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George Damon

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I thought it might be worthwhile to start a thread on him. I have found some interesting documents online that may be of interest to others.

Tosh, you mentioned the McAllister Hotel in Miami in the other thread as being a 'contact' place for operatives etc , well the following document mentions Damon staying at the 'Gold Dust Motel' at 7700 Biscayne Boulevard Miami - the same street where the McAllister Hotel was, wasn't it? Do you know Tosh if this was near the McAllister and of any relevance?


The whole of the document relates to him and may be of interest. States also that Damon was known as 'Colonel Damon'.

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I thought it might be worthwhile to start a thread on him. I have found some interesting documents online that may be of interest to others.

Tosh, you mentioned the McAllister Hotel in Miami in the other thread as being a 'contact' place for operatives etc , well the following document mentions Damon staying at the 'Gold Dust Motel' at 7700 Biscayne Boulevard Miami - the same street where the McAllister Hotel was, wasn't it? Do you know Tosh if this was near the McAllister and of any relevance?


The whole of the document relates to him and may be of interest. States also that Damon was known as 'Colonel Damon'.

The Gold Dust was another "drop place" not sure if it was used as a contact place. I believe this place was north of the Mc Allister, or closer perhaps to the airport, which is west of the Mc Allister... I THINK Flagger ran East West and Biscanne ran North South.. Its been awhile. I will read the documents you have found and perhaps they will jog my memory.

Keep in mind that the CIA did have personal infiltrating known groups in hopes of shutting them down because some of the independent groups were causing the US government alarm and compromising agents and operatives. One of these groups was the one GPH had started and mention, which was not associated in any way with CIA operations of the time. Sometimes these CIA undercover operatives would take on the coat of being connected to the criminal world so as to gather information for the CIA and that information would be turned over to the FBI to build a case.., and take them off the street. GPH at one point was a paid informant, known as a CI working for the higest bider which happened to be the FBI ( Confidental Informant)

Perhaps this Damon could have been one of these CIA operatives. (I speculate) I do remember a place used by the CIA "Action Officer" Miami Station, not far from the Mc Allister on Biscanne around 15th Street or 19th street (not sure) I think that place was north of the Mc Allister. The CIA did pay a lot of money to gather inside information on these groups that were springing up everyday. In Miami from the years 1957 through 1964 anyone who had a boat or airplane or had been in the military would start a "mercenary type operation" and claim it was a governmen authorized mission. (now this is from memory and I know if I am wrong then I will never hear the last of it and that will be used to prove I don't know what I am talking about.

When I find time I will take a look at the MF documents you found. Perhaps something there will jog me a little..

Edited by William Plumlee
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Thanks Tosh, I had suspected that might be the case.

Another document - implying that Damon 'may have worked for the CIA' and more background info on him:


More about his activities re: Cuba and his intention to 'renounce his U.S. citizenship' :


Also I found this rather interesting one concerning a 'Gerry Damon' and Jack Ruby. Would this have been the same person does anyone know?


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Thanks Tosh, I had suspected that might be the case.

Another document - implying that Damon 'may have worked for the CIA' and more background info on him:


More about his activities re: Cuba and his intention to 'renounce his U.S. citizenship' :


Also I found this rather interesting one concerning a 'Gerry Damon' and Jack Ruby. Would this have been the same person does anyone know?


WELL! Little Lady. You just knocked my socks off:

I did not know this information had been released let alone on the MF site. Thanks. It seems some of my FBI documents concerning gun running tie in with what you have found. I glance briefly at the links and I now know who this person is. He was CIA, as I and we were on some of the same type operations. The PT boats, explosives, airplanes from Maranda (Tucson AZ) BoP planning and my friend Rip and Hawkins..., as well as the Washington connections... ( alot there if you know how to read it. You will be back to Dallas before long on your name search. I am in a tight place for time right now, but wanted to get this to you.

Your on to something. I will help if I can.... remember we used CODE and CUT-OUT names on those Florida OPS. I notice some names I went into or flew them into Cuba. Your into DEEP OPS on this gun running mater of 1959-61.

I will get back to you soon... and after I have had time to review the documents and make a few notes... Take care... Its about time to have your thread to go into never never, land... keep it alive and I think I might have something for


During that timeframe the FBI was really confused as to what was really going down.

note: Philis Green I knew as well as Gary Dean Bearing. I lived on Elizabeth St 3314 in Dallas. Travis was the next Street over. Johnney Farrentello live on Buna Vista across from the Farrentellos. Jery Faucher lived on Travis a few blocks from Elizabeth and Cole Park. I worked for Delta for a few months earlier where I met Philis. I also worked for Southwest Airmotive at Love Field... boy it all comes togather Gary Dean used to go with Candy Barr and hung out at Ruby's Club. Waters also was in this LOOP. were back to Texas ????

Jerry Schofiled was a Contintal Airline Capt and flew DC-3. He got me the job at Southwest Aero Charter and Mountain States Aviation (CIA front Companies of the time) We shiped guns and explosives to Dodge Island near Miami before the BoP of 61 and after (1959-63). got to run but I'll be back..., Take care. and hang in there.

Edited by William Plumlee
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