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Everything posted by jdavenport

  1. Well, yes someone DID talk. And he talked to Mary Ferrell in the 1990's His name was Elroy Roy Hargraves and he implicated operatiives from The Pioneer Fund and characters like Homer S. Echevarria, Col Robert F. Baird, Capt. Medric Johnson from Walker's AVG, Harold Chait of Baltimore who worked for The Boston Metals Processing Company cited later in the Iran Contra funding controversies and some others. And Richard Condon talked too. About Robert J Morris and Bonner Fellers, and Annie Vonsiatsky, and Ray Cline and Jim Angleton and Major G. Racey Johnson and Dr. Edward Brainwashing Hunter all the other Cold War Warriors who were ex-McCarthyites and ex-MacArthurites. Gen. Edwin Rommell was NOT A FOX. His point man in Cairo, Egypt was Maj Gen Bonner Fellers who LEAKED Montgomery's every move to Rommell. Check it out man. Fellers was Gen Pedro del Valles buddy and both were closet Nazi sympathizers along with Stratemeryer and Wedemeyer and that whole McCarthy crowd including YAF and the John Birch Society. "Tell him it's Ellie Iselin, he'll know."
  2. Ah yes, CUSA. Larrie Schmidt and Robert J. Morris. That man Morris along with his close fiend Willoughby were identified long ago by Bill Turner and Mae Brussell, then later by Dick Russell as being the lynchpins into the high level JFK plot. They will be recognized someday as being the plotmaster perps along with Wick Draper and Annie Vonsiatsky and the entire Manchurian Candidate gang like Dr. Edward Hunter, Major George Racey Jordan, James Angleton, Ray S. Cline and company. Now that the movie is coming back, I hope that renewed interest will cause the focus to go back to MR MCCARTHYITE himself, Robert J. Morris who was cited 6 times by Condon in the novel ManCand. McCarthyites, MacArthurites, Pioneer Fund operatives and Eugenicists with pro-Nazi sentiment. The World anti-Communist League which for a period was laden with pro-Nazis, neo-Nazis and ex-Nazis. Take it to the bank. Who would make better anti-Communists than pro-Nazis? No one. I rest my case.
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