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Joel Peralez

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  1. I'm no specialist but have followed this topic throughout the year's. There was no blood spatter analysis in 1963, the year the assassination happened. Since then blood spatter analysis was invented, perfected, and became a standard technique by law enforcement in murder investigations. Sheri Fiester, now deceased, was a retired blood spatter analysis expert and looked at the Zapruder film of the assassination. She noticed that the blood coming out of jfk's head exited in a forward direction during the fatal shot, indicating that the shot came from from the direction of the blood spatter, I.e. the front. She went to the scene of the crime and walkes through delay plaza. In her opinion, based on her training, experience, and videographic evidence depicted in the Zapruder film, the fatal shot came from the triple underpass area- which aligned perfectly with the position of the limo on Elm Street at the time of the fatal shot, direction of the blood spatter, etc. When you see the zapruder film, you can see that the front of the limo makes a slight turn to the left due to the curvature of Elm Street and, therefore, places jfk facing directly forward towards the left side/opening of the triple underpass- which is very dark and provides cover for a person. Sheri fiester spoke at her sister's gathering in Dallas as part of Jfk Lancer.org or .com. MS. Fiester has also said that expert snipers had infotmed her that when hit teams are assembled to eliminate a target or political leader, they work in groups of three (3) members, so as to create a distraction prior to the fatal shot. This may explain why people ran towards the grassy knoll after the final head shot and why some witnesses said they saw a rifle and heard shots from the 6th floor of the Texas Schoolbook Depository (Texas Governor John Conally also testified he heard shots from behind where he was seated in the limo)...there was a shooter behind the fence in the grassy knoll and another in the texas schoolbook depository, both of whom fired a weapon prior to the shooter firing the fatal shot from the triple underpass. Sincerely, Joel Peralez
  2. I failed to proof read my post before placing it on the forum. Heres the corrected copy: Hi. I'm Joel Peralez from Houston, Texas via the South Padre Island area where I was born and raised until the age of 21, whereupon I attended and graduated from The University of Texas School of Law in Austin, Texas. I've considered all the theories over the years, including the late Sherry Fiester's blood splatter analysis and the direction of the fatal shot from the area of the southern most area of the triple underpass, but I couldn't square the credible conclusions regarding the blood splatter analysis with the fact that a witness was located in the triple underpass area at the time of the assassination, cut in the face by a piece of concrete struck by a stray bullet, but evidently failed to hear a rifle shot nearby! Why, I asked myself. Then, last night, the thought occurred to me that if a silencer was on the rifle used by the shooter in the triple underpass area, that would explain why the nearby witness failed to hear a nearby rifle shot. I then googled "silencer 1963", and discovered that silencers were available that year, but ONLY TO THE US MILITARY. I came across an article on silencers and the jfk murder i'd like to share with the forum. I will update and post the article shortly. In the meantime, Google the info as indicated above and the article should appear. None of the commentators that I have heard or read about, including the house select committee on assassination considered the use of a silencer. It would explain so much. I.e., rifle shots made from the grassy knoll and the school book depository were distanctions, while the real killer made the fatal head shot from the triple underpass -as sherry fiester concluded in her fine analysis- employing a SILENCER as part of the murder weapon. 
  3. Hi. I'm Joel Peralez from Houston, Texas via the South Padre Island area where I was bon and raised u til the age of 21, whereupon I attended and graduated from The University of Texas School of Law in Austin, Texas. I've considered all the theories over the years, including the late Sherry Fiester's blood splatter analysis and the direction of the fatal shot from the area of the southern most area of the triple underpass. I couldn't square the credible blood splatter analysis with the fact that a witness was located in the triple underpass area at the time of the assassination and struck in the face by a piece of concrete that was struck by the stray bullet - and evidently failed to hear a rifle shot nearby. Why, I asked myself. Then, last night, the thought occurred to me that if a silencer was on the rifle used by the shooter in the triple underpass area. That would account for the witness not hearing the rifle shot nearby. I then googled "silencer 1963", and discovered that silencers were available that year. but ONLY TO THE US MILITARY. I came across am article on silencers and the jfk murder i'd like to share with the forum. I will update and post shortly. In the meantime, Google the info as indicated above and the article should appear. None of the commentators that I have heard or read about, including the hoiae selwct committee on assassination of jfk considered the use of a silencer. It would explain so much. I.e., rifle shots made from the grassy knoll and the school book depository were distanctions, while the real killer made the fatal head shot from the triple underpass as sherry fiester concluded, employing a SILENCER as part of the murder weapon.
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