth has been so successful is that it appeals to the vanity of the British people. Churchill’s message was not only of his own courage but that of those willing to fight by his side against tyranny and injustice. As a result, British historians have been reluctant to question the reality of Churchill's actions between 1930 and 1945. No doubt my postings will upset some British members. I will be telling this story over the next few weeks. Hopefully other members will join in the investigation. You will find this debate here: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=10003 ***************************************************************************** "One of the reasons that the creation of the Churchill myth has been so successful is that it appeals to the vanity of the British people. Churchill’s message was not only of his own courage but that of those willing to fight by his side against tyranny and injustice. As a result, British historians have been reluctant to question the reality of Churchill's actions between 1930 and 1945. No doubt my postings will upset some British members." FWIW. In "Secret Team" Col. L. Fletcher Prouty reveals some shifty aspects of Churchill's personality, and in effect, Churchill's participation in creating the Cold War hysteria following World War II, by naming the countries in the Soviet bloc, as being "behind The Iron Curtain." A born elitist fascist, as far as I'm concerned, Sir Winston Churchill.
  21. **************************************************************************** "WE begin with a most excellent subject, which somehow gets directed toward one tangent. This tangent or singular small aspect of the general subject, which is usually not terribly important within itself, "consumes" the original importance of the subject." You and John Dolva have brought up some excellent points, in this regard. I appreciate your suggestions on focusing the topic at hand, and John's ideas on which aspects would deem the more productive as far as rendering results in the form of data gathering are concerned. Especially on a particular individual, such as a DeMohrenschildt, or a Roselli, both of whom were considered to be viable "assets."
  22. **************************************************************** One of the Mississippi Three happened to be Michael Schwerner, my [New Rochelle High School] Biology teacher's son, from Pelham, NY. A friend of my family's. The report of the three Civil Rights workers bodies having been found in a shallow grave in Mississippi happened to have appeared in both the New Rochelle Standard Star, and the New York Times newspapers, in June 1964, coinciding with, and around the same time those ridiculous sketches of the "magic bullet's" trajectory through JFK's body were released from the Warren Commission Report [Lie]. So, between watching LHO request an attorney, and not being supplied with so much as a Public Defender, from the time of his arrest on November 22, 1963, to his death by gunshot wound to the abdomen on November 23, 1963. Then, after witnessing the funeral of my beloved President, observing the rapid escalation of the Vietnam War in 1964, only to be told with crudely drawn sketches, that this was how my President was killed, and to assume I was stupid enough to accept this scientifically absurd, logistic, and ballistic impossibility, no let me rephrase that, implausibility, known as the ''magic bullet." Couple this with the brutal death of a friend of my family's, who had been working to ensure the voting rights of Black American citizens, rights that should have been "a given," and were supposedly "guaranteed" a hundred years hence, by the Fourteenth Amendment, following the Civil War in 1865. Well, that was what you could term, "the end of the innocence," occurring within that seven month time span, in my faith and trust in the United States government. These events, their images, and the culmination thereof, would follow me for the rest of my life, indelibly influencing my social and political views.
  23. ******************************************************* I somehow seemed to have missed this thread when it started. As I read through it, one fact remained blatantly clear, and that was the direct violation of The Geneva Accords, the Bay of Pigs, as well as the assignment of those supposed "advisers" to SEA from the late 1950's through the culmination of the Vietnam "conflict." Training of foreign nationals, on their own soil, for potential invasion of another country. A former French colony, regardless of whether they asked us for assistance or not, we still proceeded to insert ourselves in their civil war under the guise of that time-worn excuse, "protecting the free world from Communism." And, to this day, we continue to allow the C.I.A. to interfere, or engage, if you will, on behalf of Wall Street, for the soul purpose of extracting a targetted nation's resources, be it their natural resources, or their sweat-shop laboring human resources. Only now, the rapidly becoming time-worn excuse is that we're "protecting the free world from Islamic "terrorists."" The United States and its mother country, The United Kingdom, continue to violate the rules and regulations of engagement agreed upon, and drawn up, as a direct result of the abuses inflicted upon the rights of humans, the conditions under which people were allowed to engage in mortal combat, and that no nation state's constitutional rights be infringed upon, or seized by empirical means. These rights were set forth in The Geneva Accords following the Second World War. The violations of these accords continue unabated by the very nations who contributed the time and effort to draft them in the first place. _________________________________ Hi Terry, Great post. I agree. BTW, I think you meant to say "sole purpose" rather than "soul purpose." (lol) I always look forward to your posts. Really! --Thomas _________________________________ ********************************************************** "BTW, I think you meant to say "sole purpose" rather than "soul purpose." (lol) HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH! Hey, that's hysterical! Talk about a case of "hoof 'n' mouth" disease. Thanks, Thomas. The more left-brained I become, the more my spelling tends to suffer. It's funny because when I see the word, "sole" I immediately think of filet of sole. Jeez, can you imagine? I've probably been totally disregarding the spelling of "sole" in favor of "soul" because I think it's a fish! And, at least for the last couple of years! Gad! I need a change of scene. But damn, that was a good laugh!
  24. ******************************************************* I somehow seemed to have missed this thread when it started. As I read through it, one fact remained blatantly clear, and that was the direct violation of The Geneva Accords, the Bay of Pigs, as well as the assignment of those supposed "advisers" to SEA from the late 1950's through the culmination of the Vietnam "conflict." Training of foreign nationals, on their own soil, for potential invasion of another country. A former French colony, regardless of whether they asked us for assistance or not, we still proceeded to insert ourselves in their civil war under the guise of that time-worn excuse, "protecting the free world from Communism." And, to this day, we continue to allow the C.I.A. to interfere, or engage, if you will, on behalf of Wall Street, for the soul purpose of extracting a targetted nation's resources, be it their natural resouces, or their sweat-shop laboring human resources. Only now, the rapidly becoming time-worn excuse is that we're "protecting the free world from Islamic "terrorists."" The United States and its mother country, The United Kingdom, continue to violate the rules and regulations of engagement agreed upon, and drawn up, as a direct result of the abuses inflicted upon the rights of humans, the conditions under which people were allowed to engage in mortal combat, and that no nation state's constitutional rights be infringed upon, or seized by empirical means. These rights were set forth in The Geneva Accords following the Second World War. The violations of these accords continue unabated by the very nations who contributed the time and effort to draft them in the first place.
  25. For the record, I don't think Karyn's murder has any relevance to the JFK assassination, but some folks do, so that's why it is being discussed here. I don't think Karyn committed suicide, but some folks do, so that's why her personal life is being discussed, too. I think Ms. Mauro is mainly reacting to Kathy's tone, and that's fair. --Paul ************************************************************ Thank you for your reply, Professor Fecteau. It's not so much Ms. Collin's tone, as her lack of cohesiveness in attempting to tie Kupcinet's death to the assassination with what strikes me as nothing less than what Jacqueline Kennedy once used to described gossip columnists, or newspaper paparazzi with the term, "harpies." That "harpy-esque" quality inherent in groundless, or baseless hearsay, employed mainly to draw-in those unsuspecting, or "uninformed" minds, seeking to be "in-the-know," if you will. Possibly similar to a form of witless, or unintentional, distribution of dis or mis-information? Yet, strictly for the purpose of targetting or attracting a level of mindset, or sector of society interested in that form of news gathering. Unfortunately, a sad reflection on the intelligence quotient of present day U.S. society, in light of the sales generated by that form of, what used to be classified as, "yellow" journalism. And, if that is representative of what the term, "tone" is, relative to a particular style? Then, I'd have to say, you're right on the mark.
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