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Socialism 2007 was great for anyone who attended, which would include my daughter. Her complaint however was: "Why didn't you teach me the words of the Internationale?"

Does anyone else have an opinion about Billy Bragg's updated lyrics? I think the idea of updating the Internationale for people who don't use the word "starveling" much in everyday conversation is a good one but one line seemed inapt.

"Don't cling too hard to your possessions." put me in mind of the major crises of the Tsunami and New Orleans and Bangladesh (and a dozen others) where that line would not mean much to the victims.

Socialism 2007 was great for anyone who attended, which would include my daughter. Her complaint however was: "Why didn't you teach me the words of the Internationale?"

Does anyone else have an opinion about Billy Bragg...............

I believe Billy Bragg has moved on from being a state capitalist and is now a fully fledged a plc :hotorwot

Something more educational for your daughter below


Unfortunately your link comes out rather small on my computer and I can't read it.

There are none. so blind as those. who will not see


Oh dear. What I mean is the link works fine but the page it goes to has a very small video window and I couldn't read the text which scrolled up it. I could hear the words however.

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