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Doug Campbell

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Everything posted by Doug Campbell

  1. Thank You VERY MUCH, Mr. Trejo! You still owe me a podcast conversation, ya know... Peace D
  2. Forum Members, Part 2 of my conversation with Dr. Jeffery Caufield on Guy Banister and his Ultra-Right affiliations is up this morning. Enjoy. Peace, D. https://22novembernetwork.wordpress.com/2015/10/19/the-dallas-actionpt-75-fear-and-loathing-on-the-hard-right-the-strange-terrible-saga-of-w-guy-banister-pt-2-with-dr-jeffery-caufield/
  3. Mr. Trejo, Thanks for the kind words! (Although ALL credit must go to Dr. Caufield; I was very much "along for the ride".) Part 2 of the Banister conversation will upload Monday 10/19. Next, a 2 parter focusing on the third of what we referred to as "The Unholy Triumvirate" in this show, Walker his-own-bad-self, in a few weeks. Peace, D.
  4. Forum Members, I humbly offer Part 2 of my conversations with Dr. Jeffery Caufield, "The Strange & Terrible Saga Of W. Guy Banister Pt.1." Peace, D https://22novembernetwork.wordpress.com/2015/10/12/the-dallas-actionpt-74-the-strange-terrible-saga-of-w-guy-banister-pt-1-with-dr-jeffery-caufield/
  5. Paul. My *gut* still tells me that Hoover wasn't complicit in the Murder Plot, but it's hard to ignore the "willful ignorance"(as refered to during my conversation with Dr.Caufield) on the part of Hoover re: the "multiple murder" plots by Walker, Gen. Del Valle, etc. that the FBI was unquestionably~based on documentation discovered by Dr. Caufield~ fully aware of as early as 1962. Two things that kinda stand out to me at this point as Hard To Walk Around: A. In the days following The Hit, when SA Adams was dispatched to interview/ interrogate Milteer, his superiors *failed to inform him of the Somerset Tape*. B. The Drennan/Robert K. Brown documents~ During April of '63(a Busy Month, no?) Drennan spills the beans to the FBI re: the organization of radical-right hit teams, even *naming Walker specifically*. Then, less than seven days later, Brown tells the FBI that HE'S being recruited for these same hit teams~by Stanley Drennan. NONE of which~maybe most significantly the Milteer/Somerset tape~ever sees the light of day during the Warren Proceedings. Willful Ignorance or a Helping Hand? In short, I'm still very much reserving judgement on Hoover. There's MUCH new info in Dr. Caufield's book, which will require MUCH Critical Thought. Peace, D
  6. Thank You, Paul. You DO need to come back on! We had planned that, hadn't we? Peace, D
  7. Mr. Paul, Thanks, Buddy. Hope all is well, and don't be such a stranger! You are welcome any time. Peace, D.
  8. https://22novembernetwork.wordpress.com/2015/09/28/the-dallas-actionpt-72-walker-banister-and-joseph-milteer-with-dr-jeffery-caufield/ Forum Members, HERE is the Working Link to my recent conversation on my humble podcast with Dr. Caufield. (Apparently, I was not sufficiently caffeinated when attempting to post earlier.) Sorry about the above! Peace, D
  9. "John Kennedy was murdered because he wanted to *end* the Cold War, as opposed to *win* it." ~Douglas Horne That, IMHO, sums it up. Peace D.
  10. Mr. Newton VERY redacted. Maybe if nothing else, we can gain some insight re: what POTUS was *told* v. What We Now Know? ...but that'll take much more Learned Minds than mine. Peace, D
  11. ~Age: 44 ~From: Tennessee ~Occupation: professional musician. ~31-year Student Of The Assassination(I consider myself a Student, not a Researcher); Co-founder of The Grassroots Assassination Website "22November Network",(found at 22Novembernetwork.WordPress.com ); Host of The JFK Assassination/Deep Politics podcast "The Dallas Action" on the 22November Network( found at www.spreaker.com/user/7338953 ). ~I can be contacted at 22Novembernetwork@gmail.com.
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