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Faked Apollo Photos

Duane Daman

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Oh now "haze" is a form of "lens flare" also ... LOL

"When a bright light source is shining on the lens but not in its field of view, lens flare appears as a haze that washes out the image and reduces contrast."

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lens_flare

"Flare is not an aberration, but it may impair the image more than the residual aberrations in a photographic lens. Manifestations of flare are diverse and range from colored patches, ghost images, haloes, a haze over the entire image, and any mixture or variation."

Source: http://www.vanwalree.com/optics/flare.html

"Flare, more properly referred to as veiling glare, is the haze that covers all or part of your image when extraneous light reaches the film."

Source: http://www.shutterbug.net/techniques/light...0899sb_beating/

"Lens flares are caused by the refraction of the light from the light source inside the lens of the camera, causing it to spread out and become a haze that obscures the remainder of the image"


"Flare comes in two different incarnations - contrast deterioration and ghostings. The contrast deterioration is visible by a more a less severe haze so colors appear to be washed out."

Source: http://www.photozone.de/3Technology/lenstec3.htm

Duane, your ignorance is showing.

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Duane, your ignorance is showing

So are your true colors .

You have no business being a moderator here .... You're an insulting jerk .

Duane, look at the jerk's ad hominem attack on me at the bottom of his

posting. Do think that is appropriate activity for a moderator...to carry

on a personal vendetta against a member? Should he be reported to Mr.

Simkin? Why is a Australian defending the corrupt US govt? Makes me

wonder what his agenda is. I certainly don't get worked up about HIS



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Duane, look at the jerk's ad hominem attack on me at the bottom of his posting.

If the shoe fits....

You had three chances to prove you were a person of your word. You didn't take those opportunities. Don't blame me for your own actions.

You can always prove me wrong by admitting your error, and I will likewise discontinue the use of this particular signature line.

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I found this post thread today on Jay Windley's Apollohoax forum , started by Craig Lamson ... It would appear that Mr. Simkin is allowing new members to join the Education Forum now and Lamson is trying to sollicit his Apollo apologist pals to join up here , to bash the crap out of Jack White and Duane "straydog" Daman .

Reading that thread of pathetic lies is pretty disturbing ... but I thought that some of the members here might want to see just how these people operate , and then maybe think twice about allowing this type of mob mentality witch hunt to take place here against Jack White and myself .

From "Obviousman "

" Hey - just register. They don't have any "exclusion policy".

If anyone has problems with the forum, just let Craig, Len, or myself know about it. " :D

"Duane reminds me of Grover Dill, the little toady to Scut Farkus, the bully in the movie, "A Christmas Story." " :o

And from my dear friend "phunk"

"Out of curiosity, do you know what got Duane banned from U-M? I asked a mod there when it happened but he wouldn't tell me. IIRC, he was boasting that he was banned because he was 'too close to the truth' or some nonsense like that."

And this from the 'friendliest' moderator I ever met , the infamous Waspie_dwarf , hater of all conspircy theroists !

"Where Apollo is concerned straydog and the truth have not shared even a passing relationship... :huh:

In many ways I was disappointed by the loss of straydog to the U-M site. I do not think there is a debunker alive that can make the HB position look as ridiculous as straydog does." B)


That's quite a gang of thugs you got there Craig ... I'm sure they would be quite an asset to this forum of higher education ! ;)

Edited by Duane Daman
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I found this post thread today on Jay Windley's Apollohoax forum , started by Craig Lamson ... It would appear that Mr. Simkin is allowing new members to join the Education Forum now and Lamson is trying to sollicit his Apollo apologist pals to join up here , to bash the crap out of Jack White and Duane "straydog" Daman .

Reading that thread of pathetic lies is pretty disturbing ... but I thought that some of the members here might want to see just how these people operate , and then maybe think twice about allowing this type of mob mentality witch hunt to take place here against Jack White and myself .

From "Obviousman "

" Hey - just register. They don't have any "exclusion policy".

If anyone has problems with the forum, just let Craig, Len, or myself know about it. " :unsure:

"Duane reminds me of Grover Dill, the little toady to Scut Farkus, the bully in the movie, "A Christmas Story." " :o

And from my dear friend "phunk"

"Out of curiosity, do you know what got Duane banned from U-M? I asked a mod there when it happened but he wouldn't tell me. IIRC, he was boasting that he was banned because he was 'too close to the truth' or some nonsense like that."

And this from the 'friendliest' moderator I ever met , the infamous Waspie_dwarf , hater of all conspircy theroists !

"Where Apollo is concerned straydog and the truth have not shared even a passing relationship... :huh:

In many ways I was disappointed by the loss of straydog to the U-M site. I do not think there is a debunker alive that can make the HB position look as ridiculous as straydog does." :lol:


That's quite a gang of thugs you got there Craig ... I'm sure they would be quite an asset to this forum of higher education ! ;)

Well they all have your number thats for sure. Shall I link to some of the posts by your foul mouthed pals on Youtube? Sadly the folks at Apollohoax run circles around you and your pals, don't seem at all interested in you or White. Its too bad, it would have been really interesting seeeing you deal with even more fact and science.

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The members of Apollo hoax forum only really know how to do one thing ... Insult conspiracy believers and swap lies.

My pals on YouTube might use a few cuss words now and again , but that's nothing compared to insulting games that are played there by the defenders of the Apollo fraud .

You all know how to push the right buttons to anger your opponent , in hopes of eventually getting them banned ...That way you don't have to deal with the Apollo hoax evidence ... It's the oldest tactic in the book .

Your pals don't want to join this forum because they are happier staying where they are ... They can all slap each other on the back for being able to chase away anyone who dares to question their cherished beliefs , pretend that all was well with Apollo and that the conspiracy researchers are just a bunch of "nutjobs ".... It's the same stupid game taking place on every Apollo hoax forum , being played by the same handful of losers ... You being one of them .

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I can't reply to Jack's and Evan's posts on the other thread because it has been locked , so I will reply to it here .

JACK IS NOT WRONG ... I was bumped off the site tonight and my account was automatically logged out ... Something which has never happened before ... Then when I tried to log back in , my password was denied several times until I was locked out ... Something which has never happened until yesterday , when my "log in as invisible " feature was removed from my log in page .

I received a PM from Evan Burton tonight telling me that my warning level had been increased .... Then I read the pinned complaints and saw a list of my post comments TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT to make me look bad .... Evan had also removed a post of mine on this thread which has now reappeared again and Lamson has replied to it ...

I e-mailed Jack to tell him what had happened , and that I couldn't log into the forum and that I was afraid I might be targeted to be banned ...

In fact , after being logged out and not being able to get back in , I left for a few hours and when I brought the forum up again , my name was logged back in again without me doing it ... So something very strange is going on here .

I wanted to set the record straight though about what Jack said ... He is attacked here constantly because of who he is and what he believes .. but to be attacked for repeating what I wrote to him is unbelievable ! .. I appreciate him coming to my defense here very much .. I'm just sorry that a ridiculous game was played at his expense .

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I did not delete then replace any post of yours.

Any problems you had with logging in have NOTHING to do with me.

I am reading your post above as an accusation that I did have something to do with it.

Make the accusation clear, or state clearly that you admit I had nothing to do with it.

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I did not delete then replace any post of yours.

Any problems you had with logging in have NOTHING to do with me.

I am reading your post above as an accusation that I did have something to do with it.

Make the accusation clear, or state clearly that you admit I had nothing to do with it.

I read your posting on recruiting provocateurs to join the forum for

the specific purpose of attacking White and Daman. You think you

have ANY CREDIBILITY HERE? And you continue with every posting

to repeat that I am a xxxx. Dry up and blow away, Burton!


Edited by Jack White
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You wrote on the pinned complaints thread (where you have posted my comments OUT OF CONTEXT ) , that you had removed an inappropriate post of mine ...It was the one above where I linked the nasty Apollo hoax forum comments .

I couldn't log back in to this forum at all but somehow in my absence of a few hours , my name was logged back in without me doing it , and the post which you removed had reappeared ...Plus the comment that said you had removed my post , is now gone from the pinned complaints ...

Is that accusation clear enough ?

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You wrote on the pinned complaints thread (where you have posted my comments OUT OF CONTEXT ) , that you had removed an inappropriate post of mine ...It was the one above where I linked the nasty Apollo hoax forum comments .

I couldn't log back in to this forum at all but somehow in my absence of a few hours , my name was logged back in without me doing it , and the post which you removed had reappeared ...Plus the comment that said you had removed my post , is now gone from the pinned complaints ...

Is that accusation clear enough ?

It is, thank you, and once again: I did not delete & reinstate any posts, I did not tamper with your login, etc.

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Evan ... I will give you the benefit of the doubt then and consider what happened last night as some type of strange computer glitch .

I'm just sorry that Jack took the blame for this , when he was only trying to come to my defense .... I feel that we have both been treated unfairly here ... He and I both are constantly being insulted on this forum by certain members and yet nothing is ever done to stop it .

I realize that our opinions about Apollo are in the minority here and obviously not very popular , but that is no excuse for the kind of harrassment which is taking place .

If you want to be a fair and unbiased moderator , then you should acknowledge the insults posted by some of the other members , and post their insulting comments in the complaint thread , along with mine .

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Getting back to the topic of strange shadows in the Apollo photos .... I asked Jack to see what he could find in this particular photo , where we have an original nasa image and a superimposed image in this famous photograph .

I asked him to analyze the solid black astronot shadows to see if there might be any light in them , or if the shadows ( one allegedly real and the other obviously pasted in ) showed any difference .

After he reduced the RGB scales to zero. The sky and shadows

remained solid black ,which leads to some interesting observations and questions .

If shadow number one is real and shadow number two is fake and there is no difference between them and are IDENTICAL in every respect , then that means that they are either both real or both fake .

Since we know for a fact that image and shadow number two were pasted into the photo later and therefore fake , then couldn't this evidence lead to the possibility that BOTH images and shadows are fake ? .. Which would mean that the original Apollo photo of Buzz is a fake .


Edited by Duane Daman
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