Pamela Ray Posted November 2, 2008 Share Posted November 2, 2008 Pamela Ray and James Files – Authors of Interview with History: The JFK Assassination Present James Files on JFK – 45th Anniversary Special Japan Interview Edition “Japan Audience Seeks the Truth” Background to Japan Interview October 20, 2007 Best-selling author and longtime investigative journalist, Jim Marrs was contacted prior to the following interview and he told the Japanese film crew from ASAHI TV, a prime-time commercial television company based in Tokyo and Los Angeles, "If you want to try and interview James Files, you need to get in touch with Pamela Ray." Jim Marrs knows all too well what went down in 2003 and knew James Files would not talk to them. To make a very long story short, James Files did not want to do this interview with the Japanese film crew in person at Stateville or at all for that matter. Ms. Ray asked him if it would be okay to do a phone interview and the Japanese could film at her home in Hawaii. He reluctantly agreed. Part of the deal was to send Ms. Ray to Illinois later on in the year to do some filming with her outside the prison. Unfortunately, that never happened. After a series of terrible events last fall involving an associate of James Files, he did not want Ms. Ray to come to Illinois due to "the purge" that was happening and Files said basically if she came, she would have a target painted on her back and he feared for her life and safety. He emphatically said that the purge had nothing to do with JFK or that assassination. "People back east are concerned about me talking and they’re cleaning up lose ends and this has nothing to do with Kennedy!" See Interview with History: The JFK Assassination for other “loose ends” details not covered in this brief overview of the JFK assassination to help the Japanese people understand what happened in America, 45 years later. October 20, 2007 Kihei, Hawaii 4:15am HST Operator: This is a collect call from Stateville Correctional Facility Inmate: James Files calling from Stateville Prison Operator: For a rate quote press one; this call may be monitored and recorded, three-way and call waiting is not allowed. Press three to accept Pamela Ray: (hits 3) PR: Good morning JF: Good morning Ms. Ray how are you today? PR: I’m doing just fine. How are you doing Jimmy? JF: Oh pretty good. We had a late count check. That’s why I’m late in calling. PR: I was wondering if you had all that fog and all that was going on. JF: No, sunshine today but after they got the phone passed out they got everybody out doing what they’re supposed to be doing, I had to get them to call up front to get the phones turned on. PR: Right on. Well, thank you and I wanted to introduce you to my friend Trudy that’s here and we’re filming and recording all this so let me hand the phone over. JF: Alright. PR: To Trudy. JF: Okay. TN: Good morning Mr. Files. JF: Good morning Miss Trudy. TN: Hi. JF: Good morning. How are you doing today? TN: Good, good. First of all, it’s really great to be finally able to talk to you by phone. I just want to say thank you so much for allowing us to…for the Japanese television… JF: Ah ha TN: And before I hand the telephone back to Ms. Pamela, could you just remember to speak loudly and clearly as we’re going to be recording the entire conversation? JF: Alright. TN: And also relax ah…you can call her Pamela just like you normally do, and ah… JF: Okay. TN: Uh yes alright okay, so thank you. So, I’m gonna hand the phone back. JF: Alright. Nice talking to ya Trudy. TN: Okay, thank you. Let’s have a good interview. JF: Okay. TN: Thank you. PR: Okay…if you’re ready I’m ready and let’s get into it. JF: Okay. Before we get started on that, I got something that I want…on that, I got something to say. PR: Okay. JF: Bruce Brychek was here the other day to visit with me, PR: uh huh JF: We had a good talk. I ask him to call ya and tell ya PR: uh huh JF: And ask him to let you know that he is willing, I ask him, and he said that he would be more than willing to take a polygraph test, to the fact to how long he has known me. And to the number of visits he has been here…he has been here hundreds and hundreds of times, all this is documented with the Department of Corrections every visit has to be recorded when they come in. PR: Right. JF: And all this is down and time we’ve known each other, ah…I’ve never lied to him, he knows that, everything that I put in the book, Interview with History: The JFK Assassination that I told you is the truth. He has been with me for the bad times, for the good times, the only time he wasn’t was when he was involved in a head on collision out here on Interstate 80- almost killed…they read him his last rites three different times – and ah, everybody here at the prison knows Bruce as well as they know me, and our friendship has went from friendship to brother and trust and love and bondage and we stand beside each other and we fight to the death. We both are men who believe in Death Before Dishonor. PR: Right. JF: And so like I say, if anybody wants to question him or ask him, “Are you willing to take a polygraph test to prove it?” PR: Okay. JF: Okay. PR: Thank you for clarifying that. JF: For us standing side by side and fighting with one another…to take off …neither one of us entered the thought of running out and leaving the other one… PR: Right. JF: To us it’s always been Death Before Dishonor and that is Bruce. And that is me. And like I said, we have known each other since 1969. If anybody wants to have any doubts about Bruce, like I say, he’s willing to take a polygraph test. PR: Make sure and tell him thank you next time you see him. JF: I will. PR: That’s very important. JF: Okay, just so ya know…I’m tired of all the people sayin’ “Well Brychek don’t even come and see me…” But Bruce has been my brother through out all these years. Not by blood, but through martial arts, trust, loyalty, and honor. That is how we became brothers. PR: Right. JF: And to me he is family. Okay now, we can go on with whatever…to what you guys wanted to say. PR: Okay. So thank you for clarifying that. And that’s really important information. JF: I’m just tired of people tryin’ to say he doesn’t come out here as much as that because that man is here every week. He does not let me down. PR: I know. He’s very faithful and I really appreciate him. Okay, if you’re ready, I’m ready. JF: I’m ready. PR: We can start with the questions. Okay. We’re going to be talking about the JFK assassination. JF: Alright. PR: It says, “You state that you shot JFK? True?” JF: Yes, that is true. PR: Go ahead and let me finish this whole question. JF: Okay. PR: And then you can answer all of it. There are about three questions here. Why did you wait nearly 40 years to tell your story and whether people believe you or not and what merit does this have for you. JF: Okay, first of all, yes, I did shoot JFK. Second, why did I do it? Because I was asked to do it. Anytime Charles Nicoletti asked me to do something, there was never a doubt in my mind – it didn’t matter what it was, he says, “Jump off a cliff” I would have probably jumped off a cliff. As far as us going to Dallas, and why did I wait 40 years, well, first of all, the FBI’s known about me and my role since nineteen and sixty-four through a double informant. They was working with the CIA and with the FBI office and ah…I never come forward with it because I didn’t care about it. I was never impressed with that job. I thought it was one of those jobs that was more or less a nothing job. We did much greater things in the southern hemisphere. But the reason I didn’t come forward till 40 years later, whatever it was, ever how many years it was, was because Joe West finally got a lead to me through an ex, retired, or at the time the man was still working for the FBI, but he got his name from the FBI, and told him that I was here at Stateville. He told that to Joe West. Joe West called the prison; I refused to talk to him. Finally one day, they called the warden’s office and the warden took me to the phone and asked me, he says, “Talk to this man. He’s been calling us and calling us. Tell him yourself you don’t want to talk to him.” I called him and I told him, “You have 60 seconds to convince me why I should talk to you.” When he started talking on the phone, after the first 30 seconds I said, “I don’t want to discuss it on the phone.” I gave him permission to come and visit me. “I will put you on my visiting list and have you cleared.” I did. Joe West come and spent three days with me. We talked about everything from weather to football you name it. Finally we got around to the Kennedy assassination. I wanted to build up a trust…Joe West was a man that I admired and I respected. He wasn’t like all the other people that has been in my life over all this and I don’t really care about the assassination that much. I wanted to do the book with you to put the truth out there to the people. You was the ONLY one I did the book with. We had other people trying to pirate all of our work and everything else, which some succeeded in, but, the long story and the short story is this. Joe West asked me to come forward. Joe West died…never knowing that I was the shooter from the grassy knoll. We never got that far into it. He had some complications with his medical and his heart operation and died. And I have no proof but, I have…people from back east that informed me that Joe West died because someone tampered with his medication. And I believe that to be true. And even Joe West, in his last moments was trying to get people to believe him that someone was trying to kill him. But through Joe West’s death, and his wife being left with a lot of bills, I finally gave the first interview, with Bob Vernon, titled Confession of an Assassin. And I swore I would never give another interview. PR: Right. JF: But you came into my life, we got to talking, you come to see me, we decided to write a book together…in the end, you wanted me to give an interview, and the ONLY reason this other party got the interview was because of you, because you asked me to. The only reason I’m giving this interview is because you have asked me to. But I will give no more faced interviews to no one until I’m in the free world. I didn’t come forward for honest and a guilty conscience after 40 years. I came forward because I was asked to by a man that I met and started to trust and he died. I finished it up to help his wife, his widow. And then when you came into my life, and we got together and started talking about this, and you wanted to bring the truth to the people, I decided to help you with it. But I gave no other interviews to other people. PR: Well, thank you for trusting me like that. It is a very important story to get out to the people. Part of that question was whether the people believe you or not and what merit does that have for you? JF: As far as people believing me, some will and some won’t. Nobody’s going to believe everybody 100% but the whole thing is this. All we can do is put the facts out there and let the people equate everything for themselves. I’m not trying to convince people I did it; I’m not trying to convince them I didn’t do it. Here’s the facts. They can look at it, they can read it (Interview with History: The JFK Assassination) they can hear it, whatever. It’s up to them to make up their own mind to judge it but the evidence is there. But you don’t sit in a jail cell for as many years as I have and then come up with a story and tell them to go check a shell casing this and that…human teeth marks etc, etc two sets of footprints behind the stockade fence, the size of the footprints are etc. The whole thing is, in all the years the other people didn’t know. And all these people that are so-called JFK specialist, research and everything else, most of ‘em, some of ‘em wasn’t even born when he was killed. I don’t believe any of them was actually there on the scene at the time. The only reason they became an “expert” was because they read so many JFK books. And my question has been to all the research specialists, “How many books do you have to read to become a specialist?” If Jesus Christ stood there with me and said he stood by me on the grassy knoll, there would still be people that doubt, because you have people who doubt that God even exists. You have people who doubt Buddha exists. Is there a higher life form? Who really knows? Do I believe in God? Yes. I must. Anytime I was in trouble I did a lot of prayin’ for Him to get me out of it, but is there a God? Who really knows? Show me proof of God. There is no proof. PR: Okay. What merit does it have for you whether people believe you or not? JF: That has no merit what-so ever. And the worst part of it is, had I never spoken, I would have been out of prison by now. By me opening up about the JFK assassination and other operations that the Agency ran, and when I say “Agency” I am referring to the United States Central Intelligence Agency, known as the CIA, or The Company, this has helped to keep me in prison, not to get me out. And if I could do it all over again, I would have probably told Joe West, “No, I don’t want to talk to you. Write whatever you want to write.” (pause) Am I proud of what I done? No. To me it was a job. There was no upside, no downside. The only downside is me ever saying the first word about it, and winding up spending the rest of my life in prison. I’ll be here till 2016 should I live that long. And I got 17 years in now. PR: Okay, sorry about that. JF: No. There is no upside, no merit, there’s no reports; there’s no bonus or nothing there for me. PR: I understand. Let’s move on to the next question. The Warren Commission concludes that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the killing of JFK. How do you feel about that being the truth? JF: Well, the fact there is, everybody should know that they lied. All they had to do was read the paraffin test that was given to Lee Harvey Oswald immediately upon his arrest, from the movie theatre. PR: Right. JF: The paraffin test shows Lee Harvey Oswald had no nitrates on his face, on his neck from firing a rifle or on the back side of his hand through the wrist. The only nitrates they found on Lee Harvey Oswald was on the palm of his hand. You do not get just nitrates only from firing a .38 only on the palm of your hand. PR: I know. JF: The nitrates that was there was from when I calibrated the weapons, the scopes on the weapons, he picked up the spent shell casings and held them in his right hand. That is why Lee Harvey Oswald had nitrates in the palm of his hand. PR: Okay. What physical evidence do you have that indicates you shot JFK? And can you point this crew to locate your proof? JF: I could but I won’t. Because I’m not going to have somebody harassing a couple friends of mine that are in their mid 80’s late 80’s that are ready to die at anytime. They don’t need the strain and stress. I wouldn’t want to make a circus out of them and their home, people over there beatin’ on their door and the news media trying to get in to talk to ‘em. They sent me a message a long time ago, when I first started talking about the JFK assassination. I was ask, “Please Jimmy, do the right thing. Keep my name out of this, please, I don’t want this.” And I’ve never given their names. PR: Okay, as far as physical evidence, that was actually left in Dealey Plaza, what happened to that? JF: I have no idea who has the shell casing but, I bit on the shell casing, I left it there, the shell casing was on the ridge by the orifice, there was an indentation there. They sent it to a foreseeing lab, the forensic checked it out, they said, “Yes, it was human teeth marks.” So like I say, you don’t sit in a jail cell and make something up and I told Barry Adelman and Robert Vernon and they ask me, “What proof do you have…” and I said, “Well, they found a shell casing.” I said, “If it’s my shell casing, go to Dallas, get it, look at it. You’ll find an indentation on the ridge by the orifice.” I said, “Send it to a forensic lab, have it checked.” They did and it came back, “Human teeth marks.” PR: Okay, would the ledger that you buried have key evidence and could you show it to the Japanese audience? JF: It has all the evidence, including probably close to 40 other contract murders in it, but no, I would not let anybody film it because there is other things that would have been there and ah…as far as that goes, it’s nobody’s business. PR: Okay. JF: People can hear the story, read the book, they can look at the evidence, they can go back, they can do their own research, they can check. From Operation Group 40 all the way through the lines, the same people have been there. We’ve only lost a few players along the way. But you keep looking at every instance that’s occurred, all the players are basically the same. PR: That’s very true. So, it’s been 44 years since the assassination of JFK. To this day, the American and people from around the world are fascinated by this event and yet, it’s like a puzzle still waiting to be solved. What message do you have to the people who are listening to this interview? JF: Well, the people that are listening to this interview, I just want you to listen to it closely. Pay attention to it. I’ve passed the voice stress test for the voice analysis test on it. I’ve had the highest rating that you can get on it. As far as telling the truth, I lived the life, I went into the service at age 17, I got my training in the field, South East Asia in Laos, Operation Mobile White Star, served under Col. Fletcher Prouty. I came home, I grew up inside the crime family in Chicago there, I lived in Melrose Park, ah…the FBI chased me for a good many years knowing that I was doing contract murder but the could never prove it. I mean, I could probably have ‘em go dig up the bodies but why would I want to get myself another 10, 12, 15 life sentences? Why do I want to get back to trial on it? I mean, that would be kind of silly on my part. (pause) PR: Right. JF: But for the people that want to believe me or don’t want to believe me, that’s up to them. All I’m asking them to do is look at the evidence, weigh the facts, make up their own mind, come to their own conclusion. PR: That sounds like a good plan. JF: If I had wanted notoriety, I would have talked to Oliver Stone when he mad the one movie here. (Natural Born Killers) PR: You did meet Oliver Stone? JF: I did meet him three times. I’ve even got his name on a piece of paper signed where he was trying’ to get me to talk, to go on film with him and I wouldn’t do it. As a matter of fact, I think I sent you a copy of that. PR: You did And did he want you to talk about JFK? JF: He wanted me to talk about JFK ‘because he had made his movie on JFK. PR: This was after he had made his movie? JF: This was after he made his movie, yes. He had signed the paper, Robert Vernon signed the paper, somebody else signed the paper, everybody signed the paper except me. I said, “No, I don’t want to talk to you.” PR: Right, I’ve got the paper… JF: I didn’t want all the notoriety. PR: Okay, let’s move on to the question, during the time of the assassination, do you know of a friend or an acquaintance that can stand by your side and prove your story? JF: Well, The Raven just died and passed into history, and he knows it. Lee Harvey Oswald knew it. But who is still alive today to stand by me? There was nobody standing next to me when I pulled the trigger. PR: Right, but was there anyone else that was involved in Dealey Plaza that day that’s still alive that can verify your story that’s willing to speak out? JF: Well, they wouldn’t speak out, no. I’m the only one stupid enough to speak out. But like I say, there’s two men still alive and they’ve ask me to be left out of it. They know what happened, they know the whole story. PR: Have they ever gone on record about talking… JF: No. PR: about JFK at all? JF: Never. PR: Never. Okay. When you were assigned to your position, how many other men were to be involved with you that day? And where were they positioned and please explain you position and the others. JF: I was approximately 15-18 feet from the end of the stockade fence, behind it. I had the tree branch for a little camouflage. The other party was Charles Nicoletti. He was in the Dal-Tex Building. Johnny Roselli was to have been the second shooter that day. Johnny Roselli was at the time, was known as “Lt. Col. Ralston with the CIA.” He was also the liaison with the Chicago crime family. He was a lieutenant for Sam Giancana who was working underneath Tony Accardo at that time. But Johnny Roselli, he flew in on a MATS flight that morning, he flew in to abort the assassination. The CIA decided they didn’t want it to go down, but what they failed to understand was they did not hand out the contract. It was handed out by Tony Accardo to Sam Giancana who there in turn gave it to Charles Nicoletti who there in turn came and got me and had Johnny Roselli with him, working with him on it. My job was only to bear arms, to transport them to Texas, to learn the area, to know the route in case there was a high speed chase to get away. I needed to know all the streets, dead-ends, what times trains crossed certain crossings, in case we was in a high speed chase, anybody pursuing us. None of that happened. But I went down there, I spent the time, Lee Harvey Oswald spent the time with me, showing me Dallas. We learned the whole area. Other than that, you know, the rest is history. That day Johnny Roselli refused to be the second shooter. I was asked that morning, and I agreed and volunteered to be the second shooter. When Chuck ask me I said, “Yes, I’d be honored.” PR: Where were Johnny Roselli and Charles Nicoletti positioned at? JF: They were in the Dal-Tex Building. That’s all I know. I don’t know where they were at, which window the were at because I did not see them. I never saw Charles Nicoletti fire a weapon, but the weapon had been fired that he had. PR: How do you know it was fired? JF: Because I’m the one who set it up and fixed it to be used and I’m also the one that took the weapons out of the car later when I dropped them off and I cleaned the weapons and brought them back to Chicago. PR: So you would have been able to tell if the weapon was or was not… JF: Yes, it was. The weapon had been fired. When I ran the rags through it and cleaned it, it had been fired. PR: Alright. After the assassination, what were your feeling and thoughts about what you did and how did you cope? What were you doing until you ended up at Stateville? In other words, what occupation? JF: Oh God, we got a whole lot there at one time! PR: Sorry. JF: After the assassination, I dropped them off, I thought nothing about it. I went on back to the motel room, left everything in the car, waited till dusk. I took a nap, basically speaking, I just hung out in the room. When evening come, I went up to the truck stop, got something to eat, come back down. Soon as it was late enough and nobody was around, I went out, got the weapons out of the car, brought ‘em in, cleaned ‘em, secured everything back in the car before daylight. And I’d been instructed not to travel at nighttime with a car, with weapons. Only travel during the daylight hours, that’s what I did. PR: Had you already been through training with the CIA at that point to be desensitized to killing? JF: No, I had not. PR: Okay. JF: That come in much later, that come later in my career. I learned how to kill in the fields, in the Plain of Jars, in South East Asia, Laos. PR: But that was… JF: That was before the assassination, 1959 1960. But I came home, I was racing stock cars for awhile and I became a driver for Charles Nicoletti and I had already…pause…moved into the field…of ah…terminating people, not only for the agency but for Organized Crime family as well working with Chuck. PR: Can you elaborate on any activities you were involved in besides contract murder? JF: As time grew up, and I grew up in the family, they always wanted people who earn money ‘cause a certain percentage always goes up the ladder to the top. I became involved in chop shops, loan-sharking, little bit of book making, cartage theft, hijacking tractors and trailers. PR: What’s cartage theft? JF: Cartage theft is like, over here when you go through the property that comes through and you steal things out of it. It was a multi-million dollar business at O’Hare airport. They gave that concession to a party of Lewie Emily, better known as “Lewie The Mooch.” Lewie, he got it and I was very upset over that because that was the operation I wanted and they gave me the chop shops, run over and take concession of it, force the independents out of business or force the independents to work for us. But I didn’t find out till a few years later why it was given to me because Lewie Emily didn’t have the…ah…the ability to enforce the rule of law inside the crime family. It was given to me because I was more of a violent nature, I guess, because the chop shop was a very, very blood-thirsty business. It was not all about killing and taking possession and power, it was keeping people in line. PR: Right. JF: And that’s all documented with the FBI. We had the great Chop Shop Wars ’77-’78. The joke was, we had more FBI in Chicago at that time than we had car thieves and car choppers. (Trudy laughing in background.) PR: Trudy’s laughing. Let’s go back to before the assassination. Where were you staying at? What was the name of the hotel? JF: The Lamplighter Inn, there in Mesquite, Texas. PR: And who came to visit you there? JF: Lee Harvey Oswald knocked on my door after I got there. PR: Okay, how do you think he ended up knocking on your door? JF: Lee Harvey Oswald, I had no idea he was going to show up. I had not seen Lee Harvey Oswald since Clinton, Louisiana ‘cause we’d been running weapons down there for another operation. Lee Harvey Oswald worked for the CIA. We both had the same controller; David Atlee Phillips introduced me to Lee Harvey Oswald. The only two people in the world that knew where I was at when I went to Texas, was Charles Nicoletti and David Atlee Phillips. If those two knew each other, I never knew it because they never spoke each other’s name. The only one who could have sent Lee Harvey Oswald to the motel could have been David Atlee Phillips. Because to my knowledge, Charles Nicoletti did not know Lee Harvey Oswald. Because after he spent the five days with me, I told Chuck that morning, “We have a problem,” and we walked in Dealey Plaza Chuck said, “What’s that Jimmy?” I said, “Lee Harvey Oswald.” He said, “Who is Lee Harvey Oswald?” because he didn’t even recognize the name. I said, “He’s the tie back to me. He’s been with me for the last five days.” I said, “A controller sent him to me.” He said, “Why’d they give you over to him?” I said, “Because he was sent to me by Lee, or by David” and he said, “I’ll tell Sam.” Sam was at the Dallas Cabana that morning. Sam Giancana. (Pause) PR: Okay, I have a question about the weapon you used to kill President Kennedy with, the Remington Fireball XP-100. Can you describe that gun and also tell me a little about what happened to it after the assassination? JF: Okay, the Remington Fireball, XP-100 Fireball was a single shot pistol. Single shot, bolt action. It was the most accurate handgun in the world. And for anybody that doesn’t believe me, go out and fire one. You will find there is no recoil whatsoever with that weapon. It’s so small, you can’t even feel it. Now then, as for the Fireball, it had been used prior to Kennedy and it was used after Kennedy. Hold on… (Pause: loud voices in background) JF: They was announcing over the loud speaker and there’s no way I could out talk them! PR: Okay, does it pertain to you having to get off the phone? JF: No, they’re fixin’, they got everybody on stand-by to run chow. PR: Okay. JF: Where was I at? PR: We were talking about the Remington XP-100 Fireball. JF: Remington Fireball, yeah. Okay, now then, it’s the most accurate handgun in the world when you get down to it. At 100 yards there’s no other pistol that can…explode…that you could shoot a man’s head at 100 yards. This pistol is very accurate. There’s very little recoil to it. It has the muzzle velocity of 3200 feet per second, between 3180 and 3280 feet per second. The fastest muzzle velocity is six inches from the end of the barrel and etc. You couldn’t want a better weapon for assassinations. It’s easy to conceal and if you need more than one shot, you’re in the wrong business. PR: Who gave you this gun? JF: David Atlee Phillips. PR: And so he was your CIA controller and he gave you that gun? JF: He gave me that weapon to use on someone and it was used…and ah…the Caribbean at that time let me put it that way. That has nothing to do with Kennedy so I don’t even go into those operations. PR: Right, I understand, statue of limitations and all that. JF: I went to a federal prison in late 1980 or early ’81, I don’t remember the exact date, but while I was doing a federal stretch, time in federal prison, I had the weapon stored at my aunt and uncle’s house. It was in a brief case, under their bed, put away safe and sound. They went out and their nephew come into the house, he was laundering the house, probably looking for money, probably for drugs or whatever, he found the briefcase under the bed. He took it out; there were special rounds in there that had been designed by the name of “Wolfman” and that’s what I call it, his code name was Wolfman, and this kid is walking around Round Lake Beach, Illinois and he’s popping, he’s shooting birds off tree branches with this pistol. He got arrested by the cops, the weapon was confiscated and allegedly, the weapon was destroyed, but in my heart, I don’t believe the cops destroyed the weapon. I believe one of them cops still has it in their possession because it was too much of a beautiful weapon and too unique at that time for anyone to take and destroy it. The Fireball was not a well known weapon. The Fireball was basically invented by Remington for the work, for the assassination department. PR: It was specifically designed for assassinations? JF: Yes, they called it, what they called it is a varmint gun, for shooting like, you know, ground hogs, rodents, things out in the field and stuff like that. That is what it was “claimed” to be, but it was developed strictly for assassination work for the CIA. PR: Okay. JF: If you go back to some of the real ol’ timers with Remington, because some people at Remington say, “Well, we didn’t bring the gun out till ten years later…” but that’s a lie ‘cause the government, the whole product was on the market, wasn’t on the market, but it was being used and they was manufacturing it for certain operations, probably in late ’59 – early ’60 even. PR: Would you consider yourself a sharpshooter, an expert marksman? JF: Let me put it this way, when most people shoot for the body, I shoot for the head and I don’t miss. If that’s bragging, then I’m bragging. But I never missed my target. PR: Do you think that is why Charles Nicoletti wanted you as backup? JF: No, Charles Nicoletti wanted me as backup because Johnny Roselli was the second shooter. PR: Do you think he trusted you to do that because he knew you went for headshots and you wouldn’t miss? JF: Oh, it’s not that. He knew I had the experience… Operator: Your call time will expire in 30 seconds. Pamela Ray and James Files said their goodbyes and he agreed to call back, even though all the questions were covered in the first call. The phone company has a rule about how many calls per month can come through and the interview call was the last one allowed for October. James Files and Pamela Ray had several conversations in October 2007 before the Japanese were in Hawaii. James Files agreed to answer FOUR questions but Ms. Ray made sure more questions were asked so the Japanese had plenty to work with. Stay tuned as progress is being made towards the truth getting out to the people of Japan, hopefully America and the rest of the world. ### Please support our ongoing efforts to reach the world with the truth about the JFK assassination. Thank you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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