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I apologize in advance if I brought this up before. I believe I wrote about it on my blog. It's about Barack Obama.

If Obama ever gets close to the Democratic Convention, I predict he will be killed. The oil barons don't want a black man as their President. Particularly, when he was brought up in the Islamic faith. No way will he ever get near the office of Presidency or Vice Presidency. He'll die in a small plane crash, a helicopter crash, a car accident, someone will shoot him, poison him, he'll choke to death or they'll dose him with dioxin like they did Yuschenko of the Ukraine.

I notice his supporters are predominantly white. This will not sit well with this country's old moneyed class. He will never get near the White House.

That is my read on things.


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I apologize in advance if I brought this up before. I believe I wrote about it on my blog. It's about Barack Obama.

If Obama ever gets close to the Democratic Convention, I predict he will be killed. The oil barons don't want a black man as their President. Particularly, when he was brought up in the Islamic faith. No way will he ever get near the office of Presidency or Vice Presidency. He'll die in a small plane crash, a helicopter crash, a car accident, someone will shoot him, poison him, he'll choke to death or they'll dose him with dioxin like they did Yuschenko of the Ukraine.

I notice his supporters are predominantly white. This will not sit well with this country's old moneyed class. He will never get near the White House.

That is my read on things.


Kathy, I can see your point on this issue, and your "tie in" with the JFK debate. Unfortunatly it was the same with Dr. King, JFK, and RFK also. The "powers that be" when confronted with a threat, do what comes naturally. Not just defending their point, but by taking down/out their opponent/threat. This country felt very threatened by Dr. King, and the power he was beginning to gain from his campaining, and verbally speaking out for the poor, civil rights, and all of the other issues confronting the oppressed. This country didnt want RFK as a president either, as he stood side by side with Dr. King, and spoke of the same issues. Political assassination comes naturally to these people, as a "solution" to the problem. Quite a solution, wouldnt you say? Peter posted a good issue not too long ago about "the speech that got Dr. King killed". Go back and check it out, as it made some very good points and he posted several of his speeches. Your point on Mr. Obama is well taken and you made a good point. Ive thought the same thing myself a while back ago when he first started campaigning. Political leaders have "backed off" over the years from threats, and some have continued on despite the threats. Dr. King, in his last speech, spoke prophetically, as though he knew his fate, and seemed to be at peace with it. I believe he knew he did all that he could do to try and lead the people and maybe this country if given the chance. Who knows if this will happen again? Im sure that given time, political assassination will be the "answer" for this "group" again. As we know all too well, there will be someone else who will rise up among the people, who will be a leader among leaders, and will gain enough strenth to become the threat that these other men were. Whether they be black, white, yellow, brown, or purple, it doesnt matter. A threat is a threat. JMO -MS

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Unless he is willing to do what they want. I figure people like Senator Obama don't get where they are without doing something for someone. Those people in power, the ones who actually run this country, will only allow someone in the White House who will do their bidding. So who knows, it might be Senator Obama. Or it might be Senator Clinton. I'm sure there are many people who do not want a black President (or a woman President, for that matter) simply because he's black, but ultimately I think it goes beyond race and gender. It's all about who will do what they want, and when.

My ex-boyfriend's mother and I used to talk about this all the time--about the ruling elite and how they control who wins the White House. She was of the mind that the Rockefellers and people like them run everything, since they hold all the money. I don't know about that, but I do know that money takes you far in this world! B)

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If Soerensen (close Kennedy aid and confidant from early senatorial days) is endorsing Obama, I'd take that seriously. Perhaps it's a statement with wider ramifications than some may think.

Obama is like the antithesis of suspects in the JFK assassination, and like the thesis of Kennedy's Civil Rights program.

All the misegininsts and assorted dead-wood "good ole' boy" leftovers from then may reveal themselves to be dealt with.

Perhaps an opportunity to confront the powers behind JFK's assassins.

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If Soerensen (close Kennedy aid and confidant from early senatorial days) is endorsing Obama, I'd take that seriously. Perhaps it's a statement with wider ramifications than some may think.

Obama is like the antithesis of suspects in the JFK assassination, and like the thesis of Kennedy's Civil Rights program.

All the misegininsts and assorted dead-wood "good ole' boy" leftovers from then may reveal themselves to be dealt with.

Perhaps an opportunity to confront the powers behind JFK's assassins.

John, thanks for your great input. I agree 100%. Its funny you should mention Sorenson, as I just saw him no less than an hour ago speaking of that on Good Morning America. I cant fathom not being realistic enouth to think that these people are not still with us today, and would not stoop to that level again. If not outright political assassination, it would be character assassination, as another resolution to the same type of threat that was presented in the 60's. To think that the "power control group" is not still active and in charge, would be like saying that the problems of the 60's are not still presenting themselves to us today. Health care, civil rights, and involvment in the war, are just a few of the same issues these men who were eliminated in the 60's were confronting, and trying to resolve then, as they are today. If you just listened to what the candidates are saying about the problems facing this country today, and listened to the candidates from the 60's, it would not be much different. The same problems then are facing us now, and still have not been resolved. It does not seem as though they will ever be resolved, as they do not want to changes these things. Reason being is primarily because of the almighty dollar which drives this country. The "power control group" will not let these things change because there is too much money to be made, and as far as civil rights go, they do not seem to want change there either. Things are probably worse today than they were then. To think the same things that happened all during the 60's could not happen today, is baffling to me. JMO -MS

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As Kennedy's Men and Women / Wimmin

If they threaten our children we will 'turn our plowshares into swords'.

We will write. We will speak. We will march. We will be disciplined and we will be staunch.

We will rally protectively. with teeth bared. (unless he.she orders ottherwise). We will be vigiilant around our Person of choice. We will be obedient and we will fight if need be.

We will not give an inch. We will give them an 'out'. They can choose it or not.

We will study our past generations and attempts and we will learn from them. This time we will go eyes wide open into the future, whatever it brings.

EDIT: I Hope!

Edited by John Dolva
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Kathleen, presumably all presidential candidates are in danger of being shot by wackos or others.

But I can assure you that in the very unfortunate event that Obama is assassinated (and frankly I don't think it is a good idea to even talk about it) it will not be by anyone who killed JFK. Which is why this thread is irrelevant.

I am not sure why you think oil barons would want to kill Obama but the oil barons of today were all youngsters when JFK was shot.

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Kathleen, presumably all presidential candidates are in danger of being shot by wackos or others.

But I can assure you that in the very unfortunate event that Obama is assassinated (and frankly I don't think it is a good idea to even talk about it) it will not be by anyone who killed JFK. Which is why this thread is irrelevant.

I am not sure why you think oil barons would want to kill Obama but the oil barons of today were all youngsters when JFK was shot.

I agree with you that it's a harsh thing to have to talk about, but I feel he is in danger. This afternoon he was running better than Clinton in Iowa. Today Oprah Winfrey is going to appear with him and endorse him. He is really going to be bigtime. Clinton and Obama are running a tight race. Like I said, if Obama gets close to beating Hillary or the Vice Presidency, he's in trouble. About the Clintons, I was told by a respected source that there were 200 political murders carried out during the Clinton reign. I don't know how true that is, but the Clintons are pawns in the hands of the rich oil men in Texas, including the Bush family. So maybe Hillary has an "in." Having Obama as her Vice President would assure her that no one would try to knock her off.

Guiliani: I remember the zeal he evinced when he arrested someone as the chief prosecutor before he was mayor. Such as, Bess Myerson, Leona Helmsley and many people. Now someone is making allegations about him. Do we really hold proper elections in this country anymore? This is going to be some race. And it will be won by whomever the multi-oil-billionnaires will select as their puppet.


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My concern is that even publicly talking about the asassination of Obama could be like a "self-fulfilling prophecy" if some nut wants to do something to: (a) call attention to his "issues" (ala the Va Tech killer); or (B) simply go out in a "blaze of glory" and become infamous.

I really think the topic ought not even be discussed. We can only hope that the Secret Service is taking the guarding of ALL candidates very seriously and the staff of each candidate is also doing so. I think any serious candidate probably ought to have his or her own intelligence apparatus--not for spying on other candidates but just to attempt to identify threats.

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My concern is that even publicly talking about the asassination of Obama could be like a "self-fulfilling prophecy" if some nut wants to do something to: (a) call attention to his "issues" (ala the Va Tech killer); or (B) simply go out in a "blaze of glory" and become infamous.

I really think the topic ought not even be discussed. We can only hope that the Secret Service is taking the guarding of ALL candidates very seriously and the staff of each candidate is also doing so. I think any serious candidate probably ought to have his or her own intelligence apparatus--not for spying on other candidates but just to attempt to identify threats.

I agree. I hope I'm wrong.


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