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Nico Zijlstra

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About Nico Zijlstra

  • Birthday 06/22/1955

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    Heerlen (NL)

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  1. I've been working for several years now with Richard Jones-Nerzic. First in Virtual School History Department, over the last couple of years in the E-Help project. This project was initiated in a meeting in Madrid whit Les Albiston, his principal in IST present. It was decided that IST would apply for a Comenius 2.1 grant. Richard Jones-Nerzic was to become the chairman of the project. A inspiring chairman. In the project we were looking forward to have a test-run of the course the members were going to present in Norwich this Spring. The dismissal of Richard Jones-Nerzic puts the project into jeopardy. I hope the board of directors will overturn the dismissal, looking at the achievements of Richard, not only for E-Help, but for the whole of ISTas well.
  2. In der ehemaligen DDR wurden oft politische und wirtschaftliche Witze erzählt. Sogar Wikipedia hat DDR-Witze im Programm. Wikipedia, DDR-Witze Diese Witze kann man als subtiler Protest gegen das SED-Regime ansehen. Im NL-Unterricht werden die Witze in Zusammenarbeit mit Fremdsprache Deutsch im Kulturprogramm angeboten. Voraussetzung sind und bleiben Kenntnisse der Geschichte der DDR. Hiereine Vorschau auf DDR-Witze im holländischen Geschichtsunterricht: http://www.sintermeerten.nl/projecten/gesc...d/DDR-Witze.htm
  3. Moppen worden veel verteld. Moppen kunnen leuk zijn. In bepaalde omstandigheden is het vertellen van een mop een voorbeeld van min of meer subtiel protest. Denk aan de moppen over de NSB-ers in de Tweede Wereldoorlog: Over NSB-burgemeesters met een twijfelachtige reputatie: Dames gaat U bij de burgemeester op bezoek denk dan aan een slot op Uw broek! Over de verkoop van Volk en Vaderland: Op de hoek van de straat staat een NSB-er 't Is geen man 't is geen vrouw, het is een ras plebeeër Op de hoek van de straat staat hij daar te venten Hij verkoopt (volk en vaderland) zijn Vaderland voor zes rooie centen Als leerlingen de geschiedenis van de DDR bestudeerd hebben, kan met het vak Duits/ Duitse cultuur worden samengewerkt op het gebied van DDR-Witze. Een lesbrief vindt u onder: http://www.sintermeerten.nl/projecten/gesc...d/DDR-Witze.htm
  4. I've written a simple worksheet/lesson about jokes told by people in the former GDR. Jokes were used as a kind of subtle protest against the SED-regime of Ulbricht and Honecker. I'm using German originals in my Dutch class, but I found a series in Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GDR_jokes I'll try to incorporate the English version into my website and publish it on E-Help. A German version can be added as well. During the war in occupied Europe jokes were often told? Anyone a clue where I can find those? An idea perhaps?
  5. In the worksheet TIMELINE: 28th July: Austria declares war. (not 29th July) http://zis.uibk.ac.at/quellen/rauch11b.htm http://firstworldwar.com/onthisday/1914_07_28.htm I'll send the amendment later. I'll fix it in my versions on my own server http://www.sintermeerten.nl/projecten/gesc...nl/frameset.htm http://www.sintermeerten.nl/projecten/gesc..._D/frameset.htm
  6. Oft können "Spielchen" die Kinder meht motivieren als normale Unterricht. Russel Tarr (www.activehistory.co.uk) hat für das E-Help-Projekt ein Spiel über die Ursachen des 1. Weltkrieg ausgedacht. Dieses Spiel ist jetzt auch in deutscher Sprache. http://www.sintermeerten.nl/projecten/gesc..._D/frameset.htm Scheinbar ein einfaches Spiel, aber der Schein täuscht. Mann soll in die Haut von Wilhelm II schlüpfen und seine Entscheidungen nachvollziehen. Zum Schluss müssten die Schüler in der Lage sein eine ausfürliche Antwort zu geben auf der Frage: Wer hatte Schuld? Mit Arbeitsblätter.
  7. The German version can be previewed here: http://www.sintermeerten.nl/projecten/gesc..._D/frameset.htm
  8. The Dutch version can be seen here: http://www.sintermeerten.nl/projecten/gesc...nl/frameset.htm
  9. At the moment I'm involved in a project of the Dutch Open University in assessing the way pupils (age 15) use the internet as a source. Although it is about using the internet and not a particular website, the outcome (March 2007) might be of general interest. We're thinking of producing a 'mind map' of variables to assess a website.
  10. Good idea Only the Maginot bit should be left out, being an anchronism... Could you send me a cd with the complete simulation-web. Ill translate it in Dreamweaver into Dutch and German.
  11. Good idea Only the Maginot bit should be left out, being an anchronism...
  12. You've got a point here, although one can object and say that some factual knowledge is the core of understanding history. The Dutch 'canon' in meant mainly for pupils in primary education and the first 3 years of secundary education (up until the age of 15) Still the canon comes in a time when narrow neo-nationalism is moving forward in 'continental' Europe. Fortunately, the committee which has published the canon wants to start a history debate, not only on the choices they made, but on the facts and history as a cultural phenomenon. In this election year in Holland it's the right-wing politicians who use the canon for their own politcal (narrow minded) purposes at the moment.
  13. The Dutch government embraces the idea of a History canon. Or simply:"what every citizen in the Netherlands should know about Dutch History". How far can governments go to prescribe the facts of History? Or is it a good thing to start a debate on what's really important? How's the situation in GB, F, D, E, I?
  14. In the Netherlands a governmental committee has published a 'canon'of Dutch History. These fourteen “main lines of the canon” are meant to serve as background texts to the fifty windows. They are the red threads running through the history of the Netherlands that indicate the cross-links between the separate windows, thereby helping to create cohesion in the topics, objects, persons and themes featured on the chart. Interesting is to know how the debate on History is going on in your country and what you think of the Dutch approach 1. The Low Countries by the sea 2. On the periphery of Europe 3. A converted country 4. A Dutch language 5. An urbanised country and a trading hub at the mouth of the Rhine, Schelde and Maas rivers 6. The Republic of the Seven United Netherlands: founded on rebellion 7. The blossoming of the Golden Age 8. Business sense and colonial power 9. Nation-state, constitutional monarchy 10. The rise of modern society 11. The Netherlands in a time of world wars: 1914-1945 12. The welfare state, democratisation and secularisation 13. The diversification of the Netherlands 14. The Netherlands in Europe Further reading: http://www.entoen.nu/default.aspx?lan=e
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