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Is Youtube Now Censoring Radical Political Videos?

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Len since virtually everything you post are lines taken from much longer posts would you mind at least posting the thread and number of each post that you are so judiciously excret... exerpting from? It would save me a lot of time later on. Surely you could have no objection to this, as our goal is truth or at least its suburbs? Otherwise I will have to do a lot of diggin on May 20th. Now what good would that do anyone?

But I guess Ill have to make exceptions for you. Yours is a world where "Truther" is a phylum, not an example of name-calling. Such arduous work, swimming down-river with those ferocious sceptics of the Miller Center!

Edited by Nathaniel Heidenheimer
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Len since virtually everything you post are lines taken from much longer posts would you mind at least posting the thread and number of each post that you are so judiciously excret... exerpting from? It would save me a lot of time later on. Surely you could have no objection to this, as our goal is truth or at least its suburbs? Otherwise I will have to do a lot of diggin on May 20th. Now what good would that do anyone

Len since virtually everything you post are lines taken from much longer posts would you mind at least posting the thread and number of each post that you are so judiciously excret... exerpting from? It would save me a lot of time later on. Surely you could have no objection to this, as our goal is truth or at least its suburbs? Otherwise I will have to do a lot of diggin on May 20th. Now what good would that do anyone?

All of the quotes were from earlier posts on this thread or had a link except:

“What percent of the US population would you estimate read about and discussed (with at least 1 fellow citizen) the AL Q. attacks of the Cole or others on Sptember 10th 2001?”


"but in the absence of the anthrax attacks, 9/11 could easily have been perceived as a single, isolated event”

I thought you were able to use the forum’s search function. The quotes can be found in these posts –



As to you classic accuracy you wrote “Len: my geopolitical bad; the original question was in post ten but It was also repeated in post 14:” although you cut and paste your typo your were slightly off regarding the post number, you 1st posed the question in post 47


But I guess Ill have to make exceptions for you. Yours is a world where "Truther" is a phylum, not an example of name-calling.

No species (with innumerous sub-species). Someone who backs Socialism is a Socialist and someone who backs the “‘truth’ movement” is a ‘truther’, Dylan Avery, Alex Jones’ websites and truther.org, 9/11truther.com user the term. ‘Truther’ and ‘ debunker’ are the understood labels for those who support and oppose the ‘theories’ of the “movement”

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