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King of the Tramps

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"There are tramps and then there are tramps."

Boys, boys, boys, the tramps are marching ...

I think that's the lyric.


She dont like the opera or paris at night

she don't like jewelry or getting real tight

she hates montana but votes on the right

that is why the lady is a tramp

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When I reference the Old Tramp, I'm referring to the character in a hat who has been identified in the past as Howard Hunt and Chauncy Holt.

Weberman and Canfield refer to the old tramp as the "short tramp," which may be confusing. However, the old tramp appears to have been the shortest of the three.

On page 201 of Coup D'etat in America, they estimate the old/short tramp's height to be five foot eight (the same as Hunt's).

I've always had the impression that Helms was a tall man. If he was, King is too tall to be the tramp. But I don't know what Helms's height was.

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When I reference the Old Tramp, I'm referring to the character in a hat who has been identified in the past as Howard Hunt and Chauncy Holt.

Weberman and Canfield refer to the old tramp as the "short tramp," which may be confusing. However, the old tramp appears to have been the shortest of the three.

On page 201 of Coup D'etat in America, they estimate the old/short tramp's height to be five foot eight (the same as Hunt's).

I've always had the impression that Helms was a tall man. If he was, King is too tall to be the tramp. But I don't know what Helms's height was.


There are many legitimate problems with a King-Old Tramp ID. My interest was peaked by what to these eyes are remarkable facial similarities -- which individually or in the agregate do not amount to "proof" of anything other than my myopia.

I wish I could post the damn side-by-side to illustrate what caught my attention.

At this point criticism of the comparison as a waste of valuable research energies is overdue. I would submit that not only do we have sufficient strength to explore -- for a reasonable amount of time -- interesting tributaries to the investigative mainstream, but also that such exercises stimulate creativity and just might provoke an invaluable leap of vision to something more promising.

So ... As Jack White and I vie for the title of "Mr. Computer Literacy," let us hope that someone elso can post the King and Old Tramp headshots (so to speak) side by side.


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