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D Letouzey

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Posts posted by D Letouzey

  1. My name is Daniel Letouzey, and I teach history and geography in Vire, a small town in the west part of Normandy.

    I am one of the active members of H-Francais, the leading mailing list on teaching H & G.

    Since 1997, I have been in charge of an Internet Chronicle, which is published in "Historiens & Géographes" the professionnal magazine.

    In French, you can get information from http://aphgcaen.free.fr

    the regional branch of the APHG (Teachers association)

    My personal website is quite heavy (more than 60 Mo, mainly texts).

    In it, I try to mix printed sources and internet resources.


    2 recent papers :



    I try to build a bridge between the French and the English Internet, being active on Schoolhistory (Seminar Teaching History in France) and on SLN Geography


  2. just "do it".

    "the tale of little Teddy Stoddard and his inspirational teacher, Mrs. Thompson, is a work of fiction. The original story, which first appeared in significantly different form in the magazine Home Life in 1976, was written by Elizabeth Silance Ballard (now Elizabeth Ungar) and called "Three Letters from Teddy."

    "the only Stoddard connected with Iowa Methodist Hospital in Des Moines was Dr. John Stoddard, who died in 1998".



  3. This website you will find the entire copy of the indexes of Birth, Marriages and Deaths for England and Wales from 1837 to the 2002.

    "This is a 'pay-per-view' web site - Please see our section on payment for further details"


  4. one more tip (from my son Pierre) :

    - you may copy knoppix onto your harddisk

    create a C:\KNOPPIX

    copy the knoppix file (~600 Mo)

    - in french, you type :

    "knoppix lang=fr fromhd"

    you still have to let the cdrom to boot, but it is working faster, of course.

    you can also store your config for a next use.

    It was very simple to use with the school network (if you know the usual informations on dnl, gateway...).

    I needed my son 's help to use it with an adsl connection.



  5. The 60th anniversary of the D-Day has been an important event.

    It shows again the difference between history and memory.

    Lots of resources have been published, either on prints, on video, on internet.

    Some photos taken 50 miles from the Landing beaches.

    Vire was destroyed on June 6th (350 civilians were killed by the bombings).

    The town has celebrated again its "liberators" from the US 29th infantry division



  6. - Marc Bloch :

    Un colloque est organisé à l'université de Londres, le 16 juin 2004 :

    "A Celebration of his life and legacy on the 60th anniversary of his death"

    (He was arrested, tortured and shot by the nazis at Saint-Didier-de-Formans (Ain) on June 16th, 1944)

    Queen Mary, University of London (annonce H-France)

    Les actes seront probablement publiés.


    - Plusieurs documentaires sont diffusés en ce moment,

    dont Eté 44,

    et Oradour, retour sur un massacre


    sur Oradour : http://www.oradour.org/cadres.asp?nav=m&moz=60

    Sarah Bennett Farmer - Oradour-sur-Glane: Village martyr in the Landscape of memory, 1944-1991 - 1993

    - Dans la presse :

    . Les bombardés de Saint-Lô ( LM, 01/06)


    . D-Day veterans (The Guardian, cité par John ) :


    . Allemands de retour en terre de guerre (Libération 2/6/04)


    Vire, la ville où je travaille, après les bombardements du 6 juin 1944 :



  7. Le Cercle d'étude de la déportation et de la Shoah comporte des comptes rendus

    de conférences (Enseigner la Shoah, Le témoin, les archives, Les Justes, Le sauvetage des enfants...).

    La prochaine conférence, en juin, portera sur le sort des Tsiganes.

    A voir également la sélection d'adresses Internet :


    J'ai également modifié la présentation d'une vingtaine de photos prises en mars 2001 à Auschwitz-Birkenau :


  8. "I don't think for a second that banning the wearing of religious symbols or items of dress is the answer"

    The issues are far more important than a simple item of dress.

    Thanks to all for this comparative thread, and particularly to Laurent and Jean-Philippe for the analysis of the French situation.

    These complex matters, mainly political, are to be dealt with at a muti-scale level (globalisation, immigration consequences on Europe…).

    Several remarks and questions :

    - "As a socialist I value equality over religious freedom"

    “ religious freedom”, or “clergies"‘s rule on societies ? ( what is the word for clergywomen ? )

    In a democracy, what should be the legitimity of any clergy (a shrinking body in France, at least since 1965) to rule our political system ?

    In European countries, how long did it take to go from religious wars to tolerance, from tolerance to “ liberté de conscience” ? Erasme, Milton, Voltaire, Victor Hugo... have written useful texts.


    For the European museum to open in 2007, K Pomian opposes 2 groups :

    “ Celle qui en reste toujours à une assimilation de l'Europe à la Chrétienté, et dont les porte-parole font semblant de ne pas voir l'apport des Lumières, pour ne pas avoir à dire que cet apport n'est, selon eux, que négatif. Et celle pour qui l'Europe est à tel point une oeuvre des Lumières que ses partisans ne souffrent même pas qu'on mentionne son passé chrétien”


    - "I see the hijab as something that has the potential to emancipate women not subjugate them. The hijab takes away issues of beauty"

    Ulricke has answered.

    I thought sophisms was just an old Greek technique.

    It seems to be still in use in our world.

    Would you mean that the issues of beauty are not part of human life ?

    Ancient history, part of our inheritage, proves the reverse.

    - " Her main point in the article was that there is a fundamental conflict between our commitment to gender equality and the desire to respect the customs of minority cultures and religions"

    How long did it take, in western democracies, for women to get their political, social, personal rights ?

    - " the minority Anglican sect has a privileged position in education"

    Can we, as a teacher, oversimplify our human life, and limit it, as some medias do, to a mere religious background? Laurent has suggested many historical, economic, social, personal readings of our individual behaviours.

    To conclude, in 1993, most geographers disagreed with Samuel P. Huntington ‘s Clash of Civilizations.

    In 2004, a religious led politics may put the world at risk again .

  9. Daniel Arasse, French historian and art historian, died last december.

    You can listen to him on France Culture, "histoires de peintures",

    or read his books.

    From his chapter "Le regard de l'escargot", in "On n'y voit rien" (Denoel), I have written this webpage (in french).



    If one of you has time to translate this short text, please send me a message.


  10. In what way were they guilty of the crimes committed by their government? The same is true of the inhabitants of Frankfurt and Dresden. It seems these people had already suffered enough from having a barbaric government.


    Do you mean that all the evil lies just on some leaders ?

    That Hitler alone killed by himself more than 5 millions Jews and nearly 20 millions Russians ??

    How do you make war without the active cooperation of ordinary men ?

    How do you run concentration camps without active railwaymen in all occupied Europe ? During the Papon trial, french historians used the word " crime de bureau".


  11. On such a complex matter, 2 simple questions :

    - why, in the Frankfurt city centre, a short memorial text, describing the german victims of the allied bombing, says nothing about the nazi regime ?

    - why, after Hiroshima, did Japan tried to be seen as a victim, hiding his role in the outbreak of WW2 ?

    Vichy propaganda used these bombings. About Rouen, a poster said :

    "Les assassins reviennent toujours sur le lieu de leurs crimes".

    A Disney-like cartoon suggests that these bombings killed people who supported the allied camp.

    There may be 2 dangers to avoid :

    - revisionnism, in changing aggressors into victims

    - anachronism, if we question history with today standards.


  12. France-Culture rend hommage à Daniel Arasse en rediffusant 25 entretiens d'environ 20 mn chacun.

    3 exemples :- la 17, à propos des Ménines par Velasquez, l'historien de l'art face au philosophe Michel Foucault.

    Suite de la réflexion sur l'anachronisme, sur l'outillage mental d'une époque

    une copie du tableau en ligne :


    - la 4 sur les liens entre l'histoire de la perspective et l'histoire politique de Florence

    - la 2 sur La Joconde


    Une série passionnante, même si la radio n'est pas le média le mieux adapté à l'histoire de l'art

    Pour compléter cette approche, à propos de la Renaissance, j'ai utilisé le chapitre

    "le regard de l'escargot", dans on n'y voit rien (Denoel) :



  13. For those who read French, I have published, on the web, abstracts from a conference on 14-18 : Armées, Combats, Sociétés (France, Grande-Bretagne, Allemagne), by Antoine Prost , a well-known French historian :


    To become a teacher, students have to work on "Les sociétés, la guerre et la paix (1911-1946)". The dominant historical view is that 14-18 was the mould of WW2 atrocities.

    2 side questions :

    - What role has George L Mosse's books in history teaching in your country ?

    - Can we teach that violence has a different status in Germany between 1914 and 1924, and in France or England at the same dates ?

    write and rewrite recommendations to historians and publishing houses

    3 comments on this debate :

    - Recommendations may be useful in some cases.

    But it may be difficult to avoid bureaucracy or political issues.

    - in fact, we may differentiate 2 cases :

    . past wars, which may no longer affect education - France-Germany, Napoleon vs England

    . present conflicts : it is nearly impossible to set a quiet discussion on Middle East issues on this forum ; I have seen another quarrel between Turks and Armenians.

    In such a case, a very strong political will is necessary. Adenauer and Schumann, Adenauer and de Gaulle are good examples.


  14. patriotism/nationalism/chauvinism

    3 remarks :

    -Difficult subject. We can rely on the 1871 War between France and Germany, and the debate among historians about Alsace-Lorraine.

    We may oppose 2 visions :

    . one which makes the link between a land, a people and democracy. "La nation est un plébiscite de tous les jours( Ernest Renan)."


    . another one which fought against democracy.

    Charles Maurras and l'Action française were royalists, anti-republicans, xenophobics, antisemits. In 1940, he saw the French defeat as a "divine surprise" for the nationalists who celebrated "la patrie" in a country occupied by the german and nazie army.

    in 1913, France had a government led by René Viviani, an independant socialist.

    After 5 years of war, there was a right coalition in power.

    - in 1962, about Europe, de Gaulle writes :

    "Dante, Goethe, Chateaubriand appartiennent à toute l'Europe dans la mesure même où ils étaient respectivement et éminemment italien, allemand et français".

    - Teaching geography gives a multi-scale view :

    we may choose a local identity, a national one, a continental or world one.

    Suppose you are born of Chinese parents, you have been educated in Europe, and that you migrate to Quebec...

  15. Teaching the Holocaust is the matter of a long thread in Schoolhistory.


    Ulricke on "Holocaust fatigue" :


    2 messages on the French views :



    Dan 's views about genocides have been set last year,

    when European leaders decided that there should be a

    "Journée de la mémoire de l'Holocauste et de la prévention des crimes contre l'humanité"


  16. - I teach history (and geography) in a French Lycee, in Normandy.

    - I am in charge of an Internet Chronicle,

    published by Historiens et Géographes, a professional magazine.


    Since december 1997, all this represents nearly 300 pages,

    hundred of websites quoted...


    - I participate, as a founder and as a "history news agency" to H-Francais,

    a french mailing list on teaching history in France, part of H-Net

    - With the help of Nicole Mullier, I also publish on the web

    texts and documents on Holocaust history.

    These texts result from conferences runned by

    a "Cercle d'étude de la déportation et de la Shoah" and

    the "Amicale des déportés d'Auschwitz".

  17. :D

    La question de l’efficacité pédagogique des TICE (technologies d’information et de communication pour l’enseignement) est redoutable. On a envie de dire que c’est une question impossible...


    Merci de nous aider à adapter en anglais ce texte important,

    et de poursuivre, sur ce forum, la réflexion de Serge Pouts-Lajus :


    D Letouzey

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