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Chemtrails, not by Jack White.

Jack White

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More fingers, as the chemicals settle out of the chemtrail to a lower level.

Wind and turbulence.

How do you know there are any chemicals in these trails? Has anyone ever tested samples directly from the trails?

Yes. The ingredients are mainly barium and aluminum oxide.


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More fingers, as the chemicals settle out of the chemtrail to a lower level.

Wind and turbulence.

How do you know there are any chemicals in these trails? Has anyone ever tested samples directly from the trails?

Yes. The ingredients are mainly barium and aluminum oxide.


Wrong. Nobody has ever tested a sample collected directly from a trail. Every single test has been from a sample collected on the ground. What kind of contamination do you think you'd get from a sample collected on the ground? How is it possibly considered good research to assume that something collected on the ground came from a contrail 30,000 feet upand not the many more likely local sources? That is sloppy research at best and deceptive at worst. Don't you find it odd in the least that after so many years (some believers say "chemtrails" started in the late 90's even though persistent contrails have been proven to exist since before WWII) no one has bothered to collect a sample directly from a trail? The single best evidence they would have and they just haven't bothered to even try it? Show me a sample proven to be collected in situ, with a chain of custody, and analysed without bias that still shows something not found in regular jet exhaust and I'll be right there beside you.

Until then, thanks for the humor Jack.

Edited by Matthew Lewis
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Example of chemtrailus interruptus. The chemplane operator turns the spray on and off,

resulting in dashed lines. I have witnessed this numerous times. Contrails don't turn on

and off.


Why couldn't it be a contrail? As has already been explained (and likely ignored) not all air is uniform. Would you expect the air over a lake to always be the same as the air over a plain or the air over a forest, or the air over a city? It varies in temperature, pressure, humidity, etc. Any meteorologist would agree. It looks like the plane went though a part of the sky where the temperature of the air was slightly warmer. Totally explained by science.

It's been nearly three hours without an immediate Lewis debunk.

Prediction: He will claim the image is photoshopped, since it cannot

be a contrail.


Sorry to disappoint you but i just got off a 20 hour flight (and I do have a life) and was unable to view your humor. Why would I think it was photoshopped? I've seen it happen too and it is perfectly predicted by science and able to be understood by any of those willing to take the time to learn.

Edited by Matthew Lewis
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Sorry to disappoint you but i just got off a 20 hour flight (and I do have a life) and was unable to view your humor. Why would I think it was photoshopped? I've seen it happen too and it is perfectly predicted by science and able to be understood by any of those willing to take the time to learn.

(My bolding)

Operative word - WILLING.

This is the impass.

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Chemtrails and Gulf War Syndrome

By Jim Marrs



A Belated Attempt to Stop the Spread of Debilitating Diseases Concocted in the 1980s

New Chemtrails Theory Just Might Make You Sick

by Jim Marrs

Source: Alien Zoo


November 23, 2000

AlienZoo presents: The View from Marrs

A report from a Canadian research foundation concluded that the much discussed, but little publicized Chemtrails, may be an attempt to hide a sickening military secret.

Professor Donald Scott, president of the Common Cause Medical Research Foundation, claimed that Chemtrails are a belated attempt by U.S. military and intelligence chieftains to stop the spread of a debilitating disease first concocted in the early 1980s.

According to Scott's account, the military began developing diseases in the 1970s which were infectious but not contagious. In other words, an ailment which could be spread to enemy troops but would not pass into other populations.

One such disease was based on a zoonosis, a disease which can be transmitted to humans by animals, in this case brucellosis. Brucellosis is a bacterial disease usually found in cattle, which can cause undulant fever in humans.

By manipulating this disease, researchers were able to design a disabling bacteria which disappeared following infection. Troops could be infected yet exhibit no signs of the bacteria when examined by a doctor.

In the early 1980s, secret government labs worked to produce a brucellosis pathogen which could disable enemy troops without the risk of infecting friendly forces. This pathogen reportedly was based on brucellosis bacteria in a crystalline form first developed by researchers in 1945.

According to Scott's report, such a bacteria was tested during the summer of 1984 at Tahoe-Truckee High School in California, where individual rooms were fitted with an independent recycling air supply. A teacher's lounge was designated as the infection target. Seven of eight teachers assigned to this room became very ill within months.

The high school was only one of several locations where the specially designed pathogens were tested, some distributed by aerosol sprays and others by the use contaminated mosquitoes.

Scott reported that one hundred million mosquitoes a month were bred at the Dominion Parasite Laboratory in Belleville, Ontario, during the 1980s, then tested by both Canadian and U.S. military authorities after being infected with brucellosis.

Some observers believe the viral epidemic reported around New York City in recent years may have been the result of these infected mosquitoes.

The testing of unsuspecting victims was conducted by both the military and CIA, according to Scott, and monitored by the National Institutes of Health as well as the Center for Disease Control.

Encouraged by what they felt was a successful test, military leaders reportedly passed the brucellosis bio agent to none other than Saddam Hussein, who in the mid-1980s was fighting a protracted war against Iran at the behest of the CIA.

In 1986, with the approval of Vice-President George Bush, Saddam received shipments of both brucella abortus, biotypes 3 and 9, and brucella melitensis, biotypes 1 and 3.

After Saddam obtained a stockpile of the brucellosis, a terrible discovery was made - these designer bacteria mutated and became contagious.

According to Scott's report, Saddam used this pathogen on American troops during the Persian Gulf War in 1991, resulting in the illness referred to as Gulf War Syndrome. More than 100,000 Gulf War vets now suffer from this syndrome, which causes chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, profuse sweating even at rest, joint and muscle pain, insomnia, nausea, and damage to major organs.

Much of this information may be found in a 1994 report by Senator Donald W. Riegle, Jr., titled, "U.S. Chemical and Biological Warfare-related Dual Use Exports to Iraq and Their Possible Impact on the Health Consequences of the Persian Gulf War."

Troops initially were told that no such infection existed and that the problem was mostly in their mind. Slowly, over the years, authorities were forced to admit that something had triggered severe illness in many Gulf War veterans.

By then, a variant of the brucellosis had spread to the civilian population. Many people began suffering from general debilitation and tiredness.

When it became know that the contagion was spreading into the general population, top officials with the National Institutes of Health and Center for Disease Control, as well as the Defense Department and the Department of Health and Human Resources began a program of misrepresentation of the disease to mask their role in its origin. The illness was claimed to be connected to the Epstein-Barr virus and was labeled "Chronic Mononucleosis."

This has now become known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Like the veterans before them, victims of this ailment were told it was merely a psychological condition.

One victim, Dr. Martin Lerner of William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, MI, told his peers in the American Society of Microbiology that his bout with this mysterious disease left his heart damaged. Dr. Lerner and others suspected that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is caused by viral infection.

Top-level officials, concerned both with the spread of the contagion and with the risk that their role in its origin would become publicly known, moved to counteract the pathogen. This program may explain the mysterious Chemtrails which have been noted over major population centers during the past couple of years.

As explained by Scott, "We have learned . . . that a patent was issued in 1996 for an aerosol vaccination process which would permit the vaccination of wildlife and domestic herds by spraying them or their disease vectors (birds) from the air. . . .

"We have noted that many of the sightings of Chemtrails are over migratory bird flight paths. We are currently preparing a report on this subject for release in January 2001.

"The Chemtrails program may well be a belated effort by the U.S. and Canadian governments to get the brucellosis genie back in its bottle."

To learn more about who may be behind nefarious activities such as Chemtrails, read Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects The Trilateral Commission, The Freemasons and The Great Pyramid by Jim Marrs, now available from finer bookstores everywhere and from JimMarrs.com. Read Alien Agenda by Jim Marrs, for an in-depth look at UFOs, available at this Web site. Also Jim Marrs' book on the U. S. Army's remote viewing program, Psi Spies, which was suppressed in 1995, is now available online right here at AlienZoo. Order yours today. ©2000 AlienZoo, Inc.

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Stanford University addresses Chemtrails...




Can I ask you to quote what that quoted article had to do with what you are insist are "chemtrails"? I don't have the time to read through the whole thing (86 pages), so I did a word search instead. "Chemtrails" - zero results. "Contrails" - zero results.

Just what is it saying?

If I have not searched correctly, please point me to the section on "chemtrails". Thanks.

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As aviation experts, maybe Lewis and Burton will explain what this aircraft part does.


At this stage, I don't know - but I think it could be a spray head which was used in airborne icing tests. That's just a guess, and may be wildly wrong, but it might be. Give me some time to look it up and see what it was.

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As aviation experts, maybe Lewis and Burton will explain what this aircraft part does.


At this stage, I don't know - but I think it could be a spray head which was used in airborne icing tests. That's just a guess, and may be wildly wrong, but it might be. Give me some time to look it up and see what it was.

Here is a side view. I do not know what it is. A website showed it as as

chemtrail spray instrument.


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Stanford University addresses Chemtrails...




Can I ask you to quote what that quoted article had to do with what you are insist are "chemtrails"? I don't have the time to read through the whole thing (86 pages), so I did a word search instead. "Chemtrails" - zero results. "Contrails" - zero results.

Just what is it saying?

If I have not searched correctly, please point me to the section on "chemtrails". Thanks.

I read it. Anyone who is interested is invited to read it.


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