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Barack Obama or John McCain

John Simkin

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Based on Real Clear Politics poll averages Obama only needs to carry states where on average he is 6.5% or more in front of McCain. A recent poll showed him 10% in front.

Look at the internals Len, they are WAY oversampling Dimbulbs and Indies. At best the Obamanation is tied or in the margin of error...

I assume you can provide some data to back this up? You're in that famous Egyptian river!

Still waiting for that internal poll data Craig. You do know that even Fox’s most recent polls show McCain 6 – 7 points behind? Even he admitted being behind by the same margin.

According to RCP data Obama only needs to carry states where poll averages show him 8.6% in front.

You said a while ago that the election would be a landslide, I think you were right!


Whats the matter mr google, your fingers suddenly broken? Of course I know the internals of the polls because I view them everytime I look at a poll. You on the other hand simply take a long pull on the dim koolaid and punt. If you doubt my statements prove me wrong. I don't expect you will simply because you can't.

Hop to it mr google!

My, my you do get testy when your beliefs are challenged! So now you resort to the "truther" trick of reversing the burden of proof. You are the one claiming the internal polls show the candidates to be closer than public ones indicate it's up to you back it up. Or does this only apply to people you disagree with. Now if the evidence is so readily available why are you posting it. If his internals show the race to be closer my is McCain saying he is 6 points behind? Why is even Fox news saying this?

Being obnoxious doesn't prove your case providing evidence does, give it a try.

I'm being testy? If you look back YOU are the one demanding someone do YOUR research. Sorry mr google the facts are right there at your fingertips. Find them if you wish. I' don't need to since I've alread done my homework on the issue. And this has NOTHING to do with belief, just cold and hard fact. Check it out if you dare or limp along like wet noodle if thats your choice. I have NOTHING to lose, nor nothing to PROVE since my facts are correct.

I'll throw you a bone to stop your mindless whining.

Rasmussen has the race TODAY at zerOBAMA 50 Mac at 46 MOE =+/- 2 sample of dimbulbs 39.3 republicans 33 indies 27.7

You LOSE again mr. google..or is that mr. icantgoogle....

I just can't let this one go..

mr icantgoogle sez:

"If his internals show the race to be closer my is McCain saying he is 6 points behind? Why is even Fox news saying this?"

You really can't be this ignorant can you?

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I can ask what your thoughts were regarding today’s (my time zone) debate - especially the part where McCain asked Obama how much extra tax would 'Joe the Plumber' pay and Obama said none. Did you see McCain's face? It looked like he had been told by his doctor that he only has a few days to live (which politically it is probably true).


Mc Cain kicked his you know waht. Hell zerOBAMA could not even tell the truth about ACORN.

As far as the heatlh care "extra tax", did you catch the part wher zerOBAM told us exactly waht a medium and large business entails, or for that matter what a "small" business is? Of course not, but as Mac said you need to listen to zerOBAMA very carefully. Its not really what he tells you but what he DOES not tell you.

But hey if yoiu want to see the government "spread the wealth areound" I guess zerOBAMA is your guy...at least until he comes for YOUR money.

Only in a right-wing fantasy world did McCain kick anyones a**. John McCain is too old AND angry for this campaign stuff, he simply doesn't have what it takes -- the GOP threw him under the bus, right along with Sweet Sarah (still under investigation) Palin, Mr. Dude, their un-wed pregnant daughter and their soon to be high school dropout son-in-law.... best take care of home front things before entering lower 48 politics, Sweet Sarah.

The GOP knows what is needed, a steady, sure hand in troubling times. So its best they, the GOP, sit this presidential election cycle out.

Just think, GOP hate, talk-radio whackos (Limbaugh, Savage and Levin) have the opportunity to gin-up the reich-wing racists during the next 4 years... :ice

There you go again with your Hitler references Daivd. Is that the best you can do? Mac does not have what it takes? Well how about YOU tell us what zerOBAMA has done that gives HIM what it takes? How about a list of his accomplishments and executive experience for starters. That or toss around a few more hitler jabs....

McOldster simply can't cut it, too angry.... reich-wing radio: tune 'em in.... the morons are racist to the core... Obama and what it takes: fresh, rose colored glasses, intelligent, can make reasonable judgments and decision(s) On that alone, way ahead of The Shrub (Bush) not to mention intelligence...

simple accomplishment: how about not being responsible for the latest financial debacle.... another simplistic answer re health care: it is a RIGHT so socialized medicine....

What is the GOP scared of? Nobody is jumping out of windows, ya think options concerning the GREAT Depression and its aftermath weren't learned?

You can't offer a single ACCOMPLISHMENT for ZERobama. Heres a newsflash for you davie, zero was up to his eyeballs in freddy and fanny slushfund money. You really blew that one davie! And zero has done NOTHING but jaw about healthcare. Exactly what has he ACCOMPLISHED?

Come on Dave, surely you can offer up at least a few examples of his executive experience and at least a few ACTUAL accomplishments.

Edited by Craig Lamson
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You really can't be this ignorant can you?

Here is a video of some of Craig's friends echoing some of Craig's views.

I hope members will find inspiration in the intellectual and moral superiority exhibited by these simple rustic folk, good Republicans all.

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You really can't be this ignorant can you?

Here is a video of some of Craig's friends echoing some of Craig's views.

I hope members will find inspiration in the intellectual and moral superiority exhibited by these simple rustic folk, good Republicans all.

Really Ray, is that the very best you can do? Talk about simple minded. I challenge you to show the views of mine you say these people echoed.

Or maybe you can post the fine photos of the wonderful zerOBAMA supporters wearing their "Palin is a CU_T" tee shirts.

Edited by Craig Lamson
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Look at the internals Len, they are WAY oversampling Dimbulbs and Indies. At best the Obamanation is tied or in the margin of error...

I assume you can provide some data to back this up? You're in that famous Egyptian river!

Still waiting for that internal poll data Craig. You do know that even Fox’s most recent polls show McCain 6 – 7 points behind? Even he admitted being behind by the same margin.

According to RCP data Obama only needs to carry states where poll averages show him 8.6% in front.

You said a while ago that the election would be a landslide, I think you were right!


Whats the matter mr google, your fingers suddenly broken? Of course I know the internals of the polls because I view them everytime I look at a poll. You on the other hand simply take a long pull on the dim koolaid and punt. If you doubt my statements prove me wrong. I don't expect you will simply because you can't.

Hop to it mr google!

My, my you do get testy when your beliefs are challenged! So now you resort to the "truther" trick of reversing the burden of proof. You are the one claiming the internal polls show the candidates to be closer than public ones indicate it's up to you back it up. Or does this only apply to people you disagree with. Now if the evidence is so readily available why are you posting it. If his internals show the race to be closer my is McCain saying he is 6 points behind? Why is even Fox news saying this?

Being obnoxious doesn't prove your case providing evidence does, give it a try.

I'm being testy? If you look back YOU are the one demanding someone do YOUR research. Sorry mr google the facts are right there at your fingertips. Find them if you wish. I' don't need to since I've alread done my homework on the issue. And this has NOTHING to do with belief, just cold and hard fact. Check it out if you dare or limp along like wet noodle if thats your choice. I have NOTHING to lose, nor nothing to PROVE since my facts are correct.

I made a factual statement and provided a citation. You made a counter claim and I politely asked you for a citation. You didn’t reply so I asked you politely again but instead of providing evidence to back your claim you responded with insults and now you are doing so again.

You know that it is up to the claimant to provide backing for their claims. You have justly held the likes of Jack White and Jim Fetzer to task for making up excuse like you are making now. Do you think anyone believed them then? Do you think anyone believes you now?

Sorry mr google the facts are right there at your fingertips. Find them if you wish. I' don't need to since I've alread done my homework on the issue. And this has NOTHING to do with belief, just cold and hard fact. Check it out if you dare or limp along like wet noodle if thats your choice. I have NOTHING to lose, nor nothing to PROVE since my facts are correct.

You’re really fetzering now, excuses in lieu of evidence. If the evidence is so readily available why not post it? My best guess is that you don’t have it. Perhaps you read about this on some rightwing blogsite assumed it was true but now are at a loss to back it up.

Here’s the only recent thing about internal polls from a cite I’ve heard of I could find:

Obama's Internal Polls Show Him Cleaning Up Against McCain

October 15, 2008 12:55 PM ET | Paul Bedard | Permanent Link | Print

New voters and those who call themselves independents are moving in a huge wave to Sen. Barack Obama, we hear. Key advisers and aides to Democratic senators who have seen the internal polling data from the Democrat's campaign reveal that new voters are breaking Obama's way. He is receiving 80 percent of the new voters, compared with Sen. John McCain. What's more, we're told, independents are choosing Obama by 2-to-1 to 3-to-1, depending on the region of the country. Sounds good for the Democrat, right? But when those figures and the growing poll gap that favors Obama are added to the mix, it's creating concerns in Obama-land that voters might think he's a shoo-in and not vote. "Their biggest f

ear is that people figure he's going to win and they don't show up," says a key Democratic Senate associate of Obama.


Here’s the thing about internal polls. As their name indicates they aren’t officially released, normally what one hears about them are rumors from bloggers or others who are supposedly “in the know” or claim to know insiders etc so it is difficult to separated fact from spin from outright misinformation. Another problem is that campaigns can do several internal polls but are only likely to leak ones most favorable to their candidate. Let say the GOP does 3 such polls, one shows him 8% behind, another 5% and the other 3%, which one of those will they ‘confidentially’ tell outsiders about?

I'll throw you a bone to stop your mindless whining.

Rasmussen has the race TODAY at zerOBAMA 50 Mac at 46 MOE =+/- 2 sample of dimbulbs 39.3 republicans 33 indies 27.7

Wow cherry picking evidence!? Another thruther tactic, polls show Obama 2 – 14 points in front, RCP which is (or was) run by Republicans averages them at 6.8% . But you can look at the 3 - 4 which show the race to be within the margin of error, to the exclusion of over 15 others and claim the race is virtually tied.


I just can't let this one go..

mr icantgoogle sez:

"If his internals show the race to be closer my is McCain saying he is 6 points behind? Why is even Fox news saying this?"

You really can't be this ignorant can you?

Actually I can! Why don’t you enlighten me?! It is not to candidates’ advantage to exaggerate how far behind they are, this leads to reduced donations and enthusiasm among supporters. I just watched BBC, they interviewed Tom Ridge, he also said McCain was 6% down. I think you should get in touch with Fox and the McCain camp and tell them the good news because they don’t seem to be aware of it.

You can't offer a single ACCOMPLISHMENT for ZERobama. Heres a newsflash for you davie, zero was up to his eyeballs in freddy and fanny slushfund money. You really blew that one davie! And zero has done NOTHING but jaw about healthcare. Exactly what has he ACCOMPLISHED?

Come on Dave, surely you can offer up at least a few examples of his executive experience and at least a few ACTUAL accomplishments.

Of course McCain has zero executive experience and Palin’s constituted being mayor of a 5000 person village and being governor of the US’s most heavily subsidized and 2nd least populous state for 2 years. What accomplishments by McCain can you point to?

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Look at the internals Len, they are WAY oversampling Dimbulbs and Indies. At best the Obamanation is tied or in the margin of error...

I assume you can provide some data to back this up? You're in that famous Egyptian river!

Still waiting for that internal poll data Craig. You do know that even Fox’s most recent polls show McCain 6 – 7 points behind? Even he admitted being behind by the same margin.

According to RCP data Obama only needs to carry states where poll averages show him 8.6% in front.

You said a while ago that the election would be a landslide, I think you were right!


Whats the matter mr google, your fingers suddenly broken? Of course I know the internals of the polls because I view them everytime I look at a poll. You on the other hand simply take a long pull on the dim koolaid and punt. If you doubt my statements prove me wrong. I don't expect you will simply because you can't.

Hop to it mr google!

My, my you do get testy when your beliefs are challenged! So now you resort to the "truther" trick of reversing the burden of proof. You are the one claiming the internal polls show the candidates to be closer than public ones indicate it's up to you back it up. Or does this only apply to people you disagree with. Now if the evidence is so readily available why are you posting it. If his internals show the race to be closer my is McCain saying he is 6 points behind? Why is even Fox news saying this?

Being obnoxious doesn't prove your case providing evidence does, give it a try.

I'm being testy? If you look back YOU are the one demanding someone do YOUR research. Sorry mr google the facts are right there at your fingertips. Find them if you wish. I' don't need to since I've alread done my homework on the issue. And this has NOTHING to do with belief, just cold and hard fact. Check it out if you dare or limp along like wet noodle if thats your choice. I have NOTHING to lose, nor nothing to PROVE since my facts are correct.

I made a factual statement and provided a citation. You made a counter claim and I politely asked you for a citation. You didn’t reply so I asked you politely again but instead of providing evidence to back your claim you responded with insults and now you are doing so again.

You know that it is up to the claimant to provide backing for their claims. You have justly held the likes of Jack White and Jim Fetzer to task for making up excuse like you are making now. Do you think anyone believed them then? Do you think anyone believes you now?

Still spinning like a top. Look Again I suggested YOU take a look at the poll internals. You fail to do so and then demanded I provide you with what you were too lazy to find for youself. The fact of the matter is your political views are getting the way of you seeing the facts and your were either too ignorant of the polling methods or too lazy to check for yourself. Your failures are not my problem.

Sorry mr google the facts are right there at your fingertips. Find them if you wish. I' don't need to since I've alread done my homework on the issue. And this has NOTHING to do with belief, just cold and hard fact. Check it out if you dare or limp along like wet noodle if thats your choice. I have NOTHING to lose, nor nothing to PROVE since my facts are correct.

You’re really fetzering now, excuses in lieu of evidence. If the evidence is so readily available why not post it? My best guess is that you don’t have it. Perhaps you read about this on some rightwing blogsite assumed it was true but now are at a loss to back it up.

Excuse me? You are incapable of following a simple suggestion ot research the poll internals YOURSELF? I'll ask again, are your fingers broken mr.google. BTW, I pointed you TO the evidence. Every poll worth its salt publishes the internals. Again is this your ignorance showing?

Here’s the only recent thing about internal polls from a cite I’ve heard of I could find:

Obama's Internal Polls Show Him Cleaning Up Against McCain

October 15, 2008 12:55 PM ET | Paul Bedard | Permanent Link | Print

New voters and those who call themselves independents are moving in a huge wave to Sen. Barack Obama, we hear. Key advisers and aides to Democratic senators who have seen the internal polling data from the Democrat's campaign reveal that new voters are breaking Obama's way. He is receiving 80 percent of the new voters, compared with Sen. John McCain. What's more, we're told, independents are choosing Obama by 2-to-1 to 3-to-1, depending on the region of the country. Sounds good for the Democrat, right? But when those figures and the growing poll gap that favors Obama are added to the mix, it's creating concerns in Obama-land that voters might think he's a shoo-in and not vote. "Their biggest f

ear is that people figure he's going to win and they don't show up," says a key Democratic Senate associate of Obama.


Here’s the thing about internal polls. As their name indicates they aren’t officially released, normally what one hears about them are rumors from bloggers or others who are supposedly “in the know” or claim to know insiders etc so it is difficult to separated fact from spin from outright misinformation. Another problem is that campaigns can do several internal polls but are only likely to leak ones most favorable to their candidate. Let say the GOP does 3 such polls, one shows him 8% behind, another 5% and the other 3%, which one of those will they ‘confidentially’ tell outsiders about?

For god sakes! You can't even understand the discussion! This has NOTHING to do with internal polls taken by the respective partys! SHEESH! LEARN TO READ mr. google! The discussion IS about pubkic polls and rhe intermals of those polls, in this case the internal information in question was the sampling rate of dims, reps and indies. To that end I gave you in my last post this EXACT information and in your ignorant zeal it blew right over your head. Why am I not suprised.

I'll throw you a bone to stop your mindless whining.

Rasmussen has the race TODAY at zerOBAMA 50 Mac at 46 MOE =+/- 2 sample of dimbulbs 39.3 republicans 33 indies 27.7

Wow cherry picking evidence!? Another thruther tactic, polls show Obama 2 – 14 points in front, RCP which is (or was) run by Republicans averages them at 6.8% . But you can look at the 3 - 4 which show the race to be within the margin of error, to the exclusion of over 15 others and claim the race is virtually tied.


Again your ignorance is simply amazing! This is completely beyond your pay grade mr. google. The ENTIRE point of this is not the actual point spread in the polls BUT THE POINT SPREAD IN THE PARTY SAMPLE PERCENTAGES and how THAT effect the outcome. I guess your googles failed to think for you on this one....again. Pick any poll you chose and look AT THE POLL INTERNALS and them get back to us when this seeps into your brain, if that is possible.

I just can't let this one go..

mr icantgoogle sez:

"If his internals show the race to be closer my is McCain saying he is 6 points behind? Why is even Fox news saying this?"

You really can't be this ignorant can you?

Actually I can! Why don’t you enlighten me?! It is not to candidates’ advantage to exaggerate how far behind they are, this leads to reduced donations and enthusiasm among supporters. I just watched BBC, they interviewed Tom Ridge, he also said McCain was 6% down. I think you should get in touch with Fox and the McCain camp and tell them the good news because they don’t seem to be aware of it.

Well mr google, you now make the claim that being down in the polls REDUCES donations and enthusiasm? To use youre standard tactiuc, please provide concrete evidience to back your claim. While we are waiting did it ever occur to you that the opposite just might happen? That being down might actually MOTIVATE the base? I'm sure the Mc Cain camp has a very good handle on their position state by state, because they fund INTERNAL POLLS to gather that information. For example the time spent by the MAC team in PA seems to suggest a much closer race than the public polls predict.

You can't offer a single ACCOMPLISHMENT for ZERobama. Heres a newsflash for you davie, zero was up to his eyeballs in freddy and fanny slushfund money. You really blew that one davie! And zero has done NOTHING but jaw about healthcare. Exactly what has he ACCOMPLISHED?

Come on Dave, surely you can offer up at least a few examples of his executive experience and at least a few ACTUAL accomplishments.

Of course McCain has zero executive experience and Palin’s constituted being mayor of a 5000 person village and being governor of the US’s most heavily subsidized and 2nd least populous state for 2 years. What accomplishments by McCain can you point to?

MAC has ZERO? Are you forgetting his command position in the Navy? As for his accomplishments, his record as a congressman and a Senator speak for to is accomplishment both good and bad. At least we know who and what McCain is, The same can't be said of zerOBAMA. Palin has more executive experience that Obama and Biden combined. Try again net time mr google.

Edited by Craig Lamson
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Really Ray, is that the very best you can do? Talk about simple minded. I challenge you to show the views of mine you say these people echoed.

Relax, Craig, I was just pulling your leg. Only Republicans believe in guilt by association, remember?

My bookie has already paid out on my Obama bet, so I am laughing all the way to the bank, regardless of what happens on election day.

By Tom Brady

Friday October 17 2008

Ireland's biggest bookie Paddy Power yesterday decided to pay out more than €1m to punters who backed Democratic candidate Barack Obama as the next US president.


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Still waiting for that internal poll data Craig. You do know that even Fox’s most recent polls show McCain 6 – 7 points behind? Even he admitted being behind by the same margin.

According to RCP data Obama only needs to carry states where poll averages show him 8.6% in front.

You said a while ago that the election would be a landslide, I think you were right!


Whats the matter mr google, your fingers suddenly broken? Of course I know the internals of the polls because I view them everytime I look at a poll. You on the other hand simply take a long pull on the dim koolaid and punt. If you doubt my statements prove me wrong. I don't expect you will simply because you can't.

Hop to it mr google!

My, my you do get testy when your beliefs are challenged! So now you resort to the "truther" trick of reversing the burden of proof. You are the one claiming the internal polls show the candidates to be closer than public ones indicate it's up to you back it up. Or does this only apply to people you disagree with. Now if the evidence is so readily available why are you posting it. If his internals show the race to be closer my is McCain saying he is 6 points behind? Why is even Fox news saying this?

Being obnoxious doesn't prove your case providing evidence does, give it a try.

I'm being testy? If you look back YOU are the one demanding someone do YOUR research. Sorry mr google the facts are right there at your fingertips. Find them if you wish. I' don't need to since I've alread done my homework on the issue. And this has NOTHING to do with belief, just cold and hard fact. Check it out if you dare or limp along like wet noodle if thats your choice. I have NOTHING to lose, nor nothing to PROVE since my facts are correct.

I made a factual statement and provided a citation. You made a counter claim and I politely asked you for a citation. You didn’t reply so I asked you politely again but instead of providing evidence to back your claim you responded with insults and now you are doing so again.

You know that it is up to the claimant to provide backing for their claims. You have justly held the likes of Jack White and Jim Fetzer to task for making up excuse like you are making now. Do you think anyone believed them then? Do you think anyone believes you now?


Still spinning like a top. Look Again I suggested YOU take a look at the poll internals. You fail to do so and then demanded I provide you with what you were too lazy to find for youself. The fact of the matter is your political views are getting the way of you seeing the facts and your were either too ignorant of the polling methods or too lazy to check for yourself. Your failures are not my problem.


OK I miss understood you and thought you were referring to internal polls, my bad but your assertion is still unsupported. You think that Republicans are being undercounted? Fine that should be easy to prove all you have to do is come up with a reliable statistic for the percentage of Republicans among registered voters and show that all the major polls giving Obama a significant lead are under counting them heck I’d settle for 2 or 3. But I imagine Fetzer style insults and excuse will follow. You are one claiming Republicans are undercounted it’s up to you to provide the evidence.

Why would the pollsters do this? Do they not understand polling as well as you do? Or are they intentionally skewing the results? In either case why are the GOP, the McCain camp and their supporters going along with it? McCain, Ridge, Fox News none of them are saying what you are. Neither are the folks at the Evans-Novak Political Report run by conservative columnist Robert Novak and hosted by the same site as Newt Gingrich and Ann Coulter. The last two editions were titled “Republican Disaster at Hand” and “Grim Picture for McCain”.


I just can't let this one go..

mr icantgoogle sez:

"If his internals show the race to be closer my is McCain saying he is 6 points behind? Why is even Fox news saying this?"

You really can't be this ignorant can you?

Actually I can! Why don’t you enlighten me?! It is not to candidates’ advantage to exaggerate how far behind they are, this leads to reduced donations and enthusiasm among supporters. I just watched BBC, they interviewed Tom Ridge, he also said McCain was 6% down. I think you should get in touch with Fox and the McCain camp and tell them the good news because they don’t seem to be aware of it.


Well mr google, you now make the claim that being down in the polls REDUCES donations and enthusiasm? To use youre standard tactiuc, please provide concrete evidience to back your claim. While we are waiting did it ever occur to you that the opposite just might happen? That being down might actually MOTIVATE the base?


So your theory is that McCain and the GOP are going along with the fraudulent or incompetent pollsters because they think it’s to their advantage to be perceived us being well behind in both the popular vote and Electoral College?

Let’s see which camp is more “fired up”

“The AP-Yahoo! News survey underscores the morale problem McCain faces.

Obama supporters are more than twice as likely to say they're excited about the race and significantly more likely to say they're interested and hopeful. McCain backers, meanwhile, more often say they feel frustrated and helpless.”

I assume you remember that during the primaries being down in the polls led to decreased donations.


I'm sure the Mc Cain camp has a very good handle on their position state by state, because they fund INTERNAL POLLS to gather that information. For example the time spent by the MAC team in PA seems to suggest a much closer race than the public polls predict.


What makes you think internal polls are more reliable than public ones? Perhaps the time he is spending there is a sign of his desperation


You can't offer a single ACCOMPLISHMENT for ZERobama. Heres a newsflash for you davie, zero was up to his eyeballs in freddy and fanny slushfund money. You really blew that one davie! And zero has done NOTHING but jaw about healthcare. Exactly what has he ACCOMPLISHED?

Come on Dave, surely you can offer up at least a few examples of his executive experience and at least a few ACTUAL accomplishments.


Of course McCain has zero executive experience and Palin’s constituted being mayor of a 5000 person village and being governor of the US’s most heavily subsidized and 2nd least populous state for 2 years. What accomplishments by McCain can you point to?


MAC has ZERO? Are you forgetting his command position in the Navy? As for his accomplishments, his record as a congressman and a Senator speak for to is accomplishment both good and bad. At least we know who and what McCain is, The same can't be said of zerOBAMA. Palin has more executive experience that Obama and Biden combined. Try again net time mr google.

You’re kidding right? McCain spent about a year as the CO of a flight training squadron over 30 years ago, yeah that really prepares him o be president. If you are going to count that then let’s see, Obama was director of the Developing Communities Project 1985 -8, president of the Harvard Law Review 1990 – 1 and Illinois director of Project Vote in 1993. You cited his “his record as a congressman and a Senator” I don’t suppose you can be any more specific?

So lame as it is “Palin has more executive experience than MCCAIN, Obama and Biden combined” but her experience has done little to prepare her to POTUS, a post she is likely to rise to if McCain wins. She was mayor of town of 5000 people, you really think that would prepare her to be president? As for being governor of Alaska, can you name a state whose governorship would less prepare one for the presidency? The other 49 governors have to deal with paying for their states expenses from tax revenues but Alaska in addition to being the state with (by far) the highest per capita federal spending also receives massive royalties from oil and gas companies. The state has no significant manufacturing or agriculture no major cities. The state is geographically isolated from the rest of the country and a significant minority of Alaskans want to succeed. She attended the 1994 convention of a party that advocated this and sent a video address to their 2008 convention, her husband was a member 1995 – 2000.

He major accomplishments as mayor seems to have been, trying to ban books (but backing down) sponsoring snowmobile races for her husband’s benefit (he was a racer and a snowmobile store owner) and to start charging rape victims for their rape kits. She doesn’t seem to have done a good job at law enforcement the valley of which Wasilla is the largest town was known as “The methamphetamine capital of Alaska”


EDIT: Formatted for clarity.

Edited by Len Colby
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Colin Powell endorses Barack Obama for president



Mr. Powell told the reporters outside the studio that he still considers himself a Republican, despite his decision to vote for Mr. Obama.
Edited by J. Raymond Carroll
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Colin Powell endorses Barack Obama for president



Mr. Powell told the reporters outside the studio that he still considers himself a Republican, despite his decision to vote for Mr. Obama.

Sorry, I've already cast my vote and it was not for zerOBAMA

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Sorry, I've already cast my vote and it was not for zerOBAMA

Good news for you, Craig: MAGOOMcCain just struck back by pointing out that the great General Alexander "I'm in Charge at the White House" Haig has NOT come out for Obama.

"Take that, you Socialists!" says Handsome Johnny and Saucy Sarah.

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They are the largest single religious constituency in the electorate (33 million voted in 2004) and have aligned themselves with the winner in every presidential election going back to 1960, with the exception of 2000.

How Catholics Are Judging Obama and the Democrats


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Colin Powell endorses Barack Obama for president


The next endorsement might be from Nebraska Republican senator Chuck Hagel whose wife already endorsed Obama. He has been sharply critical of McCain and supportive of his colleague from Illinois i.e. he has already basically endorsed him without having done so officially. There was even speculation he might have been a VP pick or attended the Democratic convention.

Hagel - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/05/20/c...a_n_102775.html

Hagel’s wife -

http://www.time.com/time/politics/article/...1847800,00.html ,

The Powell endorsement came at an opportune time the RCP poll averages show Obama’s lead diminishing. I thought some of the comments regarding it below were interesting. Not included are the comments of ordinary Republicans/ex-Republicans who support Obama (as well as a few dismayed by the endorsement).


• James J. Zogby, President, Arab American Institute [and head of Zogby polls]:

I'm sure that Powell's endorsement brings some new voters into Obama's column and will reinforce the decision already made by some independents and moderate Republicans. It also hurts McCain in another way, by creating a day long buzz, that, yet again, reduces McCain to sputtering defensiveness.

This endorsement also helps to rehabilitate Colin Powell, in the eyes of those still deeply offended/disappointed by his pre-Iraq war performance. And I must add that Powell's handling of the "Muslim" issue was magnificent.


• Kevin Madden, Republican strategist:

I believe there are very few endorsements that move blocs of voters. Endorsements tend to reaffirm what voters already know or like (or dislike) about a candidate's personal and ideological attributes. But the endorsement of Colin Powell is significant because of its timing and the message it sends to swing Democrats and independents. More...


• Mickey Edwards, Princeton lecturer and former Republican congressman:

General Powell's endorsement of Barack Obama is highly significant in its own right -- there are very few Americans more respected, nor more deservedly so, than Secretary Powell -- but its real importance is that it is one more in a long a series of repudiations of the Republican Party, and sometimes of Senator McCain specifically, by some of the most prominent, and most highly regarded, names in the party.

Susan Eisenhower and Jim Leach, two of the party's top foreign policy experts, support Obama. Christopher Buckley endorsed Obama at the cost of losing his connection to the magazine his father created. George Will's criticisms of the Bush Administration, the Republican Party, and the McCain campaign have been devastating.

I have traveled from one end of the country to the other over the past several months, giving speeches specifically criticizing the Administration, the party, and McCain's campaign and have been shocked by the disgust with which prominent Republicans in every state have simply had it with what the party has become.

At first, this was primarily a reaction to the arrogance and incompetence of the Bush Administration or disgust with the way Republicans in Congress had abandoned their constitutional obligations to act as extensions of the White House staff, while John McCain, the self-described "maverick", was thought of as someone separate from -- independent of -- the forces that were so diminishing the party. But as the McCain campaign has devolved into a non-stop mishmash of irrelevance and nastiness, he, too, has fallen out of favor. It is easy enough to find people who will vote for McCain, but those who do so are more likely to be voting against Obama -- who is, after all, a liberal running in a right-of-center country -- than out of any residual enthusiasm for John McCain.

On its own, Colin Powell's endorsement is important; in context, it's devastating.



Edited by Len Colby
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Craig, Len, Ray, what do you make of Michael Hudson's attack on the economic policies of Obama and McCain?



Hudson actually agrees with Craig about Clinton. However, he does have some harsh things to say about Bush. Nor is he a fan of Obama. His points about the problems with inter-bank loans is very interesting. I have sent this information to a British MP who has been investigating the bank crisis. He has replied that Hudson's has some interesting information and will be following the matter up with questions in the House of Commons.

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