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Ventura doesn't need credibility because the evidence supports what he said. Marina Oswald was originally uncooperative with the FBI. "....they were implying that if she did not cooperate with the FBI agent there, that this would perhaps–I say, again, I am implying–in so many words, that they would perhaps deport her from the United States and back to Russia." ( Testimony of Robert Oswald in 1 H 410 ) June was born in Russia and Rachel in the US, making her a US citizen. Had Marina been deported, she would never see Rachel again. They didn't fly an INS agent all the way from New York just to tell her she'd have more rights in the US than in Russia. She KNEW that. Marina Oswald was being threatened with deportation if she didn't tell the FBI what they wanted to hear. For the sake of her children, she went along. I find what Jesse Ventura said totally consistent with that. That makes him, IMO, credible ( at least in this instance ). And it makes Marina Oswald's testimony uncredible.
One thing I find interesting about the fake Hidell ID is that it contains the exact same photo as Oswald's military ID.
Anyone travelling internationally in 1963 had to have a certificate saying they were vaccinated against smallpox.
To answer the question posed, yes Oswald was truly innocent. The proof of that lies in the way the Dallas Police handled Oswald, the way they handled the evidence and the way they handled the witnesses. www.gil-jesus.com
Thank you.
There's another reason why the CIA would want the records to remain classified: survival. The motive ( I believe ) behind the assassination. If the Agency's involvement is finally revealed, it would result in a public outcry to have it disbanded. People lose their jobs. The Agency loses its ability to influence who rules foreign countries and here at home. American corporations abroad are at the mercy of the host state. Whether we realize it or not, the CIA is the most powerful US government agency because its influence reaches far beyond our borders. It's true that in a dangerous world the US needs an intelligence agency with the means to provide information that will assist the President with important decisions. But what it doesn't need is an agency that chooses who that President is. It doesn't need an agency whose tactics include assassination of its duly elected leaders. And it doesn't need an agency actively engaged in brainwashing the public. And yes, the public is brainwashed. They're brainwashed into believing that a biological male who says he is a female, is the same as a female and thus can compete in women's sports. As a result, women are getting destroyed by "trans women" in their own sports. Why not give the trans their own sports ? Why not give the trans their own restrooms ? Doesn't that make more sense than allowing biological men into ladies rooms used by 8 year old girls ? People are brainwashed into believing that a male can get pregnant, but fail to show us an example. Show us someone born of a male. They're brainwashed into believing that a 3 or 4 year old is mature enough to understand the consequences and risks of sex change and is capable of choosing his or her sex, when in fact a kid can't even make the right choice between Oreo cookies and $10,000. But they can make a choice so life changing as sex change ? People are ready to lop off a kid's penis just because he likes the color pink or he plays with dolls. It's ridiculous. The problem isn't with the kids, it's with the adults. People were brainwashed into believing the COVID-19 "vaccine" prevented them from catching the virus. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1139513946631676 That was a lie. The "vaccine" never prevented infection or transmission. It only lessened the severity of the infection. Fear of death caused people to accept having this "vaccine" injected into their bodies without knowing what the side effects were or how it would affect them in the long term. It's as chilling as the scene from "The Manchurian Candidate" when Raymond Shaw kills Bobby Lembeck without any thought, just because he was told to. How many Raymond Shaws ended up Bobby Lembecks ? I know a guy who got the vaccine and was dead three weeks later from COVID. And now young people ( especially athletes ) are suddenly dropping dead at a rate never seen before. The fact that the drug companies were absolved of total liability for the development of these vaccines by Trump is one of the mistakes I believe he made during his administration. It never should have been rushed into production. I'm not against vaccines. I get my flu shot every year. But it'll be a cold day in hell when I put something in my body that isn't approved by the FDA or that I haven't been warned what the side effects are. Especially for a virus with a 99.97 % chance of survival. And the "my body, my choice" crowd seemed to abandon that philospohy when it came to taking the COVID vaccine. All of a sudden, those who chose not to get the vaccine were demonized as selfish and blamed for the spread of the virus, ( "A pandemic of the unvaccinated" -- Joe Biden ) even though they knew the vaccine didn't stop transmission. Will common sense ever make a comeback ? Who knows ? Maybe sometime, in the future, some little innocent kid will challenge us to think for ourselves by yelling out that the Emperor has no clothes. Until that day comes, half the country will continue to believe what they're told. Just like the Warren Commission supporters. I'll leave you with this final thought: If we live in a country where we can no longer decide what we will put into our bodies, choose for whom we will vote, question authority or express our opinions without being demonized, then freedom is an illusion that our grandchildren and great grandchildren will never know and this country is no longer the land of the free. And that America died on November 22, 1963.
And that's a fact. I got a kick out of Schiff claiming that Trump told Zelenski, "don't call me, I'll call you." I wondered, who talks like that ? Like a mafia kingpin ? So I obtained a copy of the transcript of that call and read it, and Trump said no such thing. What Trump DID ask Zelensky to do was to investgate why the prosecutor who was investigating Biden's son's company was fired. Schiff's whole version of the exchange was received by a third party who allegedly was listening in on the call. You wanna talk misinformation. The whole thing ended up being a lie. Even Zelensky said so at the time. The Democrat House took the allegation as fact and either a.) never corroborated it, or b.) knew it wasn't true and went ahead anyway out of hatred for the guy. Either way, the phone call was the basis for the first impeachment. My God, even Constitutional expert and famed attorney Alan Dershowitz, a lifelong liberal, came to Trump's defense. What does that tell you ? Do you have to be a "Trump fan" to stick up for what's right ? Of course not.
When the topic is Trump, expect no less. Yes, he's a polarizing figure but the hatred he draws from people seems to only have been since 2016. Here's a thought: what if all this anti-Trump hatred is directly connected to his original promise to release the files ? Why is the power elite so scared of this guy ? Why do they want to keep him out of the White House ? Is it because the President has the final say on the release of the files ? "If they showed you what they showed me, you wouldn't release them either." -- Trump to Judge Napolitano. He was convinced by his CIA Director Pompeo to not release the files. Apparently, since the attempt on his own life, he's had a change of heart. This makes him even more dangerous to the deep state now. He won't be deferred this time. My question is: What the hell is in those files that is so devastating to the country that they must never be seen by the public ? I mean how bad could it be ? LBJ ? The Mafia ? The Russians ? Castro ? The Secret Service ? These are all theories that have been floated over the years. Do any of them sound like they'd destroy the country ? Not to me. The only reason to hide these files is that they implicate the CIA in the assassination.
For all of the heat he took during the Clay Shaw trial, Jim Garrison had it right. The CIA and its allies killed JFK. Now, whether Clay Shaw was part of the framing of Oswald in New Orleans in the summer of '63, I don't know. But Garrison was looking in the right direction when he set his sights on the CIA. Public disclosure that Garrison was talking to David Ferrie cost Ferrie his life. Garrison was too close. They bugged his office, they discussed how to help the Shaw defense, and they planted spies in Garrsion's office to steal his files. Oliver Stone's "JFK" may have been dramatic in some parts and made some mistakes, but its basic premise was correct. The CIA killed John Kennedy. After it succeeded in replacing Kennedy with Johnson, its Vietnam war (" hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today ? " ) ended up ousting Johnson ( the CIA giveth and the CIA taketh away ) and its break-in at the Watergate Hotel ended up with Richard Nixon resigning. Forget Iran, Guatemala, the Congo or the Dominican. Things were going good for the CIA in America. It got Gerald Ford in the White House without a single vote. That's right, the same Gerald Ford who sat on the Commission that absolved the CIA of any participation on the assassination. Nice reward. It got rid of Jimmy Carter via the Iran Hostage event ( 1979 -- Carter resisted going to war ) and got its former agency head chosen as Reagan's VP. Then, with George H.W. in the on-deck-circle, Reagan is shot, almost killed, but ole Georgie wins the Presidency on his own in '88. With the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the "Deep state" began a turn to the left. America has lost a powerful adversary in the USSR and the CIA looks for the next "Boogeyman". It takes 10 years for that next adversary to arise via the 9/11 attacks, but when it does, it begins a 20-year odyssey of war in the middle east and Afghanistan. In 2008, with the election of Barack Obama, the US took a sharp turn further to the left. The CIA, the Military-Industrial complex and the National Security state have all had a field day since the assassination of JFK. The American war machine has netted billions of dollars for its defense contractors. New weapons systems can now be battlefield tested. Today at home, the US Dept. of Justice ( including the FBI ) is a weaponized arm of the Democrat Party. The Party's propaganda mouthpiece is the Mainstream Media. They'll tell you who to like and who to hate. The Secret Service is only able of providing adequate protection to those members of the Party. Not Trump, not RFK Jr.. Thank God Biden and Harris are safe. <sarcasm> I'm sounding like I'm talking about the old Soviet Union or maybe reading from Orwell's 1984. But it's true. Everything I've said can be verified. Today, the country is as divided as it was in 1960. My hope is that someone will come forward and bring us together.
Thank you Ben. Nor should anyone else. I'm such a Trump fan I voted for Dukakis, Clinton twice, Gore, Kerry, Obama twice, and Hillary. In other words, I voted DEMOCRAT in every Presidential election since 1988, a span of 32 years. How's that for a right-winger ? How's that for a Trump fan ? No, I call them the way I see them. I vote for the policies. Not the person, not the party, but the policies. Whose policies are the best for the country ? That's how I vote. I see Trump as an outsider whose not part of the political "swamp". Is he perfect ? Absolutely not. The man says things sometimes that makes me cringe. He calls people names. He's not polished. He strays from the text. He uses words like pu**y in private, and others like sh*t and bullsh*t at his rallies. In my life, I've heard little kids use words far worse while playing basketball. He's just a regular guy who happens to be a billionaire. But no American citizen in history has been subjected to the scutiny Donald Trump has undergone. Think about it. Donald Trump was impeached twice just for the sake of destroying his reputation and place in history. Richard Nixon actually committed a crime and was never impeached. Think about that. Think about also the fact that Joe Biden left the Taliban 85 billion dollars in US military equipment, which could be interpreted as "aiding and abetting the enemy" a condition for a charge of treason. But Biden was never impeached. Had Trump done that, he certainly would have been impeached. In violation of the law, Joe Biden brought home sensitive documents while he was Vice President. He was never charged. But Trump was charged for the same "crime" and it took the Supreme Court to rule that he broke no law. This targeting of Trump has gone on ever since his inauguration. If people can't see the similarities between the hatred for Trump and the hatred for Kennedy in 1963, then I guess you'll never know what happened in Dallas. Like a woman with a checked past, you can love America for what she's become, or you can hate her for what she used to be. The choice is yours. If your hatred for one man is more than your love for your country, then you're part of the problem.