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Larry Peters

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Posts posted by Larry Peters

  1. Thanks, Andy. Any forum I have seen there is an attachment box where files can be uploaded, but I am having trouble finding it here. The IMG box brings up "URL" which makes me think it wants a web page address. The same goes for the "http:// " box, as well. How do we get a browser button to come up so we can attach image files?

  2. "Ed Hoffman did keep quiet until 1975 when he wrote to Edward Kennedy about his story. Kennedy replied: "My family has been aware of various theories concerning the death of President Kennedy, just as it has been aware of many speculative accounts which have arisen from the death of Robert Kennedy. I am sure that it is understood that the continual speculation is painful for members of my family. We have always accepted the findings of the Warren Commission report and have no reason to question the quality and the effort of those who investigated the fatal shooting of Robert Kennedy.""

    Isn't it interesting that Ed Hoffman was trying to tell the Senator what he had witnessed and Ted Kennedy was treating it like it was a theory Ed had. One would think that a witness seeing a man turning away from the stockade fence with a rifle immediately after JFK's brains were blown all over the street would have been of interest to the Kennedy family, but I guess not. :)

  3. Let me address something that Bernice has said about the height of the sewer drain and the location of two sewer drains on the south and north sides of the overpass.

    The first point I have already made and maybe I didn't make it clear enough. Yes, once the car comes into view as the photo Bernice posted shows us - Kennedy may have been visible, but that is a moot point considering he was killed over 54 feet east on Elm Street. In other words - Kennedy might as well of been shot to death back up on Main Street for he could not have been seen while on Main Street from the sewer drain at the time of the fatal shot would have hit him in the head. So it is not enough to say Kennedy could be seen from the sewer drain at the bottom of the knoll steps because the important part is whether he could have been seen from that location at the time his head exploded and the answer is a "NO" - he could not have been seen from that sewer drain at the time of the head shot.

    The south and north sewer drains:

    The south sewer drain on the overpass was not installed until after the assassination date, so it is an impossibility as a shooting location for JFK's murderer. Those researchers who have considered the matter thought of every angle, but didn't check to see if it was even there on 11/22/63. Squire Haskins took some photos of the overpass on the weekend of the assassination and no sewer drain is seen on the south side of the overpass.

    The north sewer drain was in place at the time of the assassination, but the problem there is the fence was a solid wall that did not allow a view of the street. In some recreation photos we see a possible assassin looking through the openings in the fence where boards were missing, but on 11/22/63 - there were no such openings in the fence. While I believe there was a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy - I do not believe one can dismiss these important problems with these shooting scenarios.

    PS Can someone, maybe Bernice, tell me how she attached the images to her post? I have tried to do it, but was missing something in the process.

  4. "One question: Has anyone ever had a conversation with Hoffman, and informed him that his testimony is a major stumbling block in the acceptance of a confessed assassin?"

    I doubt that Ed has had any interest in James Files. Ed has only told what he saw happen. As I said in an earlier post - The tossing of an object at the steam pipe was seen by a RR worker who stood on the overpass and what the man told Weitzman can be read in either Seymour's report or testimony (I cannot recall which at the moment)

    Bowers described the man with the hat who Ed saw with the long gun and that man was a stocky gentleman - Files was not. The second man was the fellow that Officer Smith ran into who flashed the fake idetification at him and that man's description does not fit that of what Files claimed to wear on that day. So what I am saying is that Files sccounting of what happened behind the fence is not what three independent witness have claimed to have seen. The correlation between what Bowers, Hoffman and the RR worker on the overpass saw is unmistakeable and not supportive of Files story.

    It has been said by another researcher that Lee Bowers brother has said privately that Lee saw more than he admitted to the Commission and police because he was scared to tell it all. If one thinks about it for a moment - it made no sense that with the trains stopped in the RR yard and Bowers just hearing gun shots and seeing a flash of light and/or smoke right out in front of him as it were, that he would then just turn his attention away from the scene and go on about his duties like he had claimed. That was against all human nature and I personally believe Bowers brother most likely has said that Lee withheld information out of fear for his own safety. I can only imagine what Lee Bowers thought when he saw the events in the RR yard unfold and how easy it was for the suspicious characters to just walk away. I doubt that Lee could tell the good guys from the bad guys after seeing all of that.

  5. "I believe that Tom Wilson's work would have us believe that it was a single shot - the head shot. This despite a great amount of evidence otherwise - smoke on the knoll, witnesses, Hill, Files, Ed Hoffman, Lee Bowers, etc."

    There is an excellent clip on Lancer's forum where a researcher took two or three of the better Weigman frames and edited them together by use of overlays and the result was incredible for it actually showed the smoke from the fence drifting out towards the street. There were questions raised that what was seen was possibly the fall leaves seen on the trees further west, but this reserahcer pointed out through example that the Hudson tree foliage was faded out by the smoke image and that this could only occur if the smoke was between the tree and the camera.

    "1. Was there impact to the back of the President's head from a rear shot [Depository, DalTex, Records building, etc.] almost simultaneous with the frontal killing blow? -- As evidenced in Zapruder, and as accounted by Files."

    I don't mean to sound like a pitch-man for Lancer, but this was also studied by the use of stabilzed overlays. Miller had shown that when the head was struck JFK between Z312 and Z313 - there was obvious signs of debris being disspersed from the President's head. At Z315/316 when the head starts its way backwards - Miller showed that there was nothing being disspersed out of the skull which should have occurred if a second missile had slammed into an already weakened skull.

    Miller went a step further and showed through animated overlays that the skull had merely rocked forward because of the angle at which the missile struck the top front portion of the skull, while at the same time driving the shoulders of JFK rearward. This caused a whip-lash effect that made the President's head change directions. Miller had taken this observations to several medical experts and found his observation to be accurate. Al Carrier who is a police officer and has worked crime scenes, had taken Miller's observation to some people in his field and found that they too saw the significance in what Miller had observed. It was said that the angle at which the missile had hit the top front of JFK's head in combination with the President's body posture at Z312/313 had caused the neck and spine to absorb the force of the impact which caused the head to first rock forward and then be driven immediately backwards. This evidence was also supported by the absence of destruction to the skull that Miller had pointed out had a second bullet was assumed to have hit its mark.

  6. The funny thing about what Ed was able to see - I am near sighted and wear glasses most of the time and I was able to stand at the Hat Man location and see vehicles moving north on Stemmons overpass with clarity. I was even able to tell if the passengers were female or male in vehicles where they had their window down. The distance isn't really as far as some people think from that overpass to the RR yard. The photos and assassination films makes the distance look further away than it really is to the naked eye.

    Another thing most people do not know - Ed Hoffman had said long ago that he'd take a lie detector test to prove he was telling the truth as to what he observed and Ed was told that such a test could not be given to a person with his handicap. That information was false and it was JFK researcher who found a place that can test deaf mutes and attempted to set Ed up with the test he wanted. A snag was soon discovered when it was found that Ed takes a heart medicine that the experts said may give a fale reading with the results. It is a shame that Ed was given bad information at a time when he wasn't taking such medication, but for now it is presently being looked into as to whether Ed can not take the medication safely for a said period of time so that such a test can still be conducted fairly. That's all I know about it so far.

  7. http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/park/1097/storm.html

    The above web page telling of a shot from the sewer drain looks good on paper, but is in serious error when actually seen by going to Dealey Plaza. Robert Groden shows the view from the sewer drain in his new booklet "JFK-The Case For Conspiracy"/page 42. Groden shows beyond a doubt that the limo would have had to of rolled towards the triple underpass another fifty four feet beyond the kill shot just to have had a view of Kennedy from that sewer drain.

    On Lancer there is an overlay of Moorman's photo that was placed over a recent photo taken from where Mary stood when she took her famous number five Polaroid. That overlay shows that Kennedy was just about six to 12 inches west of the white "X" on the street when Mary took her photograph. Considering the limo rolled forward from Z313 to Z315.6 (when Mary snapped her camera shutter), then Groden's white "X" isn't as far off as some may think. I regret that I cannot post an image on this site or I would be happy to share the one seen at Lancer with everyone. Because Lancer is having forum server problems at the moment, I cannot locate the URL that shows the proper images for this topic.

  8. "In 1978 Gordon Arnold first claimed to be a witness to the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dealey Plaza. He elaborated on his claims in the 1988 documentary The Men Who Killed Kennedy. Arnold died in 1997 at age 56. "

    The statement above should have read that "In 1978, Gordon Arnold first went on public record claiming to be a witness to the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dealey Plaza." The fact is that Gordon had been telling of what he observed on 11/22/63 in private prior to that time and it was one of those times during a court trial recess that Gordon was overheard telling his story to some fellow jurors. The person that overheard Gordon Arnold had then told reporter Earl Golz the news and Golz then sought out Arnold. Golz said that Arnold was very reluctant about giving an interview, but in the end it was Golz who persuaded Gordon to tell his story publicly.

    If one goes to Lancer's research forum and looks at the Gordon Arnold information that Bill Miller has brought forward through the various assassination images, I believe a lot of questions can be answered that have been long overdue in coming. If I knew how to post images on this site, I would copy and paste some of Miller's work here for all to see.

    The URL at Lancer is seen below. Once there - type in "Gordon Arnold" in their search engine. Another related search would be under "Black Dog Man" or "BDM". The Arnold connection to the Black Dog Man is well documented there.


  9. A lot of people do not know that Ed Hoffman, aside from being a deaf mute, does not have a good grasp of the English Language. It is so easy for misunderstandings on both sides to occur when trying to communicate with Ed over what he witnessed on 11/22/63. In 2002, A couple of researchers met with Ed Hoffman and his family in Dealey Plaza and Ed walked them through step by step as to what happened behind the fence as seen from the overpass he had stood on. Ed's daughter helped with the translation between Ed and the researchers.

    Back in 1963, Ed didn't wear glasses and had better than average vision. Of course this is not uncommon when a person is without one of his five senses. Ed being deaf, did not know anyone was shooting at the motorcade for he could not hear the shots. It's what Ed seen that is important. What Ed did see was a puff of smoke at the stockade fence where a gentleman wearing a dark suit and hat had immediately turned away from it. Ed immediately noticed this individual had a long gun in his possession. Ed said the man did not run, but rather briskly walked the weapon up near the steam pipe where he tossed it to another man who then took the gun and broke it down before leaving the area. The hatted man then turned and casually walked back east along the fence in the direction he had just come from. The tossing of the gun near the steam pipe seems to be supported by a RR worker who told Seymour Weitzman that he had witnessed something being tossed through the trees. When Weitzman asked where did this happened exacty, the RR worker said 'over by the steam pipe'.

    James Files did not say anything about walking a gun to the steam pipe and tossing it to anyone. Also, Lee Bowers described this man in the dark suit as being rather stocky, which doesn't match the build of James Files at the time of the shooting. So not only does Files not match the description of the man seen with the long gun, but his alleged actions do not match that of the man who tossed the gun over the steam pipe. These two important points tend to dispute Files being where he said he was on 11/22/63.

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