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Clint Murchison III

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A couple of weeks ago, while looking up Camirillo Ranch and its ties to Dallas, I came across a company involved with the ranch. There were several companies, but for some reason, I chose to look up Centex Corp -- and found Clint Murchison III. He's the son of the Murchison who held that meeting with Johnson, Nixon, J. Edgar Hoover, and others, where they decided to assassinate the President. This was in the book "Texas in the Morning," written by LBJ's girlfriend.

I decided to look into the current Murchison. And right away I came across something strange. Of course, in and of itself, it may not have anything to do with President Kennedy 44 years ago, but I find this wealthy oil baron interesting.

The first thing on the docket is his ex-wife's death:

Socialite Shannon Murchison died of acute bacterial meningitis that spread throughout her system, according to a report released Monday by the Dallas County medical examiner's office.

The meningitis was due to a strain of listeria that can be found in food poisoning, investigators concluded. Her illness was compounded by liver failure probably caused by acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol and other medications.

"The liver failure was very dramatic," said chief medical examiner Jeffrey Barnard. "It is likely that she took a pretty good amount of acetaminophen."

"The death was ruled accidental rather than natural due to the probable use of acetaminophen," Dr. Barnard said.

Mrs. Murchison, 47, the former wife of Clint Murchison III, was declared brain dead on April 28 after a couple of days on life support. An autopsy was ordered in part because she had reported to the police on April 19 that she had suffered a black eye and extensive bruising. The circumstances of her illness and death shocked many in Highland Park, raising questions among friends and fueling gossip.

Dr. Barnard said the bruising of Mrs. Murchison's eye was a result from traumatic injury, but that it "played no role in her death." He said he could not determine what caused the injury.

Other bruising could have occcurred because her blood-clotting was impaired by her illness and liver failure, he said.

Mrs. Murchison's sister, Waverly West Buford, said the black eye was a result of a fall and that's all there is to it.

Consult below for the rest of the story. My, my, another suspicious death. I've known people who relied on quantities of acetaminophen and not have liver disease. I think something is being hushed up here. The woman was obviously beaten by someone -- she even called the police! I could see her going to the hospital with such wounds, but she called the police. Whoever did it to her may have killed her. Food poisoning? OD? I'm going to dig further.



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A couple of weeks ago, while looking up Camirillo Ranch and its ties to Dallas, I came across a company involved with the ranch. There were several companies, but for some reason, I chose to look up Centex Corp -- and found Clint Murchison III. He's the son of the Murchison who held that meeting with Johnson, Nixon, J. Edgar Hoover, and others, where they decided to assassinate the President. This was in the book "Texas in the Morning," written by LBJ's girlfriend.

I decided to look into the current Murchison. And right away I came across something strange. Of course, in and of itself, it may not have anything to do with President Kennedy 44 years ago, but I find this wealthy oil baron interesting.

The first thing on the docket is his ex-wife's death:

Socialite Shannon Murchison died of acute bacterial meningitis that spread throughout her system, according to a report released Monday by the Dallas County medical examiner's office.

The meningitis was due to a strain of listeria that can be found in food poisoning, investigators concluded. Her illness was compounded by liver failure probably caused by acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol and other medications.

"The liver failure was very dramatic," said chief medical examiner Jeffrey Barnard. "It is likely that she took a pretty good amount of acetaminophen."

"The death was ruled accidental rather than natural due to the probable use of acetaminophen," Dr. Barnard said.

Mrs. Murchison, 47, the former wife of Clint Murchison III, was declared brain dead on April 28 after a couple of days on life support. An autopsy was ordered in part because she had reported to the police on April 19 that she had suffered a black eye and extensive bruising. The circumstances of her illness and death shocked many in Highland Park, raising questions among friends and fueling gossip.

Dr. Barnard said the bruising of Mrs. Murchison's eye was a result from traumatic injury, but that it "played no role in her death." He said he could not determine what caused the injury.

Other bruising could have occcurred because her blood-clotting was impaired by her illness and liver failure, he said.

Mrs. Murchison's sister, Waverly West Buford, said the black eye was a result of a fall and that's all there is to it.

Consult below for the rest of the story. My, my, another suspicious death. I've known people who relied on quantities of acetaminophen and not have liver disease. I think something is being hushed up here. The woman was obviously beaten by someone -- she even called the police! I could see her going to the hospital with such wounds, but she called the police. Whoever did it to her may have killed her. Food poisoning? OD? I'm going to dig further.




List the date of her death, Kath. And, if you can come up with a reasonable document or report of the autopsy, that would help a great deal.

Also, a little more background: the date of her marriage to Murchison III, its duration, date of divorce, the respondent and co-respondent. Terms upon which it was drawn. Any children involved. Alimony, child support. The usual mundane aspects.



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Shannon West Murchison died on April 30, 2005. An autopsy was ordered due to extensive bruising on her body and black eyes, suffered, supposedly, in a previous fall. She was 47 years old. Mrs. Murchison loved fashion. She donated her time and her money to charitable causes, especially regarding children. She supported George W. Bush for president in 2000, donating $5,000 from Tecon Corp -- I must look into that. Other Texans spoke of the suspicious nature of her death:

"Texas Journalism" from a commentator on FamilyLawCourts.com

1. The slow, downward death spiral. From custody battles to death, as with Shannon Murchison, once married to Clint Murchison, III, son of the founder of the Dallas Cowboys. And:

2. A quote from the former husband sadly intoning he wishes things could have worked out better.

DMN [Dallas Morning News] readers know not to expect even a mention of the fees the man paid to drive the woman crazy; or the firm he used to do so.

Did Shannon know about her father-in-law's connection to the Kennedy Assassination?


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Shannon West Murchison died on April 30, 2005. An autopsy was ordered due to extensive bruising on her body and black eyes, suffered, supposedly, in a previous fall. She was 47 years old. Mrs. Murchison loved fashion. She donated her time and her money to charitable causes, especially regarding children. She supported George W. Bush for president in 2000, donating $5,000 from Tecon Corp -- I must look into that. Other Texans spoke of the suspicious nature of her death:

"Texas Journalism" from a commentator on FamilyLawCourts.com

1. The slow, downward death spiral. From custody battles to death, as with Shannon Murchison, once married to Clint Murchison, III, son of the founder of the Dallas Cowboys. And:

2. A quote from the former husband sadly intoning he wishes things could have worked out better.

DMN [Dallas Morning News] readers know not to expect even a mention of the fees the man paid to drive the woman crazy; or the firm he used to do so.

Did Shannon know about her father-in-law's connection to the Kennedy Assassination?



"She supported George W. Bush for president in 2000, donating $5,000 from Tecon Corp --"

"Did Shannon know about her father-in-law's connection to the Kennedy Assassination?"

Take a look at her age, and the fact that she's a Bush supporter, which leads me to believe that she probably bought the Warren Commission Lie hook, line, and sinker.

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I was reading a fashion piece which mentioned her as she collects vintage clothing. She said her mother-in-law spent a million dollars a year on clothing, and this from way back. Shannon inherited her mother-in-law's entire wardrobe. She must have thought she was in heaven.

But her death is suspicious. And through my reading I found out how powerful Clint Murchison is in Texas -- the one who held the assassination meeting in his house. Very powerful family.

I say her death looks like murder. It's been known the past few years how bad acetaminophen is for your health. Now, a woman with a chronic illness who took so much acetaminophen for pain that it killed her at 47? I don't believe it. A woman with her stature and name and endless money would certainly be on a prescription pain-killer for whatever ailment. How much Tylenol do you take if it isn't working? You'd get something else. Could someone have been poisoning her over a period of time? She had meningitis. It is mentioned that this can be gotten from food poisoning. The coroner reported that her liver failed. And then a guess for the press -- Tylenol! Was she in fact an alcoholic? And she fell and got those injuries? Or did someone beat the hell out of her? The coroner said she was on other medications as well -- psychiatric? No mention of a toxicology report. So where does this medical examiner get acetaminophen from? It's so devious. Maybe he had death threats.


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Shannon West Murchison died on April 30, 2005. An autopsy was ordered due to extensive bruising on her body and black eyes, suffered, supposedly, in a previous fall. She was 47 years old. Mrs. Murchison loved fashion. She donated her time and her money to charitable causes, especially regarding children. She supported George W. Bush for president in 2000, donating $5,000 from Tecon Corp -- I must look into that. Other Texans spoke of the suspicious nature of her death:

"Texas Journalism" from a commentator on FamilyLawCourts.com

1. The slow, downward death spiral. From custody battles to death, as with Shannon Murchison, once married to Clint Murchison, III, son of the founder of the Dallas Cowboys. And:

2. A quote from the former husband sadly intoning he wishes things could have worked out better.

DMN [Dallas Morning News] readers know not to expect even a mention of the fees the man paid to drive the woman crazy; or the firm he used to do so.

Did Shannon know about her father-in-law's connection to the Kennedy Assassination?



"She supported George W. Bush for president in 2000, donating $5,000 from Tecon Corp --"

"Did Shannon know about her father-in-law's connection to the Kennedy Assassination?"

Take a look at her age, and the fact that she's a Bush supporter, which leads me to believe that she probably bought the Warren Commission Lie hook, line, and sinker.

Shannon West Murchison might have been one of these people (which is worse) who knew of her father-in-law's involvement in the Kennedy Assassination or heard rumors to the effect, and felt if her father-in-law had anything to do with Kennedy's death, then maybe Kennedy deserved it. Probably Kennedy was destroying the country, helping the blacks get civil rights and was possibly a Commie. Along those lines.

There is some confusion about whom she considered her mother-in-law. Shannon loved vintage clothing, as I said. And when her mother-in-law died, she gave Shannon all her clothing. The mother-in-law spent a million dollars on clothes each year. Shannon died in 2005 at age 48. Virginia L. Murchison pre-deceased her in 2001 at 51 years of age. So their ages were close. Either she's the "mother-in-law" with all the clothes, but not the mother of Clint Murchison III or this Virginia is Clint III's sister.

Will look into it. I can't believe that coroner planted Tylenol into everyone's mind with no evidence. And that her bruising may have come from liver failure. Finally, he decides it was Listeria that killed her. Meningitis. Highly suspicious. Listeria is a bacteria found in food poisoning.


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There is some confusion about whom she considered her mother-in-law. Shannon loved vintage clothing, as I said. And when her mother-in-law died, she gave Shannon all her clothing. The mother-in-law spent a million dollars on clothes each year. Shannon died in 2005 at age 48. Virginia L. Murchison pre-deceased her in 2001 at 51 years of age. So their ages were close. Either she's the "mother-in-law" with all the clothes, but not the mother of Clint Murchison III or this Virginia is Clint III's sister.


I just re-read an article I saved. It says that Jane Murchison was the mother-in-law of Shannon Murchison. And Shannon inherited all of Jane's vintage clothing.


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I sounds like one of the Murchison women shopped like Imelda Marcos and Robert Mugabe's wife.

The 11/21/63 meeting at Clint Murchison's house has intrigued me for quite some time.

The lowest price on Amazon for a copy of "Texas in the Morning" is $74.00, which is somewhat steep.

I have seen footage of LBJ's girlfriend, who attended the "smoker" (as Barr McClellan called it) at Murchison's house, and I had some doubts as to her credibility.

I may be wrong about those doubts.

I would like to read some more about the soiree.

Liver toxicity is a side effect of acetaminophen, but I would think that you would have to take a ridiculous amount of it to cause death.

Clint Murchison seems like a shadowy firgure in the assassination, who was either not involved in it or who has done a masterful job insulating himself from scrutiny with respect to his role in it.

Thanks for the interesting thread.

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I sounds like one of the Murchison women shopped like Imelda Marcos and Robert Mugabe's wife.

The 11/21/63 meeting at Clint Murchison's house has intrigued me for quite some time.

The lowest price on Amazon for a copy of "Texas in the Morning" is $74.00, which is somewhat steep.

I have seen footage of LBJ's girlfriend, who attended the "smoker" (as Barr McClellan called it) at Murchison's house, and I had some doubts as to her credibility.

I may be wrong about those doubts.

I would like to read some more about the soiree.

Liver toxicity is a side effect of acetaminophen, but I would think that you would have to take a ridiculous amount of it to cause death.

Clint Murchison seems like a shadowy firgure in the assassination, who was either not involved in it or who has done a masterful job insulating himself from scrutiny with respect to his role in it.

Thanks for the interesting thread.

Clint Murchison held the meeting in his house in or near Dallas. The Murchison I was talking about was Clint III. He divorced his wife, Shannon West. She was troubled and on psychiatric medication. She was found dead at age 47 with bruises on her body and a black eye. The coroner said she must have taken a lot of acetaminophen -- this was to plant this into the public's awareness, in my opinion. He said she died of a bacteria that's found in food poisoning. I call it a very suspicious death. Her sister claims she was bruised by a fall. The coroner said the bruising had nothing to do with her death.

The Murchisons have to be the most powerful family in Dallas. If someone were to investigate her death, they'd probably drop dead too. This happened only a short time ago. There's not much about it on the internet, especially in the Texas newspapers.

Kathy Collins

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