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Kerry Committee Hearings

William Kelly

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Did I read somewhere that Tosh Plumlee testified before the Kerry Committee in the 1980s?


Bill, I don't know if it is in 'print' anywhere, but Tosh and I, and perhaps a few others, have mentioned it over time in posts. Yes. He was subpeonaed and testified in secret sessions. I confirmed this after had told me he had by going to Kerry's Office in D.C. and discussing this matter specifically with one of his chief Aides. He was asked questions on Iran-Contra type subjects and [surprisingly] also about his Dallas flight, and matters related to it. [Knowing the general material Kerry got from Tosh and other witnesses, it was my belief the Secret Government was not likely going to allow him to ever become President.] So, that he testified is certain...but don't expect to see the testimony. As I understand it from Tosh, he had later to review his testimony after it was transcribed, sign it and sign that he was aware it was classified and couldn't disclose it. One would have to file a FOIA and I doubt it would meet with a lot of success. Peter


It would be nice to hear what TP has to say about it before he disapears or dies again.

I know others who testified before the Kerry Committee and I've read their testimony. I don't believe the Kerry Com docs are hidden away because I've read some of them.

I'd still like to hear TP's side of the story.


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Did I read somewhere that Tosh Plumlee testified before the Kerry Committee in the 1980s?


Bill, I don't know if it is in 'print' anywhere, but Tosh and I, and perhaps a few others, have mentioned it over time in posts. Yes. He was subpeonaed and testified in secret sessions. I confirmed this after had told me he had by going to Kerry's Office in D.C. and discussing this matter specifically with one of his chief Aides. He was asked questions on Iran-Contra type subjects and [surprisingly] also about his Dallas flight, and matters related to it. [Knowing the general material Kerry got from Tosh and other witnesses, it was my belief the Secret Government was not likely going to allow him to ever become President.] So, that he testified is certain...but don't expect to see the testimony. As I understand it from Tosh, he had later to review his testimony after it was transcribed, sign it and sign that he was aware it was classified and couldn't disclose it. One would have to file a FOIA and I doubt it would meet with a lot of success. Peter


It would be nice to hear what TP has to say about it before he disapears or dies again.

I know others who testified before the Kerry Committee and I've read their testimony. I don't believe the Kerry Com docs are hidden away because I've read some of them.

I'd still like to hear TP's side of the story.





Look at the file number and request the testimony through FOIA and see what it says "Classified Top Secret; Committee Sensitive". as of Sept 2006.... I did not classifie... I do not have a "Side" of any story... of course you are the expert.

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Did I read somewhere that Tosh Plumlee testified before the Kerry Committee in the 1980s?


Bill, I don't know if it is in 'print' anywhere, but Tosh and I, and perhaps a few others, have mentioned it over time in posts. Yes. He was subpeonaed and testified in secret sessions. I confirmed this after had told me he had by going to Kerry's Office in D.C. and discussing this matter specifically with one of his chief Aides. He was asked questions on Iran-Contra 'type' subjects and [surprisingly] also about his Dallas flight, and matters related to it. [Knowing the general material Kerry got from Tosh and other witnesses, it was my belief the Secret Government was not likely going to allow him to ever become President.] So, that he testified is certain...but don't expect to see the testimony. As I understand it from Tosh, he had later to review his testimony after it was transcribed, sign it and sign that he was aware it was classified and couldn't disclose it. One would have to file a FOIA and I doubt it would meet with a lot of success. Peter


It would be nice to hear what TP has to say about it before he disapears or dies again.

I know others who testified before the Kerry Committee and I've read their testimony. I don't believe the Kerry Com docs are hidden away because I've read some of them.

I'd still like to hear TP's side of the story.


Tosh, please pipe-in here when you can [he is apparently far away and not near internet...out in a desert, or some such.....]? Bill, I'll just re-confirm that there was both public testimony and secret closed-session testimony, of this I am sure. That he [Plumlee] was there I am also sure of. I have never seen - though I asked for - his testimony. I was told it was classified. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. When I heard this had happened [in the middle of our working on a book on his life and before things started to go very 'strange', I was a bit upset; further that I hadn't heard until it was over!...] That they also asked him detailed questions on Dallas rather surprised and amazed me - as it was totally outside the purvue of the Hearings [but remember he was the senator from MA!]. They at Kerry's office confirmed this to me in person as we circled around the Senate Office Bulding as Kerry's aide admitted he and the Senator assumed the office was bugged; but he wouldn't say where they got the information for their detailed questions on Dallas flight etc. On the drug and arms sales et al., I was not so surprised as Tosh had spoken out via some articles about all those matters and was a known quantity in portions of 'all that'. I'll let Tosh tell you himself, but you may have to wait a while...sorry you don't seem to want to believe me. On this I'm sure Plumlee will say what I just have..in his own unique manner and style. NB - It may be that some portions of Plumlee's testimony are available, but I'm quite sure all the parts on Dallas, as well as major (if not all) portions on 'Iran-Contra' type 'stuff' is not. I saw proofs that he testified in black and white, and was told that in person, face-to-face with a very senior aide in a multi-hour meeting albeit outside - though we first went through formal and non-substantive niceties in the main office of Kerry. In fact, after the introductions and chit-chat I asked if he minded discussing what I had to ask and hear outside; he told me that he was just about to suggest the exact same thing. It was a nice spring day in D.C......and I had flown from San Diego just for that. Tosh showed me at some later point [though it was not needed to confirm] his ticket to DC provided, and documents related to his appearance with the committee.



I'm not interested in proving or disproving TP's story, about the Kerry Com or the Kennedy assassination.

I'm sure TP has a very relevant piece to the Dealey Plaza puzzle, but its not his story, nor is it about proving or disproving his story, though I'm sure a lot of things dove tail, and his story can help us get the picture.

As for Kerry Com., I read the tesimony of John McCann, the former consrvative Republican mayor of Somers Point, New Jersey, who was then incarcerated at a federal pen for smuggling tons of cocaine into USA by private plane via Panama.

McCann, the son of a prohibition era bootlegger and later Philadelphia beer barron, and owner of the legendary Bayshores and Dunes nightclubs in Somers Point, moved to Pittsburgh but attended Somers Point city council meetings by flying in. Shortly after one of his planes full of coke crashed in Mexico, McCann, his wife and two kids disapeared. Later arrested at the Canadian border, McCann was convicted and sentenced and was doing time when he was called to testify before Kerry Com.

McCann testified that he visited Panama twice, refueling his plane and visiting Noriega, whom he asked to please not have drug sniffing dogs smell around his planes when they were refueling in Panama, in exchange for a suitcase of $200,000 cash. At the second meeting in Panama, Noriega showed McCann his CIA file, which Noriega said he got from his friends in the CIA.

There was some questions as to whether McCann's pilots were also on the CIA payroll, as suspected, especially the one who crashed the plane in Mexico that blew the network.

McCann pleaded guilty in order to keep his wife from being indicted as co-conspirator, and she took off with McCann's lawyer. McCann then died of caner in prison.

Now I think Noriega will be released from prison soon, and I think this may be revived.

I think there's a lot more in the Kerry Com files, and would like to see more of them.


Edited by William Kelly
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