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Chemtrails, not by Jack White.

Jack White

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Oh, no doubt there are ongoing experiments in weather modification. Just not of the scale that is proposed for "chemtrails", especially when these "chemtrails" can be seen coming from regular commercial traffic as well. The USAF even has a weather modification squadron. It consists of IIRC 4 C-130s, prop planes, not the jets people see leaving persistent contrails at high altitudes, and they do cloud seeding, within existing clouds, the way cloud seeding has always been done.

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From: http://www-das.uwyo.edu/~geerts/cwx/notes/...8/contrail.html

Effects of contrails and ship tracks on climate


"A topic of current public interest is whether contrails alter the Earth's radiation balance enough to affect surface temperatures. On the one hand, a reduction of the daytime maxima can be suspected by the enhanced reflection of sunshine into space. A reduction of solar irradiance at the surface by 3 to 5% (depending on the wavelength) has been measured at Lausanne, Switzerland, when the Sun passes trough a contrail (1). On the other hand, cirrus clouds have a warming effect on the global climate, because they trap more longwave radiation (emitted by the much warmer Earth surface) than they block incoming solar radiation. In other words, the sign of the regional climatic impact (cooling or warming) of contrails is uncertain."

""The apparent reduction of the diurnal temperature range in the Midwestern USA during the last 50 years is partly attributed to the increase of contrails along the main flight corridors (2). Recently, in Utah, surface-based lidar and radiometric measurements were made of cirrus cloud created or triggered by jet engines (3). The contrails ranged from 13 km high at about -67?C, to 9 km at -42?C. Such temperatures imply that the droplets freeze spontaneously, i.e. without the need of nucleation. Once formed, the particles persist for minutes or hours, despite the air being far from saturated relative to liquid water. The Utah data indicate that the median ice crystal size of persisting contrails is smaller than that in typical cirrus clouds. If this is generally true, then the albedo cooling effect of contrails would outweigh the greenhouse warming effect, causing some (small) lowering of surface temperatures, especially in areas where the jet aircraft mainly fly during the daytime.""

It has been known for years that contrails and aerosols, those that are naturally occurring and those that are MAN MADE, have an effect on the climate / weather as evidenced in studies and reports such as the ones above, there is no dispute of this, however, beginning in the mid to late 1990's the numbers and frequency of persistent spreading contrails jumped dramatically and abnormally as if they where being created via some other means other than the normal process by which contrails form.

It should be noted that in areas of the country that air traffic did not increase due to normal air traffic, these strange spreading trails did increase and the aircraft making them where not observed on any tracing programs such as Flight Explorer, many times the strange spreading trails did and still do form in direct opposition to the atmospheric conditions which allow the formation of Persistent spreading contrails, simply put, they should not be forming.

People observing these new, strange, lingering, spreading contrails as they had not been observed in the numbers or frequency prior to this time, began to suspect that these where not normal contrails but a form of deliberately sprayed aerosol of some type as the trails did not look or act as normal contrails are known to do, these trails became known as 'Chemtrail's", a term that was used by the Air Force Academy as of the1990's as a matter of course studies,...

"The Air Force Academy courses on chemtrails:

Chemtrails, chemistry 131 manual, fall 1990 (SuDoc D 305.19:C 42)

by U.S. Department of Defense

Publisher: Department of Chemistry, U.S. Air Force Academy; (1990)

ASIN: B00010J3NO

Chemtrails, Chemistry 131 manual, fall 1991 : course policies and laboratory manual (SuDoc D 305.19:C 42/2)

by U.S. Department of Defense

Publisher: Department of Chemistry, U.S. Air Force Academy; (1991)

ASIN: B00010AM02

Chemtrails: Chemistry 141 & 142, Fourth Edition CB (Applications & Concepts in Chemistry)

by United States Air Force Academy"

Debunkers like Reynolds like to twist and distort the facts and even outright lie by saying that it was 'William Thomas' who coined the term Chemtrails as a HOAX but in fact it is the United States Air Force and the Department of Defense which was the origin of the term Chemtrails and they who used it far before Will Thomas ever did and that is a fact.

The direct injection of aerosols into our atmosphere via the Chemtrail spraying is no HOAX unless you believe the debunkers and government spokespeople who contradict themselves at every turn as with this 2001 Colonel, WALTER M. WASHABAUGH, USAF letter in which he seems to know NOTHING about the 1990's Air Force Academy course studies in "CHEMTRAILS", Oh my, how embarrassing for the AIR Force and the DEBUNKERS that SELL this Garbage, they get caught red-handed lying but they still try and pass it off as truth_give us a break !

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Many, many sites around the internet cite the "chemtrails" reference in Air Force Academy literature but never more than the title page is shown. Why does nobody show the text? Because it doesn't deal with the "chemtrails" the "chemtrail" believers are referring to. It is a similar term but nothing more and certainly not proof of some global conspiracy. Remember, persistent contrails have been observed since aircraft could fly high enough to make them. They are observed from both military AND COMMERCIAL aircraft. They are explained by science. Is it impossible for something like "chemtrails" to exist? No, but on the scale proposed and completely ignoring the science behind normal contrail formation it is extremely unlikely. Every single "chemtrail" observation can be explained by science. Making the leap to assuming it is some secret government program and anything other than normal contrails is not supported by any science and is simply an emotional argument.

Facts behind persistent contrails

Contrails can remain visible for very long periods of time with the lifetime a function of the temperature, humidity, winds, and aircraft exhaust characteristics.

Contrails can form many shapes as they are dispersed by horizontal and vertical wind shear.

Sunlight refracted or reflected from contrails can produce vibrant and eye-catching colors and patterns.

Observation and scientific analysis of contrails and their duration date back to at least 1953.

The National Airspace System of the United States is oriented in an east-west and north-south grid with aircraft flying at designated 2000-foot increments of elevation (1000 feet after the introduction of Reduced Vertical Separation Minima in 2002-2004).

Contrails formed by aircraft may appear to form a grid as the winds disperse the contrails.

More contrails are seen in recent years due to the growth in the civil aviation market.

Why haven't any "chemtrail" researchers sampled and tested something directly from a trail? If they actually found something, this would be the single best evidence behind "chemtrails" and would bring me to their side as well. Are they afraid of what they won't find?

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There were two chemtrail planes over Fort Worth today, using A DIFFERENT TECHNIQUE.

Flying parallel paths, THEY RELEASED THE TRAILS IN SHORT BURSTS, or dashes, of differing

lengths as they flew from south to north. Upper winds quickly formed each dash into a

normal looking white puffy cloud. In about 15 minutes they repeated the process, flying

north to south, still releasing dashes instead of a long continuous trail. They were gone

by the time I came inside to take a nap.


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Many, many sites around the internet cite the "chemtrails" reference in Air Force Academy literature but never more than the title page is shown. Why does nobody show the text? Because it doesn't deal with the "chemtrails" the "chemtrail" believers are referring to. It is a similar term but nothing more and certainly not proof of some global conspiracy. Remember, persistent contrails have been observed since aircraft could fly high enough to make them. They are observed from both military AND COMMERCIAL aircraft. They are explained by science. Is it impossible for something like "chemtrails" to exist? No, but on the scale proposed and completely ignoring the science behind normal contrail formation it is extremely unlikely. Every single "chemtrail" observation can be explained by science. Making the leap to assuming it is some secret government program and anything other than normal contrails is not supported by any science and is simply an emotional argument.

Facts behind persistent contrails

Contrails can remain visible for very long periods of time with the lifetime a function of the temperature, humidity, winds, and aircraft exhaust characteristics.

Contrails can form many shapes as they are dispersed by horizontal and vertical wind shear.

Sunlight refracted or reflected from contrails can produce vibrant and eye-catching colors and patterns.

Observation and scientific analysis of contrails and their duration date back to at least 1953.

The National Airspace System of the United States is oriented in an east-west and north-south grid with aircraft flying at designated 2000-foot increments of elevation (1000 feet after the introduction of Reduced Vertical Separation Minima in 2002-2004).

Contrails formed by aircraft may appear to form a grid as the winds disperse the contrails.

More contrails are seen in recent years due to the growth in the civil aviation market.

Why haven't any "chemtrail" researchers sampled and tested something directly from a trail? If they actually found something, this would be the single best evidence behind "chemtrails" and would bring me to their side as well. Are they afraid of what they won't find?

OH...as an Air Force officer, did you take these courses?

Chemtrails, chemistry 131 manual, fall 1990 (SuDoc D 305.19:C 42)

by U.S. Department of Defense

Publisher: Department of Chemistry, U.S. Air Force Academy; (1990)

ASIN: B00010J3NO

Chemtrails, Chemistry 131 manual, fall 1991 : course policies and laboratory manual (SuDoc D 305.19:C 42/2)

by U.S. Department of Defense

Publisher: Department of Chemistry, U.S. Air Force Academy; (1991)

ASIN: B00010AM02

Chemtrails: Chemistry 141 & 142, Fourth Edition CB (Applications & Concepts in Chemistry)

by United States Air Force Academy"

Inquiring minds want to know.


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It is POSSIBLE that there are chemtrails, but no-one has ever proved their existence by taking an airborne sample, documenting it, etc.

When I see such evidence, I'll take the matter seriously.

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There were two chemtrail planes over Fort Worth today, using A DIFFERENT TECHNIQUE.

Flying parallel paths, THEY RELEASED THE TRAILS IN SHORT BURSTS, or dashes, of differing

lengths as they flew from south to north. Upper winds quickly formed each dash into a

normal looking white puffy cloud. In about 15 minutes they repeated the process, flying

north to south, still releasing dashes instead of a long continuous trail. They were gone

by the time I came inside to take a nap.


As has been explained before, and ignored multiple times by you, air masses are not always uniform and as such conditions for contrail formation may be intermittent. Again, explained by science, that you have also chosen to ignore.

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Many, many sites around the internet cite the "chemtrails" reference in Air Force Academy literature but never more than the title page is shown. Why does nobody show the text? Because it doesn't deal with the "chemtrails" the "chemtrail" believers are referring to. It is a similar term but nothing more and certainly not proof of some global conspiracy. Remember, persistent contrails have been observed since aircraft could fly high enough to make them. They are observed from both military AND COMMERCIAL aircraft. They are explained by science. Is it impossible for something like "chemtrails" to exist? No, but on the scale proposed and completely ignoring the science behind normal contrail formation it is extremely unlikely. Every single "chemtrail" observation can be explained by science. Making the leap to assuming it is some secret government program and anything other than normal contrails is not supported by any science and is simply an emotional argument.

Facts behind persistent contrails

Contrails can remain visible for very long periods of time with the lifetime a function of the temperature, humidity, winds, and aircraft exhaust characteristics.

Contrails can form many shapes as they are dispersed by horizontal and vertical wind shear.

Sunlight refracted or reflected from contrails can produce vibrant and eye-catching colors and patterns.

Observation and scientific analysis of contrails and their duration date back to at least 1953.

The National Airspace System of the United States is oriented in an east-west and north-south grid with aircraft flying at designated 2000-foot increments of elevation (1000 feet after the introduction of Reduced Vertical Separation Minima in 2002-2004).

Contrails formed by aircraft may appear to form a grid as the winds disperse the contrails.

More contrails are seen in recent years due to the growth in the civil aviation market.

Why haven't any "chemtrail" researchers sampled and tested something directly from a trail? If they actually found something, this would be the single best evidence behind "chemtrails" and would bring me to their side as well. Are they afraid of what they won't find?

OH...as an Air Force officer, did you take these courses?

Chemtrails, chemistry 131 manual, fall 1990 (SuDoc D 305.19:C 42)

by U.S. Department of Defense

Publisher: Department of Chemistry, U.S. Air Force Academy; (1990)

ASIN: B00010J3NO

Chemtrails, Chemistry 131 manual, fall 1991 : course policies and laboratory manual (SuDoc D 305.19:C 42/2)

by U.S. Department of Defense

Publisher: Department of Chemistry, U.S. Air Force Academy; (1991)

ASIN: B00010AM02

Chemtrails: Chemistry 141 & 142, Fourth Edition CB (Applications & Concepts in Chemistry)

by United States Air Force Academy"

Inquiring minds want to know.


Are you questioning my motivations for posting again Jack?

I'm sure you could figure out the answer to your own question if you bothered to do the research. My biography states that I was 27 in 2005 (when it was posted). Note that those classes were offered in 90 and 91. Using math, how old was I then? How would I take classes at the Air Force Academy (which I didn't even attend by the way) while in high school? And lets think about this. If this is some supposed global military operation, why would the classes only be offered for two years? Why not still have them?

And chemistry? I never much cared for chemistry. I doubt I would have taken them anyway.

And the rest of my post which you ignored as usuall. (reformatted for readability)

Many, many sites around the internet cite the "chemtrails" reference in Air Force Academy literature but never more than the title page is shown. Why does nobody show the text? Because it doesn't deal with the "chemtrails" the "chemtrail" believers are referring to. It is a similar term but nothing more and certainly not proof of some global conspiracy.

Remember, persistent contrails have been observed since aircraft could fly high enough to make them. They are observed from both military AND COMMERCIAL aircraft. They are explained by science. Is it impossible for something like "chemtrails" to exist? No, but on the scale proposed and considering the science behind normal contrail formation it is extremely unlikely. Every single "chemtrail" observation can be explained by science. Making the leap to assuming it is some secret government program and anything other than normal contrails is not supported by any science and is simply an emotional argument.

Facts behind persistent contrails

  • Contrails can remain visible for very long periods of time with the lifetime a function of the temperature, humidity, winds, and aircraft exhaust characteristics.
  • Contrails can form many shapes as they are dispersed by horizontal and vertical wind shear.
  • Sunlight refracted or reflected from contrails can produce vibrant and eye-catching colors and patterns.
  • Observation and scientific analysis of contrails and their duration date back to at least 1953.
  • The National Airspace System of the United States is oriented in an east-west and north-south grid with aircraft flying at designated 2000-foot increments of elevation (1000 feet after the introduction of Reduced Vertical Separation Minima in 2002-2004).
  • Contrails formed by aircraft may appear to form a grid as the winds disperse the contrails.
  • More contrails are seen in recent years due to the growth in the civil aviation market.

Again, why haven't any "chemtrail" researchers sampled and tested something directly from a trail? If they actually found something, this would be the single best evidence behind "chemtrails" and would bring me to their side as well. Are they afraid of what they won't find?

Edited by Matthew Lewis
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I was working in my yard about sundown today and saw 6 different planes spraying

chemtrails. I went inside and got my camera and took several photos, including this

spectacular one.

Two planes flying side by side to the north laid down two SHORT (not horizon to horizon)

chemtrails. Almost immediately after they shut off their sprayers, another chemplane,

flying west to east, came across and laid another SHORT chemtrail crossing the first

two, forming a large H over Fort Worth. This was shot from my backyard about 8 pm.

More to come.


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Many, many sites around the internet cite the "chemtrails" reference in Air Force Academy literature but never more than the title page is shown. Why does nobody show the text? Because it doesn't deal with the "chemtrails" the "chemtrail" believers are referring to. It is a similar term but nothing more and certainly not proof of some global conspiracy. Remember, persistent contrails have been observed since aircraft could fly high enough to make them. They are observed from both military AND COMMERCIAL aircraft. They are explained by science. Is it impossible for something like "chemtrails" to exist? No, but on the scale proposed and completely ignoring the science behind normal contrail formation it is extremely unlikely. Every single "chemtrail" observation can be explained by science. Making the leap to assuming it is some secret government program and anything other than normal contrails is not supported by any science and is simply an emotional argument.

Facts behind persistent contrails

Contrails can remain visible for very long periods of time with the lifetime a function of the temperature, humidity, winds, and aircraft exhaust characteristics.

Contrails can form many shapes as they are dispersed by horizontal and vertical wind shear.

Sunlight refracted or reflected from contrails can produce vibrant and eye-catching colors and patterns.

Observation and scientific analysis of contrails and their duration date back to at least 1953.

The National Airspace System of the United States is oriented in an east-west and north-south grid with aircraft flying at designated 2000-foot increments of elevation (1000 feet after the introduction of Reduced Vertical Separation Minima in 2002-2004).

Contrails formed by aircraft may appear to form a grid as the winds disperse the contrails.

More contrails are seen in recent years due to the growth in the civil aviation market.

Why haven't any "chemtrail" researchers sampled and tested something directly from a trail? If they actually found something, this would be the single best evidence behind "chemtrails" and would bring me to their side as well. Are they afraid of what they won't find?

OH...as an Air Force officer, did you take these courses?

Chemtrails, chemistry 131 manual, fall 1990 (SuDoc D 305.19:C 42)

by U.S. Department of Defense

Publisher: Department of Chemistry, U.S. Air Force Academy; (1990)

ASIN: B00010J3NO

Chemtrails, Chemistry 131 manual, fall 1991 : course policies and laboratory manual (SuDoc D 305.19:C 42/2)

by U.S. Department of Defense

Publisher: Department of Chemistry, U.S. Air Force Academy; (1991)

ASIN: B00010AM02

Chemtrails: Chemistry 141 & 142, Fourth Edition CB (Applications & Concepts in Chemistry)

by United States Air Force Academy"

Inquiring minds want to know.


Are you questioning my motivations for posting again Jack?

I'm sure you could figure out the answer to your own question if you bothered to do the research. My biography states that I was 27 in 2005 (when it was posted). Note that those classes were offered in 90 and 91. Using math, how old was I then? How would I take classes at the Air Force Academy (which I didn't even attend by the way) while in high school? And lets think about this. If this is some supposed global military operation, why would the classes only be offered for two years? Why not still have them?

And chemistry? I never much cared for chemistry. I doubt I would have taken them anyway.

And the rest of my post which you ignored as usuall. (reformatted for readability)

Many, many sites around the internet cite the "chemtrails" reference in Air Force Academy literature but never more than the title page is shown. Why does nobody show the text? Because it doesn't deal with the "chemtrails" the "chemtrail" believers are referring to. It is a similar term but nothing more and certainly not proof of some global conspiracy.

Remember, persistent contrails have been observed since aircraft could fly high enough to make them. They are observed from both military AND COMMERCIAL aircraft. They are explained by science. Is it impossible for something like "chemtrails" to exist? No, but on the scale proposed and considering the science behind normal contrail formation it is extremely unlikely. Every single "chemtrail" observation can be explained by science. Making the leap to assuming it is some secret government program and anything other than normal contrails is not supported by any science and is simply an emotional argument.

Facts behind persistent contrails

  • Contrails can remain visible for very long periods of time with the lifetime a function of the temperature, humidity, winds, and aircraft exhaust characteristics.
  • Contrails can form many shapes as they are dispersed by horizontal and vertical wind shear.
  • Sunlight refracted or reflected from contrails can produce vibrant and eye-catching colors and patterns.
  • Observation and scientific analysis of contrails and their duration date back to at least 1953.
  • The National Airspace System of the United States is oriented in an east-west and north-south grid with aircraft flying at designated 2000-foot increments of elevation (1000 feet after the introduction of Reduced Vertical Separation Minima in 2002-2004).
  • Contrails formed by aircraft may appear to form a grid as the winds disperse the contrails.
  • More contrails are seen in recent years due to the growth in the civil aviation market.

Again, why haven't any "chemtrail" researchers sampled and tested something directly from a trail? If they actually found something, this would be the single best evidence behind "chemtrails" and would bring me to their side as well. Are they afraid of what they won't find?

Why did the Air Force title the textbooks CHEMTRAILS? Why didn't they title them PERSISTENT CONTRAILS?


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Lewis wrote:

"Again, why haven't any "chemtrail" researchers sampled and tested something directly from a trail? If they actually found something, this would be the single best evidence behind "chemtrails" and would bring me to their side as well. Are they afraid of what they won't find?"

Well, simple answer: What researcher can rise into the sky a couple of miles with what

type of sampling equipment, and then maneuver into the toxic cloud to obtain samples?

Then return safely to earth and have expensive laboratories do analysis?

The absurdity of the question is self-evident.

All samples taken so far were taken when weather conditions allowed particles to settle

to earth, where samples were taken from cars, plants, and other exposed surfaces.

Examination reveals the material is largely fibers of aluminum dust and barium.

Many websites cite these lab tests, but you find it convenient to ignore them.


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At the same time I saw the RED H IN THE SUNSET, previous photo, I turned the

camera toward downtown Fort Worth and saw two more chemplanes, doing dots

and dashes. At left, a plane has just turned on its sprayer. At right, a plane

turns its sprayer ON AND OFF to create a series of dashes. This was happening

while the three other planes were making the RED H.


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After going in for my camera, this is the first photo I took, of earlier

chemtrails going west to east. All photos uploaded today were taken

within a ten minute period.


Correction...after looking again at the sequence, this was the SECOND

picture I took, not the first.)

Edited by Jack White
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Immediately after taking the first photo looking north, I turned around and

took this one of a chemplane going north to south. I was low in my estimate

of planes in the air simultaneously. There must have been at least ten in a

ten-minute period. This photo looks south.


Correction...after looking again at the sequence, this was the FIRST

picture I took, not the second.)

Edited by Jack White
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