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GHW Bush receives golfs highest honour

Guest Gary Loughran

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Guest Gary Loughran

It seems the USGA have misheard victory in the gulf and assumed Bush Senior was some sort of sporting hero. Anyway the lineage is there for all to see.

Further to topic I posted identifying the 300 members constituting Augusta National's patronage. I still believe there is more to this 'membership' than golf - but research is slow, certainly only the Bilderbergers come close in power potential, though I'm not versed in the various knights and groups that brothers Guyatt and Drago are so aware of.

To the article and FWIW to others, I found it interesting giving my seemingly delusional suspicions about Augusta :huh:

From Golf Magazine online - "Now watch this drive"

George H.W. Bush wins USGA's top honor

FAR HILLS, New Jersey (AP) — Former President George H.W. Bush was chosen to receive the Bob Jones Award from the U.S. Golf Association, its highest honor. The award is for distinguished sportsmanship in golf, and recognizes a person who emulates the golf attitude and spirit of amateur great Bobby Jones.

"I'm very flattered to receive this award," Bush said in a statement. "Golf has meant a lot to me. It means friendship, integrity and character. I grew up in a family that was lucky enough to have golf at the heart of it for a while. My father was a scratch player and my mother also was a good golfer. It's a very special game."

Bush's grandfather, George Herbert Walker, was president of the USGA in 1920 and inspired the Walker Cup, biennial matches for amateurs between the United States and Britain and Ireland. His father, Prescott Bush, was USGA president in 1935 and helped establish the USGA Museum and Archives.

It was only the second time the award was given to a nongolfer. The USGA recognized Bing Crosby and Bob Hope in 1978.

Bush will be honored on Feb. 9 at the USGA's annual meeting in Houston

Edited by Gary Loughran
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- The Naval commander at Pearl Harbor was playing golf on the morning of December 7th 1941 at the time of the Japanese attack on his fleet.

- In order to convince President Eisenhower of the necessity of U2 photo overflights of the Soviet Union, the CIA showed him U2 photographs of him playing golf at the Congressional club outside of DC. Eisenhower was impressed by the fact that he could see the golf ball he was putting in on the green and approved the overflights.

- Then Vice President Richard Nixon was playing golf at Burning Tree Golf Club with Cuban exile leaders when they convinced him to support the operation that became the Bay of Pigs.

- As indicated in a Time Magazine tribute (July, 2007) JFK was a big, though secretive golfer, and seldom permitted photos to be taken or stories to be written about his golf outings. His father may have been a big golfer too, as they lived near The Country Club at Brookline where the 1913 US Open was played.

- Shortly after taking control of Cuba, Fidel Castro and Che visited the Havana Country Club golf course where they played a few holes while dressed in their fatiques. Che, having been a doctor, knew how to play, but after the game, Castro ordered the golf course to be developed for new housing.

- Peter Pavia, in his book The Cuba Project- Castro, Kennedy, and the FBI's Tamale Squad (Palgrave/Macmillan, 2006) says, "With Allen Dulles out of the country (plausible deniability again), his deputy-director, Charles Cabell, fresh from a round of golf – and, with Dulles gone, in charge of the CIA – had dropped by headquarters to see how the [bay of Pigs] invasion was proceeding. 'This chance decision' – Cabell's informal visit – Hunt said, 'was to affect the destinies of men and nations from that point on.'" Cabell failed to get approval for an additional air strike against Cuba, which some blame for the failure of the invasion.

- Bradley E. Ayers, US Army Ranger military trainer assigned to the CIA to prepare anti-Castro Cuban commandos for maritime raids against Cuba, said that high level Cuban leaders were kept at a CIA safe-house adjacent to a Miami golf course. (p. 113, Zenith Secret) "…I met Artime at a plush Tudor mansion adjacent to a Coral Gables golf course. The house – one of the Miami safe sites reserved for VIP's and special operations – had been carefully checked by security, and I was warned to exercise extreme caution during my travel to and from the house to ensure that I was not followed." (photo on p. 87).

- Jim Braden, taken into custody at Dealey Plaza as a suspicious person, was a charter member of the La Costa Country Club in California. He enjoyed golf and was last known to be living near a golf course in Atlanta.

- Lawrence Meyers' alibi for the time his good friend Ruby shot Oswald was that he was playing golf at an Air Force golf course north of Dallas. Meyers later moved to Dallas and played golf socially with Jack Ruby's pal Joe Campisi.

- Joe Campisi said he met Carlos Marcello at a New Orleans charity golf tournament, and began exchanging Christmas gifts, Campisi sending Marcello 262 pounds of sausage every season.

- In his book The Tangled Web – The Life and Death of Richard Cain – Chicago Cop and Mafia Hitman. (Skyhorse Publishing, 2007, p. 201), Michael Cain (Richard's half-bro), says that when Sam Giancana moved to a villa near Cuernavica, Mexico, where Cain and Giancana often played golf together.

- Convicted murderer Myron Thomas Billet (aka Paul Buccelli): "I was at the Whitemarsh Valley Country Club back in the late part of 1963 when I was contacted by the mob for a meeting in Dallas at Jack Ruby's Carousel Club. As I remember it, there was myself, Jack Ruby, Lee Oswald, Sam Giancana, John Rosselli and an FBI man. The meeting was to set up a hit on John F. Kennedy. I can't say what the arrangements was because Sam and I left. Sam told me he wanted nothing to do with it. Hell, he helped put Kennedy in office. But three weeks after, JFK was hit and we all knew it wasn't done by one man. Sam told me then that he figured this would get us all killed before it was over." [Whitemarsh C.C. is near Philadelphia, where Angelo Bruno was boss and in 1963, held a seat on the Commission].

- John Connally and two of Lee Harvey Oswald's Dallas acquaintances (Paul M. Raigorodsky and George Bouhe) were members of the exclusive Tryall Club, near Montego Bay, Jamaica, once owned by Sir William Stephenson (aka INTREPED).

- Judith Campbell Extner, after breaking up with JFK and Sam Giancana, settled down and married a golf professional.

- Dr. Jose Rivera (Col. USAR) in April of 1963 put up his research student Adele Edisen, at the Kenwood Country Club Motel, near Washington D.C.

- Gerald Ford's golf at exclusive Pine Valley (NJ) led to changes in the government and golf [see: Obscure Golf History at twooverpar.com ]

- Bill Paxton, actor and director of golf movie The Greatest Game, always said that he wanted to make a movie about the assassination of President Kennedy, and now he is – with Tom Hanks in Vincent BelaLagosi's Reclaiming History on HBO.


Edited by William Kelly
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