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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. According to the recent Errol Morris documentary, Wormwood, (about the CIA's execution of Frank Olson) the original edition of the CIA Assassination Manual described a 13 story fall as a highly effective assassination technique. So, as in Frank Olson's case a few years later, one has to wonder why James Forrestal was admitted to the 16th floor of the Bethesda Naval Hospital, for treatment of "depression" (oddly, with Sodium Amytal-- a barbiturate-- and insulin shock therapy.) The Israelis, certainly, disliked Forrestal, for his ardent opposition to the partitioning of Palestine, and, of course, he was also a diehard Cold Warrior. Alison Weir talks about Forrestal's case at some length in her history of U.S. involvement in the establishment of Israel-- Against Our Better Judgment.
  2. Yes, the Kindle version of Guyenot's new book (published in January of this year) is available at Amazon. It is a wide ranging history of the past 3,500 years of Jewish history, predicated on Guyenot's improbable hope that the Likudniks will abandon the militant tribalism of Yahwism in favor of a more Osirian redemption of our doomed species. Mythology aside, though, Guyenot presents a fairly detailed history of the Zionist movement in Europe, Israel, and the U.S. during the past century. His view of the JFK assassination seems to be drawn partly from Michael Collins Piper--with a CIA false flag/attempted assassination (blamed on Castro, etc.) hijacked by Menachem Begin (Micky Cohen, etc.) and the Mossad at the behest of David Ben Gurion. Guyenot also tries to explain LBJ's escalation of the Vietnam War after 11/22/63 in terms of Zionist military aspirations in the Middle East -- probably his weakest argument in the book. He uses the same "high-jacked false flag" paradigm to explain the CIA and Mossad's alleged role in 9/11-- which parallels the thesis of his previous book, 50 Years of Deep State-- from JFK to 9/11. Regardless of the merits of Guyenot's ultimate theories about 11/22/63 and 9/11, he presents a lot of fascinating data in his latest book about the Zionist political movement in Europe and the U.S. since the late 19th century.
  3. There is a highly detailed review of the radical shift in U.S. policies toward Israel's nuclear program at Dimona after 11/22/63 in French historian Laurent Guyenot's recently published book, From Yahweh to Zion. Guyenot also describes the broad history of Leo Strauss and the Neocons in considerable detail. As Guyenot describes it, the Neocon's active involvement in the U.S. Executive branch began in earnest with Richard Perle and the Ford administration. Many of the Neocons who later became advocates for increased U.S. military spending (and Star Wars/Team B propaganda in the 1980s) had been "liberals" opposed to the Vietnam War prior to the Six Day War in 1967. As for JFK and LBJ, their views on support for Israel's nuclear program were radically opposed. Dimona became an unmentionable subject in LBJ's White House after 11/22/63, and John McCone became a persona non grata. McCone complained that LBJ refused to even read his intelligence reports about Israel. Most of Guyenot's version of this history is probably old hat to the scholars on this forum, and he will become a persona non grata, himself, but his new book is a fascinating read, and generally well referenced.
  4. I have been reading posts on the Education Forum for the past two or three years, and have, at times, wanted to post questions and comments. I am a private practice psychiatrist in Denver, Colorado-- a graduate of Brown University, magna cum laude (1979) and Harvard Medical School (1983.) I have been affiliated with the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center since 1983. In recent years, my main interest has been in European and American history, WWII, U.S. Deep State history, JFK's assassination, and the 9/11 Truth movement. I am a published author of a psychiatric monograph, called The Cobad Syndrome.
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