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Fox News and the Georgian Spin

Paul Rigby

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Oh yes, this is obviously the "Truth". The girl actually says, "I was running from Georgian Troops, not Russian Troops. I'd like to thank the Russian Troops...", her first and only point to straighten out any confusion as to who is doing what. No chance she was prepped for that.

I doubt if the truth will be understood for at least a couple of weeks. Russia has used the art of crisis creation to justify military action too many times in the past, and they are way too good at it. There is also no possible way that Russia hadn't planned for the mobilization and invasion of Georgia in advance of Georgia's "attack" on South Ossetia.

When will the spin doctoring end and information that can actually be objectively viewed begin?

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Oh yes, this is obviously the "Truth". The girl actually says, "I was running from Georgian Troops, not Russian Troops. I'd like to thank the Russian Troops...", her first and only point to straighten out any confusion as to who is doing what. No chance she was prepped for that.

I doubt if the truth will be understood for at least a couple of weeks. Russia has used the art of crisis creation to justify military action too many times in the past, and they are way too good at it. There is also no possible way that Russia hadn't planned for the mobilization and invasion of Georgia in advance of Georgia's "attack" on South Ossetia.

When will the spin doctoring end and information that can actually be objectively viewed begin?


Great observation. I wonder why Rigby did not come to that conclusion?

Best to you Peter,


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Oh yes, this is obviously the "Truth". The girl actually says, "I was running from Georgian Troops, not Russian Troops. I'd like to thank the Russian Troops...", her first and only point to straighten out any confusion as to who is doing what. No chance she was prepped for that.

I doubt if the truth will be understood for at least a couple of weeks. Russia has used the art of crisis creation to justify military action too many times in the past, and they are way too good at it. There is also no possible way that Russia hadn't planned for the mobilization and invasion of Georgia in advance of Georgia's "attack" on South Ossetia.

When will the spin doctoring end and information that can actually be objectively viewed begin?


Great observation. I wonder why Rigby did not come to that conclusion?

Best to you Peter,


Thanks Mike,

I hope Mr. Rigby enlightens us accordingly.


Edited by Peter McKenna
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Great observation. I wonder why Rigby did not come to that conclusion?

Simple - I don't do apologias for war criminals.

Best to you, too, Mikey!

Well that clears that up! Any chance of explaining?

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Great observation. I wonder why Rigby did not come to that conclusion?

Simple - I don't do apologias for war criminals.

Best to you, too, Mikey!

Well that clears that up! Any chance of explaining?

I just tossed that out there as an example of one Rigbys powers of observation and deduction.....non existent.

Always nice to meet someone with common sense.

be well Peter!


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I just tossed that out there as an example of one Rigbys powers of observation and deduction.....non existent.

Dear, dear, touch tetchy tonight, Mikey. No one to censor over at Lancer?

Always nice to meet someone with common sense.

Two hacks for a neocon puppet and war criminal met on a forum. One said to the other...

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When will the spin doctoring end and information that can actually be objectively viewed begin?

When the US government drops the liability in Georgia, I suppose. Won't be long, I suspect. What do you reckon, false flag assassination blamed on the Russkies?

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I just tossed that out there as an example of one Rigbys powers of observation and deduction.....non existent.

Dear, dear, touch tetchy tonight, Mikey. No one to censor over at Lancer?

Always nice to meet someone with common sense.

Two hacks for a neocon puppet and war criminal met on a forum. One said to the other...

Interesting Rigby, can you post just one example of me censoring anyone....or is this just another of your imaginary ideas?

Put up Rigby show one post to one person I censored.

Of course you can not.

We dont censor folks there....we simply dont allow morons admittance. I wish Simkin felt that way, but I sure bet you are glad he does not.


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When will the spin doctoring end and information that can actually be objectively viewed begin?

When the US government drops the liability in Georgia, I suppose. Won't be long, I suspect. What do you reckon, false flag assassination blamed on the Russkies?

First of all, RE your response to Mike Wiliams', in the previous response, I was asking for your explanation as to your remark about not apologizing for War Criminals. Mike answered, but I was asking you.

Secondly, I suppose you're referencing Litvinenko? Maybe Anna Politkovskaya, or any of the dozen journalists the FSB murdered for practicing dissention?

Just how do you reckon the US is liable in Georgia? I admit if any warranty was given or implied to bolster Georgian aggression that would have been an error, but I seriously doubt that to be the case. My thinking is that the US has given Georgia its support in promoting independence from Russia, just as the US did for Kosovo. Our position has typically been to promote independence. I'm also fairly sure that in Russia's sphere of influence this must be pretty annoying. This patronage certainly wouldn't have pacified Russia, but then it also likely provided Russia pause, in lieu of running roughshod over Georgia, as is their wont.

Just what false flag are you referring to? I assume Litvinenko, since this is the assasination of greatest controversy, and Russophiles, like yourself, love to place the blame on old oligarchs, like Berezovsky. But the simple truth is that Litvinenko was killed with a radioisotope, Polonium 210, which is only produced in one, Russian, reactor, and can be traced (and proven, if you believe the British investigators) to a Russian enjoying the protection of the Russian Government and who has ties back to Moscow, as well. With very little guile, it seems Litvinenko's murder was a message from the FSB, that once in the FSB, always in the FSB, and regardless of his politcal status, Litvinenko was subject to censure from his old bosses. But maybe you were referring to someone else?

Anyway its a shame that propaganda must be waded through, hip deep, only to find no tangible facts at the end of the day anyway. So far it seems the Georgian situation doesn't benefit from unspun information. Flooding the net with information like that twelve year old's obvious BS surely doesn't help.

By the way, have you ever had the opportunity to know any Russians who left the Soviet Union seeking political asylum in the UK? Like back in the day under the Helsinki agreement? People like that can provide enormous insight into the mindset of organizations like the KGB, and its officers, like Putin, and the people he surounds himself with (now FSB).

The best to you,


Edited by Peter McKenna
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The Truth about Georgia gets censored again on TV

“The Truth about Georgia gets censored again on TV. A [Russian] reporter makes a comparison to the US reaction to 911 to Russia's reaction to Georgian attacks and the satellite feed drops off in the middle of his question. TV is censored every day and every hour but sometimes the censorship is plain to see.”


Technical glitches, don't yer love 'em?

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I just tossed that out there as an example of one Rigbys powers of observation and deduction.....non existent.

Dear, dear, touch tetchy tonight, Mikey. No one to censor over at Lancer?

Always nice to meet someone with common sense.

Two hacks for a neocon puppet and war criminal met on a forum. One said to the other...

Hmm. Are you still in the UK public school system Paul?

You're language seems so familiar.

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