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For those who wish to send me PM's!

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Otherwise, for the most part, I openly share virtually all information.



1) I believe you once were involved with a discussion on the shirt having a "sample" cut out of JFK's shirt collar.

Do you recall any specifics, pictures or references?

2) I also think you were involved with FBI trimming tree branches after the assassination.

Do you remember any specifics on that question either?



1. It was the COAT COLLAR which had the comparison sample removed.

Henry Heiberger, in personal discussions with me, stated that no comparison sample (for comparison with the lower back wound point of entry through the coat) would have been taken from up in the vicinity of the collar.


Mr. FRAZIER - Traces of copper were found around the margins of the hole in the back of the coat, and as a control, a very small section under the collar was taken, and no copper being found there, it was concluded that the copper was foreign to the coat itself.


For whatever reason, it is now clearly demonstrated that Henry Heiberger was not truthful with me in our discussions, as his own spectrographic analysis records demonstrate that he most assuredly did take a "comparison sample" from the underside of the coat collar.

Which I might add, was taken directly adjacent to the SECOND bullet hole penetration through the back of JFK's coat.

2. After discussions with Mr. Robert West (County Surveyor)(at his home in Dallas) in regards to his survey work; the various survey's; and Mr. West having gone through many long discussions in regards to all that the WC had done during their assassination re-enactment.

Mr. West was somewhat of the assumption that it was merely a group of lawyers, etc; who did not know what they were doing.

After fully recognizing that Mr. West was a completely "unwitting accomplice" in the WC's phony re-enactment,

I shared with Mr. West (as he had openly done with me) that information relative to the WC's alteration to Mr. West's survey data, as well as other items in relationship to the completely staged WC assassination re-enactment.

With this added information, Mr. West came to immediately recognize that the WC's actions were those of a well planned exercise in which his chain had been yanked multiple times.

Of course, Mr. West was still not aware of the reasoning why, which among other things included a phony photo session to insure that it appeared that the first shot was fired well after any potential interference with the limbs of the live oak tree which is located directly in front of the TSDB.

Then, I provided Mr. West that information relative to CE399 having struck one of these limbs, lost it's stability and tumbled in flight, and thereafter struck JFK in a base-first attitude.

At that time, I personally had no knowledge in regards to removeal of the tree limbs by members of the WC assassination re-enactment group.

Mr. West began to laugh quite considerably, and at the time I most certainly was not aware as to whether he was laughing at me, or what.*

Finally, he calmed down somewhat and apologized for the laughter interruption, and then informed me that members of the WC had cut and removed the limbs from the top of the live oak tree on the day after completion of the WC re-enactment (which would place this event on May 25, 1964).

Mr. West stated that he needed some additional measurements within Dealy Plaza in order to complete the WC survey plat, and that on the day after the assassination re-enactment, that he had left his office and gone over into Dealey Plaza to obtain these measurements.

When he got there, he observed members of the WC re-enactment group in a "bucket lift", and they were up in the top of the live oak tree cutting and removing the limbs from the top of the tree.

Thereafter, I knew exactly where to look for an understanding of the obfuscation of virtually any other evidence.

Hope that answers your question.

Hope that you do not mind if I post the answer for all to see.

*Although I had, during study of the WC, observed the photo of Lyndal Shaneyfelt with the Carcano rifle "jacked up" at the sixth floor window, it had not registered as it should have. Mr. West, after his laughter subsided, made the comment that "No one could have accurately fired that rifle from the way that

they had it jacked up at that window".

Which clearly demonstrated that Mr. West fully comprehended not only the "Jacked Up" rifle placement but also fully understood the reasoning for the "adjusted" position in which the aiming point on the JFK Stand-in was always 10-inches higher than on JFK, and that he was required to correct this mathmatically, as opposed to changing any sighting of the weapon, etc; (The Adjusted Position).

Even in his older age, Mr. West was still pretty sharp, as well as no doubt he had thought long and hard as to exactly why he was put through such a "yanking".



1) I believe you once were involved with a discussion on the shirt having a "sample" cut out of JFK's shirt collar.

Do you recall any specifics, pictures or references?

2) I also think you were involved with FBI trimming tree branches after the assassination.

Do you remember any specifics on that question either?



1. It was the COAT COLLAR which had the comparison sample removed.

Henry Heiberger, in personal discussions with me, stated that no comparison sample (for comparison with the lower back wound point of entry through the coat) would have been taken from up in the vicinity of the collar.


Mr. FRAZIER - Traces of copper were found around the margins of the hole in the back of the coat, and as a control, a very small section under the collar was taken, and no copper being found there, it was concluded that the copper was foreign to the coat itself.


For whatever reason, it is now clearly demonstrated that Henry Heiberger was not truthful with me in our discussions, as his own spectrographic analysis records demonstrate that he most assuredly did take a "comparison sample" from the underside of the coat collar.

Which I might add, was taken directly adjacent to the SECOND bullet hole penetration through the back of JFK's coat.

2. After discussions with Mr. Robert West (County Surveyor)(at his home in Dallas) in regards to his survey work; the various survey's; and Mr. West having gone through many long discussions in regards to all that the WC had done during their assassination re-enactment.

Mr. West was somewhat of the assumption that it was merely a group of lawyers, etc; who did not know what they were doing.

After fully recognizing that Mr. West was a completely "unwitting accomplice" in the WC's phony re-enactment,

I shared with Mr. West (as he had openly done with me) that information relative to the WC's alteration to Mr. West's survey data, as well as other items in relationship to the completely staged WC assassination re-


With this added information, Mr. West came to immediately recognize that the WC's actions were those of a well planned exercise in which his chain had been yanked multiple times.

Of course, Mr. West was still not aware of the reasoning why, which among other things included a phony photo session to insure that it appeared that the first shot was fired well after any potential interference with the limbs of the live oak tree which is located directly in front of the TSDB.

Then, I provided Mr. West that information relative to CE399 having struck one of these limbs, lost it's stability and tumbled in flight, and thereafter struck JFK in a base-first attitude.

At that time, I personally had no knowledge in regards to removeal of the tree limbs by members of the WC assassination re-enactment group.

Mr. West began to laugh quite considerably, and at the time I most certainly was not aware as to whether he was laughing at me, or what.

Finally, he calmed down somewhat and apologized for the laughter interruption, and then informed me that members of the WC had cut and removed the limbs from the top of the live oak tree on the day after completion of the WC re-enactment (which would place this event on May 25, 1964).

Mr. West stated that he needed some additional measurements within Dealy Plaza in order to complete the WC survey plat, and that on the day after the assassination re-enactment, that he had left his office and gone over into Dealey Plaza to obtain these measurements.

When he got there, he observed members of the WC re-enactment group in a "bucket lift", and they were up in the top of the live oak tree cutting and removing the limbs from the top of the tree.

Thereafter, I knew exactly where to look for an understanding of the obfuscation of virtually any other evidence.

Hope that answers your question.

Hope that you do not mind if I post the answer for all to see.


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