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W. Tracy Parnell

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Posts posted by W. Tracy Parnell

  1. 20 hours ago, Evan Marshall said:

    I agree with most of his findings, but he hasn't achieved perfection yet!

    When he publishes book number 5 and if that book actually contains specifics about the assassination-i.e. who did it, how and why, he will be dead in the water. It is the easiest thing in the world to poke holes in something specific as the conspiracy people have done with the official version for years. That is why most conspiracy books are vague.

    Nice guy and I am sure there are many who appreciate the work he has done. but the theory (as I understand it currently) is nonsense.

  2. 51 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Of course, Tracy should know, according to HSCA staff, government attorney Michael Goldsmith had a 

    What does the fact that they did not want Wilcott to publicly reveal potentially classified information have to do with what I said? The point is when given the opportunity under oath (and under penalty of perjury) to reveal the alleged cryptonym, Wilcott refused.

    BTW, for lurkers who are unaware, Jim has posted this "information" previously possibly on more than one occasion. He is renowned for his "data dumps" as Jonathan pointed out.

  3. 23 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    And once again Jim Hargrove is re-posting the same thing year after year, thread after thread, while refusing to acknowledge the mountain of evidence completely discrediting Wilcott's claims (which Tracy has so helpfully summarized below. There was no such thing as the "Oswald Project."


    Thanks for the mention, Jonathan. BTW, in re-reading my article I see that Wilcott, when under oath before the HSCA, couldn't remember the cryptonym or the name of the employee who told him about it.

  4. 1 hour ago, Jeremy Bojczuk said:

    If John Armstrong did in fact write the words attributed to him by Tracy Parnell,

    Thank you Jeremy (and Jonathan) for mentioning my work and coming to my defense. First, let me say that I try and stay out of these threads because I think when a CT person (or at least an agnostic-I am unsure of the position of some) speaks out against the Armstrong theory it has more impact than my own statements as an LN do-especially here at what is essentially a CT forum.

    Next let me mention that I no longer have the source material that I quoted from (Denial #2). I sold all my Armstrong material years ago (at a profit I might add). I would say that my quote was almost certainly accurate though. It was my experience that Armstrong's early material was even more inaccurate than his book (if you can believe it).

    Jeremy has accurately represented the point I was trying to make, which I will concede is a minor one. That was written around the beginning of the anti-Armstrong movement (2002), so we were looking at everything, I guess. It is good to see that LNs and CTs alike have pointed out the absurdity of the Armstrong theories in the years since and have greatly expanded on my work. As a result, very few researchers pay much attention to the theory these days. But when it comes up, you can always rely on Jim to have a "data dump" ready to go.

    One other thing I do want to comment on is Sandy Larsen. A moderator is supposed to be someone with a neutral mindset. Now, we all know that everyone has bias and since we are all human beings that bias will show through. But Sandy is not even trying to hide his. I think a moderator should remember his role and temper his comments if he/she is to be effective. I don't see Sandy doing that unfortunately.

  5. 9 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Hugh Aynesworth BIH.


    Unfortunately, this was very predictable. Anytime anyone who supported aspects of the "Oswald-did-it" mindset passes on, we see this here at EF. It is especially uncalled for coming from an individual who is supposed to be a "moderator" and as such represents the forum. 

    Perhaps another perspective is needed:

    Hugh Aynesworth, R.I.P. (onthetrailofdelusion.com)

  6. 5 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

    my recollection is that Phillips went to Mexico City in late 61

    That is correct:

    This document reports his reassignment:


    This doc indicates he started in September:


    The next document in the same file mentions his conversation with Bissel in June of '61 when they arrived at the decision for him to go to Mexico.

  7. On 2/16/2023 at 1:25 PM, David Von Pein said:

    I, for one, am very disappointed to see that Lance Payette has decided to intentionally delete every single one of his 375 EF Forum posts that he has written since re-joining the forum on December 12, 2022.

    Agreed. What I would like to see Lance do is start a website (there are free options available) where his work could be available to all in a permanent format. Or, he could write a book. Either way he has some valuable contributions to make IMO.

  8. 13 hours ago, Lance Payette said:

    IMO, they are specialists in overwhelming people with so much detail, so many names, acronyms and numbers, that the average person is just going to assume they know what they're talking about and there is indeed some deep mystery.

    This is exactly the situation regarding Morley and the media. There are articles available by myself, Litwin, Myers and others that cast doubt on his various claims if they would take the time to look into it. But they don't because it is too much work and a story about an "Oswald operation" is too good to pass up.

  9. 43 minutes ago, Steve Roe said:

    Clay Shaw was an innocent man whose life was ruined by Garrison. He had nothing to do with the assassination. Take a look at Harold Weisberg's archives on Garrison.

    Right. For a discussion of the "Shaw worked for the CIA" matter, see chapter 45 of Fred's new book. For those who don't have the book, this blog post covers much of the same material:

    Was Clay Shaw a "Contract Agent" for the CIA? (onthetrailofdelusion.com)

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