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The Provenance of CE 543 and Gary Murr’s Recent Report

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Very good Don, that's exactly it......to make a point, I'm in no way supporting Easterling's overall story which has many problems. There are two or three points in it that are also

strangely consistent with things we do know. Easterling did not seem to be the type who would be all that creative, and as I recall, Hurt found him and dug out the story.

Hurt also has some fascinating stuff in the book about the dented Hull that Bill would enjoy and also demonstrated it would have been easy to stash any real weapon in one of the big

wooden book containers that nobody ever searched.

There are several things in his book that were interesting although Easterling's story itself finally got to the point of nonsense.....ending up exactly counter to his first information and

implicating Castro.

-- just one more exercise in high strangeness...

I read Hurt's book when it first came out and thought Easterling's story a bit preposterous, though if only partially true it could explain how Oswald got around after leaving New Orleans.

Then there's the story of somebody biting the lip of the shell casing to dent it, and leave his mark so to speak.

The Havana Bar must have been some kinda joint. it reminds me somewhat of the bar in JKToole's "Confederacy of Dunces," - whose protagonist is harassed for being a communist by a cop named Martello, making me think that JKT was making fun of Oswald, and having grown up in that neighborhood, knew something more than what he was telling.

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Very good Don, that's exactly it......to make a point, I'm in no way supporting Easterling's overall story which has many problems. There are two or three points in it that are also

strangely consistent with things we do know. Easterling did not seem to be the type who would be all that creative, and as I recall, Hurt found him and dug out the story.

Hurt also has some fascinating stuff in the book about the dented Hull that Bill would enjoy and also demonstrated it would have been easy to stash any real weapon in one of the big

wooden book containers that nobody ever searched.

There are several things in his book that were interesting although Easterling's story itself finally got to the point of nonsense.....ending up exactly counter to his first information and

implicating Castro.

-- just one more exercise in high strangeness...

I read Hurt's book when it first came out and thought Easterling's story a bit preposterous, though if only partially true it could explain how Oswald got around after leaving New Orleans.

Then there's the story of somebody biting the lip of the shell casing to dent it, and leave his mark so to speak.

The Havana Bar must have been some kinda joint. it reminds me somewhat of the bar in JKToole's "Confederacy of Dunces," - whose protagonist is harassed for being a communist by a cop named Martello, making me think that JKT was making fun of Oswald, and having grown up in that neighborhood, knew something more than what he was telling.

CE 543 is only dented on one side of the neck of the casing. If the dent was the result of someone biting it, I should think there would be a matching dent on the opposite side of the neck.

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