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D Letouzey

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Posts posted by D Letouzey

  1. "Can History be Open Source? Wikipedia and the Future of the Past"

    An excellent paper from Roy Rosenzweig* (CHNM (Centre for History and New Media, George Mason U). Worth reading, and maybe discussing.


    The first part recalls the Wikipedia 's success story, which challenges the authority of the professional historians.

    The second tries to determine the accuracy of Wikipedia : he compares entries in Wikipedia with Microsoft's online resource Encarta and American National Biography Online (read his comment on the Lincoln entry).

    The third one discusses the historians' implications :

    « Should those who write history for a living join such popular history makers in writing history in Wikipedia? My own tentative answer is YES".

    "Can the wiki way foster the collaborative creation of historical knowledge?" YES

    A comment in French : http://clioweb.free.fr/debats/wikirr.htm

    A "translation" is on the way.

    If you are bilingual, you may help us in this project.


  2. Roy Rosenzweig vient de publier un article très documenté sur

    Les historiens et Wikipédia.

    "Can History be Open Source? Wikipedia and the Future of the Past."


    La traduction/adaptation en français est en cours.


    Pour voir l'avancement du travail en cours :


    Merci de venir nous aider dans la relecture.


  3. The curriculum says,

    "1 - Bilan et mémoires de la Seconde Guerre mondiale

    Après avoir étudié les conséquences du conflit dans l'immédiat après-guerre - sans se limiter aux pertes humaines et aux destructions matérielles -, on présente l'émergence de différentes mémoires de la période de la guerre au sein de la société française".

    (only for students who have choosen economy or litterature as a main subject)

    see (in French) : http://clioweb.free.fr/dossiers/39-45/hm2gm2.htm


  4. -

    With respect, Sir Max, is it accurate to say the Germans murdered Irène Némirovsky?

    She died of typhus, according to this reference. Typhus was known to be rife in some of the German concentration camps

    Sid Walker seems to play words.

    In the nazi propaganda, deportes and Jews died naturally.

    Do you, in "a normal society", live in the nazi way of treating those they wanted to kill ?

    in this page (in French), see Robert Antelme 's la soupe, or Raphael Esrail 's account



    A couple of years ago I visited the Museum of Resistance in Toulouse. It was the bravest museum I have ever visited. It was no surprise that the museum, although free to enter, was deserted. The curator, who gave us an excellent tour of the museum, pointed out that it was not popular with local people

    I understand John's remarks. Serge Ravanel has written how the resistants were left aside by de Gaulle visiting Toulouse in 1944. But I should add that a huge work have been done by historians on the history of Resistance, both in France and in Europe. And now, we benefit from a hindsight view: in the 1960s, every French was supposed to have fought the nazis ; in 1970s, every French has "collaborated". All this is far more complex, depending on the date, the region, the social context, the political choice...


  5. Pour amorcer ces échanges, 4 adresses en français, qui ouvrent sur beaucoup d'autres :

    - Sur Clioweb, sont regroupées les principales ressources mentionnées dans la Chronique, et utilisées en classe.

    - La Chronique internet

    Tous les articles rédigés pour la revue Historiens et Géographes sont disponibles en ligne.

    - Les Clionautes, Clio-Collège, Clio- Lycée


    - Le site développé par Gilles Badufle :


    - Le site de Jean-Philippe Raud-Dugal :



  6. Pour autant que le modérateur de cette section l’accepte

    Aucun problème.

    Juste un détail : l'assassinat de Kennedy a une place modeste, aussi bien dans l'histoire enseignée en France que sur les forums d'histoire francophone .


  7. I have read the Toulouse presentations.

    Thank to all of you.

    In my next Internet Chronicle (Historiens & Geographes), I have quoted the titles :


    2 questions :

    - Is there on this Forum a general entry to summarise all these issues ?

    If not, can we start one ?

    Create innovative online history resources in a  multilingual/second language context.

    - How does E-Help plan to cope with the european languages (25 ?) ?

    Las january, I have written this paper on "Internet in French secondary schools" : http://hgtice.free.fr/revues/rygiel.htm

    How can I get it translated to Hungarian, or ... English for instance ?


  8. I don't spealk polish, just french.

    I have got some answers to my yesterday message, and I have put them online : http://clioweb.free.fr/peda/manuelf1.htm

    For our generation, it seems difficult not to mix textbooks and multimedia tools. Even if one of the teachers should be pleased to send away all textbooks.

    In geography, case studies are part of the teaching.

    This is an easier way for a start. It is possible to find effective websites on a limited subject : I have already quoted this one : http://www.mondes-normands.caen.fr/

    On a different approach, I am using the marvellous Web Gallery of Art (Emil Kren and Daniel Marx) to teach the Renaissance Art.

    Have you seen these 3 David ?

    Donatello - 1409, 1430 : http://www.wga.hu/html/d/donatell/1_early/david/index.html

    Verrochio - 1473-75 : http://www.wga.hu/html/v/verocchi/sculptur/index.html

    Michel-Ange - 1504 : http://www.wga.hu/html/m/michelan/1sculptu/david/index.html

  9. I have used this interesting seminar to write and send some questions to my fellow teachers on the H-Francais list :


    I shall translate just 3 :

    - What is your point of view ?

    A teacher using a new tool sold by a publisher ?

    An author having to imagine and organise pedagogical activities, to write the scientific content, to select useful documents, and to work with full-time programmers ?

    - How do you see the relationship between these multimedia tools and the textbooks we are using ? In France, these textbooks have several uses. They can help the student who discovers a subject. Can these new tools combine this with new ways of learning ?

    ( at my school, some students have had to write a project.

    To do this, they have found a book. They have scanned an image of the cover. But they have forgot to read the book. :ph34r:

    - How do these multimedia schoolbooks take in account the students 'needs and levels ? It should be useful to have 2 or more entries on each subject, one for a quick reading, another for a deeper study.

    An important study has been made by the FING :



  10. Sales picked up a bit during 2001-2003, but now they have reached a record low.

    How does one explain this trend?

    You blame "free resources that can be obtained via the Internet ".

    I shall agree with a website like "Les mondes normands".


    But you know that education is a craft, either individual or collective.

    Internet is a perfect tool to exchange on school practises, and to experiment ways which do not need to be perfect at a start. Several presentations focus on this aspect.

    I do agree with their authors.

    And I shall add 3 details :

    - Some cederoms are made and sold by institutions who don't really seem to know what is Education. They use a "push" technique whereas internet relies more on "pull".

    - Some cederom contents can be very disappointing from a teaching POV.

    - Their price and the limitation of copyright are usually exorbitant for a school budget.

    In some cases, computing seems to be used as a toll on education.


  11. Very few teachers have tried using CD-ROMs; nor do they appear particularly keen to introduce the Internet into the classroom.
    In order to help teachers adopt these new teaching methods, we felt that teaching assistance needed to be introduced. These training personnel could only be provided in cooperation with other institutions specialised in teacher training.
  12. If I may, as I miss money to buy expensive softwares,

    at school, I use 2 types :

    - "Free softwares", for example :

    . OpenOffice as a wordprocessor, spreadsheet, multimedia presentations.

    . Firefox as a browser...

    - Online teaching applications :

    for instance, Geoclip : http://www.geoclip.net/fr/p14_themes.htm

    Sorry to have miss the Colomiers meeting. Hope to see you some other day.


  13. "TICE, veut dire "Technologies de l'information et de la communication pour l'enseignement", dans ce vocable, les termes "information", et " communication l'ont emporté ces derniers temps". La notion de "Traitement de l'information" a totalement disparu".

    Cette analyse de Pascal Boyries a nourri des échanges sur la liste H-Français.

    Mon point de vue, un parmi d'autres : http://hgtice.free.fr/peda/traiter.htm


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