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The John F. Kennedy Assassination: Your Theory

John Simkin

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I'd say the Military.By 10/62 it was clear JFK wasn't going to engage in any military action that didn't include blockades and diplomacy.This had to infuriate the "hawks" around him, earlier in 1962 JFK had rebuked Operation Northwoods and in 10/62 JFK wants diplomacy when nuclear missles are pointed at the United States.I also don't discount the indignation felt by the JCS by being left off of the EXCOMM committee,other than Max Taylor,JFK's hand picked chief.I believe JFK looked at Lemnitzer,LeMay,and others of their ilk as immoral and i think Leminitzer,ect looked at JFK as a traitor....JFK had many more enemies.The top of the military chain is as high as it gets.The power and information intake of military intelligence is underrated and as i see it,the participants are military intelligence before they are CIA,FBI,Secret Service,Dallas Police Dept, or wherever they end up.I think it started with Jfk's handling of the Cuban Missle Crisis and ended on an autopsy table under military control.JFK was clearly a "dove" among rabid "hawks".All the CIA,Mob,Cuban connections to the case is brilliant work by the conspirators to draw in more of JFK's lesser enemies to deflect blame...Just like 9/11, the JFK assassination was solved within hours and coincidently the official version of both events were cemented on the same day.,If the military didn't kill JFK, they surely could've saved him..

Edited by Mark Wilson
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I would agree, the Military orders the assassination. The CIA carries it out. Don't forget how many Military personnel are also CIA employees. Col Ed Landsdale for example. The Military has it fingerprints all over the assassination. Some examples, the military control of the autopsy, the stand down order of the 112th intell group, and perhaps most telling is the launching of our Airborne Communications Plane in the event of a nuclear war, code name Silver Dollar. The plane calls into Fort Sam Hounston minutes prior to the assassination to check it's telephone connection with the ground. Also, the Football Man goes missing during the whole time. This is clearly the Military's way to be on secret nuclear alert while they change our head of state. These are men who don't take chances. Also remember, the caes of Eugene Dinkin, Robert Vinson, and the episode in October of 1963 at the USAF/NSA listening post at Kirknewton, Scotland where an airman intercepts communications dealing with pre-assassination planning. As you said Mark, if they were not the Planners, they surely knew about it in advance.

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