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You may be missing Dave's point. The Sun will indeed appear smaller; it's just that what Jack claims is the size of the Sun in the image, and what is the actual size, are two different things.

That's the whole point. The only people proposing that the glare in the photos is supposed to represent the actual size of the sun are Jack White and David Percy. That's the first part of a strawman fallacy - mis-represent your opponent's position.

Quite correctly, the anonymous astronomer has identified how large the sun should be. Instead of using this information to determine the size of the sun in the photographs, they have used it to counter their OWN false premise. That's the second part of the strawman fallacy - destroy the false premise.

Am I shocked that White and Percy resort to these tactics?

Of course not.

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You may be missing Dave's point. The Sun will indeed appear smaller; it's just that what Jack claims is the size of the Sun in the image, and what is the actual size, are two different things.

No I got it which why I suspected that no legitimate astronomer would agree with Jack and Percy.

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How appropriate that all of you post your Twenty Five Ways to Suppress the Truth on a thread with that same title ... You are all so predictable .

But in spite of your predictability , none of you will be able to stop the truth from coming out about Apollo ... Thanks to researchers like Jack White and David Percy , the entire world will be able to see not only that nasa faked the Apollo photography , but HOW they faked it !

Am I shocked that you all resort to these dishonest tactics ? ... Of course not ! ... Dave , you sound just like a parrot that has spent WAY too much time on clavius ... Please , not "strawman fallacy " again !?!? ... Too funny !!

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How appropriate that all of you post your Twenty Five Ways to Suppress the Truth on a thread with that same title ... You are all so predictable .

But in spite of your predictability , none of you will be able to stop the truth from coming out about Apollo ... Thanks to researchers like Jack White and David Percy , the entire world will be able to see not only that nasa faked the Apollo photography , but HOW they faked it !

Am I shocked that you all resort to these dishonest tactics ? ... Of course not ! ... Dave , you sound just like a parrot that has spent WAY too much time on clavius ... Please , not "strawman fallacy " again !?!? ... Too funny !!

Seems that Jack has been trying for a few years, Percy longer than that, and many others before him - but strangely all the experts disagree with them. They point out the errors in their assumptions, their calculations, their analysis, their methods, their results.

I don't suppose it occurred to you - or them - that they might be... wrong?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Stephen Turner
Thought this was very good - the new BAUT logo!



Burton, that image is so obviously faked. How on Earth(or in this case, Moon) Could the Apollo crew have taken such "Expert" photo's in boxing gloves. And just look at that Lander, dont make me laugh.......

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Thought this was very good - the new BAUT logo!



Burton, that image is so obviously faked. How on Earth(or in this case, Moon) Could the Apollo crew have taken such "Expert" photo's in boxing gloves. And just look at that Lander, dont make me laugh.......

Turner could you spell out what qualifications (if any) you have to have reached such a conclusion?

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Guest Stephen Turner
Thought this was very good - the new BAUT logo!



Burton, that image is so obviously faked. How on Earth(or in this case, Moon) Could the Apollo crew have taken such "Expert" photo's in boxing gloves. And just look at that Lander, dont make me laugh.......

Turner could you spell out what qualifications (if any) you have to have reached such a conclusion?

I will not respond to personal attacks, all you people can do is to use ad homs rather than address my points. Your nothing but a bunch of *@?£$£$ and %*!!> why dont you ~#?£$!#......

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Guest David Guyatt
Thought this was very good - the new BAUT logo!



Burton, that image is so obviously faked. How on Earth(or in this case, Moon) Could the Apollo crew have taken such "Expert" photo's in boxing gloves. And just look at that Lander, dont make me laugh.......

Turner could you spell out what qualifications (if any) you have to have reached such a conclusion?

I will not respond to personal attacks, all you people can do is to use ad homs rather than address my points. Your nothing but a bunch of *@?£$£$ and %*!!> why dont you ~#?£$!#......

Yes, Turner, don't think you can hide beneath that wolly hat all your life misspelling words like xxxx off (there should be a space between "£" and "$" btw -- sorry to be prissy, but this is my favouritist word in the hole English language and I intend to see it is treated right proper).

Anyway, some of us know where you live ...and your perverted fondness for dyslexic anagrams.

I make absolutely no claims of knowledge about space travel, but one thing I can say with certainty is that there are no advertising boards on the Moon. And if man had got there, then as day follows afternoon it is certain there would be. I have proof:


Edited by David Guyatt
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Thought this was very good - the new BAUT logo!



Burton, that image is so obviously faked. How on Earth(or in this case, Moon) Could the Apollo crew have taken such "Expert" photo's in boxing gloves. And just look at that Lander, dont make me laugh.......

Turner could you spell out what qualifications (if any) you have to have reached such a conclusion?

I will not respond to personal attacks, all you people can do is to use ad homs rather than address my points. Your nothing but a bunch of *@?£$£$ and %*!!> why dont you ~#?£$!#......

Listen you foulmouthed eeer foul fingered ©*©&$Ω©&%#!!! Just what do you think gives you the right to use obscene language when addressing me?! Don’t you know that this is a £Ω©&§»¢ educational forum for £Ω©&$ sake!! I want to make a £Ω©&§»¢ moderator report!!!

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Guest David Guyatt

Just what do you think gives you the right to use obscene language when addressing me?! Don’t you know that this is a £Ω©&§»¢ educational forum for £Ω©&$ sake!!

Well said, Len! I'm mucho impressed.

Educationally, the "f" word is undoubtedly the most used and most descriptive word in the English language. Have you taken a peek at the Wikipedia page on it? Fabulous. Tell me, what other word could possibly summon up the entire spectrum of human emotion -- ranging from anger right through to laughter (not forgetting the pleasure bit in between"). Sod, bugger and the rest don't come close.

I personally think it's uniqueness ought to be taught as part of the school curriculum and also be immediately elevated to knighthood.

Arise Sir xxxx!

Come to think of it, I believe it has already been royally elevated many time before. :ph34r:


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Just what do you think gives you the right to use obscene language when addressing me?! Don’t you know that this is a £Ω©&§»¢ educational forum for £Ω©&$ sake!!

Well said, Len! I'm mucho impressed.

Educationally, the "f" word is undoubtedly the most used and most descriptive word in the English language. Have you taken a peek at the Wikipedia page on it? Fabulous. Tell me, what other word could possibly summon up the entire spectrum of human emotion -- ranging from anger right through to laughter (not forgetting the pleasure bit in between"). Sod, bugger and the rest don't come close.

I personally think it's uniqueness ought to be taught as part of the school curriculum and also be immediately elevated to knighthood.

Arise Sir xxxx!

Come to think of it, I believe it has already been royally elevated many time before. :ph34r:


English as a Second F***ing Language (not the actual spelling) is the book for you!


Jokes aside IIRC John has asked members to avoid 'curse words' which is why I nornmally use "symbols" sparringly (except on this thread).

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Guest Stephen Turner

Colby and Guyatt in cahoots, what a @##&ing surprise.

BTW, have I mentioned about my Brother not going to Egypt.

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You guys crack me up.

Incidentally, mentioning the Egypt thread, I saw that some people used the photo of the glass pyramid (in Paris?) as an example of New World Order symbols. I laughed until I stopped.

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Guest Stephen Turner

You guys crack me up.

Incidentally, mentioning the Egypt thread, I saw that some people used the photo of the glass pyramid (in Paris?) as an example of New World Order symbols. I laughed until I stopped.

Evan, yes the glass PyraNOT is in Paris, its the entry to an art museum. (or so the Frenchies claim) These Illuminatti swine get everywhere.

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