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Evan's thread locked (JFK New Versions)

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Peter, if we are at war with those who killed JFK, as Charles and yourself have previously said, then John Armstrong is AWOL.


Hi Bill,

I'll take advantage of your reference to my previous posts to offer brief observations about John Armstrong.

First things first: I am not qualified to offer informed, detailed commentary on the merits of his book. Anyone who would do so must demonstrate a familiarity with the material and a record of fact-checking that are, in terms of both depth and breadth of study, commensurate with the work under scrutiny.

The presence of certain demonstrable errors within that immense opus -- as pointed out by Greg and others -- clearly should grab our attention. But they certainly do not by extension disqualify the rest of Armstrong's output.

Armstrong made two surprise visits to Providence during the course of his research. He showed up on the last day of the conference I co-sponsored with Doktor Rahn. And sometime later, out of the blue, he called to ask me to lunch.

Millionaire Armstrong allowed thousandaire Drago to pick up the tab.

But I digress.

If we have learned nothing else from our exposure to and work in the deep political milieu, I trust we have developed instincts that would lead us to examine with keen and critical eye anyone who would present as Armstrong does: a man of seemingly limitless resources who spares no expense to delve into the Stygian depths of the JFK case.

(A similar case in point is that of Noel Twyman, for whom I harbor immense respect. Wouldn't an Armstrong/Twyman extended comparison make for interesting reading?)

This is not to cast undue suspicion on John Armstrong, his motives, and his ultimate product. As it happens, I respect and like the man, and whether Harvey and Lee ultimately is valued for its literal merits or as a negative template, its importance to the evolution of the investigation of the conspiratorial murder of JFK must not be underestimated.

I can understand Jack's loyalty to his friend. And I'm sure that Jack respects those of us who would honestly and fairly reserve judgement on Armstrong based upon our hard-won understandings of how the secret world operates.


Charles...I certainly understand your "suspicions". I have the same thoughts

about other SELF-PUBLISHED tomes such as Trask's and Myers'...they must

be fronting for someone.

John is not in that category, I can assure you. I suffered daily or weekly with

him for about ten years. I proofread his book 3 times via email, making

suggestions and correcting typos and grammar and catching errors.

Having read the book three times before receiving a printed copy, I still have

never read the entire printed book. But I saw all the documents and his timelines

as he was working them out. We had hours of discussions regarding LHO

photos, and whether they showed Lee or Harvey. I CAN GUARANTEE THAT

EVERY WORD IN HIS BOOK WAS WRITTEN BY HIM. I went with him on witness

interviews and visits to every Oswald residence locally. The comparison with

Twyman is an apt one.

And when we went to our favorite hamburger joint for lunch, he nearly always

picked up the tab...but he would always ask if I had a HALF-PRICE coupon,

which I often did. I sometimes commented on his frugality, and he replied

YOU DON'T GET RICH BY WASTING MONEY. He doesn't think he should be

expected to pick up a check just because he is wealthy.


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