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Henry Frost

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  1. It's very easy to scrub data from the internet these days. If something gross pops up on social media for example, it's usually gone within minutes. Secure your data and thumbs up for books (the physical kind).
  2. I think you're right, the reporter was asking about the black eye (not guy). If you click on this Youtube link, it starts at that part at the 21 second mark. The whole video clip is good, and chilling.
  3. Here's the full transcript from CNN: http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1710/28/csr.01.html
  4. He asked Oswald twice if he was black. Oswald did not answer. Going by the transcript alone, the humble reader would not know for sure lol. By the way, when I was on the JFK Assassination Forum, I noticed many members who are also on this forum. There is nothing wrong with that. Getting different opinions is good. The only concern I have is that on that forum the Holy Book of the WR is gospel, and they routinely make fun of this forum. I use to be a member of that forum for many years, and their dogmatic LN approach made me pursue other sources of information.
  5. From the transcript: OSWALD: I don't know what this is all about. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Aren't you the black (ph) guy? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you kill the President? OSWALD: No, sir, I didn't. People keep asking me that. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Aren't you the black (ph) guy? OSWALD: Sir? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you shoot the President? OSWALD: I work in that building and -- UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Were you in the building at the time? OSWALD: Naturally if I work in that building, yes, sir. So we know Oswald is not black. Genius. I find it funny we can discuss doppelgangers and mystery rifles, but not study the photographic record of who was in front of the TSBD.
  6. I'd assumed the JFKA forum was using the Prayer Man site image. I extracted the frames showing Prayer Man in an animated loop from the Youtube video I linked: https://i.imgur.com/MWiySf9.gif Alan may have cherry picked a frame to support his argument of a scoop neckline blouse. It will be interesting to see if the guys at the Prayer Man site have an explanation.
  7. I got a copy of the image posted by Alan Ford on the JFK Assassination Forum as mentioned on Page 1: It is NOT THE SAME as the image on the Prayer Man Site: https://postlmg.cc/G99TrN11 Here is a copy of the Darnell film with the TSBD, there may be better ones out there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7p1ntLF--s
  8. I tried to reproduce what's on the Prayer Man site while listening to the creepy MK Ultra podcast, and this is what I found. First of all, I don't believe there was any attempt at deception, they just worked the image until they were happy with it. Image processing is more an art than anything. And if you want to try it at home: 1. Find a suitable Darnell clip to start with, and capture the "scene". 2. Greyscale the image to make it black and white. 3. Increase the color depth to 16 million (24 bit). 4. Play with the color channel brightness curves. 5. Adjust brightness and contrast. 6. Keep fiddling until you like the result. I got close to what's on the PM site. This is why I called it "heavily filtered", there were many steps involved. Unless the person who did it took meticulous notes, you may not be able to reproduce it.
  9. Why am I not surprised Allen Dulles was involved. One of my favourite movies is the 1962 The Manchurian Candidate. Back then they called it brainwashing, and it was the bad guys that were doing it.
  10. Adjusting brightness and contrast alone didn't work for me, see my next post. Here is a copy of the image from the PM site, choose "download original image" to see full image (269 KB). https://postimg.cc/G99TrN11
  11. Yeah the image on the PM site is already altered. I got the same security warning, I had to tell my anti-virus software twice to let me on already. I did run a full virus scan after though.
  12. Yes the photos from Duncan's site and the PM site are already doctored. The ones with the red arrow. I agree with Andrej that you can't base an analysis starting with a heavily filtered or doctored image. You can get all kinds of strange artifacts with so much filtering. I hope your trip to Dallas is successful. Enjoy your trip regardless.
  13. If you can do that starting with the unfiltered Darnell film, I'll be really impressed. 🙂
  14. The image from the prayer-man site is heavily filtered, probably to bring out details. Compare the pm site image (left) with a Darnell screen cap (right). If you look at the columns on the right in both images, you can see grey squares and rectangles on the PM site filtered image. The filtering added noise. Also, the people look funny in the filtered image.
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