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There is a document and file which is very hard to find. I was told it was, or on file at the AARB, but I have not been able to find it. I did find a reference at CIA, Langley but it is classified. I was told. However, there were two pages which were in that file which were turned over to the Assassination Review Board in 1997, but I have been unable to find it or any reference to it.. Any help on this would be appreciated.

References and background information: I have also tried to attach the burned document which I obtained from the FBI in a FOIA request:

File locator number: CIA (class unclassified) REULE (UDN-WOO (9347) RA-BC. release date. open.

Subject; EX-CIA Contract Agent Robert D Morrow. From; CIA Contact Div. Langley VA.

(1) Subjects: Warren Bishop; Alex Rourk; Lester Murphy; Robert Marrow. Congressman Thomas Downing. Wm Pearson. aka William R Plumlee.

(2) Copy one letter addressed to: (In file)

Honorable Congressman Thomas Downing

Senate Russell Building Washington DC; dated November 10, 1975

(Note) The above mentioned letter to Congressman Downing was retrieved from a fire in Grant Colorado by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation CBI Arson detail on August 7, 1981. The document was turned over to Federal authorities (FBI) Washington DC, on August 10, 1981. The document has burned marks in the body and around its edges. However, the subject matter seems to be intact.

This burn document (in letter form) was released in an FOIA request dated 1987.

This burned letter should be compared to the to the CIA's file locator numbers mentioned above; Subject Robert Morrow; Subject William R Plumlee.


Robert Morrow was involved in a classified CIA operation to introduce and ship Cuban counterfeit monies into Cuba to destabilize that countries monetary system. The operations cover was blown in Miami and five of the group were arrested by the federal government ATF, Customs, and FBI joint operation.

Vice President Richard Nixon's Law Firm represented CIA contract operatives Robert Morrow and. two others. Two of these contract operatives would later be involved in the Watergate affair.

William Plumlee aka Buck Pearson was the pilot who flew these operatives into Cuba to drop and place the money and the subject of the burned letter to Congressman Thomas Downing, attention Robert Morrow, Senator Downing's Investigative Staff. (Morrow was on the Senate Staff when the Congressman was forming the first phases of the HSCA) The Associated Press and the News wire of Reuters covered some of the material Robert Morrow had given Congressman Downing's committee, concerning what he knew about the Kennedy assassination and his involvement as a contact person to supply three weapons and six silencers obtained from the west coast and Curtain Studios, Santa Barbara, California in the spring of 1963. These were delivered to the Thunderbird INN at Las Vegas Nevada and eventuality to Miami anti-Castro Cubans. (note I can't seem to attatch the letter to Morrow. I think some out there perhaps has a copy of that burned letter which was taken from the house fiire in Colorado. If so perhaps you could attatch it for me.)

P.S. I Just received an Email that Jim recently found an article concerning Robert Morrow which made reference to weapons. However, he could not remember where he saw it. He thought it was in the NRB? Any help would be appreciated:

"Ex-CIA Agent Claims He Bought Rifles for Kennedy Killing". (Reuter Article), title of article... Thanks Jim.

Edited by William Plumlee
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There is a document and file which is very hard to find. I was told it was, or on file at the AARB, but I have not been able to find it. I did find a reference at CIA, Langley but it is classified. I was told. However, there were two pages which were in that file which were turned over to the Assassination Review Board in 1997, but I have been unable to find it or any reference to it.. Any help on this would be appreciated.

References and background information: I have also tried to attach the burned document which I obtained from the FBI in a FOIA request:

File locator number: CIA (class unclassified) REULE (UDN-WOO (9347) RA-BC. release date. open.

Subject; EX-CIA Contract Agent Robert D Morrow. From; CIA Contact Div. Langley VA.

(1) Subjects: Warren Bishop; Alex Rourk; Lester Murphy; Robert Marrow. Congressman Thomas Downing. Wm Pearson. aka William R Plumlee.

(2) Copy one letter addressed to: (In file)

Honorable Congressman Thomas Downing

Senate Russell Building Washington DC; dated November 10, 1975

(Note) The above mentioned letter to Congressman Downing was retrieved from a fire in Grant Colorado by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation CBI Arson detail on August 7, 1981. The document was turned over to Federal authorities (FBI) Washington DC, on August 10, 1981. The document has burned marks in the body and around its edges. However, the subject matter seems to be intact.

This burn document (in letter form) was released in an FOIA request dated 1987.

This burned letter should be compared to the to the CIA's file locator numbers mentioned above; Subject Robert Morrow; Subject William R Plumlee.


Robert Morrow was involved in a classified CIA operation to introduce and ship Cuban counterfeit monies into Cuba to destabilize that countries monetary system. The operations cover was blown in Miami and five of the group were arrested by the federal government ATF, Customs, and FBI joint operation.

Vice President Richard Nixon's Law Firm represented CIA contract operatives Robert Morrow and. two others. Two of these contract operatives would later be involved in the Watergate affair.

William Plumlee aka Buck Pearson was the pilot who flew these operatives into Cuba to drop and place the money and the subject of the burned letter to Congressman Thomas Downing, attention Robert Morrow, Senator Downing's Investigative Staff. (Morrow was on the Senate Staff when the Congressman was forming the first phases of the HSCA) The Associated Press and the News wire of Reuters covered some of the material Robert Morrow had given Congressman Downing's committee, concerning what he knew about the Kennedy assassination and his involvement as a contact person to supply three weapons and six silencers obtained from the west coast and Curtain Studios, Santa Barbara, California in the spring of 1963. These were delivered to the Thunderbird INN at Las Vegas Nevada and eventuality to Miami anti-Castro Cubans. (note I can't seem to attatch the letter to Morrow. I think some out there perhaps has a copy of that burned letter which was taken from the house fiire in Colorado. If so perhaps you could attatch it for me.)

P.S. I Just received an Email that Jim recently found an article concerning Robert Morrow which made reference to weapons. However, he could not remember where he saw it. He thought it was in the NRB? Any help would be appreciated:

"Ex-CIA Agent Claims He Bought Rifles for Kennedy Killing". (Reuter Article), title of article... Thanks Jim.

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