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I Feel History is about to repeat itself

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I pray I am wrong I have seen this developement once before. I post this for no other reason than to establish what I think is about to happen once again.

I feel the wheels are again slipping into gear and moving. I fear for Obama. I pray that he gets solid security protection and fast. You can not win in this country unless you are part of the machine, (by partisan.) If it looks like you might go againest the powers that be..., then those powers that be..., will take you out and cover their tracks and pin it on some poor unsuspecting soul and then he too, will be eliminated. History will repeate itself... This is what I feel.

I believe we Americans are fast approaching that point of no return with these pending elections. It has already been decided who will win this upcoming election in Nov. And I believe a "LONE NUT" or a bunch of "Lone Nuts" are being Groomed as I type this.

America has too many sins and cannot afford to have them revealed to the world.., and they or those powers will shut Obama or anyone else who changes or attempts to change the direction of this election. Perhaps, in my own way this post might help to stop or change that direction. History, I feel is about to repeat itself once again. I believe and feel strongly that there is a movement to assassinated him. I believe someone are lurking out there to protect the status quo; and all the power of the good people of this nation and those which are in government must protect this man anyway we or they can... That is why I write this... I feel I am doing my part to stop this before it escalates and goes beyond the secret planning stages. I know, I too, am playing with the powers that be at this moment.... BUT, if it happens it is before the fact... This is what I see, and what I believe, and what I am compelled to write. I pray I am wrong.

Tosh, I'm a Brit, and not as aware as you of the merits, or otherwise of the respective candidates. Do you believe that Obama is that much of a threat to the power elite? From what I've seen he looks every inch the typical smooth operating politico.

Yes, I do. I feel history is about to repeat. Its like storm clouds and the blowing winds of a change in the weather. If your old enough, one can feel it in their bones. You can go to the Mountain Top, and you can feel it in the icy winds and you can smell it and you can look out across the land and you can see dark clouds churning and thunder booming. The powers that be will not allow positive change for the American people. I believe if he, Obama, continues on the tract he has established and believes in and gains momentum.., he will be taken down... first to the winds of discredit and slander. If that does not work, an accident which will derail his forward movement...it will not be a raciest thing or gender matter it will be a threat to the status quo and the special interest and their lobbyist and Corp sponsors.

There is a power elite established out there and as long as you stay in your Ball Park, so to speak, you'll do fine... BUT if you cross the line.... then you will bring their wrath to bear and they will take you out.... It has taken decades for this power structure to get themselves establish. Regan, Bush, Clinton, Bush. Ask Jimmy Carter, he knows how that game is played, So did JFK. Do you think they will just give it up because of changes the American people want, or because some new kid on the block, a new guy on the scene, with new ideas and a dream for America's middle class and America as a whole? I think not.

Obama makes heart felt promises and presents New Dreams for America?.... We Americans have been there before and we have heard it all from both sides. JFK gave us a dream. MLK gave us a dream. But we Americans never seem to learn. We are more interested in what one does with his "Pee-Pee, than what one does with his brain or his beliefs or his dedication to a cause, or his vote. We Americans deserve the government we get, because we set the bar so low. Most of us cast our vote for 'apathy', "the TV", and the couch.

We have gone head long into electronic voting machines, the last was voting was "hanging Chads". You watch 'Touch screens' will not work and this election will be stolen if this man Obama gets that far in his Party... Sure a double ticket..... and then watch out.... Vince Foster, JFK, MLK, and Bobby and a few others might like to say a few things along these lines... But....?

In answer to your question. Yes I do. America is not the America of fifty or sixty years ago. America as a democracy lost that election for freedom long long ago.

Again I pray I am wrong... But Obama had better tighten up his security to watch his asigned security and those who suddenly want to protect him. He is being watched and monitored. And when the Powers that be move... They Move Fast.

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I agree that he should have very tight security - but then again, so should Hillary. It seems that there are people - not government forces, NWO or illuminati, but simply wacko individuals or groups - who seem to think it's their duty to assassinate someone simply because they are different.

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I agree that he should have very tight security - but then again, so should Hillary. It seems that there are people - not government forces, NWO or illuminati, but simply wacko individuals or groups - who seem to think it's their duty to assassinate someone simply because they are different.

If govt forces, NWO and illuminati are not wacko... You say wacko individuals -- Like Lee Harvey Oswald?


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