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Jeremy Bojczuk

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Posts posted by Jeremy Bojczuk

  1. In his latest post, Jim admits that a photograph which the cult attributes to the fictional character, 'Lee', is attached to a passport application form which the cult attributes to the other fictional character, 'Harvey'. On the face of it, that contradiction invalidates the whole theory. As with the mastoidectomy defect on the body in Oswald's grave, we have something that ought to be unique to one fictional character (the photograph of 'Lee') incongruously appearing with something that ought to be unique to the other fictional character (the passport form of 'Harvey').

    Fortunately, Jim provides a solution: "many of the official photos have been messed with." That's handy! If a piece of evidence contradicts your case, simply claim that the evidence has been faked. It's utterly irrational, but that's what cults are like. As with the mastoidectomy defect on the body in Oswald's grave, it's best to be as vague as possible about the actual procedure by which the evidence has been faked, and hope that no-one looks too closely.

    The common-sense explanaton, of course, is that the photograph was that of the same person who filled out the passport application form. I was wondering what thinking processes led the cult to attribute that particular photograph to that particular fictional character. How does the cult identify 'Lee' in photographs, and how does it identify 'Harvey'? I think I've worked it out. It's all about belief.

    Jim recently brought up the late Jack 'the moon landings were faked' White's infamous montage of photographs of the one and only historical Lee Harvey Oswald. According to Jim and Jack, there are actually two Oswalds depicted in that montage.

    I'm not so sure. Let's have a closer look at the montage and see how many 'Oswalds' we can find. I won't be doing anything like taking accurate measurements, of course, because that's too rational. I'll be applying some good old 'Harvey and Lee' logic instead. If I want to see differences between the photographs, and if I do in fact see differences, then those differences must be real, and the photographs must be of different people.

    If you don't have a copy of Jack White's montage, you can find it here: http://cdm17178.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/fullbrowser/collection/po-jfkwhite/id/3204/rv/compoundobject/cpd/3221/rec/1 .

    Let's start with the example Jim gave. Photograph 23 shows Oswald with a thick neck. Photograph 24 shows him with a thin neck. That's two Oswalds. OK, so in one picture he's facing forward and in the other he's facing sideways, but that doesn't matter. I've proved, positively and beyond any doubt at all, that there were at least two people who called themselves Lee Harvey Oswald!

    Now compare photograph 23 with photograph 20, the one in which Oswald's head is absolutely, definitely 13 inches tall. In photograph 23, he has a thick neck and a wide face. In photograph 20, he has a thick neck but a narrow face. That proves that there were three Oswalds: thin-neck Oswald, thick-neck Oswald, and narrow-face Oswald.

    Now compare photograph 23 with photograph 38. He has a thick neck in both pictures, but his face is even wider in photograph 38 than it is in photograph 23. That proves that there were four Oswalds: thin-neck Oswald, thick-neck Oswald, narrow-face Oswald and fat-face Oswald.

    There are lots of photographs in Jack 'the moon landings were faked' White's montage, and I'm sure that the careful viewer could apply 'Harvey and Lee' logic to identify many more than four Oswalds. If you desperately want to see differences, and if you aren't very particular about sciencey nonsense like taking measurements and compensating for different camera angles, different poses and different lighting conditions, and if you aren't bothered by working with very poor-quality photographs, you could probably identify a dozen or more Oswalds. I have no doubt that most of these Oswalds were Hungarian refugees who mysteriously left no trace in US immigration records and that they were all involved in a really exciting plot! Oh, and each of them had a mother named Marguerite who was also involved in the plot!

    That's how the irrational 'Harvey and Lee' cult mentality works. You identify a possible anomaly in a photograph or written document or witness statement, you ignore all the obvious common-sense explanations, and you come up with an explanation that hints at a sinister, all-encompassing plot. It's no surprise that this idiotic theory was partly dreamed up by some guy who thought that the moon landings were faked.

    As we have seen in this thread and elsewhere, there are common-sense explanations for all the main 'Harvey and Lee' talking points: the school records, the Bolton Ford incident, the Taiwan/Japan thing, Marguerite's house-buying, the photographs which show four or more Oswalds if you want to see them, and so on. Anyone is entitled to prefer a particular far-fetched explanation over the equivalent common-sense explanation, but until the cult members put forward something that genuinely doesn't have a common-sense explanation, everyone else is correct in treating the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' theory as far-fetched paranoid speculation.

    Is there even one piece of the 'Harvey and Lee' evidence that doesn't have a common-sense explanation?

  2. As I pointed out several pages ago, anyone who still believes that the mastoidectomy evidence is in any way faked really needs to provide some sort of cogent argument to support that proposition. So far, we've been given a variety of implausible scenarios, all of which rely on nothing more than assertion.

    It's telling that, as Bernie has pointed out, even the cult members themselves can't agree on which implausible scenario to support. These seem to be the current possibilities:

    1 - A genuine mastoidectomy operation was performed in an unknown hospital somewhere in Eastern Europe on an unknown Russian-speaking Hungarian boy, or possibly an unknown Russian World War Two orphan, at some point before one or the other boy moved to the United States without leaving any trace in US immigration records.

    2 - An unnecessary mastoidectomy operation was performed on the unidentified Hungarian or Russian boy by an unknown surgeon in 1952 or 1953 in a hospital in New York that wasn't built until 1955, without leaving any trace in the medical records.

    3 - The body in Oswald's grave was surgically altered to show, falsely, that it had undergone a mastoidectomy. This surgical procedure was carried out by an unknown surgeon at some undetermined point between the body's burial in 1963, in front of a crowd of onlookers, and its exhumation in 1981, also in front of a crowd of onlookers.

    4 - The body in the grave did not actually have a mastoidectomy defect until it was surgically altered shortly after its exhumation, while it was in the custody of several reputable scientists, who must have been complicit in the forgery and who knowingly published a false article in a reputable scientific journal.

    5 - The body in the grave has never had a mastoidectomy defect. The photograph of the defect was faked by persons unknown. The scientists who examined the body were coerced into knowingly writing a false article, and perhaps the editors of the scientific journal were coerced into publishing the article.

    6 - The body was beamed up to an alien spaceship and replaced by that of a clone, complete with a mastoidectomy defect. Fortunately, no-one noticed the spaceship and it was able to get back safely to its home solar system.

    Are there any other implausible scenarios that I've missed? More importantly, is there any documentary evidence to support any of these scenarios? So far, there doesn't seem to be any evidence, just the fact that one of them must be true because, if not, the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' theory is dead.

    It's time for the few remaining cult members to get their heads together and agree on which of these scenarios they think is the least implausible. Jim? Sandy? Anyone else? Which implausible scenario are you going to go for?

    Once there's agreement on the chosen scenario, the next stage is for the cult members to provide some sort of documentary evidence to support their chosen scenario, or at least to start looking for some evidence. There must be something, ideally medical records or a photograph of the spaceship.

    As for Bernie's suggestion of a structured debate between Jim Hargrove and Greg Parker, it's a good idea but can anyone really see Jim being brave enough to agree to that?

  3. 8 hours ago, Kathleen Collins said:

    The first man is Harvey.  Someone touched up the photograph.  The second is a young Donald Trump.  The third might be "Ralph Geb," someone told me years ago.  And, of course, Harvey himself, Judyth Baker's lover. 

    Brilliant, Kathleen! Satire is exactly what the ridiculous 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' theory deserves.

    Bernie made a good point when he wrote that "more people believe the Queen of England is a lizard than believe in H&L." I wouldn't be surprised if some of the members of this minuscule cult believe that the queen actually is a lizard. After all, one of the founders of the theory, the late Jack White, believed that the moon landings were faked. People whose view of the world is essentially paranoid will gravitate towards anything that matches that view.

    One of the problems caused by the failure of the authorities to perform a sincere investigation is that the JFK assassination is open to any sort of paranoid, speculative and evidence-free interpretation. The existence of idiotic nonsense such as the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' theory allows the authorities to portray serious critics of the lone-gunman line as crazy, paranoid fantasists. It would be nice if the people Kathleen and Bernie are making fun of would leave the JFK assassination alone and turn their attention to making equally stupid but much less harmful claims, for example that the earth is flat or that the moon landings were faked.

  4. Of course the photographs are of the same person, Michael! What's telling is the methodology that the crazies use to determine which photographs are of which fictional character: well, this picture kinda sorta looks a bit different to that other one, and that's all the evidence I need. It's interesting that, as far as I'm aware, no cult member has yet compiled a definitive list of which photographs are of 'Harvey' and which are of 'Lee'.

    Back on page 114, I pointed out an example of a photograph of the real, historical Lee Harvey Oswald that a distinguished late member of the cult had attributed to the fictional character, 'Lee'. The photograph shows Oswald smiling, with a full set of front teeth. Unfortunately, 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' doctrine requires 'Lee' to have had one of his front teeth knocked out.

    What explanation would allow the cult members to cling onto their belief in the face of this evidence? Perhaps the fictional character, 'Lee', had been fitted with a false tooth. But there's nothing in the medical records to indicate this. 'Lee' is supposed to have enlisted in the marines at some point, and would have been given a medical examination, which would have generated two medical reports. We know this because the real, historical Lee Harvey Oswald's enlistment generated two medical reports. So what do 'Lee's' medical reports claim about the state of his teeth? We'd expect the reports to mention a false tooth, if 'Lee' actually had a false tooth. We'd expect the reports to mention a missing tooth, if 'Lee' was actually missing one front tooth.

    As it happens, there are no medical records for 'Lee's' enlistment in the marines. That's because the real, historical Lee Harvey Oswald had, of course, only one set of medical records, and the cult's holy book allocated this set of medical records to the fictional character, 'Harvey'. There was nothing left for the other fictional character, 'Lee'. The sole set of medical records do not appear to mention either a missing tooth or a false tooth.

    According to doctrine, 'Harvey' had a full set of front teeth and had not undergone a mastoidectomy. According to doctrine, 'Lee' had had a tooth knocked out and had undergone a mastoidectomy. According to doctrine, 'Harvey' was buried in the real, historical Lee Harvey Oswald's grave. According to solid scientific evidence, and unfortunately for the cult's doctrine, the body in the grave had a full set of front teeth and a mastoidectomy defect.

    I realise that almost no-one with a real interest in the JFK assassination takes the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' theory seriously. Perhaps we're wasting our time pointing out the theory's many contradictions and weaknesses, since we aren't likely to persuade the cult members and there's almost no-one left who can't already see for themselves that the theory is a steaming pile of speculation and paranoia.

    Perhaps we aren't wasting our time, though. The assassination is in the news today, with the release of the final batch of documents. You all know the standard line in news reports: anyone who doubts the lone-gunman theory is a crazy, paranoid 'conspiracy theorist'. Of couse, a rational case can be made against the lone-gunman theory, but it's the likes of the irrational 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' theory that allows the media to keep pushing that particular message.

  5. As an aside to Bernie's comment near the bottom of page 113, Lobster magazine is actually still going. It has published a fair amount on the JFK assassination over the years, mostly in the form of book reviews. See https://www.lobster-magazine.co.uk/JFK.html . Issue 47 included a review of the 'Harvey and Lee' book, reproduced here: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/19762-harvey-and-lee-john-armstrong/ . The latest issue includes three JFK-related articles, all currently available as PDF downloads: https://www.lobster-magazine.co.uk/issue74.php .

    Years ago, I read a short book by Robin Ramsay on the JFK assassination (latest edition: http://www.pocketessentials.co.uk/who-shot-jfk ). As far as I recall, he pushed the 'LBJ did it' line and gave serious consideration to the improbable (to put it mildly) claims of Lol Factor and Mac Wallace. The last but one issue of the magazine included a review of Joan Mellen's Faustian Bargains in which Ramsay questioned Mellen's dismissal of the Mac Wallace evidence. Chauncey Holt too gets a lot more credence from Ramsay than most researchers would give.

  6. Jim writes:

    <blockquote>Perhaps Mr. Bojczuk can tell us how "Lee Harvey Oswald's" front tooth regrew in his grave!</blockquote>

    For the umpteenth time, his front tooth did not need to regrow, because it was never knocked out.

    According to the cult's respected former member, Jack 'the moon landings were faked' White, the fictional character, 'Lee', had a full set of front teeth when he was in Japan in 1958. According to cult doctrine, the other fictional character, 'Harvey', also had a full set of front teeth. According to a report by several respected scientists, the exhumed body of the real, historical Lee Harvey Oswald also had a full set of front teeth. The medical records of the real, historical Lee Harvey Oswald do not mention a missing tooth or a false tooth.

    So much for the 'missing tooth' nonsense. There was no missing tooth.

    Now let's get back to the mastoidectomy defect on the body in Oswald's grave, which disproves the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' theory. Unless it can be shown that the defect was faked, the theory is dead.

    Perhaps the cult members could begin by putting their heads together and agreeing on exactly when and where and how they think the mastoidectomy defect on the body in the grave was faked. Jim speculated that it was done in 1952 or 1953 by an unknown surgeon in a hospital that hadn't been built yet, but he has so far been unable to produce any documentary evidence to support this piece of speculation. Sandy speculated that it was done at around the time of the exhumation in 1981, but he wasn't sure if it was the body that was faked or the scientists' report that was faked, and he too has been unable to produce any evidence to support his speculation. Jack 'the moon landings were faked' White probably thought it was little green men who did it. James Norwood doesn't seem to have offered an opinion on the matter before he went missing when challenged to a debate:


    Let's see if we can prise some straight answers from our remaining cult members:

    - Was the body in the grave surgically altered? If so, when and where was this done? Back in the 1950s in a non-existent hospital in New York? In 1981 in Texas, shortly before the body was exhumed, surrounded by dozens of witnesses? Or in 1981 in Texas, shortly after the body was exhumed, surrounded by dozens of witnesses?

    - Was the scientists' report faked? Was the scientists' photograph of the mastoidectomy defect faked? If either or both of these were faked, were the scientists aware that the documents were faked?

    Now for the hard part: show us the evidence!

  7. Sandy writes:

    <blockquote>If Oswald had a missing tooth -- as the preponderance of evidence show -- this fact in and of itself proves not only that the exhumation evidence was faked, but that there were indeed two young Oswalds.</blockquote>

    It's that "preponderance of evidence" again! The preponderance of evidence actually shows that Oswald did not have a missing tooth. There are only two pieces of evidence to support Sandy's belief: the tentative statement by Ed Voebel that he thought (but wasn't sure) that Oswald's tooth had been knocked out, and a tiny detail in one poor-quality photograph which may indicate that up to three teeth were missing, or that up to three teeth were pushed out of position, or that Oswald's tongue was covering his teeth, or that Oswald was wearing a tooth splint (as Jake Sykes points out here: https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t1603-lillian-murret-the-dentist ), or it could be nothing more sinister than an artefact of the photographic reproduction process.

    Against this, there are statements by Bennierita Smith and Lillian Murret who each claimed that Oswald's tooth merely penetrated his lip, and who each failed to mention that the tooth was knocked out. The fact that Oswald was taken to the dentist doesn't imply that the tooth was knocked out, as Greg Parker makes clear in Tracy's post halfway down page 109.

    The score is 2-2. What tips the balance is the missing evidence:

    1 - If Oswald had actually had a front tooth knocked out, we might expect this fact to be reported in Oswald's medical records. As far as I'm aware, the medical records do not mention either a missing tooth or a false tooth. Anyone with a copy of the cult's holy book should turn to page 146, which cites two reports of a medical examination attributed to the fictional character, 'Harvey', on his enlistment in the marines in Dallas in 1956. No dental discrepancies are mentioned. Incidentally, one thing that is mentioned is a scar from a mastoidectomy operation, which proves that any alteration to the body in Oswald's grave must have been carried out no later than 1956. I'd be interested to read Sandy's opinion of exactly when and where the body was altered, which I'm sure he will be able to corroborate with documentary evidence.

    2 - We might also expect at least one or two of the hundreds of people who had met Oswald to point out that the guy they remembered was missing a front tooth whereas the guy on the television after the assassination had a full set. As far as I'm aware, no witnesses came forward to point out the dental discrepancy.

    3 - We might also expect one or more photographs to show clearly and unambiguously that Oswald was missing a front tooth. As far as I'm aware, no such photograph exists.

    The score is now 5-2, and the referee is about to blow the whistle for full-time. If Sandy (or anyone else) wants to convince anyone other than his fellow cult members that Oswald really had a tooth knocked out, he needs to produce the missing item in Oswald's medical records, or some of the missing witnesses, or one of the missing photographs. If he can't do that, he needs to provide a reasonable explanation for the missing evidence. By 'reasonable explanation' I don't mean the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' cult's usual, flimsy excuse: the Bad Guys faked Oswald's medical records and they faked the photographs and they forced all the witnesses to keep quiet.

    P.S. After a quick search I found two photographs which seem to show 'Lee' with a full set of front teeth. The portrait at http://harveyandlee.net/H&L multiple.jpg in the top row under '1957' shows a smiling 'Lee', three years after he supposedly had one of his front teeth knocked out. This reproduction is poor, but a clearer version exists in a composite image on the Baylor University site (at http://cdm17178.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/fullbrowser/collection/po-jfkwhite/id/3204/rv/compoundobject/cpd/3221/rec/1 ). It is labelled as number 25, with the caption "May 1958(?). Said to be Atsugi, Japan (maybe Mississippi?). Broad chin." There is a tooth where the Voebel photograph has a gap. The same composite image contains a portrait of a smiling Oswald, with a full set of front teeth clearly visible, labelled as number 27 with the caption "Japan, on guard duty with rifle. Date unknown (possibly 1958?)." According to the cult's doctrine, it was 'Lee' who went to Japan minus one of his front teeth. According to this photograph, 'Lee' went to Japan with a full set of front teeth. So much for the cult's doctrine.

    Incidentally, this large composite was made by the late Jack White, who inspired the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' theory and who thought not only that Oswald was faked but that the Zapruder film was faked and the moon landings were faked. That's right, the guy who helped to think up the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' nonsense actually believed that the moon landings were faked. You probably don't have to be completely barking to be a member of the cult, but it certainly helps.

    More here:

    - https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Jack_White

    - http://www.aulis.com/jackstudies_index1.html

  8. Jim seems to think that the full set of front teeth on the body in Oswald's grave is evidence that the body is actually that of a fictional character, 'Harvey', who had been operated on in 1952 or 1953 by an unknown surgeon in a hospital that wasn't built until 1955.

    The unknown surgeon at the non-existent hospital is supposed to have operated on the fictional 'Harvey' in order to make 'Harvey's' body match that of 'Lee', an unrelated boy who had undergone a mastoidectomy and who supposedly had had a front tooth knocked out.

    The unknown surgeon at the non-existent hospital supposedly went to the trouble of fabricating evidence of a mastoidectomy, but for some reason did not take the easier step of removing one of 'Harvey's' front teeth. We know that the unknown surgeon must have ventured into the fictional 'Harvey's' mouth during the operation at the non-existent hospital because, as Bernie has pointed out, the surgeon also went to the trouble of duplicating 'Lee's' fillings.

    There would have been little point or urgency in faking the mastoidectomy, which would only be discovered if 'Harvey's' body were exhumed and dissected after his death. But it would have been essential to fake the missing tooth, which would be visible to anyone who encountered 'Harvey' during the rest of his lifetime. Is there a reasonable explanation for the unknown surgeon's failure to remove the tooth during the operation at the non-existent hospital?

    The existence of a full set of teeth on the body in Oswald's grave tells us that, if that body had been surgically altered to match the body of another boy, that second boy must also have had a full set of front teeth, contrary to 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' cult doctrine.

    The body in Oswald's grave possessed a full set of front teeth which matched the historical Lee Harvey Oswald's dental records. The body possessed a set of fillings which also matched the historical Lee Harvey Oswald's dental records. The body possessed a mastoidectomy defect which matched the historical Lee Harvey Oswald's medical history. There was no 'Harvey', and there was no 'Lee' who had had a front tooth knocked out, just as there was no surgeon at the non-existent hospital. The body in the grave was that of one person, Lee Harvey Oswald, who underwent a genuine mastoidectomy in 1946 and who was buried, with a full set of front teeth, in Fort Worth in 1963.


  9. Sandy did well to dig out the testimony of Lillian Murret, aunt of the historical, one and only Lee Harvey Oswald. Unfortunately, Lillian Murret does not support Ed Voebel's claim that Oswald had had a tooth knocked out in a fight at school. In fact, she corroborates Bennierita Smith's account of the fight. This is what Bennierita Smith said:

    "I guess because there was this boy - he wasn't going to Beauregard, this boy he had the fight with, and he was a little guy. I think his name was Robin Riley. He hit Lee, and his tooth came through his lip ... it actually tore the lip." (WCHE vol.8, p.22: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=36#relPageId=30 )

    And this is what Lillian Murret said:

    "There were boys in back of him and one of them called his name, and he said, 'Lee', and when he turned around, this boy punched him in the mouth and ran, and it ran his tooth through the lip, so she [Marguerite Oswald] had to go over to the school and take him to the dentist, and I paid for the dentist bill myself, and that's all I know about that." (WCHE vol.8, p.124: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=36#relPageId=132 )

    Neither of the women claims that a tooth was knocked out, but both of them claim that a tooth penetrated Oswald's lip. Against this, we have one poor-quality photograph and Ed Voebel's statement that he thought (but wasn't sure) that Oswald had had a tooth knocked out.

    If Oswald had in fact had a tooth knocked out, there ought to be plenty of evidence for it:

    - Dozens, if not hundreds, of people who had met Oswald must have seen his picture on television and in newspapers after the assassination. Apart from Ed Voebel, did any of them point out the inconsistency that the person they remembered had one of his front teeth missing yet this guy had a full set?

    - Are there any other photographs of Oswald which even suggest that he had a front tooth missing?

    - Do any of the medical records made during Oswald's lifetime, such as those from his enlistment in the marines, mention a missing front tooth?

    - Did the body in Oswald's grave have a front tooth missing?

    Unless anyone can produce some evidence to answer these questions, the only reasonable conclusion is that Oswald's fight at school did not result in one of his front teeth being knocked out. Yet another piece of the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' fantasy bites (as it were) the dust.

    More here: https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t1603-lillian-murret-the-dentist

  10. There's an interesting newspaper article here, which includes a photograph of the exhumation:


    I can make out 22 people in the photograph. It doesn't capture the whole scene, and the article mentions that a number of security guards were present, so I think we can assume that there must have been many more than 22 people in attendance altogether.

    Unless the Bad Guys were able to twist the arms of those 22 people plus the photographer plus the other security guards plus whoever else happened to be in the area at the time, we can rule out the notion that the body in the grave was switched during the exhumation.

    We can also rule out Jim's preferred solution, that an unnecessary mastoidectomy operation, for which no trace exists in the medical records, had been performed in 1952 or 1953 on a Russian-speaking Hungarian refugee boy, for whom no trace exists in US immigration records, by a surgeon whose name is unknown, in a hospital that wasn't built until 1955.

    That leaves just one realistic explanation for the existence of a mastoidectomy defect on the body in the grave. It was the little green men. They beamed up the body into their invisible spacecraft and replaced it with a surgically modified clone, before depositing the original body at Roswell. That's the realistic explanation. There's also this far-fetched explanation: the body in the grave was that of the historical, one and only Lee Harvey Oswald, who had undergone a genuine, properly documented mastoidectomy operation at the age of six.

  11. Jim is claiming that one of his fictional Oswalds had a tooth knocked out in a fight at school. He reproduces a poor-quality photograph (WCHE vol.16, p.804: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1133#relPageId=828 ) and cites Ed Voebel, a classmate of the historical, one and only Lee Harvey Oswald: "I think he even lost a tooth from that. I think he was cut on the lip, and a tooth was knocked out." (WCHE vol.8, p.3: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=36#relPageId=11 )

    This evidence isn't quite as strong as Jim would like it to be. For some reason, Jim doesn't mention another of Oswald's classmates, Bennierita Smith, who remembered the fight but did not claim that Oswald had had a tooth knocked out: "I guess because there was this boy - he wasn't going to Beauregard, this boy he had the fight with, and he was a little guy. I think his name was Robin Riley. He hit Lee, and his tooth came through his lip ... it actually tore the lip." (WCHE vol.8, p.22: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=36#relPageId=30 )

    There are also several items of evidence which ought to exist but which don't seem to exist. Jim implies that his fictional version of Lee Harvey Oswald went through the rest of his life with a front tooth missing. Are there any other photographs of this particular fictional Oswald? Do they show a missing tooth? If not, why not? Are there any statements from people who met this fictional Oswald which mention a missing tooth?

    One of the fictional Oswalds, 'Harvey', is supposed to have had his body surgically altered to match that of the other fictional Oswald, 'Lee'. It was 'Lee' who supposedly had his tooth knocked out, and who had undergone a mastoidectomy operation at the age of six. It was 'Harvey' whose body was supposedly exhumed from Lee Harvey Oswald's grave in 1981. The body showed evidence of a mastoidectomy, but not of a missing tooth. Why did the Bad Guys who ran the fictional two-Oswald scheme go to the bother of fabricating evidence of a mastoidectomy but neglect to remove a tooth? I'm no surgeon, but I'd guess it's a lot easier to take out a tooth than it is to fabricate evidence of a mastoidectomy. And the mastoidectomy would only be discovered if the fictional 'Harvey' ever got dug up after his death, whereas the missing tooth would be visible to the world for the rest of his life. Would Jim (or any of the other believers in this ridiculous nonsense) care to explain why the tooth wasn't removed?

    More here: https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t227-armstrong-s-magic-tooth-and-the-facts-about-harvey-at-beauregard

  12. After carefully analysing all the evidence, Jim seems to agree with his critics that the exhumation of Oswald's body wasn't faked, and the scientists' report wasn't faked. The reason for the existence of a mastoidectomy defect on the body in Oswald's grave, according to Jim, is not that the historical, one and only Lee Harvey Oswald was given a mastoidectomy operation in February 1946, as medical documentation shows us, but that a fictional character, 'Harvey', was given an unnecessary mastoidectomy "in late 1952 or early 1953" in New York City. Where exactly was the unnecessary operation carried out? Jim doesn't say, but he throws in a mention of Jacobi Hospital, presumably to imply that the operation was carried out there:

    <blockquote>To me, it's most likely that Harvey had the procedure done in late 1952 or early 1953, when he was a teenager living in New York City and habitually truant from Public School 117. Louise Robertson, "Marguerite Oswald's" housekeeper, told the FBI that Mrs. Oswald said she had brought her son to New York so that he could have mental tests performed at Jacobi Hospital.</blockquote>

    According to the official New York City government website, however, Jacobi Hospital didn't open until 1955: http://www.nyc.gov/html/hhc/jacobi/html/about/history.shtml

    So the operation couldn't have been carried out there. Which hospital was it, then? Are there any records from any hospital in the New York City area in 1952 or 1953 which indicate that a mastoidectomy was carried out on a 13-year-old Russian-speaking Hungarian refugee, or possibly a 13-year-old Russian World War Two orphan? If no such records exist, why do they not exist? I bet it was those Bad Guys again, destroying and faking the documentary record to disguise their dastardly plan!

    I wonder how much effort has gone into looking for the missing hospital records. I suspect that Jim and the leader of the cult (praise be his name!) haven't actually bothered to look for those records, for the obvious reason that they know perfectly well that no such operation was carried out.

    More here: https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t688-jacobi-hospital

  13. Credit to Sandy for at least facing up to the problem that the exhumation evidence causes for the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' theory, unlike his fellow believers. Pretty much all we've had from Jim Hargrove are the usual 'but what about this' changing-the-subject data dumps; from David Josephs the usual 'but the bad guys can do anything' paranoia with added personal insults; and from James Norwood, well, nothing, since he seems to have found more pressing engagements after being challenged to a debate.

    Sandy is claiming that the mastoidectomy evidence has been faked, but that he isn't sure who actually faked it, or when, or how, or indeed whether it was the body or the scientists' report that was faked. Apparently it could have been the scientists themselves who faked their report (as well as the photographs from the exhumation, presumably); or it could have been unnamed members of unnamed official agencies who faked the body, either before or after death, and who then coerced the scientists into keeping quiet; or it could have been little green men from outer space who beamed the body into their spacecraft and replaced it with a clone. Anything's possible.

    For Sandy (or anyone else) to make a credible case that the exhumation evidence was faked, he needs to provide some sort of detailed account of how it might plausibly have been faked, and by whom. The more detail there is, the more credible the account becomes. You can't just claim it was faked and leave it at that. Of course, there's no actual evidence that anything was faked, just the inconvenient fact that the exhumation evidence invalidates a poorly supported and far-fetched theory.

    The very minimum that's needed is a list of the various elements that would have been required to fake either the body or the report, or both. Perhaps Sandy (or Jim, or David, or James if anyone can track him down) could provide such a list, so that we can work out how many people must have been involved in this particular plot and how likely it is that the plot could have been kept secret. To get the ball rolling, and because anything's possible, here's one scenario:

    1 - News gets out that the body in Oswald's grave is going to be exhumed. Alarm bells go off in the headquarters of the 'Oswald project'.

    2 - The chief of the 'Oswald project' calls a meeting, during which various courses of action are discussed. The consensus is that because the official cover story required the so-called 'Lee Harvey Oswald' character to have had a mastoidectomy, the non-existence of a mastoidectomy defect on the body in the grave would give away the two-Oswald plot. It is decided that the body in the grave needs to be surgically altered to show evidence of having undergone a mastoidectomy operation at the age of six, and that the best opportunity to do this is to intercept the body after it is dug up and before it is examined by the pathologists.

    3 - On the day of the exhumation, a van containing a fully equipped mobile pathology lab is parked just around the corner from the cemetery. The van contains a specially fabricated coffin that looks and smells as though it has been in the ground for nearly two decades.

    4 - Members of the 'Oswald project', disguised as members of the public visiting the cemetery, wait for the real coffin to be lifted from the grave. When the coffin emerges, the 'Oswald project' team stages a diversion ("Look over there!"), the mocked-up coffin is taken out of the van and hurriedly brought to the grave, the original coffin is moved to one side, the fake coffin moved into place, and the original coffin is hurriedly carried out of the cemetery and placed in the back of the van, all without anyone noticing.

    5 - Inside the van, pathologists working for the 'Oswald project' quickly dissect the head of the body that had been in the grave. They chip and grind away at the skull, and in no time at all manage to create a fake mastoidectomy defect. They cross their fingers and hope that it looks as though it had been performed 35 years earlier on a living six-year-old boy.

    6 - Meanwhile, the mocked-up coffin is loaded into an undertaker's hearse and begins its journey to the site of the scientific examination. Before it can get there, members of the 'Oswald project', disguised as traffic cops, pull over the hearse. While they engage the attention of the people in the hearse, other members of the 'Oswald project' drive the mobile pathology lab van up to the hearse, open the back of the hearse, remove the mocked-up coffin, place it by the side of the road, carry the original coffin (now containing the surgically modified body) from the back of their van and place it in the hearse, and pick up the mocked-up coffin from the side of the road and place it in their van, all without anyone noticing.

    7 - The scientific examination is carried out on the surgically modified body, and evidence of a mastoidectomy is discovered. The scientists give a news conference, and later publish an article in which they show evidence that the body had undergone a mastoidectomy at the age of six. There is much back-slapping at 'Oswald project' headquarters. The secrets of the 'Oswald project' are safe again!

    8 - Unfortunately, the scientists who examine the body notice that the mastoidectomy defect looks like a modern fake and not something that had been carried out on a six-year-old in 1946. Word of this potentially calamitous development reaches 'Oswald project' headquarters. Before the scientists stage their news conference, members of the 'Oswald project' visit the scientists and persuade them to keep quiet.

    9 - Unfortunately, a couple of press photographers are in the cemetery during the exhumation, and they snap the 'Oswald project' team swapping the two coffins around and placing one of them in the back of a van. Word of this potentially calamitous development reaches 'Oswald project' headquarters. Members of the 'Oswald project' visit the photographers and their photo lab technicians, destroy their photographs, and persuade them to keep quiet.

    10 - Unfortunately, several motorists, cyclists and dog-walkers, as well as a party of schoolchildren and their teachers, see the hearse being pulled over by the fake traffic cops, and notice the 'Oswald project' team taking one dilapidated coffin out of the hearse and placing it by the side of the road, taking a second dilapidated coffin out of a van and placing it in the back of the hearse, then picking up the coffin that was at the side of the road and placing it in the van. Word of this potentially calamitous development reaches 'Oswald project' headquarters. Members of the 'Oswald project' visit all the motorists, cyclists, dog-walkers, schoolchildren and teachers, and persuade them to keep quiet.

    11 - Unfortunately, the carpenters who fabricated the mock coffin on behalf of the 'Oswald project' wonder why anyone would need a mocked-up coffin that looked as though it had been in the ground for nearly two decades. They suspect that their work has been used for nefarious purposes, and they get in touch with a couple of investigative journalists. Word of this potentially calamitous development reaches 'Oswald project' headquarters. Members of the 'Oswald project' visit the carpenters and the journalists and persuade them to keep quiet.

    12 - Unfortunately, all of the scientists, press photographers, photo lab technicians, motorists, cyclists, dog-walkers, schoolchildren, teachers, carpenters and journalists talk to their work colleagues, their friends and their family members about the various problems with the exhumation. Word of this potentially calamitous development reaches 'Oswald project' headquarters. The chief of the 'Oswald project', by now a chain-smoking and nail-chewing nervous wreck, calls a meeting. It is decided that there should be a large recruitment drive so that a special department of the 'Oswald project' can be set up. Members of this special department of the 'Oswald project' visit all of the work colleagues, friends and family members of each of the scientists, the press photographers, the photo lab technicians, the motorists, the cyclists, the dog-walkers, the schoolchildren, the teachers, the carpenters and the journalists, and persuade every single one of them to keep quiet.

    13 - Unfortunately, a couple of the newly recruited members of the 'Oswald project' are overheard talking in public about their new jobs. Word of this potentially calamitous development reaches 'Oswald project' headquarters. The chief of the 'Oswald project' is discovered crouching in the corner of his office, whimpering. He is sacked. The new chief expands the special department of the 'Oswald project' to include half the population of the United States. The secrets of the 'Oswald project' are safe again!

    Anything's possible, isn't it? Unfortunately, not every possibility is equally likely.

    P.S. Just in case anyone catches sight of the elusive James Norwood, here's that invitation to a debate:


  14. Sandy still seems to be under the misapprehension that quantity beats quality when it comes to evidence. In the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' corner, we have a steaming pile of weak evidence, all of which has a perfectly reasonable alternative explanation. In the opposite corner, we have (amongst other things) scientific evidence which does not have a reasonable alternative explanation. It really doesn't matter how big the steaming pile of weak evidence is, or how badly it smells. It will still get knocked out by the scientific evidence, for the simple reason that there is no reasonable alternative explanation for the scientific evidence.

    Which of the possible alternative explanations for the scientific evidence does Sandy think is the most credible?
    - That the scientists, all of them with solid professional reputations, knowingly faked their report?
    - That the editors of the scientific journal, all of them equally reputable scientists, knowingly published a false report?
    - That some unnamed Bad Guys managed to fake the report, including its photographs, without the knowledge of any of the scientists and other people involved in the exhumation?
    - That some unnamed Bad Guys performed an unnecessary mastoidectomy operation on an unnamed boy in the 1940s just on the off-chance that the boy's body might need to be dug up four decades later?
    - That some unnamed Bad Guys manipulated the body in Oswald's grave to give it the appearance of having had a mastoidectomy, and did such a good job that the scientists didn't notice?
    - That some unnamed aliens from outer space beamed Oswald's body up from his grave and replaced it with a clone?

    Which of these explanations does Sandy prefer? And why is there no evidence for any of them?

    One of those explanations must be the right one, unless the scientific evidence of a mastoidectomy on the body in Oswald's grave is correct. And if the scientific evidence is correct, the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' fantasy was conclusively refuted two decades before it was even published.

    Now Sandy claims that "the Warren Report is to be trusted over the large quantity of contradictory evidence because it is of higher quality". Really? What makes Sandy think that the Warren Report is "of higher quality" than the evidence which contradicts its main findings?

    I'm sure that Sandy isn't really a lone nutter, even though that is the implication in his statement. I'm sure he understands how far-fetched and poorly supported 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' fantasy is. I suspect that in private he regrets having publicly promoted the fantasy, and that he makes unfounded accusations to avoid having to back down in public. I'm sure that, like most readers of this thread, he understands why that fantasy is opposed by rational critics of the lone-nut theory.

  15. "Preponderance of evidence" indeed! That's just a dishonest way of claiming that when it comes to evidence, quantity beats quality. But it's the other way round: quality beats quantity. Strong evidence beats weak evidence, no matter how much of it there is.

    Every single piece of evidence which has been put forward to support the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' fantasy is weak. What makes the evidence weak is the fact that perfectly reasonable alternative explanations exist for that evidence. Human memory is fallible, people make mistakes when filling in forms, the same person's appearance in photographs can change over time and in different lighting conditions, and so on.

    There are even perfectly reasonable alternative explanations for the claims that Oswald was impersonated and that he was a CIA operative. Neither of those claims require him to have been part of a ridiculously unlikely long-term doppelganger project.

    Against this weak evidence is a report by reputable scientists, published in a reputable scientific journal, which shows that the body in Oswald's grave had undergone a mastoidectomy operation, contradicting 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' doctrine which claims that the body cannot have undergone such an operation.

    Unless anyone can produce some unimpeachable documentation which shows conclusively that the scientists' report was false, or that the body in the grave had been tampered with, that's the end of the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' fantasy.

    Here are some questions for the 'Harvey and Lee' cult members:

    - Do you accept the basic principle that strong evidence beats weak evidence? If not, why not?

    - If you still don't accept the scientists' report, what is your preferred explanation for it? There has been quite a bit of indecisive squirming on this topic, with suggestions that a fictional six-year-old clone was operated on decades before the exhumation, or perhaps he wasn't and the scientists faked their report, or perhaps they didn't and some unidentified Bad Guys faked it instead. It would be nice if each of the cult members would state clearly, for the record, exactly why the scientists' report can't be trusted, if that's what they believe.

  16. As any frequent reader of this thread will have predicted, Jim is yet again trying to divert attention by changing the subject. Don't look over there at the scientific evidence that refutes the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' theory! Look over here at some trivial anomalies!

    Let's keep looking at the scientific evidence. Jim speculates that "the exhumation results were fixed, maybe not by the people involved in the exhumation, but more likely by the people charged with preparing and preserving the evidence" and "it is clear that those results were fixed in one way or another". Where is the documentary evidence that anyone "fixed" the results of the exhumation? There is none. It's pure speculation.

    In an earlier post, Jim wrote "I’m not necessarily saying that the exhumation was faked, though I don’t rule it out." Again, vague speculation and no hard evidence. He's scrabbling around, trying to find anything that might allow him to avoid admitting that solid scientific evidence has destroyed his irrational belief.

    Let's see if we can get him to narrow down his list of suspects, and see if he can actually provide some evidence to support his speculative claims:

    - Was an unnecessary mastoidectomy operation performed on the body in Oswald's grave before that person's death? If so, show us the evidence. If you can't provide any evidence, why does the evidence not exist?

    - Was an unnecessary mastoidectomy operation performed on the body in Oswald's grave after that person's death? If so, show us the evidence. If you can't provide any evidence, why does the evidence not exist? You might want to ask Sandy to show you the evidence he discovered, since this seems to be his preferred explanation. Unless Sandy didn't discover any evidence, of course, and he was just speculating too.

    - Did CIA operatives (or some alternative Bad Guys) force the scientists to fake their report? If you think they did, show us the evidence. If you can't provide any evidence, why does the evidence not exist?

    - Did CIA operatives (or some alternative Bad Guys) fake the report without the scientists' knowledge? If you think they did, show us the evidence. If you can't provide any evidence, why does the evidence not exist?

    - Did the editors of the scientific journal believe that the article they published was false? If you think they did, show us the evidence. If you can't provide any evidence, why does the evidence not exist?

  17. 11 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

    Because the evidence against the H&L theory is scientific evidence. It is the exhumation and the  handwriting and photo evidence from the HSCA. The evidence for H&L is misread records and your interpretation of them and mistaken witnesses.

    That sums it up nicely. It's about the quality of the evidence, not the quantity. It really doesn't matter how many witness statements can be dredged up to support the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' fantasy, because witness statements rely on memories, in this case very often decades-old memories, and human memory is fallible. You could put forward any number of such witnesses to support the fantasy, or any number of dubiously interpreted documentary records or photographs. It doesn't matter; there is always a perfectly reasonable alternative explanation for this type of evidence.

    The evidence of the mastoidectomy on the body in Oswald's grave is far stronger than that. It is supported by a number of scientists, all of them with solid professional reputations, whose report was published in a well-known and respected scientific journal. Every alternative explanation for this particular piece of evidence requires far-fetched speculation:

    - Perhaps the scientists who exumed Oswald's body risked ruining their careers by giving the body a post-mortem mastoidectomy.

    - Perhaps the scientists deliberately lied in their report.

    - Perhaps the editors of the Journal of Forensic Sciences were leaned on to publish that false report.

    - Perhaps an unknown six-year-old Russian-speaking Hungarian refugee boy was given an unnecessary mastoidectomy operation by an unknown surgeon in an unknown hospital on the orders of some equally unknown Bad Guys just in case the boy's body might need to be dug up nearly forty years later.

    - Perhaps aliens from outer space beamed Oswald's body up into their spacecraft and replaced it with that of his clone.

    Scientific evidence versus pure unsupported speculation. It is irrational to prefer far-fetched speculation over solid scientific evidence. That's what members of cults do; they cling to their beliefs no matter what. Unless anyone can come up with a reasonable explanation for the mastoidectomy defect on the body in Oswald's grave, the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' theory is dead.

  18. We've had some interesting suggestions about how to explain the evidence of a mastoidectomy operation on the body in Oswald's grave. The obvious, common-sense explanation is that the body in Oswald's grave was that of the historical, one-and-only Lee Harvey Oswald who, as we know from documentary evidence, underwent a mastoidectomy operation at the age of six.

    Unfortunately for the members of the 'Harvey and Lee' cult, the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' theory requires the body in the grave to have been that of a fictional character who had not undergone a mastoidectomy operation. If the common-sense explanation is correct, the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' theory was conclusively refuted two decades before the theory was even published. Unsurprisingly, solid scientific evidence has defeated a far-fetched theory that's built on nothing but dubious interpretations and decades-old memories.

    There seem to be three alternative explanations that might be able to resurrect the cult members' belief. Needless to say, there is no specific documentary evidence to support any of the claims. Here they are, in ascending order of incredibility, from you're-kidding-me to you're-completely-bonkers:

    (a) The Bad Guys who ran the fictional two-Oswald scheme falsified the report of the scientists who performed the exhumation in 1981. The reasoning is that because the government agencies which investigated the JFK assassination appear to have falsified certain pieces of documentary evidence such as witness statements, those agencies were also capable of falsifying a report by reputable scientists which was published in a reputable, peer-reviewed scientific journal.

    (b) The scientists who performed the exhumation were coerced into manipulating the body in Oswald's grave to give it the appearance of having undergone a mastoidectomy, and were then coerced into keeping the manipulation secret. The reasoning here is presumably much the same as for the previous explanation.

    (c) Difficult though it might be for the cult members to accept, one element of the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' theory must be wrong. The fictional Oswald clone who, according to the theory, was buried in Oswald's grave and who had not undergone a mastoidectomy operation must in fact have undergone such an operation at the age of six, just like the real-life Lee Harvey Oswald. The reasoning, if that's the right word for it, is that because the CIA was capable of administering LSD to thousands of people, the CIA or some other Bad Guys were capable of not only looking into the future to identify a six-year-old boy who was going to grow up to look like a completely unrelated six-year-old boy, but they were also capable of looking into the future to anticipate that the boy's body might need to be dug up several decades later, and for that reason they had an unnecessary mastoidectomy operation performed on the boy.

    That's three far-fetched explanations, each devoid of supporting documentary evidence and each theoretically unlikely in its own way, versus the common-sense explanation that the body in Oswald's grave was that of the one and only Lee Harvey Oswald.

    There isn't any way to conclusively prove or refute any of these four explanations, unless some of the non-existent documentary evidence turns up, which isn't likely to happen even if the cult members get off their rear ends and start looking for it. All we can do is choose the explanation which best matches our own view of how the world works.

    Like any rational person, I'd go for the common-sense explanation, the one which happens to destroy the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' theory. Jim seems to have favoured explanation (c) but, perhaps realising that it makes him look utterly paranoid, is now hedging his bets. Sandy finds explanation (c) hard to believe and has put forward explanation (b) instead. Are there any other members of the 'Harvey and Lee' cult who are willing to state for the record which of the three far-fetched explanations they believe in?

  19. Greg Parker has replied to Sandy's latest post about the school records:


    Greg writes:

    <blockquote>We seem to be finally on the same page because this is the interpretation I have being trying to get across all along by repeating that the the Beauregard records incorporate transferred records from PS 44. All that remains now is for you to admit that this shoots the H & L interpretation of two boys at two schools simultaneously right in the butt.</blockquote>

    As with many other aspects of the 'Harvey and Lee' fantasy, there is a perfectly credible, common-sense interpretation of the evidence which renders the theory unnecessary.

  20. Thanks for posting that link, Tracy. Stan did such a good job, I'll have to start thinking about my Oscar acceptance speech. Now, where did I put my bow tie?

    Sandy writes:

    <blockquote>If you want to see hard evidence that there were two Oswald's (not mere photos or sightings) I suggest you study Oswald's school records for his fall semester of 8th grade. He attended both Public School 44 in NYC and Beauregard Junior High in New Orleans simultaneously that semester. Of course, it was really the two Oswalds attending the two schools.</blockquote>

    Greg Parker has offered to debate Sandy on this point:


    Will Sandy be brave enough to take up the offer?

    Greg has also offered to debate James Norwood:


    If James ever pokes his head above the parapet again, I'd be interested to see if he too is brave enough to take up Greg's offer. I'd also be interested to see if he responds to an earlier post of mine, in which I asked him to produce the evidence which led him to state that I have a "belief in the Warren Report" and "a bias in favor in the findings of the Warren Report". If he can't produce any such evidence, I hope he will have the decency to apologise.

  21. [Interview, part four]

    Journalist: There's something else I was wondering about. There must be thousands of people around the world with a serious interest in the JFK assassination. Tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands. How many of them have you managed to convert?

    Cult Member: It must be close to a dozen by now!

    Journalist: As many as that?

    Cult Member: Well, we've only been going for a couple of decades, you know.

    Journalist: If you think about how many really gullible people there are, people with virtually no critical thinking skills at all, who are prepared to believe anything, no matter how far-fetched - that Elvis Presley arrived on earth in an alien spaceship, that sort of thing - it looks as though even those people find your 'two Oswalds and two Marguerites' theory too implausible for their tastes.

    Cult Member: That's certainly our target audience, but they obviously haven't heard the word of truth yet. Or if they have, they aren't looking at the evidence in the right way, logically and with an open mind. We need to spread the word more efficiently. That's why we've come to you. You can give us the publicity we need.

    Journalist: Hmm. If your theory has almost no support in JFK assassination circles, it must attract a fair amount of criticism.

    Cult Member: Cointelpro! Lone nutters! Cointelpro! Lone nutters!

    Journalist: You think everyone with doubts about your theory is a supporter of the official line, that Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy, alone and unaided?

    Cult Member: Of course they are! Why else would they oppose the truth? Isn't it obvious?

    Journalist: You know, one of the standard ways in which the media dismisses criticism of the lone-nut theory is to paint every critic of the official line as a paranoid, moon-landings-crazy fantasist. What about those people who say that all of these over-complicated super-conspiracy theories are exactly what the media needs, and that far-fetched, poorly supported theories like yours just bring rational criticism of the lone-nut theory into disrepute?

    Cult Member: Cointelpro! Lone nutters! Cointelpro! Lone nutters! Cointelpro! Lone nutters!

    Journalist: OK, OK. Calm down. I was wondering how you deal with all that criticism.

    Cult Member: Usually, it's best to ignore it and hope it goes away. You see, from time to time some cointelpro lone-nutter will demonstrate how this or that aspect of our theory is wrong. When that happens, we will simply change the subject. Then, later on, once everyone's attention has been diverted, we can bring up the same aspect of our theory again, completely ignoring the objections that the cointelpro lone-nutter brought up last time round.

    Journalist: Really?

    Cult Member: Oh yes! Very often we'll just copy and paste the stuff that has been disproved, and pretend that it hasn't been. Copy and paste! Copy and paste! We can do this over and over again!

    Journalist: That doesn't seem very honest to me. Won't people see through that tactic?

    Cult Member: Unfortunately they do, yes. Another way to divert attention from criticism is to quote long passages from our holy book.

    Journalist: If you were serious, if you weren't afraid of being proved wrong, surely you'd be happy to deal with criticism of your theory.

    Cult Member: I suppose so. There's an online forum based in Australia that gives our theory a hard time. If we weren't afraid of being proved wrong, I suppose we could join that forum and deal with its members' questions honestly.

    Journalist: I think you should do that. Why don't you?

    Cult Member: Mainly because that forum is full of rude people who use naughty words, and we're easily offended. Oh, and there's also the possibility that our theory wouldn't last five seconds and we'd become a laughing stock.

    Journalist: But you are already. Your theory was debunked by solid scientific evidence two decades before it was even published. As laughing stocks go, you lot are world champions.

    Cult Member: Please don't say that. I really want to believe my theory. It makes me feel better about myself.

    Journalist: Yes, I was wondering why you are so attracted to an idea which most people would dismiss as far-out paranoid nonsense.

    Cult Member: You see, this belief in a super-powerful conspiracy fulfills a certain psychological need in us. That's the reason we are incapable of questioning the truth that's revealed to us in our holy book. And if you believe in something strongly enough, you'll do whatever it takes to spread the word.

    Journalist: Hmm. I'm curious about exactly what your theory has to say about the assassination itself.

    Cult Member: Oh, nothing at all.

    Journalist: I mean, how does it relate to the strength or weakness of the evidence against Oswald, or the question of how many shots were fired, or whether it was physically possible for one person to have fired all the shots?

    Cult Member: Who cares about any of that? ‎This is all about thinking up the biggest conspiracy ever. You see, the bigger the conspiracy, the more likely it is that President Kennedy was killed as the result of a conspiracy.

    Journalist: But surely, any conspiracy only needed to be large enough to kill JFK and maybe to frame Oswald. There is no need for anything larger.

    Cult Member: I hadn't thought of it like that.

    Journalist: It really isn't necessary for the conspirators to have the power to create an extra Oswald and Marguerite, or to have the power to alter all the films and photographs, or to have the power to kidnap Kennedy's corpse without anyone noticing, or any of those other way-out ideas. The more elaborate the conspiracy theory you're proposing, the less likely it is to be true, wouldn't you say?

    Cult Member: Cointelpro! Lone nutter! Cointelpro! Lone nutter!

    Journalist: Let's wipe all that foam from around your mouth. That's better.

    Cult Member: Thank you. Look, it's like I was saying about Oswald being an intelligence agent. If there was a really elaborate scheme, a top-secret conspiracy that went on for nearly two decades in which Oswald and an unrelated boy were controlled from the age of six, that's even stronger evidence that he was an intelligence agent.

    Journalist: I think it's widely accepted that Oswald had some sort of connection with one or another US intelligence agency. Surely all the extra complication in your theory - you know, the six-year-old boys and the two Marguerites and the top-secret unnecessary mastoidectomy operation in a hospital that hadn't been built yet - actually serves to discredit this idea, to make the idea seem much less plausible. Also, it makes you look like a bunch of crazies.

    Cult Member: Cointelpro! Lone nutter!

    Journalist: What I mean to say is, if the general public finds out about your theory, and people start to think that the only way to question the lone-nut theory is to believe some crazy-sounding stuff about Oswald being cloned at the age of six and that there were two Marguerites running around, and all the rest of it, and if they realise that there's essentially no solid evidence to support any of it, won't they tend to dismiss the whole idea that there's something wrong with the lone-nut explanation?

    Cult Member: Who cares what the general public thinks?

    Journalist: The only way the Kennedy case will ever be properly investigated is if the general public forces the authorities to do so. For as long as the public can be kept quiet, nothing will happen. From the point of view of the authorities, the general public needs to be neutralised. Your theory is exactly the sort of thing that the authorities would like the general public to associate with the JFK assassination.

    Cult Member: We don't care about any of that. Look, getting the Kennedy case properly investigated, finding out how it all really happened, doing some serious analysis of how the assassination relates to the functioning of the US political system, all that nonsense, that's not what we're interested in. Our holy book gives us what we want. A really enormous conspiracy to believe in! It gets me all tingly!

    Journalist: You know, a lot of people suspect that you and similar far-out conspiracy theorists are deliberately trying to undermine genuine criticism of the official line. If I were in charge of undermining genuine criticism, the first thing I'd do is to fabricate as many far-out super-conspiracy theories as I could think of. Then I'd get my friends in the press to report those theories instead of the more credible objections to the official line.

    Cult Member: No, no! I understand why people feel like that, but we really do believe what we're saying! The world really is run by a great shadowy conspiracy of super-powerful Bad Guys! That's how the world works. There really were two Oswalds and two Marguerites and two mastoidectomy operations!

    Journalist: OK. [looks at watch] It's getting late, and I really need to ...

    Cult Member: So, are you going to put our story on the front page, or in a big TV special?

    Journalist: Umm. Well, I'll have a word with my editor. I'll let you know.
    Cult Member: Great! Going back to what you were saying about Elvis and alien spaceships, do you want to hear my theory about the so-called moon landings?

  22. [Interview, part three]

    Journalist: Now, I presume that your theory takes events in the actual Lee Harvey Oswald's life and attributes them to one or other of the two Oswalds, either 'Harvey' or 'Lee'.

    Cult Member: That's right.

    Journalist: What happened to the Oswald who had undergone a mastoidectomy operation at the age of six? Was he the one who defected to the Soviet Union, then came back to the US, got a job at the Texas School Book Depository, and was shot by Jack Ruby?

    Cult Member: No, that was the other one.

    Journalist: You're sure about that?

    Cult Member: Absolutely. It says so in our holy book.

    Journalist: So the Oswald who was buried in Fort Worth was not the Oswald who had undergone the mastoidectomy operation?

    Cult Member: That's right. It's all carefully set out in our holy book!

    Journalist: But when the body in that grave was exhumed in 1981, it was found to have a bone defect that was consistent with having been caused by a mastoidectomy operation. Doesn't that fact alone completely invalidate your theory?

    Cult Member: Oh, no. Because our theory didn't exist then. Our holy book wasn't written until about twenty years later.

    Journalist: So your theory was conclusively refuted two decades before it was even published? That's quite an achievement.

    Cult Member: We'd prefer not to think about that, thank you.

    Journalist: I'm not surprised.

    Cult Member: If you look at things in the right way, and have a mind open enough to consider all the possibilities, there's always an answer. In the case of the mastoidectomy operation, it's obvious that the scientists who performed the exhumation were bribed or tortured.

    Journalist: Really? Can you show me some evidence for that?

    Cult Member: Will you stop with all this evidence nonsense? OK, so perhaps the scientists weren't bribed or tortured. Something else obviously happened. Um ... I know! Their report was faked!

    Journalist: Wasn't it published in a reputable scientific journal?

    Cult Member: Ha! You're so naive! Prove to me that it wasn't faked! Go on! You can't, can you? The FBI and the CIA were faking documents all the time. You just have to look at the evidence in the right way, with an open mind.

    Journalist: If you say so.

    Cult Member: Look, if the scientists weren't bribed or tortured, and if their report wasn't faked, it stands to reason that the other Oswald boy must have been operated on at the age of six, just like the first Oswald. That has to be the reason why the body in Oswald's grave had the mastoidectomy defect!

    Journalist: Let me get this straight. The people who set up your 'Oswald project' had a mastoidectomy operation performed on a six-year-old boy back in the 1940s just in case his body might need to be dug up decades later. Is that what you're saying?

    Cult Member: It makes perfect sense to me. They thought of everything, those plotters!

    Journalist: Hmm. I'm just wondering where this operation would have been carried out. Do you have the name of the hospital? The surgeon? My editor will need to see some documentation for all of this. Can you get me photocopies of the records?

    Cult Member: The operation was top secret, of course, so there won't be any records. I think it was carried out in a hospital in New York. That's another thing. According to the so-called official documentation, that hospital wasn't even built until several years after the operation must have taken place. This just proves that all the records have been faked or destroyed by the lizard people, and how top-secret the whole thing was.

    Journalist: Uh huh.

    Cult Member: I mean, just ask yourself why there's virtually no documentary evidence for the existence of our two Oswalds. There ought to be absolutely loads of evidence, with two Oswalds and two Marguerites living separate lives for many years, but there's hardly any. The obvious answer is: a vast amount of evidence has been faked or destroyed! It stands to reason, when you think about it logically with an open mind and consider all the possibilities.

    Journalist: Right. Now, on the subject of living separate lives, are there any examples of the two Oswalds being in different places at the same time?

    Cult Member: Indeed there are. When he was a boy, he attended two schools at the same time. A few years later, when he was in the marines, he was in Taiwan and Japan at the same time. Then, when one of the Oswalds was in the Soviet Union, the other one was in New Orleans, trying to buy trucks.

    Journalist: That doesn't sound very likely. I presume you've got some really solid evidence to support these claims.

    Cult Member: Well, we've got some eye-witnesses. And there's documentary evidence too. It's all on bits of paper and everything. Obviously, you need to know how to interpret the documents correctly.

    Journalist: Eye-witnesses often aren't very reliable. What method do you use to tell which witnesses are reliable and which ones aren't?

    Cult Member: It's all about whether what they say agrees with our theory. We know that our theory is true, so that's how you can tell which witnesses are reliable and which ones aren't.

    Journalist: Hmm. I presume all the documentary evidence could be interpreted in more than one way. I'd guess that your interpretation isn't the only one available.

    Cult Member: You see, some people will try to dismiss our claims by saying that we're just cherry-picking and deliberately misinterpreting stuff, or reading too much into simple clerical errors, but they're wrong. We know the truth!

    Journalist: I notice that you described this two-Oswald plan as the 'Oswald project'. Is there any evidence that that term was used officially?

    Cult Member: Yes, there is! There was a former CIA guy who testified to the House Select Committee on Assassinations about Oswald, and he used the term 'Oswald project'.

    Journalist: Really? That's interesting. What did he say about this long-term plan that involved two Oswalds and two Marguerites?

    Cult Member: Well, on the face of it, when he used the term 'Oswald project' he was just referring to Oswald's defection being a CIA operation. But we prefer to think that he was referring to the truth which is revealed to us in our holy book.

    Journalist: Did he say anything specific about this plot with the two Oswalds and the two Marguerites?

    Cult Member: He might have done.

    Journalist: I'm sorry?

    Cult Member: He might have said something.

    Journalist: Did he specifically mention this plot with the two Oswalds and two Marguerites? Yes or no?

    Cult Member: No.

    Journalist: So it's more than a little misleading to use the CIA guy as support for your two-Oswald theory, isn't it?

    Cult Member: But that's all we've got!

    Journalist: Hmm.

    Cult Member: Look, you can't just claim that Oswald was an agent of some sort. That isn't particularly exciting. We think it's much better to get people to think that if Oswald was an agent, he was also the product of our 'Oswald project'. You see, the more complicated and unlikely something is, the more exciting it is. And this is really, really unlikely, which means it's very exciting indeed!

    [To be continued]

  23. [Interview, part two]

    Journalist: What about the mothers of these two Oswalds? Did they look similar too?

    Cult Member: Yes, and they were both called Marguerite.

    Journalist: That's handy.

    Cult Member: Actually, they looked sort of similar but different at the same time, just like their sons. You see, there are photographs of one of the Marguerites, taken a few decades before the assassination, and she looks young and slim and attractive. But the other Marguerite, who was photographed a few decades later, looks heavier, grey-haired, and generally older. That proves that she was a different person.

    Journalist: Is that it? Just photographs?

    Cult Member: No, not at all. There is one rock-solid piece of evidence that proves beyond any doubt that there were two Marguerites. Some guy who met her on one occasion in the 1950s was shown a photograph of her about forty years later, and he thought that the woman in the photograph looked a bit different to the one he remembered.

    Journalist: You're saying that he met her once, and was shown a photograph of her forty years later, and he thought she looked a bit different?

    Cult Member: Exactly! You can't argue with that, can you?

    Journalist: Let me get this straight. You've got two pairs of people. Two Oswalds, and two Marguerites, and they looked sort of similar but different.

    Cult Member: That's right!

    Journalist: What about their friends and relatives? Didn't they spot that each boy looked a bit different, or that each Marguerite looked a bit different?

    Cult Member: Oh no, because the two boys looked identical, and the two mothers looked identical!

    Journalist: I thought you said that that they weren't identical, that you can glance at the photographs and tell which was which.

    Cult Member: That's right. Each boy looked identical enough to fool his friends and family, but different enough so that we can tell them apart when looking at photographs. Well, at least some of the time. Same for the Marguerites. It was a very cunning plan!

    Journalist: I was wondering about Oswald's older brother, Robert, who I think is still alive. Are there two of him, or just the one?

    Cult Member: I'll have to consult my holy book, but I think we believe there has only been one of him.

    Journalist: So he was the actual brother of one of your two Oswalds, and the actual son of one of your two Marguerites, is that right? Did he ever meet the other Oswald and Marguerite?

    Cult Member: As it happens, he did. According to our holy book, Robert grew up knowing his real brother and mother, of course, but at some point in the 1950s they were replaced by the other brother and mother, without him noticing. Or if he did notice, he was bribed or tortured so that he wouldn't spill the beans. And Robert's wife knew both Marguerites, and she kept quiet about it too.

    Journalist: I find it difficult to believe that Robert and his wife never went public with this information.

    Cult Member: That shows you just how well organised the plot was!

    Journalist: There must have been plenty of people who had known Marguerite for years. Did any of them come forward to point out that the woman on TV after the assassination wasn't the woman they had known?

    Cult Member: Of course not! Do you really think that the people behind the 'Oswald project' weren't able to twist a few arms when necessary?

    Journalist: I understand that there are a couple of people who specifically stated that the Marguerite they saw after the assassination was the same woman they had known years earlier. How do you explain that?

    Cult Member: They were bribed! They may even have been tortured. Isn't it obvious?

    Journalist: Not to me, I'm afraid.

    Cult Member: OK, forget about that, then. There's also Oswald's handwriting. It looks sort of different sometimes.

    Journalist: I thought that the House Select Committee on Assassinations got some experts in to look at that, and they found that all the handwriting was of one person.

    Cult Member: Ha! Do you really think those so-called experts weren't bribed or tortured? You're so naive!

    Journalist: The way I see it, you've got problems with the photographs, which aren't clearly of two different people, and with the handwriting, which the experts say was done by just one person. My editor isn't going to be persuaded by that. Are there any other types of evidence that might show that there were two Oswalds?

    Cult Member: I was thinking of Oswald's shoes.

    Journalist: His shoes?

    Cult Member: Yes. You see, if you examine Oswald's shoes, you might find different patterns of wear and tear on the soles, which would prove beyond any doubt that he was two people!

    Journalist: Umm. Right. How many pairs of his shoes have you examined?

    Cult Member: Well, we haven't actually got hold of Oswald's shoes yet, but it's a possible line of research.

    Journalist: What if the shoes don't show different patterns of wear and tear?

    Cult Member: That proves that the shoes were faked!

    Journalist: I see. And what if you can't actually get hold of any of his shoes?

    Cult Member: That proves that the shoes were deliberately destroyed by the gang of super-powerful Bad Guys who set up the 'Oswald project'! Um, if the shoe thing doesn't work, there's also his underpants. Although I wouldn't be surprised if they've been deliberately destroyed too.

    Journalist: Mmm. OK. On the subject of the two Marguerites, what happened to the other one after the assassination? What has she been doing since 1963?

    Cult Member: She vanished into thin air.

    Journalist: Just like her son?

    Cult Member: Exactly! Or it might have been the other Marguerite's son who vanished. I'll have to check the holy book. But getting people to vanish like that, it just shows you how sophisticated and believeable the plot was, doesn't it?

    [To be continued]

  24. Tracy has made the suggestion several times that Jim and his fellow cult members should assemble their evidence and present it to someone with connections, such as a prominent newspaper or TV journalist, who might be able to give it some publicity. Despite the media's general attitude to the JFK assassination, there are journalists who are sympathetic to critics of the official line. As Tracy pointed out, the leader of the cult got in touch with a Texas Monthly journalist back in 1998 but failed to convince the journalist of his case for two Oswalds. The cult members themselves will never do anything like that, for obvious reasons.

    But what if they did? I've been wondering how the conversation might go:

    Journalist: So, tell me what you've got.

    Cult Member: Well, the CIA cooked up this elaborate scheme, which started back in the 1940s, to bring up two unrelated boys, 'Harvey' and 'Lee', in the hope that when they grew up they would turn out to look alike, so that one of them, who was chosen because he was able to speak Russian like a native, could be sent into the Soviet Union as a spy.

    Journalist: It sounds a bit unlikely, to be honest.

    Cult Member: There's more to it than that. When the plot to assassinate JFK was being planned, the plotters decided to take one of the unrelated identical twins and frame him for the murder. One of the two Oswalds, 'Lee', was given the task of framing the other one, 'Harvey'.

    Journalist: The people who organised this two-Oswald scheme were the same ones who killed President Kennedy?

    Cult Member: Oh, yes!

    Journalist: What documentary evidence do you have for that? If I'm going to persuade my editor to run this story, we'll need to see some documents.

    Cult Member: Well, it was top secret, you know. All the documents will have been destroyed.

    Journalist: That's unfortunate. Now, what happened to the other unrelated identical twin, the one who wasn't framed? What has he been doing since 1963?

    Cult Member: Um, we're not quite sure. He seems to have vanished into thin air immediately after the assassination.

    Journalist: I see. On the subject of Oswald's defection, I believe that several other Americans defected to the Soviet Union around the time Oswald went there. I'd guess that some of them might have been US agents too. How many of them had unrelated identical twins?

    Cult Member: I don't think any of them did.

    Journalist: So this particular spy was the only one to have an unrelated identical twin. Why was that?

    Cult Member: Ah. Good point. I'm not entirely sure. But it's an exciting idea, isn't it? It means there was this really, really big conspiracy! Doesn't that get you all excited?

    Journalist: Personally, no. I'm curious about what you were saying about one of the two boys being a native speaker of Russian. How did that come about?

    Cult Member: He was a Hungarian refugee. You see, Hungarian is a funny-sounding foreign language, and so is Russian. Just listen to them, they both sound really weird, like gibberish. Don't forget that Hungary and Russia are both over there in Europe or someplace. So if the boy spoke Hungarian he must also have been able to speak Russian. And then when he came to the US, he immediately learned English too. The reason we know that is because he was in school in New York, aged twelve, speaking English.

    Journalist: I see. This boy's first language was Hungarian, and then he learned to speak Russian like a native, and then he learned to speak English like a native. You're saying that by the age of twelve, he was in effect a native speaker of three very different languages, is that right?

    Cult Member: Exactly!

    Journalist: What was the Hungarian boy's name? Are there any official documents identifying him? There must be something from when he entered the US. Do you have any copies that I can show my editor?

    Cult Member: Look, will you stop trying to complicate things? OK, so maybe the Russian-speaking boy wasn't Hungarian after all. He was ... umm ... probably a Russian world war two orphan instead. That's right, he was a Russian world war two orphan.

    Journalist: Oh. I see. And the evidence for that is?

    Cult Member: Please stop asking all these unhelpful questions! There aren't any immigration papers or anything like that. It's obvious that all the documents were destroyed by the people behind the two-Oswald plot. Look, our theory requires one of the Oswald boys to have been a native speaker of Russian. So that boy must have been a Hungarian refugee or a Russian orphan or something. It doesn't matter that there's no evidence for any of this. Our theory requires it, so it must be true.

    Journalist: What was the point of the defector being able to speak Russian like a native?

    Cult Member: That was so that he could overhear things without the Soviet authorities suspecting that he was a spy!

    Journalist: But Oswald didn't speak Russian like a native.

    Cult Member: Yes, he did! It says so in my holy book!

    Journalist: He seems to have spoken the language quite well, at least by the time he arrived back in the US, but that doesn't mean that he was a native speaker of Russian.

    Cult Member: Yes, it does!

    Journalist: Several witnesses, including Marina Oswald, have said that his knowledge of Russian grammar really wasn't very good. That pretty much proves that he wasn't a native speaker.

    Cult Member: Don't listen to them! They're lying!

    Journalist: OK, OK. Anyway, we've got two unrelated boys who grow up to look identical. My editor might find that a bit hard to believe. Could I have copies of any photographs which show the two boys together?

    Cult Member: Well, there aren't any photographs of both boys together. That would have given away the plot, you see.

    Journalist: So there's no actual photographic evidence?

    Cult Member: Oh yes! We've got plenty of photographs of each Oswald. All you need to do is line them up and compare them.

    Journalist: Really? You can tell which Oswald is which?

    Cult Member: Of course! I mean, none of us agrees on exactly which photographs are of which Oswald. There's a fair amount of guesswork involved, obviously.

    Journalist: Why is that?

    Cult Member: Well, all the photographs look as though they are of the same person. Or they would do if you didn't know about the 'two Oswald' plot. You see, we all agree that there's a big conspiracy going on here, so if you examine the photographs carefully and you want to see that they look a bit different, they do. You just need to keep an open mind and consider all the possibilities.

    Journalist: So how do you tell which photograph is of which Oswald?

    Cult Member: OK. For example, there are a couple of photographs which show Oswald with sloping shoulders. That means that one of the Oswalds had sloping shoulders, and the other one didn't.

    Journalist: So all of the photographs of this particular Oswald show him with sloping shoulders?

    Cult Member: Actually, no. We've had to allocate some of the non-sloping shoulder photographs to the sloping-shouldered Oswald. You see, our holy book tells us where each Oswald was at any particular time, so all you have to do is to work out where and when each photograph was taken, and that tells you which Oswald it is!

    Journalist: Hmm. I'd guess the sloping shoulders thing wasn't a permanent feature, then. It was just how he happened to be standing when the picture was taken.

    Cult Member: I hadn't thought of that. OK, forget the sloping shoulders. How about this instead: one of the Oswalds was photographed in his marines uniform, and he looks beefier than the scrawny Oswald who features in photographs taken at other times. That proves that he was two people!

    Journalist: Well ...

    Cult Member: And in some of the photographs he even has a different haircut! What more evidence could you possibly need?

    Journalist: Surely all the apparent differences can be explained by factors such as different lighting conditions, different poses, Oswald getting older, bulking up while in the marines, that sort of thing.

    Cult Member: No, no, not at all. That's too far-fetched. You see, if you can imagine that all of these differences are actually due to something much more believeable, such as a really enormous plot, everything becomes so much more exciting! Don't you get a tingly feeling when you think that everything in the world is under the control of some super-powerful Bad Guys? I do!

    [To be continued]

  25. Here's James Norwood, in one of his first posts on this forum, reporting me to the moderators for "casting aspersions on other forum members":


    Here's James Norwood reporting Paul Trejo to the moderators for "casting aspersions on fellow members":


    Here's James Norwood reporting Michael Walton to the moderators for "casting personal aspersions on fellow members":


    James Norwood clearly doesn't like anyone casting aspersions on fellow members. Oh, wait. Here's James Norwood calling Tracy Parnell "Trolling Tracy":


    Here's Sandy Larsen claiming, without citing any evidence, that I'm a "lone nutter":


    Here's James Norwood claiming, without citing any evidence, that I have a "belief in the Warren Report" and "a bias in favor in the findings of the Warren Report":


    Sandy at least had the decency to apologise for his comment. I'm still waiting for James to do the same.

    Here's Greg Parker inviting James Norwood to debate the Harvey and Lee nonsense:


    Here's Greg Parker inviting Sandy Larsen to actually deal with the question of the school records:


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