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W. Tracy Parnell

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Everything posted by W. Tracy Parnell

  1. And yet not one person out of the dozens or hundreds who knew her stepped forward to say she so. This article also addresses the silly assertion that the Evans' tried to tell the WC that she was an impostor: http://wtracyparnell.blogspot.com/2017/01/the-two-marguerites-part-2.html
  2. Any political investigation has a time limit of some sort. However, even some of the WC people (can't remember who it was right now) agreed with you to this extent. There should have been a provision made to address (legitimate) issues that came up. Of course, being a political body that would require funding and that is always an issue.
  3. In a perfect world Paul, every loose end could be tied up. But the real world doesn't work that way. And the WC had a finite amount of time to do their work and did the best they could within that constraint. As is normal when you get a group of individuals together, some staffers and members did not agree on every issue. But professional investigators (police, FBI, private investigators) know that not every loose end will be tied up. There will be some things that do not support the final determination. The fact that we are discussing the evidence 50 plus years later shows the amount of information that is there to work with. And I am always surprised by claims such as yours that the WC should have answered this or that question that researchers are still pondering over. Some things may never be fully answered but there is enough information available to get a good grip on the life of LHO IMO.
  4. I can explain that. It is because they take things out of context. No investigation is done in a vacuum. All of the facts are considered when reaching a conclusion. H&L does not do that. It takes a "fact" (that may be a fact at all) and says "look at it just our way and it shows 2 Oswalds." ALL of the subjects you mention have alternative explanations. All of those explanations have been posted right here at EF in other threads, several of which have been pointed out to you. Greg Parker has a section of his website titled "alternative explanations for H&L." But apparently it is more "fun" for you to try and draw someone into a debate rather than read the explanations that have been provided. Evidently, you don't realize that nearly everyone is sick of H&L and uninterested in further debate.
  5. I can provide a simpler explanation than yours. The H&L people are misinterpreting or intentionally misrepresenting the evidence to promote their theory. The records clearly show that LHO attended school at Beauregard beginning on January 13, 1954. This jibes with other evidence showing that he and Marguerite left NYC just before this. Here is a 12-page thread (involving Lance) from 2017-18 discussing all of this. So for you to say there is no alternate explanation is just not correct:
  6. Anyone can go to my website, Jeremy's website, David Von Pein's website and Greg Parker's website and read numerous articles debunking H&L. They can also do searches here at the EF as Karl did and find many multi-page posts discussing the H&L situation. Now, do you want to pretend once more that these websites don't exist as you have done in the past? And yes, I have posted evidence right here on the EF on the subject of school records and Japan. I am not going to find the links for you, you can do that for yourself. Another example of the type of thing you do is the issue of LHO's birth certificate. A while back, you were insinuating that "something" was funny about the BC issue. So, I spent the time and called Louisiana myself and debunked the whole issue with the help of Lance and Paul Hoch and others. Lurkers can read all about it here: http://wtracyparnell.blogspot.com/2017/01/the-truth-about-oswalds-birth.html And yes, this is a real website and it exists. All you have to do is click the link. You see, that is why people take the time to create websites-so they don't have to type the same thing over and over just to satisfy CTs promoting a silly theory.
  7. Good post Lance. I have grown tired of playing the game with the H&L people. As I get older, I become more and more careful about what I spend time on. As you point out, these topics have been argued over and over. I guess the H&L people need the attention or something so they try and stir up a hornet's nest using the same tired arguments. They used to ask for explanations and myself or Greg Parker would provide links. They then insisted the linked websites did not exist. I have a partial LHO chronology and could provide a timeline for Japan, for example. But I already did that at one point, so I am not going to do it again. I am too busy for their nonsense. The arguments and counter-arguments are out there, let those interested run a search and decide for themselves.
  8. First, I understand that you have had some health problems Sandy and you are now doing better-that is great news and I wish you all the best. I do disagree with your assessment though. The school records and the Japan thing were debated extensively here and an alternate explanation offered-both through links and direct posting. You guys chose to disagree with our explanations-and that is your right. Anyone can search here and find the old threads and decide for themselves. Why Jim wants to rehash the same old debate is not clear.
  9. Perhaps Jeremy will want to respond and he does a good job of making the case against H&L. But seriously, all of these issues have been debated here ad nauseum. Alternate explanations have been provided for the school records, LHO's time in the far east and so on. So, further debate is pointless-those that want to believe H&L will. I would rather see a debate on WHY they believe it-that would be more interesting to me.
  10. She cites CE 820-A: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1134#relPageId=725&tab=page
  11. Another good resource is: http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/alpha66.htm
  12. There's something you don't understand Lance, but fortunately it was explained to me when I suggested the same thing. They can't do that because the mainstream authorities you mentioned are all in on it. The tip off is the term "mainstream" which indicates they are part of the dreaded establishment (insert preferred qualifying term here-military industrial, media, CIA, etc.) who perpetrated the plot.
  13. Good post and I would certainly like to see a book on this topic.
  14. And I thank you. I hope I have not gotten you into too much hot water since you are now back to dealing with Cliff. The EF people have stated that they have a policy in place now (similar to what you wrote above), but I am not clear about whether or not it was in place when all of this occurred. Regardless, it was common knowledge for at least two years that David was archiving posts at his site and nobody expressed serious reservations until recently. Of course, I realize that this is a private forum and they can do whatever they wish. But I don't have to like it.
  15. That does indeed appear to be the real issue here. After all, where are all the lawsuits since David has not removed any of the ostensibly offensive material from his site and that material was the "real issue" according to the "aggrieved" parties.
  16. Thanks John, I was really just using your post to reply to what seems to be a general concern.
  17. David stated previously here that the reason he archived posts was to have a record of his conversations with CTs. I think the fear expressed that he will "collect posts" is unfounded and much ado about nothing. If he can no longer participate here there is presumably no reason for him to "collect posts."
  18. So start your own website and present the threads in a way that makes you the "winner." Blogger is free.
  19. I suspect the problem Cory is that solution would result in essentially a "gutting" of much of his website content. I believe it is more important for David to preserve that content than it is his place on this site-but that is just a supposition on my part. As he points out, forums come and go and his site might be the only place to read those debates at some point.
  20. I agree. I wish our resident LN attorney Lance would weigh in with a legal opinion on this mess.
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