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Toni Foster and her husband in Dealey Plaza

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Toni Foster's husband had a camera and took at least one photo at the main st corner.

Just like everyone else, we knew President Kennedy wascoming so we were trying to hurry and get downtown to see him.We were listening to the radio to follow what areas he was in; sowe were hurrying. When we did arrive and parked my husbandsaid, “Let’s go over to Main Street to get a picture of them as theycome around. Then he wanted to go down near the underpass. Wewere anxious to get there.My husband knew he had “x” amount of time to get over totake a picture as the car turned from Main onto Houston. I believeit was Main Street. Where we stood to take the picture was a wall.You had to go around the wall to get to the lawn where I was to seehim when he came down Elm Street. We took the picture, then weran around the wall. I was going down toward the street andI just wanted to be at a certain place where I could see himclearly. Why I ended up where I ended up is just that’s the directionI was going. There weren’t that many people on the left of me,more to the right of me. All the people across the street, you couldsee that whole knoll area, not quite to the depository area. BeforeI got there, there were a lot of people behind me. But I wasn’t

PDF version here with photo's:


Bronson frame:

Hughes Frame:

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Toni Foster, Brehm and son, Babushka, and the two ladies on the Main Huston corner now move on to the grassy area.

The Willis family moves up to the Houston Elm corner.

Toni Foster " Side Step "

The same moment in time captured on two different camera's

Bronson Frame:

Nix Frame:

Edited by Robin Unger
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Toni Foster, Brehm and son, Babushka, and the two ladies on the Main Huston corner now move on to the grassy area.

The Willis family moves up to the Houston Elm corner.

Toni Foster " Side Step "

The same moment in time captured on two different camera's

Bronson Frame:

Nix Frame:


Thanks for the coverage on Toni Foster, Robin.

Am I wrong in assuming, from what she's stating about only speaking with her family about this, after all these years, that she wasn't questioned, at all, by the DPD, or by the Warren Commission?

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Toni Foster's husband had a camera and took at least one photo at the main st corner.
Just like everyone else, we knew President Kennedy wascoming so we were trying to hurry and get downtown to see him.We were listening to the radio to follow what areas he was in; sowe were hurrying. When we did arrive and parked my husbandsaid, “Let’s go over to Main Street to get a picture of them as theycome around. Then he wanted to go down near the underpass. Wewere anxious to get there.My husband knew he had “x” amount of time to get over totake a picture as the car turned from Main onto Houston. I believeit was Main Street. Where we stood to take the picture was a wall.You had to go around the wall to get to the lawn where I was to seehim when he came down Elm Street. We took the picture, then weran around the wall. I was going down toward the street andI just wanted to be at a certain place where I could see himclearly. Why I ended up where I ended up is just that’s the directionI was going. There weren’t that many people on the left of me,more to the right of me. All the people across the street, you couldsee that whole knoll area, not quite to the depository area. BeforeI got there, there were a lot of people behind me. But I wasn’t

PDF version here with photo's:


....Good Day Robin.... Thank You for those persons-labeled frames.

While speaking with DEBRA CONWAY recently, she mentioned that Mr. FOSTER (iirc, his name was ROBERT) did capture photos that day, but no Loved Ones know where they are. TONI and her husband divorced from each other, at some time after DP. ROBERT has since passed on. TONI is not providing any interviews related to 11-22-63. DEBRA also mentioned there is a video tape of her interview with TONI, but, iirc, it is protected by the company copyright that DEBRA worked for at the time of the interview she performed for the company.

Best Regards in Research,


Don Roberdeau

U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

Discovery: ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap : Westward, Ultrafast, & Directly Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing 11-22-63 Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, & Important information & considerations

President KENNEDY "Men of Courage: 4 Principles" speech, and a portion of fellow researchers articles and my research & discoveries, 1975 to present

T ogether

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for the United states


"Drehm seemed to think the shots came from in FRONT OF or BESIDE the president." (my EMPHASIS)

CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States Army Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza attack witness, quoted only minutes after the attack, and while he was still standing within Dealey Plaza (11-22-63 Dallas Times Herald, appeared only in the fifth & final daily edition, which mis-spelled his name)

"Another eyewitness, Charles Brehm, said he was 15 feet away from the President when he was shot.

'He was waving, then the FIRST shot hit him and that awful look crossed his face.' " (my EMPHASIS)

CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States Army Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza attack witness (quoted to the Associated Press, 11-22-63)

Edited by Don Roberdeau
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