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John Simkin

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Posts posted by John Simkin

  1. http://www.telegraph...on-Twitter.html

    Maybe the old fashioned ideas that 'research' should be both 'open' and evidence based aren't such bad ideas after all.

    It is still difficult to understand how Newsnight got this so wrong. I should say that Lord McAlpine was not one of the names given to me by the former BBC journalist. He was far more important than that.

    I am reminded of an incident that happened during the Watergate investigation. Bernstein and Woodward were given the name of someone involved in the cover-up. This was confirmed by a second source. The story was run in the Washington Post and when the man proved he was not involved, Ben Bradlee, the editor, took them off the story. The investigation would have come to an end but the journalists continued to work on the story in their own time. Eventually the editor changed his mind and the rest is history. Later Bernstein and Woodward discovered they had been set-up with a story that was not true in order to undermine the investigation. I suspect this is what has happened in this case. However, I still cannot understand why Newsnight never showed Steven Messham a photograph of Lord McAlpine.

    Bureau of Investigative Journalism


  2. I know this isn't germaine to the questions raised here. When I was 4 years old my parents took me to Madison Square Garden where a few thousand people had gathered in protest of the execution of the Rosenbergs. I remember it mostly because there were so many people, and all much taller than me. By that time my parents had left the communist party, having been forced out by party officials. But they were still staunch communists.

    I think it was understandable for people with a deep political consciousness to join the American Communist Party. It is also true that those on the left tended to believe Stalin with his views that Trotsky was attempting to overthrow communism in the Soviet Union. However, it must have been very difficult to remain party members after the Nazi-Soviet Pact. Do you know when your parents left the party?

  3. CIA Director David Petraeus resigned abruptly following reports of an extra-marital affair with a journalist. In a letter to the CIA, Petraeus acknowledged poor judgement in carrying on the affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell while in Afghanistan. He admitted it was unacceptable behaviour.

    For the director of the CIA, being engaged in an extramarital affair is considered a serious breach of security and a counterintelligence threat. If a foreign government had learned of the affair, the reasoning goes, Petraeus or Broadwell could have been blackmailed or otherwise compromised. Military justice considers conduct such as an extramarital affair to be possible grounds for court-martial.

    Failure to resign also could create the perception for the rank and file that such behavior is acceptable. At FBI headquarters, spokesman Paul Bresson declined to comment on the information that the affair had been discovered in the course of an investigation by the bureau.


  4. Len there have been other terrorist attacks before the two World Trade Center attacks

    The car bomb that killed Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt who was killed on orders of the Chilean Government

    Here is a list of more that has happened


    Interestingly, the group was led by Michael Vernon Townley, who had previously worked with the CIA. Townley confessed he had hired five anti-Castro Cubans exiles to booby-trap Letelier's car. Guillermo Novo, Ignacio Novo, Virgilio Paz Romero, Dionisio Suárez, and Alvin Ross Díaz were eventually indicted for the crime. Townley agreed to provide evidence against these men in exchange for a deal that involved him pleading guilty to a single charge of conspiracy to commit murder and being given a ten-year sentence. His wife, Mariana Callejas also agreed to testify, in exchange for not being prosecuted.

    On the 9th January, 1979, the trial of Guillermo Novo, Ignacio Novo and Alvin Ross Díaz began in Washington. General Augusto Pinochet refused to allow Virgilio Paz Romero and Dionisio Suárez, two DINA officers, to be extradited. All three were found guilty of murder. Guillermo Novo and Alvin Ross were sentenced to life imprisonment. Ignacio Novo received eighty years. Soon after the trial Michael Townley was freed under the Witness Protection Program.

    Like other CIA assassination targets, including JFK, they used anti-Castro Cubans to carry it out.


  5. The Guardian today named one of the top Tory politicians accused of sexually abusing young boys. To do this they have argued that Lord Alistair McAlpine (born in 1942) is not guilty of these offences. A personal friend of Margaret Thatcher he was treasurer of the Conservative Party between 1980-90. He was rewarded by being made a peer in 1984.

    During this period he obtained money from some very dubious characters. For example, Asil Nadir, who was recently convicted of corruption.


  6. The public opinion polls again got it wrong over Barack Obama's winning margin. It has been much discussed in the British media but not once has anyone considered the possibility of political manipulation. This is what happened in the 1944 Presidential Election. At the time, Britain had an intelligence agent (British Security Coordination) working for George Gallup, who ran the largest polling company in the United States. Gallup was a close friend of Thomas Dewey and tried very hard to make him the Republican Party candidate in the 1944 Presidential Election. The British Security Coordination secret report claimed that the "Gallup Poll did not prove a reliable guide to the Presidential election of 1944. This was so, largely because Gallup is himself a Republican and a staunch supporter of Dewey. As William Stephenson (the head of BSC) learned, there was little doubt that Gallup deliberately adjusted his figures in Dewey's favour in the hope of stampeding the electorate." Ernest Cuneo, another BSC agent told Stephenson: "Dewey is one of Gallup's principal clients... Dewey is calling up Gallup so often they have to have a clerk to answer him."

    Gallup was also accused of trying to get Thomas Dewey elected against Harry S. Truman in the 1948 Presidential Election. Truman lost all nine of the Gallup Poll's post-election surveys. In late September, Dewey had a 17 point lead. According to Albert E. Sindlinger, who worked for Gallup, claimed that "before the 1948 election Dewey and Gallup were on the phone constantly. Dewey was looking for a handle on public opinion and he turned to George Gallup." Sindlinger says Gallup deliberately rigged the polls to favour Dewey. "Gallup's sample excluded people who hadn't voted before. I found that they were heavily pro-Truman, but Gallup just didn't count them." Sindlinger added: "We'd set up the headlines and draft the story, and then we would go out and do the surveys to fill in the gaps. If the results squared with our story, we'd congratulate ourselves on how smart we were. But if they didn't, then the data would be adjusted, supposedly because there was something wrong with the sample."

    Gallup was severely embarrassed by Truman winning with 49.6%of the vote compared to 45.1% for Dewey. Sindlinger believes that Gallup's biased polls helped to defeat Dewey as it made the Republicans over-confident. Sindlinger admits that during the campaign he came across a lot of people who said they would not bother to vote because Dewey was a certainty: "pollsters may deny it, but if you look at the evidence it's overwhelmingly clear that polls do influence people."


  7. The first minister of Wales, Carwyn Jones today told the assembly that much of the information collected by Waterhouse had not been made public on the assumption that legal action would follow on 28 alleged offenders whose identities were known but not published. In fact, this never happened. Jones also revealed the report on abuse in north Wales that pre-dated the Waterhouse inquiry but was pulped by Clwyd county council amid legal concerns.

  8. The last time the US elected three successive presidents to two terms was in the early 19th century.

    The next two presidential elections will also be won by the Democratic candidate (Clinton?) unless the Republicans can get rid of the Tea Party nutters. All elections are won by candidates who can control the middle ground.

  9. "Four more Years!"

    I had the luxury of voting for http://www.garyjohnson2012.com/ to serve as U.S. president. I live in a voting district of voters overwhelmingly favoring Mitt Romney.

    Romney seems much more extreme and secretive than Obama. I would have voted for Obama if I believed my vote was needed to help prevent the election of Romney.

    We need at the least to discuss with each other and with any presidential candidate whether the President of the United States is to act unchallenged in the manner of

    a tyrant. A third party candidate at least permitted to debate the two corporate sponsored candidates on television and qualified by receipt of 5 percent of the vote in this election to receive matching federal campaign funds would be an improvement of the lack of debate we have experienced during this campaign.

    What are Gary Johnson's views on the JFK assassination? What are his policies on other subjects?

    We have the same problem in the UK. However, we do have the odd maverick MP. I used to provide information to Norman Baker on subjects like the death of David Kelly. However, he has lost interest in conspiracies since being appointed as Parliamentary Under Secretary for the Department for Transport in the government.

    I now work with Tom Watson who did much to expose the activities of Rupert Murdoch. He is currently trying to expose the paedophile sex ring in the British government in the 1980s. In the US do you have anybody like this in Congress?


  10. The current Tory cabinet minister that has been named by Ben Fellows, the former child actor, is not the same one that was given to me by the BBC journalist. He has threated legal action against Fellows and the name has been deleted on the original blog. However, it has been reposted on other blogs, including this one:


    To keep up to date with this story I suggest you read:


  11. On 3rd October, 2012, ITV1 broadcasted a documentary, Exposure: The Other Side of Jimmy Savile, with claims by up to 10 women, including one aged under 14 at the time, that they had been sexually molested or raped by him during the 1960s and 1970s. Jimmy Savile, one of BBC’s biggest stars, had died the previous year. It has since emerged that the police carried out several investigations into Savile’s activities following complaints from under age girls and boys, but they were all dropped. Maybe it was because he was a close friend of Margaret Thatcher (they used to spend Christmas Day together).

    Two curious things about that,1) why were all the investigations dropped? and

    Why didn't the press report a word about it?

    It seems that there were about seven different investigations by different police forces but they were all dropped. Savile told his friends that the reason was that he had too much information on those in power ever to be prosecuted. As I suggested in the questions above, it would seem that Savile was a provider of children to be abused to leading figures in politics, business and the police. This what was going on in children homes in Wales. It was also happening in Northern Ireland according to Paul Foot's book on Colin Wallace. Foot claimed that MI5 was involved as it was used to blackmail foreign diplomats. They also entrapped Ted Heath, the leader of the Conservative Party. It never became public but enabled Margaret Thatcher to get the leadership. It is significant that Tom Watson sent a letter to David Cameron asking him about the involvement of the intelligence services in the children homes in North Wales. This is one conspiracy that I believe will now be fully exposed. It will be the largest political scandal in the history of the UK.

  12. Tom Watson needs to ask William Hague in the House of Commons:

    1. Did you know that claims of sexual abuse had been made against Tory politicians when you set up the Sir Ronald Waterhouse inquiry in 1996?

    2. Why did you set up an inquiry with terms of reference that did not allow the boys to testify about sexual abuse by people outside the children's homes?

    3. Did you ever attend one of the parties where Jimmy Savile supplied boys and girls from children homes for the enjoyment of the guests?


  13. It is interesting that in his letter last night Tom Watson called for the intelligence services to be investigated as part of this inquiry. The reason for this is that MI5 took foreign diplomats to the North Wales homes and secretly filmed them abusing and torturing boys to use the tapes for blackmail.

    Another story that involves British intelligence. This is another case that needs to be reopened. Have you read Paul Foot's excellent book on Colin Wallace?

  14. I really like the way Nick Davies calls the victim Leon. That's an unsual name isn't it?


    The most powerful argument against these allegations is that they are, in a profound sense, incredible. Among the nearly 300 men and women who have named 148 abusers to the tribunal, there is one man in particular who claims to have suffered at the hands of members of the alleged ring – 49 of them in all, he says, some of them care workers, some of them outsiders, all sexually abusing him over the years, one predatory man moving aside only to be replaced by yet another. His name, as the victim of a sexual offence, is protected by law. We will call him Leon.

    It took Leon the best part of a week to tell his story to the tribunal, reeling off names as he progressed, each new claim pushing harder on the bounds of belief. When he was eleven, he said, he joined the army cadets in another part of the country where he was then living with his alcoholic father: two of the instructors were policemen; both of them raped him repeatedly. At weekends, he went to an army cadet camp; a third instructor, whom we will call Carpenter, raped him. He was taken into care: the social worker who drove him to the home stopped in a lay-by to fondle him. Inside the home, he said, he was indecently assaulted by the superintendent, fondled by one housemaster, beaten black and blue by another, battered and half-drowned by a senior housemaster and slapped by a policeman to whom he tried to complain. At fifteen he was moved to another home. There, again, he was regularly raped by the deputy headmaster and then by one of the housemasters. “Come on, you know you enjoy it,” he recalled the housemaster saying.

    His story continued, moving still further away from the familiar and the credible. Leon told the tribunal how he had seen a powerful public official walking in the grounds of the home with the deputy headmaster who was so fond of abusing him. The deputy introduced him to the man, who said : “Come with me for a minute.” He led him into an outbuilding, he claimed, told him to kneel down in front of him and raped him orally. Then he raped him anally. “Just remember who I am,” he said, according to Leon. From time to time, according to this evidence, this official returned to use Leon again, sometimes in his car, sometimes in the grounds of the home, always evidently with the blessing of the deputy head, always implicitly with the result that the deputy head had less to fear from the authorities.

    Eventually, aged 16, Leon fled from the home, into Wrexham, and ran straight into the arms of Carpenter, the army cadet instructor who had raped him at weekend camps. Through Carpenter, he was introduced to a group of some 20 men, each of whom, he alleged, took his chance to abuse him – in Carpenter’s flat, in their own homes, in cars, in the stinking red-brick toilet by the bus station. Leon said they tied him up, photographed him, pushed chair legs into him, used him for oral sex and anal sex, used him in orgies, and booked him into a hotel room so their friends could use him too. He named these men. One was a director of a major company. Another was a local authority executive. There was a market trader, two jewellers, and a Roman Catholic priest who came fingering his way into his bed at night. There was a second social worker, who picked Leon up in the toilets half a dozen times and used him for whatever sex he wanted, molesting him in his car, buggering him in Carpenter’s flat. Another was Lord A’s son. And then there was Mr B, the mysterious man with the powerful connections.

    Mr B, said Leon, was a rich and powerful man who had used him for sex on three occasions. One of these was in the Crest Hotel, where members of the paedophile ring used to rent a room on Sunday evenings and listen to the Country and Western show in the bar downstairs before taking Leon or one of the other boys upstairs for sex. This man had a chauffeur who used to drive round Wrexham in flash cars, he said, pretending to be one of this man’s family. And who was this man? For the first time in his long saga, Leon became reticent. He had been threatened and burgled and had had his car attacked, he said. He would give no more – except for this man’s surname. Which happened to match that of one of Mrs Thatcher’s most prominent supporters.

    Throughout his story, Leon pointed to signs of collusion between the abusers. The deputy headmaster would give him permission to go into town – and Carpenter would be waiting for him in his car outside. One of the Wrexham abusers wanted Leon to move into his house so that he could abuse him more easily – and the social worker who had fondled him in a lay-by arranged for it to happen. Several of the abusers made remarks to the effect that they had heard all about him. Other boys from the same homes were shared with the same ring of men in Wrexham. A named probation executive found work for Carpenter in a bail hostel. Two named social workers were selling information to the ring. And, over and over again, he said, the abusers escaped punishment as though someone somewhere were protecting them.

    Under cross examination, Leon claimed that the powerful public official had been shown favours by the 1991 police inquiry which led to the arrest of 17 suspects. “For some unknown reason, he was not arrested like anybody else. He was allowed to walk round the North Wales Police headquarters and he was allowed to vindicate himself from anything, as if he was the boss…. He is the perpetrator, he is the pervert and he is a paedophile and I will stand by that and I will not retract that in any way shape or form… I tried to tell the police of many instances not just relating to him and I was told at that time and I will never forget it as long as I live, that they were not interested in that.”

    Leon’s long account contained a high-octane combination of rape and corruption. But was it true? Almost without exception, those whom he named have derided and denied his story. Some have given evidence attacking Leon. Others are due to appear in the next few months. The powerful public official whom he accused of rape has previously been investigated and cleared. Leon confessed to the tribunal that he had made numerous complaints to the police almost always without persuading them to believe him, even though he claimed to have given them explicit photographs of some of the Wrexham men abusing half a dozen boys from childrens homes. Lawyers for some of the accused suggested that he was inventing these stories in search of compensation payments. And yet, for all that his story seemed so incredible, other evidence began to corroborate it.

    Take, for example, the first police officer who was named by Leon for raping him in the army cadets. It might have sounded like a self-serving swipe at the police. But the tribunal now knows that that long-serving and apparently trustworthy policeman was jailed last year on a long sentence after another police force caught him committing acts of gross indecency with a child. Two of the alleged paedophiles who have given evidence to the tribunal have suggested that they knew of this officer’s activities. One said he had met him looking for sex in the public toilets in Wrexham and in Connah’s Quay near Chester.

  15. http://www.amazon.co...r/dp/0759652090

    Agent Under Glass is a political thriller based on the realities of the times in which the action takes place, specifically the phantasmagoric period immediately preceding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It is the story of a patriotic young FBI agent who is recruited against his will into a CIA/Mafia plot ostensibly designed to assassinate Fidel Castro. The action ranges from Washington, D.C., to Chicago, Tampa and Miami, New Orleans and Dallas, Mexico, Cuba and the Caribbean islands. The protagonist, James Eamon Foley, is menaced by forces unknown for reasons unclear, gets help, and finally extricates himself from the illegal black operation in ironic congruence with the assassination of President Kennedy. Were the two disparate plots interlinked merely as a quirk of history or by more sinister influences at work? Agent Under Glass at last sets the record straight, laying bare the 'dirty little secret' at the heart of the murderous conspiracy that culminated in the atrocity in Dallas..........

    This is the same story that I heard Gene Wheaton tell to researchers William Law and Mark Sobel in the summer of 2005. In the video Wheaton claimed that CIA agent Carl E. Jenkins, turned the team headed by Rafael Quintero away from Fidel Castro to John F. Kennedy. I found the interview very convincing. As he pointed out, Jenkins was aware that Robert Kennedy would block the investigation because he was implicated in the Castro assassination plot.

    I know that when I first promoted this story on my website and on this forum in November 2005, CIA asset, Don Bohning, became very concerned about it and even went as far as publishing a smear story about me in a CIA funded journal, Intelligencer.


    For more on the story see:





  16. Former Minister says Thatcher aide was paedophile who preyed on boys' home - and Hague should have known

    • An ex-Tory minister has claimed Sir Peter Morrison was implicated in the child abuse scandal that engulfed children's homes in North Wales
    • An inquiry discovered up to 650 children in 40 homes were sexually, physically and emotionally in the 1970s and '80s
    • Rod Richards, a former Tory MP, said he had seen evidence linking the former aide to Baroness Thatcher to the scandal



    Rod Richards, a former Conservative MP has named Sir Peter Morrison, Margaret Thatcher's private secretary and Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party, as part of this sex ring. Investigative journalist Nick Davies reported in The Guardian in 1998 that Morrison received a caution for cottaging with underage boys in public lavatories. Edwina Currie states in her autobiography that Morrison regularly had sex with under-age boys. However, Morrison died in 1995 at the age of 51. There are still other members of this sex ring still alive, including a member of the present government.

  17. FDR. The answer to the other question is a mixed bag. But, after the smoke clears, mostly no.

    FDR is the right answer. He was talking about the Wealth Tax Act of 1935. According to William E. Leuchtenburg, the author of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal (1963): "The outcry from high-income brackets obscured the fact that much of Roosevelt's tax program was sharply regressive. His insistence on payroll levies to help finance social security cut into low-income groups, and his emphasis on local responsibility for unemployables helped stimulate the spread of the regressive sales tax. The share of upper-income groups remained fairly constant through the thirties, and the share of the top 1 per cent even increased a bit after the passage of the Wealth Tax Act."

  18. On Friday, the BBC programme "Newsnight" was going to name names in the North Wales scandal, but the politician involved took out an injunction to stop them. The libel laws in the U.K. are so slanted in favour of the accused that it is almost impossible for accusers to blow the whistle. Unfortunately, Newsnight didn't have the cojones to name names and the farago continues. The names are now becoming common knowledge and it is only time before they are made public.

    The cover-up began in 1996. The Tories knew they would be defeated in 1997. William Hague, who was Secretary of State for Wales, created an inquiry that made it impossible for the politicians to be named. Hague of course was active as a schoolboy in the Conservative Party. Was he abused by the Home Secretary of the time? It is well-known fact that people who are abused in childhood become abusers when they become adults. One of the problems for Tory politicians is that they were sexual abused by older boys when they were at their boarding schools. However, once in power they are in a position of covering up their crimes. I suspect that Hague selected Sir Ronald Waterhouse to lead the inquiry with great care. As a judge brought up in a boarding school he probably thought there was nothing wrong with sex with under-age boys. After all, that was the way he had been brought up.

  19. On BBC 4 a radio journalist said that the media have known about the name of this politician for many years but have been unable to publish it for legal reasons. A retired BBC television journalist, George Jones, said in a recent interview that throughout his career the BBC constantly refused to broadcast his stories because they did not want to upset the government. I wonder if the same things will be said if the truth about the death of JFK ever comes out?

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