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Sandy Larsen

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Posts posted by Sandy Larsen

  1. 1 hour ago, Tom Gram said:

    This is a Jenkins quote from High Treason 2: 

    (1) Everything from just above the right ear back was fragmented…(2) there was (an absence of scalp and bone) along the midline just above the occipital area(3) this (wound) would not have been low enough to have gotten into the cerebellum.”


    Those Jenkins quotations are from different interviews Livingstone gave him, and each is talking about a different thing:

    1. Jenkins is talking about the skull fragments on the top of the head, above the gaping wound. Irrelevant.
    2. Jenkins is talking about the silver-dollar-sized hole that the morticians created when they reassembled the head. Irrelevant.
    3. Jenkins is talking about the gaping wound on the back of the head. This is the correct wound, but the statement doesn't indicate where the wound is. So it is aslo irrelevant.


    Here are some Jenkins quotations from other Livingstone interviews, also from High Treason 2:

    • I looked at the back of the head, but all I saw was the massive gaping wound.
    • There was a hole in all of it [the scalp and the bone]. There was a hole in the occipital-parietal area.


  2. 34 minutes ago, Tom Gram said:

    You’re still on this pointless semantic nonsense about Jenkins?


    Hey, you're the one who began this debate with me. Are you afraid to follow through?


    34 minutes ago, Tom Gram said:

    Where exactly, in your interpretation of anatomy, does the back of the head end, and the top of the head begin?


    The topic of the debate is where did James Jenkins place the gaping wound. Not was the wound on the back of the head or the top. So you're question is irrelevant.

    Nice deflection, though.


    34 minutes ago, Tom Gram said:

    If you want to continue to evangelize about semantic nonsense be my guest, but there is nothing here to “debate”.


    We are debating what James Jenkins said. There is nothing semantic about it... nothing that needs interpretation.


    34 minutes ago, Tom Gram said:

    How many threads have now been started on this ridiculous topic? 7? 8? 





     After Reconstruction  (Optional Reading)

    James Jenkins describes how the gaping wound looked both before and after the morticians had reconstructed the head. We know from the morticians' statements that, after reconstruction of the head fragments, there was a hole remaining in the back of the head about the size of a "small orange" that they had to cover with piece of rubber so that formaldehyde wouldn't trickle out. They stretched and stitched the scalp tightly to cover that hole as must as possible.

    What was left was a hole in the scalp the size of a silver dollar, according to James Jenkins.

    I shouldn't even have to mention this hole as it is fully irrelevant to the topic of this debate. But Tom Gram has been influenced by Pat Speer, and Pat has gotten this silver-dollar-sized hole all wrong too. So here in this post I quote James Jenkins' statements regarding that hole, both before and after 2015 to prove that what he said about it never changed.


    James Jenkins' Description of the Silver Dollar Sized Reconstruction Hole


    In 2018, from his book At the Cold Shoulder of History:

    "Now they are beginning to put the scalp and bone back in place as best they can. Everything seems to fit back except for the area of about not larger than a silver dollar. It's about I'd say maybe two inches of the occipital area on the parietal side in the area. Kind of standing looking at the head, it would be the upper left of the [original gaping] wound in the area of the [original gaping] wound." [From p. 80 of the Kindle book.]


    In 1991, from the video with Harrison Livingstone (see below):

    "After the plaster was placed by the mortician ... in the head, it was remolded... there was an area in the back of the head that had -- it was actually a hole in the back of the head that was approximately the size of the silver dollar."





     James Jenkins' Description of the Gaping Head Wound


    In 2018, from his book At the Cold Shoulder of History:

    The entire area was covered with matted hair and dried blood. This made it difficult to determine the true extent of the wound. This made it appear to be a massive blowout of the back of the head, but after the scalp was reflected back from the skull, the wound that had missing scalp and bone appeared to be more consistent with the shape and dimensions previously described by Dr. McClelland. [From p. 121 of the Kindle book.]

    This is the wound drawing that Dr. McClelland made to illustrate the wound he saw at Parkland in 1963. This closely matches the wound that I saw after the scalp was retracted from the skull. [From p. 129 of the Kindle book.]




    In 1991, from the video with Harrison Livingstone (see below):

    I would like to kind of reverse a little bit and go back to what the wound looked like when we actually took the towels off the head at the initial. The wound was a massive type of wound where it was an open gaping wound approximately the size of a closed fist or maybe a little larger, more similar to what Dr. McClelland says in his drawing. ...as far as the area that it was in, I remember the wound a little higher maybe than in the drawing."





    A couple weeks ago on the James Gordon thread, @Tom Gram began debating me on where James Jenkins placed the gaping wound on Kennedy's head. One of his last statements before Gordon locked the thread was this:

    Tom Gram:  "Jenkins on multiple occasions placed the wound at the top of the head."

    The truth is that Jenkins NEVER placed the wound at the top of the head. Never. He always placed it unambiguously on the back of the head. He said that what he saw was close to what the (well-known) McClelland drawing shows:



    Jenkins said the wound was about the size of a fist.


    I was amazed at the vehemence with which Tom argued his case given he clearly knows little about it. I know I wouldn't do that.


    Begin Debate

    I will begin the debate.

    The only thing I need to do to debate my side is to quote James Jenkins himself, which I do in my next post.

    Pat Speer claims that Jenkins changed his story in around 2015. This is not true, and I prove so by quoting Jenkins both before and after 2015. Jenkins' story remains the same. I get his post-2015 statements from his book At the Cold Shoulder of History, published in 2018, and his pre-2015 statements from a 1991 video.

    Now, for my argument....


  6. I invite Tom to reply.

    Remember Tom, we are debating where James Jenkins said the wound was. Not where anybody else thinks the wound was.

    Everybody, please allow Tom and I to debate before chiming in.

    Tom Gram's Reply:


  7. 18 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    The autopsy photos show a wound EXACTLY where it is seen on the right side of the head in the Zapruder film.


    The Zapruder film shows a huge blob coming out from the right temple area. The right temple area is fully intact in the autopsy photos.


    I notice that you can't argue the other evidence that the Zapruder film was altered... that not a single medical professional saw such a wound, nor did the autopsy report note such a wound,


  8. The notion that we must have documentary evidence or proof of the Z film being skirted away for clandestine alteration in order to prove that alteration actually occurred is folly. That is like saying that the only way of knowing a mouse ate a cookie would be to have documentary evidence or proof of having a mouse infestation. If at one moment you have a cookie and at a later moment it is gone, and there is no way a person or animal could have gotten in to take it, the disappearance of the cookie alone is sufficient proof that you have a mouse. Unless you believe in magic.

    The fact that the Zapruder film shows a huge chunk of the head being blasted out of the right temple area, and that not a single medical professional saw such a wound; the autopsy photos show no such wound; and the autopsy report notes no such wound, is sufficient evidence to prove that the Z film was altered.

    Knowing anything beyond that -- like how the film was skirted off to Hawkeye Works -- is icing on the cake.


  9. 21 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    It is unclear what truly prompted President Biden to take a flamethrower to an Act of Congress that he himself voted for in 1992 as a member of the Senate...


    It's pretty obvious to me that Biden doesn't want the American public to know that the CIA killed President Kennedy. Not only would that put a big black eye on American history, but it would lead to the dismantling of the CIA.

    What is also obvious to me is that in no way is Trump going to get the records released.


  10. 3 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

    It's a letter that Anthony Hopkins just wrote to Bryan Cranston after watching Breaking Bad.

    ...It thought it was the best television series since Twin Peaks and Rod Serling's original Twilight Zone.

    Great writing.  Great cinematography.  Great acting.




    My 14 year old daughter has been watching Breaking Bad (she's on the final season now) and she's been trying to get me to watch it. She said it's the best series she has ever watched.

    Now I know she has good taste.


  11. Oh no... this is so sad. (I didn't read the thread till just now.) Thankfully the Talbots will be getting  some help through the generosity of David's adoring fans, friends, and followers.

    Take care, David. Wishing for the best possible recovery.


  12. 3 hours ago, Jeremy Bojczuk said:

    Sandy's account doesn't reflect that of [Peter Dale ] Scott, ...


    My info comes from Deep Politics III, year 2000. Jeremy gets his info from the Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, year 1993. The two may differ.


    3 hours ago, Jeremy Bojczuk said:

    Sandy's account doesn't reflect that of Scott, who sees the 'Phase 2' story as a built-in consequence of the 'Phase 1' story, rather than a back-up plan in case the 'Phase 1' story didn't work out.


    Scott doesn't describe Phase Two of the plot as being a "consequence" of Phase One. He describes it as an alternative... one that would be chosen in the event that Phase One was rejected due to its potential for leading to nuclear war. From State Secret III:


    Phase One put forward the phantom of an international plot, linking Oswald to the USSR, to Cuba, or to both countries together. This phantom was used to invoke the danger of a possible nuclear confrontation, which induced Chief Justice Earl Warren and other political notables to accept Phase Two, the equally false (but less dangerous) hypothesis that Oswald killed the President all by himself.


    3 hours ago, Jeremy Bojczuk said:

    In his book, Scott does not endorse the notion that the Zapruder film was altered in order to promote the 'Phase 2' story.


    For the record, I never said that.


  13. 32 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

    There's huge problem with this, however. Horne claims the film was altered to add a giant explosion from the front of the skull. Well Brugioni claimed the explosion he saw on 11-22-63 was bigger and went even higher than the one on the current film.

    It doesn't add up, right? 


    Well geez Pat, of course it doesn't add up when you paraphrase it with your own spin and biases added. It probably would add up if Horne explained it himself.


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