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Nancy Perrin Rich

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On June 2, 1964 Nancy Perrin Rich testified to the Warren Commission. She told them about three meetings at which gun running to Cuba was discussed. Jack Ruby was at one of those meetings. In describing the third meeting, she had this to say:

Mrs. RICH. Again, unless I am awfully mistaken, and I have yet to be able to find a picture of this man, but I recall seeing a picture and I know why I had associated him--of his father.

Mr. HUBERT. Whose father?

Mrs. RICH. This particular man. Now, again, what I am about to say is not fact. It is something that I have never quite been able to get clear in my mind and never will, until I can find a picture. Unless I am very mistaken, the man at that third meeting was Vito Genovese's son.

Mr. HUBERT. Did you know Vito Genovese?

Mrs. RICH. No; I never did.

Mr. HUBERT. But you knew his picture.

Mrs. RICH. I had seen his picture.

Mr. HUBERT. You thought there was a resemblance between that picture and this man?

Mrs. RICH. Yes. For a week this bothered me. And all of a sudden it came crystal clear.

She did not say that Ruby was at this third meeting.

In the documents recently released by the Dallas DA, there is this report of an interview in Group 43, pdf 297:

Mr. E. Mace Naylor, 3909 Inwood, Tanglewood Apt. No. 5, Dallas, Texas, Telephone FL 7-6835, furnished the following:

Naylor received information from Jean Nelson, Tanglewood Apts., possibly Apt 212, that a party was held at Apt. 104, Tanglewood Apts. on Wednesday night, November 20, 1963. The following persons were reportedly in attendance at this party: Frank T. Tortoriello, a boyfriend of Jada, Jack Ruby, Joe F. Frederici, who is a nephew of Vito Genevese, Sandy, who is Frederici's wife, Mrs. Ann Bryant, who resides in Apt. 106, Tanglewood Apts., and Jada. It is Naylor's understanding that Joe F. Frederici, and his wife Sandy, left Dallas Thursday, November 21, 1963, for New Jersey or some place in the East.

Steve Thomas

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On June 2, 1964 Nancy Perrin Rich testified to the Warren Commission. She told them about three meetings at which gun running to Cuba was discussed. Jack Ruby was at one of those meetings. In describing the third meeting, she had this to say:

Mrs. RICH. Again, unless I am awfully mistaken, and I have yet to be able to find a picture of this man, but I recall seeing a picture and I know why I had associated him--of his father.

Mr. HUBERT. Whose father?

Mrs. RICH. This particular man. Now, again, what I am about to say is not fact. It is something that I have never quite been able to get clear in my mind and never will, until I can find a picture. Unless I am very mistaken, the man at that third meeting was Vito Genovese's son.

Mr. HUBERT. Did you know Vito Genovese?

Mrs. RICH. No; I never did.

Mr. HUBERT. But you knew his picture.

Mrs. RICH. I had seen his picture.

Mr. HUBERT. You thought there was a resemblance between that picture and this man?

Mrs. RICH. Yes. For a week this bothered me. And all of a sudden it came crystal clear.

She did not say that Ruby was at this third meeting.

In the documents recently released by the Dallas DA, there is this report of an interview in Group 43, pdf 297:

Mr. E. Mace Naylor, 3909 Inwood, Tanglewood Apt. No. 5, Dallas, Texas, Telephone FL 7-6835, furnished the following:

Naylor received information from Jean Nelson, Tanglewood Apts., possibly Apt 212, that a party was held at Apt. 104, Tanglewood Apts. on Wednesday night, November 20, 1963. The following persons were reportedly in attendance at this party: Frank T. Tortoriello, a boyfriend of Jada, Jack Ruby, Joe F. Frederici, who is a nephew of Vito Genevese, Sandy, who is Frederici's wife, Mrs. Ann Bryant, who resides in Apt. 106, Tanglewood Apts., and Jada. It is Naylor's understanding that Joe F. Frederici, and his wife Sandy, left Dallas Thursday, November 21, 1963, for New Jersey or some place in the East.

Steve Thomas

Read this one page from a Ramparts article. (date of article not known)


The Dallas DA's office would later interview the apartment owner, Tortorello? Tortorelleo? and he would deny that Ruby was at his party of the 20th.

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The Dallas DA's office would later interview the apartment owner, Tortorello? Tortorelleo? and he would deny that Ruby was at his party of the 20th.

Elizabeth Jean Nelson was interviewed by the FBI on January 6, 1964. She told Agent Hardin that she was not at this party, but Ann Bryant was. She believes Ann told her that Joe Federici (formerly spelled Frederici) was at this party too.

See Ruby's FBI Headquarters File, Section 39 pp. 65 and 66.


Steve Thomas

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The Dallas DA's office would later interview the apartment owner, Tortorello? Tortorelleo? and he would deny that Ruby was at his party of the 20th.

Elizabeth Jean Nelson was interviewed by the FBI on January 6, 1964. She told Agent Hardin that she was not at this party, but Ann Bryant was. She believes Ann told her that Joe Federici (formerly spelled Frederici) was at this party too.

See Ruby's FBI Headquarters File, Section 39 pp. 65 and 66.


Steve Thomas

Joe Federici, AKA Joe Frederici, AKA Joe Frederica was interviewed by the FBI on January 13th. He said he never socialized with Jack Ruby and that telling people he was the nephew of Vito Genovese was a joke. He was not asked about this party in question.

CD 302 p. 20.


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  • 5 years later...
Guest Tom Scully



Father's name was actually Elmer Levi Perrin and Robert was born in Kerkhoven, Swift, Minnesota


Robert Lee Perrin 1920 - 1962




More Background on Nancy Elaine Mathews Wilson Musachio Perrin Rich Hamilton :



Nancy Perrin Resume:

MRS. E. PERRIN states there was no communication •
from NANCY OR BOB for a year--unlike Bob's habit of writing
every two or three weeks when they were in Juarez. There
was a joint telephone call from them on April 30, 1961,.in
which BOB told his mother they were in Boston and were leav-
ing the East Coast area. Then, according to_notes
diary, ,MRS., ELnER. PERRIN
states she_next_had a long distance
call from_NANCy,on May 5, 1961, stating that
had left he
a note saying that he was hitch-hiking to Dallis, and that
she (NANCY) was going to "track him down."
There was no further written or telephonic word
r from NANCY or BOB to MRS. ELMER PERRIN until late
or early September, 1962, when NANCY contacted her
r in-law in New Hartford, Iowa (where Mrs. Perrin says
isiting at the time) to inform her of PERRIN's death
w leans.
NANCY told SA'; TODD and KIDWELL (Vol. 26, p. 628)
that slIg_went toDallas_in_ttay_Dr,June,..19peking_ROBERT
PERRIN; that she had telephoned OFFICERJ. D._TIPPITof.the
Police Department _announcing her_intended trip and
arrived by
She testified before the Warren Commission on
June 2, 1964 that:
"I called the police department and a foundry
he had'mentioned in a letter (SIC) and had react the
name of a gentleman he had mentioned at this time
whose name eludes me--Youngblood--I take it back.
HUBERT: Do you remember his first name?
MRS. RICH: No, I don't. But my husband claimed--
and I couldn't ask him because if he was he couldn't
have told me--claimed he was some sort of a Government
agent, which was in all probability true.
HUBERT: Did you contact Mr. Youngblood') .....
Penn Jones, writing in the Midlothian Mirror in Dec., 1968:
Edited by Tom Scully
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Guest Tom Scully

How did this personality evolve to the description of this woman on 1 June, 1964, almost exactly 11 years to the day, from the details

in this 1953 marriage announcement and how much does it matter?




Warren Commission, Volume XXVI: CE 3061 - FBI reports dated ...

and to have been a translator for Prince Faisal of Smmdi Arabia when he was


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