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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. Political Conspiracies SIDE ================================= 12 threads were closed : Fukushima cover up,Japan Secret Nuclear weapon program,European Austerity vs Worker, Poverty UK, proplems NHS, History Feee Speech UK, Depopulation,Free Energy & Alternative Energy (Navy Has Done What ?) ,drone strike methodology & problems, conspiracies hogpog (tin foil hat), and cover up of bad economy USA. ============== BURTON . Steven, You are more than welcome to post those articles in the news thread; that's what it is for. What this Forum is NOT is to be your personal blog on subjects close to your heart. When 95% of a long thread is made up of just your posts, and those posts are just article after article, then it is not what this Forum is about. If you think an article will start a discussion, then create a thread. If no discussion ensues please do NOT continue to post article after article. If you do, the thread will be closed. I strongly suggest you use the news thread for the large majority of your articles. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EVAN BURTON THUS CONCEDES WE LIVE IN A CONSPIRATORIAL WORLD SINCE SAID ABOVE TOPICS ARE SUPPRESSED AND CONSPIRACY RELATED. ,gaal I PRE hear an idiotic response about the problems NHS not suppressed. The peoples great respect and need of the NHS is not ,repeat not represented in the MSM. , gaal
  2. What comes after 'final'? // DREW =========================================== If your just asking thread wise.,gaal ============================== THIS THREAD WHICH DOSENT HAVE THE BOTTOM INFO ---------------------------------------- CIA plot to kill JFK is based only on political bias, and not on solid evidence. That's my final word on it. Started by Steven Gaal, Sep 16 2014 10:13 PM http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=21367&p=289607 "That little Kennedy," he spat out. "He thought he was a god." (Quote Suspect #1) THREAD CONTENTS +++++++++++++++++++++++++ part 1 = introduction Allen Dulles and his friends part 2 Allen Dulles and the Cabots and Paines part 3 = Lansdale part 4 = FAR RIGHT AND THE FALSE FAR RIGHT Part 5 = Dulles and a slow car turn assassination Part 6 = What are some of the motivations of suspect # 1 Allen Dulles ? Part 7 = JFK NOT GLOBALIST ENOUGH Part 8 = highlights review Part 9 == Dulles previously used a patsy in assassination and patsy died before investigation , said operation was a success Part 10 == DINNER AND ASSASSINATION ( and lunch with Dallas Council on World Affairs) Part 11 == NOW LET US PRAY The Unitarian Connection to LHO (pray we also don't get caught = see very bottom) ======================================== Addendum total continuity Dulles connection Treasury Department Head Councils 1950s to past assassination ---- Dulles had a private "CIA" of his own that in part consisted of : Casey,Taylor, Lansdale,Paines,Gatlin,De Mohrenschildt and the head lawyers of the Treasury Department from the 50s to past the assassination : Fred C. Scribner ,David A. Lindsay and Gaspard d'Andelot Belin (all General Counsel for the Department of the Treasury. ) I have posted before of the Dulles connections to Scribner and Belin,see (http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=21122&p=286020 , see post # 13) and below I give some of my Lindsay research. If there are problems with the Secret Service ,you don't have to look farther than Dulles. }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Also SEE // Autobiography of a Spy by Mary Bancroft (Re: Dulles,BUNDY,Belin,JJA) David A. Lindsay >> Skull & Bones 1944 (DULLES AND Prescott Bush close friends from early 1930s) http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=18657&p=244149 Bush connections are.: Tom Devine through his CIA affiliation, his meeting(s) with DeMohrenschildt and his Paris Review links via Francis Plimpton's son, George, and Devine's long association with Plimpton's Paris Review partner, John Train who is connected to the IRC and the WWF. Prince Sandrudden was Paris Review "publisher," IRC principal, and close friend of GHW Bush. WWF was led by Train's cousin, Russell, and his appointed manager, Curtis EU "Chip" Bohlen, covert CIA man and an usher, along with Devine, in the 1955 wedding of CIA's Albert Bradley Carter, Jr. Twins John and David Lindsay were usher's in Nancy Bush's wedding. Their brother, George was hired by Francis Plimpton at his Plimpton Debevoise law firm in 1947, and became managing partner. Partner Eli Whitney Debevoise, a bonesman, was counsel to HICOG McCloy, and then deputy HICOG under McCloy. Both Leon Panetta and Ed Hooker's daughter, Susan's second husband (after she was divorced from Rionda Braga's son) Michael Ainslie, were employed in John Lindsay's NYC mayor's office. After Nancy Bush's 1946 wedding to Alexander Irwin, Yale roommate of John Chafee and of Charles Whitehouse, the Irwins made their home in Montreal. The front story is that Irwin managed the family insurance brokerage office there. The back stroy is that Irwin, Macomber, and David Lindsay were all members of the 1943 Yale football squad and OSS thought enough of William Macomber to give him official cover as a USMC captain while he worked covert for OSS behind the lines in France and then was sent to work for OSS in Burma. You may be aware that it was very rare for a covert OSS operator to be assigned to missions in both the European and Pacific theaters. Macomber just happens to end up as assistant to John Foster Dulles and in 1963, married to one of Dulles's three personal secretaries, Bernau. Macomber just happens to be invited by Pres Bush to witness JFK's taking the oath as U.S. senator. ======================================== Skull & Bones 1944 James Lane Buckley Shehand Daniel Elebash Alexander Ellis, Jr. James Lord Ferguson John Bannister Goodenough William Cabell Grayson John Morgan Holden Townsend Walter Hoopes W.C. Kelly II David A. Lindsay Stuart W. Little Jeffrey Pond Walker James Allen Whitmore, Jr. Dean Witter, Jr. Archibald J..Allen, Jr. ================= A Nation Divided: The 1968 Presidential Campaign https://books.google...isbn=0595236995 Darcy G. Richardson - 2002 - History David A. Lindsay, Mayor John V. Lindsay's twin brother, was McCarthy's choice for ... Secretary of the Treasury; William Clay Ford, vice president and director of ... ===================== BOTTON INFO NOT IN ABOVE DULLES DID IT THREAD. , gaal ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=22159&p=311450 Posted 08 August 2015 - 03:45 PM NBC had, until 1986, been owned by the Radio Corporation of America (RCA), formed by Brigadier General David Sarnoff of the U.S. Signal Corps. He had helped set up Radio Free Europe for Allen Dulles, a lifelong intelligence asset who became director of the CIA after serving as a top officer in its precursor, the OSS. Radio Free Europe became an infamous CIA propaganda outlet. Sarnoff's first cousin, Eugene Lyons, was a U.S. intelligence asset important in propaganda operations against the Soviet Union. In addition to being an enthusiastic supporter of the eugenics movement, Dulles represented a number of German firms, including I.G. Farben, the core of the Third Reich. He was also a director of J. Henry Schroder Bank in London, England, which had close ties to Hitler's inner circle, especially Heinrich Himmler. Schroder Bank would later be revealed as the prime financial supporter of Permindex, a shadowy Swiss corporation with extensive connections to U.S. intelligence services. Clay Shaw, a prominent civic leader in New Orleans and known CIA asset to whom we will soon be introduced, sat on its board. Dulles also represented many prominent U.S. firms that supported Hitler, such as the Chase Manhattan Bank and Standard Oil, both of which were owned by the Rockefellers. Brown Brothers Harriman and Union Banking Corporation were both owned by the Harriman brothers and represented by the Dulles brothers. Prescott Bush, an army intelligence veteran and father of George H.W Bush, served on the board of both banks. The Rockefellers, Harrimans and the Bushes were all deeply involved in the U.S. intelligence community, which appears to be at the core of the power structure, imposing the programming. The NBC hit piece was produced by Walter Sheridan, a CIA asset who had formerly been an FBI agent and a counterintelligence director at the NSA. He also served with the Justice Department and, before all of that, the Office of Naval Intelligence. Sheridan intimidated, bribed and manipulated witnesses. He was in constant contact with the CIA during the production of his documentary. A closer examination of the man revealed that he was only a single degree of separation from the conspiracy itself. One of his close friends, Carmine Bellino, was a former FBI agent who had once worked with Guy Banister and who had lived with Robert Maheu at a time when he was being cleared for the CIA project involving the recruitment of Mafia hitmen to kill Fidel Castro.
  3. “We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” - David Rockefeller, Bilderberg, 1991 (emphasis added) ======================================================================================================== SEE PD SCOTT DEEP POLITICS BOOK RE Great Southwest . EMPIRE TRUST information from PD Scott unpublished DALLAS Conspiracy =. THE GREAT SOWTHWEST CORPORATION WAS A ROCKEFELLER and EMPIRE TRUST INVESTMENT.,gaal 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 SUSPECT # 1 Allen Dulles. (Gaal,That's my final word on it.) "That little Kennedy," he spat out. "He thought he was a god." (Quote Suspect #1) =================================== Donald Gibson Shows That JFK Was a Hamiltonian Dirigist Devoted to National Economic Progress, Not a Monetarist or Keynesian; His Enemies Included Allen Dulles and the CIA, the Morgans, Henry Luce and Skull and Bones, David Rockefeller, John J. McCloy and the Council on Foreign Relations Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. TARPLEY.net – World Crisis Radio November 16, 2013 [download audio] }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} get it , JFK IS devoted to NATIONAL ECONOMIC PROGRESS not world government.
  4. Howard Willens of the WC Mr. Willens was a partner in the law firm of Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering from 1967 through 1994. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Russell J. Bruemmer | WilmerHale https://www.wilmerhale.com/russ...   http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:8LMLOEwOeaQJ:https://www.wilmerhale.com/russell_bruemmer/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us     Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr Mr. Bruemmer served as General Counsel of the CIA from 1987 to 1990, when he returned to the firm. ..... 1994-2015 Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP. ------------------------------------------------------ Jamie Gorelick | WilmerHale https://www.wilmerhale.com/jami... http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:IXUwqk6x58YJ:https://www.wilmerhale.com/jamie_gorelick/+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us   Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr She also was a member of the CIA's National Security Advisory Panel, former President Bush's ..... 1994-2015 Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP. --------------------------------------------------------   Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering - iWon - www1.iwon.com/home/careers/company.../0,15623,1178,00.html   http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:AfBoldQKjwwJ:www1.iwon.com/home/careers/company_profile/0,15623,1178,00.html+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us iWon Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering is a Washington, DC-based firm with strong ties to the ... the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the CIA, the National Security Counsel, ... -------------------------------------------------------- Wilmer Cutler Partner Expected to Be Nominated as CIA GC www.abajournal.com/.../wilmer_cutler_partner_expected_to... http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:giI5L9wXv94J:www.abajournal.com/news/article/wilmer_cutler_partner_expected_to_be_nominated_as_cia_gc/+&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us ABA Journal Apr 17, 2009 - President Barack Obama is expected to nominate Stephen Preston, a partner at Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, to be the next general ... =========== Russell J. Bruemmer - Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and ... https://www.bestlawyers.com/lawyers/russell-j-bruemmer/35536/ http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:T2F2O22tAqcJ:https://www.bestlawyers.com/lawyers/russell-j-bruemmer/35536/+&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us Russell J. Bruemmer - Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP ... Mr. Bruemmer served as General Counsel of the CIA from 1987 to 1990, when he returned ... =============================== Stephen Preston '83 nominated to be CIA general counsel ... today.law.harvard.edu/stephen-preston-83-nominated-to-be-cia-general-... http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:8lJxRI_VT4IJ:today.law.harvard.edu/stephen-preston-83-nominated-to-be-cia-general-counsel/+&cd=6&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us He is currently a partner and co-chair of the Defense, National Security, and Government Contracts Practice Group at Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr in ... ================================ Inside the CIA - Page 232 - Google Books Result https://books.google.com/books?isbn=1439140774 Ronald Kessler - 2012 - Political ScienceWebster told John B. Bellinger, who was his special assistant at the CIA until ... with him until he left to join Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering in Washington in 1981. ================================ Chronology of CIA's Senior Management Structure fas.org/irp/congress/.../s910911-cia.htm   http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:wPeZs6wuHaUJ:fas.org/irp/congress/1991_hr/s910911-cia.htm+&cd=8&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us   Federation of American Scientists Of CIA's 47 deputy directors, spanning more than 40 years, only seven did not .... the Washington firm of Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering, where he worked primarily in ...
  5. So this is an admission there are two Oswalds since you didn't respond to the information provided in above post # 1234 . I only wrote a small amount not a large bandwidth. ,gaal
  6. More damaging than Watergate’: Ex-News of the World news editor on Ted Heath rape claims ========================= http://rinf.com/alt-news/latest-news/damaging-watergate-ex-news-world-news-editor-ted-heath-rape-claims/#comment-531514
  7. Thank you, Larry. Larry, Thanks. Lesson learned. Everything must be checked, even stuff written by John Newman. --Tommy GOLLY PER GREG PARKER NEWMAN SAYS MILITARY RECORDS DONT SHOW 2 OSWALDS. IF MR PARKER IS CORRECT RE two LHOs/MILITARY RECORDS and NEWMAN'S INTERPRETATION ,this might be an additional error. gaal ==================================================================================== EDITED POST DAVID JOSEPH JULY 18th 2015 ========================================= Thanks Tom... With so many WC Docs I appreciate being led to different ones with specific info buried under anonymous headings... One of the things that most bother me about the USMC records is the conflict between "Aircraft Control and Warning Operator" school (Radar operator) and the recommendation as well as preference of duty in his records as a "Aircraft Maintenance and Repair"... With as poor hearing as he had, I fail to see how he gets into a Air Traffic Control. Felde tells us that his Oswald did not go to Biloxi but was in Florida thru July when they go to "Aviation Electronics School" in Memphis TN which as I understand it would be for Aircraft Maintenance nad Repair, not Air traffic controller... http://www.marines.c...lement/avionics Marines in the Avionics field install, remove, inspect, test, maintain and repair all aviation weapons and electrical systems. They also support communications, radar and navigation systems. http://maryferrell.o...geId=2&tab=page On the next page in that WCD with the Landes info WCD131, we are told yet another little white lie by the FBI who, when necessary, couldn't find their a$$ with two hands and a flashlight... "The records fail to name any personnel assigned or attending above school with Oswald" When in reality the records could not be more clear... and later on, Powers produces the orders for these six men at his testimony.. Mr. POWERS. I have the travel orders, and if you want them----- Mr. JENNER. Fine. If you have anything from which you may refresh your recollection so that we can have the exact date, I appreciate it. Mr. POWERS. This would be, 2 May 1957 is on the date of these orders. Mr. POWERS. Yes. "Effective 3 May 1957, the below listed marines are directed to report to the 3380th Technical Training Group, 3383d Student Squadron, Block 21, Building 17, Shipping and Receiving Section, Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi, Miss., for duty under instruction, USNAC&W Operators Course No. AB27037, Class 08057, for a period of about 6 weeks. Upon arrival thereat, they will report to the Commanding Officer for duty." And then it lists six marines with Lee H. Oswald as one of these marines. Mr. POWERS. (1Pfc. Edward J. Bandoni.) 551427. Pfc. James N. Brereton, 1644586; Pfc. Donald P. Camarata, 1632342. Mr. JENNER. Excuse me. Would you check that number again as against mine? I had 1653230, am I in error? Mr. POWERS. You're in error, sir. It's 1632342. The next name that appears is Lee H. Oswald, private, first class, 1653230. And the next name is my name, Powers, Daniel P., 1497089. And the next name that appears is Schrand, Martin E., private, first class, 1639694 Mr. POWERS. Up to--you could say that's true to a certain extent. We did attend school there. Then from Mississippi we were assigned orders to go overseas, and report to El Toro, Calif. Here, while we were at Mississippi, it was parallel. We attended the same classes, and in the same particular group as far as the initial starting of training and graduation, if you would like to call it that. Mr. JENNER Yes. Mr. POWERS. And then once we got to California, they changed somewhat because some of the people reported in early to California and some of them reported later, so this getting into an overseas draft meant that some were leaving out of California earlier than others, of course, which would mean their assignments as far as orders, were different. I would say that four of the names mentioned previously, Camarata, Oswald, Powers, and Schrand, went to the Far East; Bandoni and Brereton, I'm not sure where they went. I think they went to the east coast, as I recall Mr. JENNER. Did he ever express any sympathy toward the Communist Party? Mr. POWERS. None that I recall. Mr. JENNER. Toward Communist principles? Mr. POWERS. None that I recall. Mr. JENNER. Or Marxist doctrines? Mr. POWERS. None that I recall; no, sir. This is NOT Harvey Mr. Powers here is talking about... but LEE and helps to illustrate the existence of these two separate men. The list of men HARVEY is known to is completely different and NEVER includes these other 5 names.... Have at it boys
  8. Kiev Calls 567 Artists Threats to National Security By Stephen Lendman 8-9-15 Rogue states maintain power by intimidation, repression and controlling the message - suppressing anything challenging their authority. Ukraine is an illegitimate US-installed fascist police state - a rogue regime opposed to fundamental freedoms. It’s waging war on its own people. Its human rights record is horrendous. Even the State Department admits it harasses and discriminates against ethnic minorities, makes arbitrary arrests for political reasons, abuses individuals in custody including torture, engages in human trafficking, operates a corrupt judicial system, denies due process, commits violence against women, abuses children, uses forced labor, and severely limits the right of workers to strike. Left unexplained is its war on dissent. Press and speech freedoms aren’t tolerated. In July, Ukraine’s culture ministry labeled 567 actors, musicians and other artists “persona non grata,” banned from performing publicly for allegedly threatening national security. Included is famous French actor Gerard Depardieu, singer and composer Goran Bregovic and US actor Steven Seagal. Culture minister Vyacheslav Kirilenko said individuals listed are being investigated by Ukraine’s security service and defense council to determine what threats they may pose to the nation’s “territorial integrity.” Included are “117 Russian entertainers who are threatening Ukraine’s national security,” he said. After Bregovic visited Sevastopol in March, his scheduled Ukraine concerts were cancelled. Kiev authorities claimed he entered Crimea illegally - through checkpoints the regime doesn’t control. Last year, Seagal visited Crimea. He called US policy on Ukraine “idiotic.” He respects Vladimir Putin “as a brother.” He supports his Crimean policy. In mid-July, Ukraine’s interior and culture ministries as well as its security service banned award-winning Serbian film director/musician Emir Kusturica from performing in the country. A culture ministry statement said it’s “(t)o avert the risks of mass violations of public order, protest actions and disruption of events to commemorate the 1,000 anniversary of the death of Great Prince Vladimir of Kiev on July 28.” “It would be expedient for Emir Kusturica to refrain from giving a concert in Kiev on that day.” He’s persona non grata for supporting Russia’s Ukraine policy. On August 9, Kiev officially blacklisted French actor Gerard Depardieu and 12 Russian artists - calling them “threat(s) to national security” for supporting Putin agreeing to let Crimea rejoin Russia. Seventy-seven-year-old/Southeastern Ukraine born Russian parliamentarian/singer (called the Soviet Frank Sinatra) Iosif Kobzon was blacklisted for supporting Donbass freedom fighters. So was Soviet era movie star Mikhail Boyarsky for signing an open letter supporting Crimea rejoining Russia. Separately, former German official/current European integration work stream’s Agency for the Modernization of Ukraine head Gunter Verheugen wrote a Suddeutsche Zeitung published op-ed, saying: “Ukraine is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. The economy is in a tailspin, and unemployment is going through the roof. Chances of a rebound are next to nil because who is going to invest anything in a situation like this?” “Public disenchantment and anger over the political situation that has not changed since the Maidan revolution are growing. The popularity of the government and the president are down, and the ultranationalists are sowing hatred and provoking unrest.” He warned of greater crisis this winter - including power outages, lack of heat and other humanitarian issues heading toward social and political unrest. He blamed wrongheaded Western policies, adding: “The European Union should wake up to the prospect of a humanitarian catastrophe flaring up in Ukraine and start talking about the upcoming winter, also with Russia.” At the same time, lunatics in Washington want Ukraine more heavily armed than already. Former Bush national security advisor/current Orwellian named/neocon infested US Institute of Peace head Stephen Hadley urges “rais(ing) the cost for what Russia is doing in Ukraine.” He’s one of many likeminded US ideologues wanting regime change in Russia - by war if other methods fail. They urge toppling all independent governments Washington doesn’t control - a WW III scenario without stating it. ================================================================================= Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III." http://www.claritypress.com/LendmanIII.html Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network. It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs.
  9. RELATED =============== ALASKA Warning./BALD EAGLES and Gulls/Whales Dying Fast = Submitted by IWB, on August 9th, 2015 = http://investmentwatchblog.com/alaska-warning-bald-eagles-and-gullswhales-dying-fast/ Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/alaska-warning-bald-eagles-and-gullswhales-dying-fast/#34EgppPJrKdqbkoh.99
  10. ################################################################################################# Lewis L. Strauss RELATIVE OF ROBERT STRAUSS PLEASE NOTICE OVERLAP YEARS >>>> A ONI & KUHN LOEB (EMPIRE TRUST) connection which I talked about in other threads. = Warburg brought Strauss to Kuhn Loeb, where he became a full partner in 1929 and was active in the firm until 1941. During this period Strauss became wealthy. Despite his disqualification for regular military duty, Strauss applied to join the Navy Reserve in 1925, and received an officer's commission as an intelligence officer. In 1939 and 1940, as World War II began, he volunteered for active duty, and in 1941, he was called up Sir William Wiseman, "the chief British spy master in America during World War I," was a Kuhn, Loeb partner and advisor to John Schiff, grandson of Jacob Schiff and the chief partner. (The Warburgs, by Ron Chernow. Random House, 1993, pp 612-613.) He was a correspondent of Strauss between 1941 and 1962. ################################################################################################# see >>>>>>> http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=20291&p=298381 ===Posted 20 April 2013 - 11:23 PM Confirming PD SCOTT ========================= PD Scott in Dallas Conspiracy quoted Stephen Birmingham that Empire Trust maintained ,"something like a private CIA around the world to protect their investments.."(Our Crowd,Harper and Row ,1967,p.378). However there was no documentation in said book. John Crichton Army Reserve intelligence officer was part of Empire Trust. Crichton's claim to fame was hiring Ilya Mamantov to mistranslate Marina in an incriminating fashion her husband. I did find a second intelligence officer connected to Empire Trust. At the National American Bank in New Orleans was director Leon Tujague (who gave LHO first job and LHO also had problematic Social Security number at age 15/half),director Clem A. Shert (Oswald family attorney) and later President of said bank, director Seymour Weiss a Lansky associate and director Ernest Carrere former Navy intelligence officer.* Carrere was director of Louisiana Land and Exploration Co. which was owned by Empire Trust. Carrere was also John Mecoms Jr. attorney. John Mecom SR & JR (mob) were friends with DeMohrenschildt. John Mecom Sr was part of the CIA connected San Jacinto Foundation which was one of the first groups to ask JFK to come to Dallas. That Carrere was Naval intelligence and connected to Empire Trust bolsters Birmingham's claim that Empire Trust had its own private CIA. Empire Trust whose leading shareholders were the inter-related familes of Kuhn,Loeb,Lehman and Bronfman. The Kuhn, Loeb-Morgan alliance, maintain close relationships with the House of Rothschild, said Rothschild's controlled the First National Bank Of Houston. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SHERT ?? Tujague (board member Friends Of Democratic Cuba and former employer LHO) is connected to Clem Shert (Oswald family attorney) and Ernest Carrere former Navy intelligence officer. David Ferrie's first CAP base part of a NAVY airport and post assassination Ferrie connected to transport NAVY personnel. = Carrere was president of a retired ONI officers association (worked for Empire Trust connected company) Crichton and Lewis McNaughton (employer Bouhe and Declan Ford) were both EMPIRE TRUST ######################### +++++++++++++++ Please note at the bank were the man who gave LHO his first job worked (Tujague) is a ONI officer. PLEASE note Dr. Rose wrote a whole article that LHO's Social Security number that was "odd" at age 15/half and started with Tujague company. ++++++++++++++++ from Ramparts Posted 21 April 2013 - 03:01 AM = It is not always easy to obtain information on the foundations which have sustained NSA's international operations. Take the San Jacinto Foundation, for example. In the past, San Jacinto has not only funded important portions of NSA's international program, but it has also given huge sums of money to the program budget of the ISC. In particular, it has been overly generous in supporting The Student, an ISC publication printed in five languages and distributed all over the world as an anti-communist weapon. One other interesting fact about the San Jacinto Foundation is that, like the J. Frederick Brown Foundation, it has contributed to the CIA-suspect American Friends of the Middle East. No one at NSA, or ISC for that matter, appears to have the vaguest notion of what the San Jacinto Foundation is, who is on its board of directors or where its money comes from. San Jacinto has also apparently managed to avoid the reporting procedures required by law of all tax-exempt foundations. No records for it have been entered at the district office of the Internal Revenue Service in Austin, or with the secretary of the State of Texas, or with the county clerk. San Jacinto's mailing address is the offices of F.G. O'Conner in the San Jacinto Building in downtown Houston. Mr. O'Conner is the secretary of the foundation. When asked by Ramparts' peripatetic reporter for some information about the foundation, Mr. O'Conner, a graying, distinguished-looking man in his sixties replied, it is a private, closed foundation, never had any publicity and doesn't want any. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SEE SPIDERS WEB THREAD (posts # 46,#47,#48,#50) FOR John Crichton Empire Trust information. =========================== SEE THE FOURTH DECADE Volume 6,Number 1 for Dr. Jerry Rose Social Security # NUMBER article. ####################################################### ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ END NOTES HAYDEL, ROGER J. IRS 1040A reflected income from Jahncke Service, Inc., and National American Bank, New Orleans. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOVE SHOULD BE PUT IN CONTEXT WITH ABOVE INFO , IF SAID STRAUS(S) FAMILY HAS A DEEP AND NOT TANGENTIAL CONNECTION TO ELM ST. , gaal ===
  11. Political Warfare and the 9/11 Commission ===================================== Posted on August 21, 2013 by Kevin Ryan ===================================== Late last year, I put researcher Paul Schreyer in contact with former 9/11 Commission staffer Miles Kara, after Kara had written to me about Schreyer’s October 2012 article in the Journal of 9/11 Studies.[1] Kara has since been offering Schreyer a number of opinions related to the questions addressed in the article, although no new evidence has been offered. As a result, Schreyer sent the Journal a letter thanking Kara for his willingness to discuss the issues and for contributing additional information. Although the idea of civil discourse among independent researchers and those who produced the official account is encouraged, we should insist upon factual evidence when presented with new explanations from sources known to have been unreliable. It is also important to keep the background and history of participants in focus. When the 9/11 Commission Report was published in July 2004, it provided a completely new explanation for why the U.S. air defenses had failed to intercept any of the four hijacked planes on 9/11. Certain 9/11 Commission staff members had helped to produce that new story, and at least one of them was behind earlier explanations that were contradicted by the new account. That was Miles Kara, a retired U.S. Army intelligence officer. Kara has since been working via his blog and his personal contacts to persuade those questioning the official account that the unanswered questions of 9/11 are often just minor misunderstandings or are simply unimportant. As a member of the 9/11 Working Group of Bloomington, I was first contacted by Kara in October 2009.[2] Since that time, Kara has taken a keen interest in several articles published at the Journal of 9/11 Studies. He has written to me about those articles as they are published, much like he did with Schreyer’s October 2012 article. As with his feedback on the Schreyer article, Kara’s input is always critical and focused on supporting the official account. Although Kara seems quite interested in articles at the Journal, he fails to acknowledge the Journal publicly and he refuses to join the conversation by submitting a responsive letter. At his blog, he links to a number of un-reviewed “debunker” websites but, while responding to our articles on several occasions, he has mentioned the Journal only once and then failed to provide a link.[3] Although Kara’s communications imply that the Journal contains numerous errors or that the peer-review process is somehow insufficient, there is again a lack of specificity.[4] Moreover, when I recently pointed out errors in Kara’s own work he simply corrected those things without acknowledging his error or the assistance he received.[5] Kara’s behavior in downplaying the unanswered questions of 9/11, while providing conflicting accounts over time, is reminiscent of the approach taken by the 9/11 Commission. Author David Ray Griffin offered an analogy for that approach. Normally, when a suspect in a criminal investigation keeps changing his story, we get suspicious. Let’s say that the police ask Charlie Jones where he was Saturday night. He says he was at the movie theater, but they say, “No, the movie theater has been closed all week.” Then Charlie says, “Oh, that’s right, I was with my girl friend.” But, the police say, “No, we checked with her and she was home with her husband.” If at that point Charlie says, “Oh, now I remember, I was home reading my Bible,” you are probably not going to believe him. And yet that’s what we have here. The military told one story right after 9/11, another story a week later, and a third story through The 9/11 Commission Report in 2004.[6] As I point out in my new book Another Nineteen, the military actually gave four distinct stories for how it failed to respond to the hijacked aircraft.[7] Therefore if Charlie’s mother said Charlie was an atheist and therefore did not read the Bible, and Charlie gave yet another excuse, the analogy would be more fitting. Kara behaves much like Charlie. As problems with the official account of the air defense failures are presented, Kara offers a seemingly endless stream of possibilities to prop up the official account. At his blog Kara suggests that the air defense failures may ultimately be understood only through Chaos Theory.[8] The way Kara applies Chaos Theory is not like the expected situation in which sensitive dependence on initial conditions makes small errors balloon into a major catastrophes. It’s more of an exercise in throwing vast amounts of random comments and data at a question in the hope that the questioners will become confused (experience chaos) and make the error of giving up. In any case, sometimes it’s best to learn more about a person’s history in order to get a better handle on their motives. That seems to be the case with intelligence officer Miles Kara. As one of 53 staff members who worked for the 9/11 Commission, Kara was in an interesting group. Like Kara, a quarter of those staff members were associated with the U.S. intelligence community. Another quarter had been employees of the FBI’s parent organization – the Department of Justice. Several were responsible for counterterrorism prior to 9/11. The remaining staff members were employees of the private companies Citigroup, CSIS, the RAND Corporation, and SAIC, or were lawyers from intelligence-related firms like Sullivan and Cromwell. Having joined the earlier Joint Inquiry, in May 2002, directly from the Defense Department’s Inspector General Office of Intelligence Review, Kara went on to play a large role in producing the 9/11 Commission’s account of the air defense failures. He was present at a majority of the interviews of witnesses and he wrote many of the summary reports. Emails and other documents released by the 9/11 Commission suggest that Kara was a significant leader in the investigation and in the drafting of the Report. Prior to working on the 9/11 investigations, Kara had spent ten years in the DOD Inspector General’s office. That office was responsible for investigating government misconduct of various kinds and producing reports that let the government and the military off the hook. A major investigation at the time was that of the Navy’s Tailhook Scandal, and one of the sexual deviants who escaped accountability in that scandal was future 9/11 Commission member John Lehman. Kara’s resume shows that he worked on about a dozen other investigations although only one addressed terrorism and only one involved aviation. What these investigations all had in common is that they exonerated the government or military from suspected wrongdoing. In the 1980s, Kara worked for the Intelligence Center at U.S. Pacific Command. While there he supervised Michael Kuhn, who was one of two lead analysts on the Iran-Iraq War. During this time, the U.S. was engaged in a massive propaganda operation in the region, and seemed to be playing both sides of the conflict with the intent of weakening both Iraq and Iran. Kuhn went on to become the intelligence chief for NORAD and U.S. Space Command at the time of the 9/11 attacks and he was later a witness for the Joint Inquiry into 9/11. Kuhn was also of interest to the 9/11 Commission because Lt. Col. Stuart of NEADs had testified that Kuhn was one of the people whom he had briefed, before 9/11, about the scenarios in which terrorists would fly aircraft into buildings.[9] Before working with Kuhn on the Iran-Iraq War program, Kara had written a book on Political Warfare for the U.S. Navy. Political Warfare is defined as “propaganda and psychological operations (PSYOP), which service national and military objectives respectively.”[10] Kara was seen as an expert on such things and had spent six years (1974-1980) as a Political Warfare instructor at the Navy’s Amphibious School, Coronado. He taught the two-week course at least ten times a year. Before teaching political warfare, Kara was a U.S. counterintelligence specialist in Southeast Asia. In 1969, he was a Detachment Commander for the 525th Military Intelligence Group in Vietnam. At the time, the 525th was involved in providing support to the CIA’s massive counterterrorism (meaning terrorism) and assassination project called the Phoenix Program.[11] Kara went on to be responsible for world-wide “counterintelligence services.”[12] His career details indicate that Kara was not an expert on air defenses, but was in fact an expert on propaganda related to suspected government misconduct and terrorism. That possibility was emphasized by the fact that, while Kara was teaching his Political Warfare course, he brought in terror propagandist Brian Michael Jenkins to help.[13] Jenkins is known as a RAND Corporation executive but, in the 1990s as the Deputy Chairman of Kroll Associates, he had designed the security system for the World Trade Center. His history as a special operations soldier and long-time right-wing political advisor contributed to criticism of his role at the WTC. Not long after the 1993 bombing it was reported that Jenkins was “trotted out” to explain the threat we faced. Described as one of “the hoariest holdovers from the era of Reagan ‘roll, back,’ RAND’s Brian Jenkins was both an apologist for and one of the architects of the contra war against Nicaragua–a terror war aimed primarily at the civilian population and infrastructure.”[14] One of the 9/11 suspects examined in Another Nineteen, Jenkins played a leading role in planning for future terrorist events at the WTC, including having reviewed the possibility of airliner crashes into the towers. Coupled with the claims that he participated in planning and implementing a “terror war” in Central America during the 1980s, these facts should make him a subject of considerable examination with respect to 9/11. During the government’s 9/11 inquiries, Kara never mentioned having worked with the man who led the design of the WTC security system. But he did note his relationship to NORAD intelligence leader Kuhn. Nonetheless, he was chosen to help lead the 9/11 Commission investigation. Under Kara’s guidance, the 9/11 Commission Report provided the military’s fourth account of the air defense failures. This said that NORAD had only “nine minutes’ notice on the first hijacked aircraft, no advance notice on the second, no advance notice on the third, and no advance notice on the fourth.”[15] This official account of the NORAD notifications is in glaring contrast to the earlier timelines provided by NORAD personnel. And it appears that Kara was personally behind the false testimony of U.S. Air Force General McKinley and his subordinates when they provided one of those completely different timelines in May 2003. As General McKinley stated to the 9/11 Commission at that time: McKinley: “I’d like to thank the Commission staff, especially Miles Kara, for his help in preparing for this. Our intention is to provide the chronology first to the events leading up to September 11th, as well as taking your questions to give you a detailed look at how NORAD’s response was made on 9/11.”[16] McKinley deferred to his subordinate Colonel William Alan Scott to provide much of the timeline that had been prepared. Scott clarified that the times given in each case might have been a little later than the actual times due to allowance for communications and recording of the events. Scott: “I will tell you the times on this chart come from our logs. The time on the chart is the time that’s in the log. It may not be the exact time the event happened. It may be the time when the log-keeper was advised or became aware of the event.” Scott: “[At] 9:16, now FAA reports a possible hijack of United Flight 93, which is out in the Ohio area.” [17] Scott: “At 9:24 the FAA reports a possible hijack of 77. That’s sometime after they had been tracking this primary target. At 9:25, America 77 is reported headed towards Washington, D.C., not exactly precise information, just general information across the chat logs.” Scott: “And 9:40, immediately following that, is when 93 up north turns its transponders off out in the West toward Ohio, and begins a left turn back toward the East.” General Larry Arnold, who was in charge of the First Air Force on 9/11, helped McKinley provide the (apparently) false account in this May 2003 hearing. Arnold said, “Our focus was on United 93, which was being pointed out to us very aggressively I might say by the FAA.” As Commissioner John Lehman began his questioning, Arnold elaborated on this account. Arnold: “It was our intent to intercept United Flight 93. And in fact my own staff, we were orbiting now over Washington, D.C. by this time, and I was personally anxious to see what 93 was going to do, and our intent was to intercept it. But we decided to stay over Washington, D.C., because there was not that urgency.” We might wonder why the General in charge of defense of the air space in the Continental United States did not feel a sense of urgency when dealing with the fourth hijacked plane on 9/11. Regardless, General McKinley went on to say, “This is the best and most accurate data that we could piece together for your Commission.” Given this account, which was prepared with the help of Miles Kara, NORAD was given 14 minutes notice on the third plane and at least 47 minutes of notice on the fourth plane, which it was tracking. Unfortunately, NORAD’s best and most accurate data directly and repeatedly contradicted the 9/11 Commission Report. In order to reconcile the conflicting accounts, Kara’s Commission colleagues suggested that the military leaders had been lying. In a memorandum summarizing these concerns, Philip Zelikow claimed that, “Team 8 has found evidence suggesting that one, or more, USAF officers – and possibly FAA officials – must have known their version was false, before and after it was briefed to and relied upon by the White House, presented to the nation, and presented to us at our May 2003 hearing.”[18] It is interesting that Kara was not questioned about that false version, given that the USAF officers had thanked him for helping them to prepare it. However, apart from the fact that none of these people were held accountable, this claim of deception presented a paradox that Zelikow, Kara, and their colleagues did not address. It suggested that NORAD leaders had crafted elaborate lies and repeated them for years in order to make their own organization look bad. But it doesn’t take a Political Warfare specialist to realize that it is more likely they are lying now, along with the 9/11 Commission, in order to remove NORAD’s responsibility and eliminate questioning about 9/11. Given the multiple explanations provided by the military for the lack of air defenses on 9/11, independent researchers should avoid accepting new answers or excuses uncritically. And considering the history of Miles Kara, including his past in teaching Political Warfare, independent researchers should be cautious about his intentions when he approaches them. For example, the treatment of NORAD’s 9/11 exercises in Paul Schreyer’s new letter suggests that Schreyer implicitly accepts Kara’s vague claims that the simulated “injects” were never made. However, these claims are in direct contradiction to other evidence including that NEADS responders testified to being confused by the exercise and that NORAD’s Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center had to specifically asked NEADs to stop the simulated injects long after they had begun.[19] No one has been behind the false accounts of the 9/11 air defenses more than Miles Kara, who was a leader for the Commission’s Team 8 and who was both a witness and a staff member for the Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11. It appears that Kara continues to obfuscate the facts and support whatever information might prop up the official account of 9/11. Given this, and realizing Kara’s background in Political Warfare, it would seem wise to keep his ongoing input in perspective. [1] Paul Schreyer, Anomalies of The Air Defense On 9/11, Journal of 9/11 Studies, October 2012 [12] For the letter sent to the Bloomington group and the responses to it, see Kara’s blog. http://www.oredigger61.org/?cat=25 [3] Kara has recently responded to an article that I published outside of the Journal. See “9-11: NORAD; the Crux of the Matter, two perspectives” at his blog. [4] Kara wrote a blog article critical of the 9/11 Truth Movement in which he mentions a journal exisiting but not by name. He wrote “There have been occasional attempts by the truth movement to cloak its work with some degree of respectability, the establishment of a journal, for example. The movement understands very well the concept of peer review and painfully tried to establish its bona fides that way using a vanity publication house as a base. Both the journal and the peer review have come up short.” Unfortunately, Kara provided no evidence or examples. [5] The errors centered on the orders given to Langley fighters to squawk Quad 7s and allow AFIO control, and the unprecedented nature of those orders. [6] David Ray Griffin, 9/11: The Myth and the Reality, 911Truth.org, April 5, 2006, http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20060405112622982 [7] Kevin Robert Ryan, Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects, CreateSpace, 2013 [8] See Kara’s blog, 9-11 Revisited, http://www.oredigger61.org/ [9] 9/11 Commission Memorandum for the Record, Interview of Lt. Col. Mark E. Stuart, October 30, 2003, prepared by Miles Kara [10] Wikipedia page for Political Warfare [11] See Kara’s resume and Douglas Valentines book, The Phoenix Program. [12] See Kara’s resume submitted to the 9/11 Commission [13] See Kara’s discussion of the course and Jenkins here: http://council.smallwarsjournal.com/archive/index.php/t-7375.html [14] Gerry O’Sullivan, Boom! – World Trade Center bombing – Column, Humanist, May-June, 1993 issue, http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1374/is_n3_v53/ai_13818521/ [15] The 9/11 Commission Report, p 31 [16] 9/11 Commission Hearing, Day 2, Civil Aviation Security, May 23, 2003 [17] Note that Flight 93 could not have been confused with Delta 1989 which was also being tracked and had landed in Cleveland by 9:47 according to NORAD logs. Moreover, General Arnold made clear, in an interview with 1st Air Force public relations writer Leslie Filson, that NORAD was tracking both United 93 and Delta 1989. Filson also clarified that she was told that they were tracking United 93 specifically. Since NORAD was aware of both, it could not be that Delta 1989 was mistaken for United 93. [18] Memorandum from Philip Zelikow to Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton entitled “How Should the Commission Handle Evidence of Possible False Statements by US Officials,” dated June 6, 2004. [19] See my article The Case Against Ralph Eberhart and Kara’s response to that article at his blog: http://www.oredigger61.org/?p=6014. Also note that Kevin Naspany was not in charge of the exercises, as Schreyer’s letter suggests. Lt. Col. Neil Cleveland was.
  13. Google’s Search Algorithm Could Steal the Presidency http://www.wired.com/2015/08/googles-search-algorithm-steal-presidency/
  14. Call off the bee-pocalypse: U.S. honeybee colonies hit a 20-year high https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonkblog/wp/2015/07/23/call-off-the-bee-pocalypse-u-s-honeybee-colonies-hit-a-20-year-high/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- please note importation of bees and increased queen/colony breeding needed to avoid problem , gaal
  15. Carroll Quigley quotes The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} THE BANKERS WANT TO TAKEOVER THE WORLD IF THE BRIEFINGS OF AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE SECURITY DISAGREE WITH ABOVE STATEMENT , THEN SAID BRIEFINGS ARE WRONG. SOMETIMES THE BANKERS TAKE TWO STEPS FORWARD AND SOMETIMES THEY ARE FORCED BACK A STEP THE TAKEOVER OF RUSSIA IS KEY TO THE BANKER TAKE OVER PLEASE >>> FIT ALL GEOPOLITICAL KNOWLEDGE INTO THE BANKER TAKEOVER PARADIGM AND YOU WILL LIVE IN REALITY AND NOT FANTASY , gaal == Carroll Quigley was shown the inner papers of the elites. Carroll Quigley actually agreed to the idea. Carroll Quigley's book TRAGEDY AND HOPE is about the history of the bankers plan. The HOPE is BANKER WORLD GOVERNMENT and the TRAGEDY (per QUIGLEY) IS KEEPING IT SECRET. ,gaal ======================================= ======================================= Carroll Quigley quotes I am now quite sure that 'Tragedy and Hope' was suppressed although I do not know why or by whom. (GEE PROFESSOR ITS THE SAME PEOPLE YOU WROTE ABOUT. ,gaal) = Which Version(s) of Tragedy and Hope are the UNCENSORED Editions? Posted by Richard Grove The most popular question we receive here at T&H is “Which Version is UNCENSORED?”, and most of these questions are based on my conversation with John Taylor Gatto during the Ultimate History Lesson. Here’s the comprehensive answer, since you cared enough to ask http://www.tragedyandhope.com/which-versions-of-tragedy-and-hope-are-the-uncensored-editions/ = please see video >>> http://www.tragedyandhope.com/these-5-censored-books-tell-a-history-the-establishment-wants-hidden/
  16. Hate To Say We Told You So: NATO Expansion Edition ... www.thenation.com/.../hate-say-we-told-you-so-nato-expansi...Cached The Nation Loading... Sep 8, 2014 - “Rather than establishing the foundation for a mutually agreed-upon security order,” he warned, “ NATO expansion opens the door for future ... ================================================ NATO Expansion: Strategic Genius or Historic Mistake ... nationalinterest.org/.../nato-expansion-strategic-geni...Cached Similar The National Interest Loading... Aug 21, 2014 - Two decades after the debate about NATO enlargement pitted “NATO-firsters” ... It is a hedge against future Russian neoimperial resurgence. === SEE (MAPS FUTURE !!! NATO EXPANSION),gaal https://www.google.com/search?q=future+nato+expansion&sa=X&biw=1600&bih=754&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ved=0CEcQsARqFQoTCIvmpNLym8cCFZJ-iAodiDoKbw
  17. ‘Most convincing evidence’: Russian embassy trolls NATO with toy tanks see >>>>> http://www.rt.com/news/185148-russian-embassy-nato-trolling/ ====== EVEN EVAN BURTON THE MODERATOR IS BLOCKED FROM VIEWING POST # 1851 IN THIS THREAD > THATS SAD,VERY,VERY SAD. ,gaal
  18. I have no idea what you are talking about. There is no post 11851 in this thread. If you mean post 1851, it is here: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=20879&page=124#entry310564 CORRECTED THANK YOU !!! GEE CANT YOU SEE THE MAP IN THE SAID POST # 1851 ???? . gaal
  19. EVEN EVAN BURTON THE MODERATOR IS BLOCKED FROM VIEWING POST # 1851 IN THIS THREAD > THATS SAD,VERY,VERY SAD. ============================================================================= http://www.rt.com/news/273979-nato-drills-russia-monitor/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=RSS = Published time: 16 Jul, 2015 05:02 Commander Joint Force Command Brunssum General Hans-Lothar Domrose (Reuters / Ints Kalnins) / Reuters ======================================================================================== NATO will be conducting its biggest military exercises in over 10 years starting in October, with a specific focus on battling Islamic State, allied commanders say. Forces will be deployed across the Mediterranean, and even Russia is invited to observe. NATO commanders described the Commonwealth Trident Juncture-2015 as one of its most difficult training plans yet. They will include an “artificial threat scenario” on land and sea, as well as in the air. “We cannot choose between the eastern threat and the southern threat, we have to train for both,”Reuters quoted commander of the NATO military command in Brunssum, Netherlands General Hans-Lothar Domrose, who is organizing the exercise. READ MORE: NATO conducting biggest beef up of defenses since Cold War – alliance chief Around 36,000 personnel from more than 30 countries will be participating, including non-NATO nations such as Sweden and Austria. The drills will take place in Italy, Spain, Portugal and in the Mediterranean Sea, and will run from October 3 to November 6. “Distance is a new factor. We will be working in a huge training area,” Domrose said. “We will focus on speed, on multiple threats, simultaneously.” NATO is also developing a rapid reaction force that will consist of several thousand soldiers who could be quickly deployed to any hotspot. The last time NATO held an exercise of such scale was in 2002, when 15 members of the alliance, along with 12 other partner nations, participated in drills that took place in Norway and Poland. Moreover, the alliance’s commanders revealed that naval forces will aid in dealing with the migrant boat crisis in the Mediterranean Sea during the exercises, as there is an increasing number of people fleeing conflicts in Syria and North Africa. “If there is a crisis in the vicinity of one of our ships ... we will stop the exercise and give humanitarian help,” Domrose said. “We will not let people die.” Shift from the east?It is a first time in a while that NATO has taken its eye off Russia and focused on the serious terrorist threat posed by Islamic State (IS, previously ISIS/ISIL) further south. “We invite international observers. [We have] no secrets, the secret is, what decisions I take, but everything else is transparent. And my decisions during the exercise would be transparent, as soon as I take them. The Russian Federation and all others who have expressed interest will be invited,” Domrose stated. READ MORE: Drills for me but not for thee: NATO launches war games near Russian border The general argued that the increased threat from IS in Iraq and Syria is forcing NATO to turn away from the east and face the growing instability coming from the terror group. Domrose added that the new type of threats coming from IS defy geographical boundaries, as the group uses social media as a propaganda tool to inspire attacks across the globe. In light of the Ukrainian conflict, for which the alliance blames Moscow, relations between Russia and NATO have soured to a Cold-War low. Since Russia’s reunification with Crimea and the outbreak of the military conflict in eastern Ukraine last spring, NATO has stepped up its military presence along the Russian border, including in the Baltic States and Eastern Europe. The latest round of NATO military trainings close to Russia was named “Agile Spirit 2015,” which began in Georgia on July 8, uniting military personnel from six countries. READ MORE: ’Agile Spirit’: NATO military exercises kick off in Georgia One of the biggest series of drills this summer involved at least 49 vessels from 17 countries, with 5,600 troops taking part in the US-led BALTOPS exercises in the Baltic Sea in June. The training operation kicked off from the Polish port of Gdynia on June 5 and ran until June 20. The Russian Foreign Ministry has continuously criticized NATO’s military buildup in the neighboring states, which it said is taking place “under the false pretext of alleged ‘aggressive behavior’ by our country” and is accompanied by “unfriendly and malicious” rhetoric. “We are not threatening anyone and we seek to resolve all conflict situations through political means, with respect toward international law and other nations’ interests,” President Putin stressed in June. ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] POSTS # 1860 #1861 and above POST # 1862 in RESPONSE TO EVAN BURTON
  20. EVEN EVAN BURTON THE MODERATOR IS BLOCKED FROM VIEWING POST # 1851 IN THIS THREAD > THATS SAD,VERY,VERY SAD BECAUSE IT COULD ENLIGHTEN EVAN. EVAN SHOULD KNOW THAT RUSSIA WAS PROMISED NO WESTWARD EXPANSION OF NATO. === After speaking with many of those involved and examining previously classified British and German documents in detail, SPIEGEL has concluded that there was no doubt that the West did everything it could to give the Soviets the impression that NATO membership was out of the question for countries like Poland, Hungary or Czechoslovakia. On Feb. 10, 1990, between 4 and 6:30 p.m., Genscher spoke with Shevardnadze. According to the German record of the conversation, which was only recently declassified, Genscher said: "We are aware that NATO membership for a unified Germany raises complicated questions. For us, however, one thing is certain: NATO will not expand to the east." And because the conversion revolved mainly around East Germany, Genscher added explicitly: "As far as the non-expansion of NATO is concerned, this also applies in general." Shevardnadze replied that he believed "everything the minister (Genscher) said." ......Moving with Caution But how could the Soviet leadership be persuaded to support this solution? "I wanted to help them over the hurdle," Genscher told SPIEGEL. To that end, the German foreign minister promised, in his speech in Tutzing, that there would not be "an expansion of NATO territory to the east, in other words, closer to the borders of the Soviet Union." East Germany was not to be brought into the military structures of NATO, and the door into the alliance was to remain closed to the countries of Eastern Europe. Genscher remembered what had happened during the 1956 Hungarian revolution. Some of the insurgents had announced their intention to join the Western alliance, giving Moscow the excuse to intervene militarily. In 1990, Genscher was trying to send a signal to Gorbachev that he need not fear such a development in the Soviet bloc. The West, Genscher indicated, intended to cooperate with the Soviet Union in bringing about change, not act as its adversary. The plan that was proclaimed in Tutzing had not been coordinated with the chancellor or West German allies, and Genscher spent the next few days vying for their support. As Genscher's chief of staff Frank Elbe later wrote, the German foreign minister had "moved with the caution of a giant insect that uses its many feelers to investigate its surroundings, prepared to recoil when it encounters resistance." US Secretary of State James Baker, a pragmatic Texan, apparently "warmed to the proposal immediately," says Elbe today. On Feb. 2, the two diplomats sat down in front of the fireplace in Baker's study in Washington, took off their jackets, put their feet up and discussed world events. They quickly agreed that there was to be no NATO expansion to the East. "It was completely clear," Elbe comments.
  21. How parts of Britain are now poorer than POLAND with families in Wales and Cornwall among Europe's worst off http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=21187 ABOVE BLOCKED THREAD ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] Hunger in the United Kingdom   2010-present[edit] As of August 2012, there is no official government monitoring of hunger within Britain. (WHY ??? ,gaal) The Trussell Trust reported in 2012 that it feeds tens of thousands of people each year, and that altogether in the UK there are 13 million people "below the poverty line": about 1 in 5 of the overall population.[10] A 2012 study undertook by Netmums found that one in five mothers would regularly miss out on meals so as to be able to save their children from going hungry.[6] According to a March 2013 report, teachers in London schools said that at least five children per class turned up without having had breakfast, with 41% of teachers saying they believed the children's hunger led to symptoms such as fainting.[11] [12] London charity, Kids Company mames five inner London schools where 70% - 80% of pupils do not always have food at home or do not know how they will get their next meal, the problem exists nationwide. Children are sometimes visibly malnourished and some lose their adult teeth due to unhealthy diet.[6] In a September 2012 report for Newsnight, economics editor Paul Mason asserted that hunger had returned to Britain as a substantial problem for the first time since the 1930s. He noted that about 43% of those needing emergency food assistance from food banks have been affected by benefit disruption - this can take various forms - for example, sometimes when there is a change of circumstance, such as a new resident coming to live at the family home, delays can arise in the payments of further benefits. Mason also reported that a reason even people in work or on full benefits are often needing emergency food is debt; in particular due to the sophisticated tactics now being used by door to door lenders, where borrowers come to think of the credit company agent as a personal friend and so will make sacrifices in order to make repayments. In October 2012, as part of the BBC documentary Britain's hidden hunger, director David Modell highlights the way in which internet based loan providers can also cause people to go hungry. Their contracts sometimes allow them to take out the entire balance from their debtors accounts, at a time of their choosing. Sometimes this happens just after a benefit payment had gone in, meaning the recipient may not have any money to buy food for at least a week.[7][13] In December 2012 it was estimated that since the start of the year, over 200,000 Britons will have needed provisions from food banks, about double the number from 2011.[14] December also saw Trussell's chairman Chris Mould speak out against the coalition's welfare reforms, accusing the UK government of lacking empathy for those faced with poverty and hunger.[15] ============ first this Russians outweigh most Europeans in obesity rankings ... themoscownews.com/russia/.../190992372.html \ http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:wjzArQdM8KcJ:themoscownews.com/russia/20121211/190992372.html+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us /search?biw=1600&bih=754&q=related:themoscownews.com/russia/20121211/190992372.html+obesity+russia&tbo=1&sa=X&ved=0CDIQHzACahUKEwjq5qjS5ZvHAhUFLYgKHZN9C88 The Moscow News Dec 11, 2012 - Obesity has become a problem for over 25 percent of Russia's population, head of the Nutrition Institute at the Russian Academy of Sciences ... 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 THEN Russia Bans U.S. Food Imports, Obesity Plummets - The ... dailycurrant.com/2014/.../russia-bans-u-s-food-imports-obesity-plummet... \l "http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:nM3m-HFWORQJ:dailycurrant.com/2014/08/18/russia-bans-u-s-food-imports-obesity-plummets/+&cd=8&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us /search?biw=1600&bih=754&q=related:dailycurrant.com/2014/08/18/russia-bans-u-s-food-imports-obesity-plummets/+obesity+russia&tbo=1&sa=X&ved=0CEgQHzAHahUKEwjq5qjS5ZvHAhUFLYgKHZN9C88 Aug 18, 2014 - Russia has seen a massive drop in obesity rates and related diseases since it banned food imports from the United States and Europe. ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
  22. Ukraine Bans 14 ‘Artists,’ Mainly Russians, as ‘Threat to National Security’ = http://rinf.com/alt-news/editorials/ukraine-bans-14-artists-mainly-russians-as-threat-to-national-security/
  23. Profile Not Available The Blogger Profile you requested cannot be displayed. Many Blogger users have not yet elected to publicly share their Profile. If you're a Blogger user, we encourage you to enable access to your Profile. BLOGGER SJCP ,gaal
  24. http://disturbinganomalies.blogspot.com/2013/11/why-general-electric-is-evil.html
  25. Lewis L. Strauss RELATIVE OF ROBERT STRAUSS PLEASE NOTICE OVERLAP YEARS >>>> A ONI & KUHN LOEB (EMPIRE TRUST) connection which I talked about in other threads. = Warburg brought Strauss to Kuhn Loeb, where he became a full partner in 1929 and was active in the firm until 1941. During this period Strauss became wealthy. Despite his disqualification for regular military duty, Strauss applied to join the Navy Reserve in 1925, and received an officer's commission as an intelligence officer. In 1939 and 1940, as World War II began, he volunteered for active duty, and in 1941, he was called up Sir William Wiseman, "the chief British spy master in America during World War I," was a Kuhn, Loeb partner and advisor to John Schiff, grandson of Jacob Schiff and the chief partner. (The Warburgs, by Ron Chernow. Random House, 1993, pp 612-613.) He was a correspondent of Strauss between 1941 and 1962.
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