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Guest Stephen Turner

Oh top notch stuff. "The Lourve art gallery with its 666 panels of glass" what a give away, its B******* to arcane symbolism for these lads. By the way that was posted by "Rob MCC" whats that an allusion to, huh.

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I particularly liked the discussion over the Australian Army insignia.

One was claiming it was an example of NWO (the new sun rising), though they showed no proof.

Another took offense at that comment, but showed no proof to the contrary.

From there on it just degenerated.

I don't suppose anyone investigated its origins - evil or otherwise?

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Guest David Guyatt

Oh crumbs! Spoke too soon:


Steve, c'mon guy... MCC = Marylebone Cricket Club. Doh! Every conspiracist knows that. Home of the Googly. the Mullygruber, the Silly Mid On and the gentle art of how to Nurdle a Maiden over with a Perfume ball (singular, it seems) by the judicious use of a Reverse Red Cherry or Rib Tickler.

Bags of illuminati sexual innuendo here for the taking.



Edited by David Guyatt
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How appropriate that all of you post your Twenty Five Ways to Suppress the Truth on a thread with that same title ... You are all so predictable .

But in spite of your predictability , none of you will be able to stop the truth from coming out about Apollo ... Thanks to researchers like Jack White and David Percy , the entire world will be able to see not only that nasa faked the Apollo photography , but HOW they faked it !

Am I shocked that you all resort to these dishonest tactics ? ... Of course not ! ... Dave , you sound just like a parrot that has spent WAY too much time on clavius ... Please , not "strawman fallacy " again !?!? ... Too funny !!

Seems that Jack has been trying for a few years, Percy longer than that, and many others before him - but strangely all the experts disagree with them. They point out the errors in their assumptions, their calculations, their analysis, their methods, their results.

I don't suppose it occurred to you - or them - that they might be... wrong?

Jack and David both have proven many times over that the Apollo photography was faked ... Most "experts" probably agree with them , but just don't have the courage to admit it .

I don't suppose it ever occurred to you - or your other closed minded Bad Astronomy pals - that they might be ... right ?

Edited by Duane Daman
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Guest Stephen Turner
How appropriate that all of you post your Twenty Five Ways to Suppress the Truth on a thread with that same title ... You are all so predictable .

But in spite of your predictability , none of you will be able to stop the truth from coming out about Apollo ... Thanks to researchers like Jack White and David Percy , the entire world will be able to see not only that nasa faked the Apollo photography , but HOW they faked it !

Am I shocked that you all resort to these dishonest tactics ? ... Of course not ! ... Dave , you sound just like a parrot that has spent WAY too much time on clavius ... Please , not "strawman fallacy " again !?!? ... Too funny !!

Seems that Jack has been trying for a few years, Percy longer than that, and many others before him - but strangely all the experts disagree with them. They point out the errors in their assumptions, their calculations, their analysis, their methods, their results.

I don't suppose it occurred to you - or them - that they might be... wrong?

... Most "experts" probably agree with them , but just don't have the courage to admit it .

Ah, empirical, well researched facts, yer cant beat them.

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Guest Stephen Turner
Ah, nine more words of unnecessary nonsense coming from someone who really needs to look up the word "moderate" in the dictionary , and then act accordingly .

If you have a problem with me Duane I suggest you seek the wise adjudication of Msrs Simpkin and Walker. Being a Mod doesn't rob me of my opinion, which, as long as I adhere to board rules I SHALL express. I personally have never called crap candy.

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Ah, nine more words of unnecessary nonsense coming from someone who really needs to look up the word "moderate" in the dictionary , and then act accordingly .

If you have a problem with me Duane I suggest you seek the wise adjudication of Msrs Simpkin and Walker. Being a Mod doesn't rob me of my opinion, which, as long as I adhere to board rules I SHALL express. I personally have never called crap candy.

Being a moderator does not mean being completely neutral. Except for Evan who is neutral on the subject and rarely ventures to the JFK Assassination Forum all the moderators are CT’s does that mean they and John can’t fairly deal with LN’s? Of course not. If you think Steve and Evan are unfit I suggest you take it up with John and Andy and the other moderators but I doubt you get very far.

"I personally have never called crap candy"

:lol: :lol: :lol:<_<:lol::ice :ice

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